Third Party Platform of Common Ground for Liberals/Conservatives(No Far Left/Right)


Feb 12, 2014
So basically, since we live together, work together, enjoy having fun and living life, watch/listen to the same movie/music types, believe in freedom, etc. Is it possible that conservatives(Not Far Right) and liberals(Not Leftists) could come together, as Americans in tough times do, to form a Platform that both could stand for and believe in?? Now of course there are things that we can't totally agree with, but if we stay with the Constitutional Rights, then I believe common ground could be reached..

For instance, you may not believe that having Guns are a good thing and believe they should be banned for all use..
Well too bad, it is already a protected right to Americans and can't be infringed.. So a simple issue like that shouldn't affect your decision of being in agreement with a new platform..


For instance, you may believe that Abortion is bad and should be banned..
Well, it is here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it. We shouldn't have our beliefs forced upon another person, even though we may believe that our Religion is more important. We are all sinners at the end of the day and live with our choices in life.

Now the way we could Agree to this as Conservatives and Liberals on a common ground basis:

Take Government out of Abortion, no Federal Funding to have an Abortion.. Create a sense of personal responsibility.

So Americans, I ask you, is it possible? Would you be willing to compromise together on things to End Gridlock in Washington?

I mean really guys and gals, we really should start looking at things and understand that these 2 Parties really aren't doing anything good for us. The constant bickering back and forth, getting nothing done in Washington, singling out certain groups for political gain, only caring about the next election rather than the citizens of the country.. You can't tell a difference between some of them almost, as if they were elected just because they had an R or a D by their name on the ballot.
We the People do need to work together to find Common Ground and resolve our differences. So if we are going to do that then We the People must decide upon a platform that is functional and feasible.

In that respect it will break down into a number of categories so let's put the big ones on the table.

1. Taxes and Spending.

This is not a black/white issue where one side is right and the other is wrong. Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society. Yes, we do need to reduce spending too. So the fundamental principle that We the People must agree upon is a 2 phased approach to both lower spