Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha


Wait a minute. What "Circumstances".

He intentionally went to a place where he knew civil disturbance was taking place with a weapon. He then confronted the people in charge, shot one of them. When the crowd tried to apprehend him, he shot two more people. He then calmly walked past the police department with a gun (the same police department that had shot a black man in the back 7 times because he MIGHT be reaching for something) and fled across state lines to avoid capture.


It was 22 miles, actually, but you get the point.

Wait a minute. What "Circumstances".

He intentionally went to a place where he knew civil disturbance was taking place with a weapon. He then confronted the people in charge, shot one of them. When the crowd tried to apprehend him, he shot two more people. He then calmly walked past the police department with a gun (the same police department that had shot a black man in the back 7 times because he MIGHT be reaching for something) and fled across state lines to avoid capture.

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It was 22 miles, actually, but you get the point.
Looks like Kyle has pretty good legal representation now....

Why don't you show up in court and try your propaganda out on his lawyer???

Looks like Kyle has pretty good legal representation now....

Why don't you show up in court and try your propaganda out on his lawyer???

Won't matter.... They have him on tape doing exactly what he is accused of, and frankly, folks in Wisconsin really don't like the "FISH" coming into their state and stirring up shit.

(FISH is an acronym for "Fucking Illinois Shit Heads", which is really kind of rude, as Wisconsin would be like Biafra if it weren't for Illinois Tourist dollars... but never mind.)

Kenosha kind of has to throw him under the bus... if they don't, then they'll be liable for his actions....
Looks like Kyle has pretty good legal representation now....

Why don't you show up in court and try your propaganda out on his lawyer???

Won't matter.... They have him on tape doing exactly what he is accused of, and frankly, folks in Wisconsin really don't like the "FISH" coming into their state and stirring up shit.

(FISH is an acronym for "Fucking Illinois Shit Heads", which is really kind of rude, as Wisconsin would be like Biafra if it weren't for Illinois Tourist dollars... but never mind.)

Kenosha kind of has to throw him under the bus... if they don't, then they'll be liable for his actions....
I actually tend to agree with you that the people in Kenosha don't like "FISH" coming into their state and stirring up shit...

You DO realize that most of the protestors are making the 50 mile drive from Shitcago, don't you???

Wait a minute. What "Circumstances".

He intentionally went to a place where he knew civil disturbance was taking place with a weapon. He then confronted the people in charge, shot one of them. When the crowd tried to apprehend him, he shot two more people. He then calmly walked past the police department with a gun (the same police department that had shot a black man in the back 7 times because he MIGHT be reaching for something) and fled across state lines to avoid capture.

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It was 22 miles, actually, but you get the point.
Gawd you are spinning lies and I know you know they are lies. Grow a moral conscience. Civil disturbance---you mean criminals burning, looting, rioting, attacking other people....he volunteered to go to try to stop the destruction of the US cities. He did nothing wrong---your civil disturbancers aka criminals on the other hand were. He then confronted "the people in charge"? What the hell are you smoking-----he was there at the request of the owner of the company who was being attacked by your civil disturbance violent criminals....he did not confront anyone btw if you bothered to look at the video. He cleaned up graffiti, talked to the media about his first aid kit that he had used to patch up your stupid civil disturbers earlier in the day, and overall just hung out till the pedo attacked him along with his partner in crime the skateboard criminal along with blm and the convicted felon and anarchist with a gun.
Looks like Kyle has pretty good legal representation now....

Why don't you show up in court and try your propaganda out on his lawyer???

Won't matter.... They have him on tape doing exactly what he is accused of, and frankly, folks in Wisconsin really don't like the "FISH" coming into their state and stirring up shit.

(FISH is an acronym for "Fucking Illinois Shit Heads", which is really kind of rude, as Wisconsin would be like Biafra if it weren't for Illinois Tourist dollars... but never mind.)

Kenosha kind of has to throw him under the bus... if they don't, then they'll be liable for his actions....
None of his actions were wrong or illegal...............he is actually a hero and comes off well------while the dems and their collection of attacking CRIMINALS and pedo coming off smelling like chit for this.

How could you evil violent nuts attack a sweet 17 year old kid who spent his day trying to get you violent animals to stop destroying the city and attacking people while also cleaning up graffiti and helping people with his medical kit? Wait till the facts spread out to all the soccer moms across the US despite the lying libs attempts to hide the truth.
No, a true blue American wouldn't be committing arson.

Good point. If we catch arsonists, they should be arrested.

So should self-described militiamen who fire into crowds.

So now that we know more about KYLE RITTENHOUSE, of Antioch, IL, who traveled 21 miles to go to Kenosha to fight demonstrators.

We know he was part of a militia group.

We know the activities of that group was ignored by the Kenosha Police Department despite the fact they were openly carrying weapons AND were in violation of the curfew. The police even gave them water.

He drove 21 miles? Is that supposed to mean anything?

I drive 21 miles to get to Walmart.

Real useful information huh?
I actually tend to agree with you that the people in Kenosha don't like "FISH" coming into their state and stirring up shit...

You DO realize that most of the protestors are making the 50 mile drive from Shitcago, don't you???

Are they?

The three people who were shot were all from Wisconsin....

I've seen those demonstrators in Kenosha, most of them are white.

You're full of it, lip-flap #344, because you leave out the cancer tumor, Shy, citadel of grassroots American communism. Migrations out of Shy have been occurring for years, and we can see what stupidity and violence does to real estate values in Portland. Not all American youth wish to see their infrastructure destroyed before they can go to college and make more intelligent babies.
The Chinese abhor vandalism. These corksuckers have been secretly laughing at Americans, and this while COVID-19 rages. In their country, vandals were placed setting on the street with a board locked around their heads, and passersby could then humiliate them by various means, at will.
Looks like the citizens in Kenosha are fighting back...

Heading into a third of demands for justice, Sheriff Beth said social media is attracting more demonstrators -- and he believes they are rebels without a cause.

"The professional agitators is what we call them, that come from other places, they don't care. Them coming here, burning a building or looting a building is like, most everybody in this room is like, we're going out to dinner," Beth said.

Sheriff believes social media is attracting 'professional agitators' to Kenosha
can you say white nationalist groups!!
They are? Lol, your leaders are supporting them. So what does that tell you? Finally seeing what your party represents.

Wait a minute. What "Circumstances".

He intentionally went to a place where he knew civil disturbance was taking place with a weapon. He then confronted the people in charge, shot one of them. When the crowd tried to apprehend him, he shot two more people. He then calmly walked past the police department with a gun (the same police department that had shot a black man in the back 7 times because he MIGHT be reaching for something) and fled across state lines to avoid capture.

View attachment 381102

It was 22 miles, actually, but you get the point.
Gawd you are spinning lies and I know you know they are lies. Grow a moral conscience. Civil disturbance---you mean criminals burning, looting, rioting, attacking other people....he volunteered to go to try to stop the destruction of the US cities. He did nothing wrong---your civil disturbancers aka criminals on the other hand were. He then confronted "the people in charge"? What the hell are you smoking-----he was there at the request of the owner of the company who was being attacked by your civil disturbance violent criminals....he did not confront anyone btw if you bothered to look at the video. He cleaned up graffiti, talked to the media about his first aid kit that he had used to patch up your stupid civil disturbers earlier in the day, and overall just hung out till the pedo attacked him along with his partner in crime the skateboard criminal along with blm and the convicted felon and anarchist with a gun.
"he volunteered to go to try to stop the destruction of the US cities. He did nothing wrong."

What utter bullshit. Of course he did something wrong. He did plenty wrong. But let's just start with traveling to Kenosha with an AR-15 to protect the city....

It's illegal in Wisconsin to use lethal force in defense of property if you neither own nor operate it. Rittenhouse did not own or operate any home or business in Kenosha, so he had no legal authority to use lethal force to defend any property there. It's also illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to be in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin, so he also had no legal authority to carry a rifle into Wisconsin.

So right there are two huge things he did monstrously wrong.

Meaning he put himself into a situation where he threatened others with lethal force he was not legally authorized to use.
what is this? the 1960's?

what's this?

what the fuck is happening?

What happened?

We refused to address the issue of police brutality for ten years.

The combination of Covid, massive unemployment and Trump's racebaiting caused that anger and resentment to boil over.
Actually, the rioters are out in force because they want to loot all that "free shit", and call it "reparations"....

Why don't you invite all of those "peaceful people" over, and show your support???

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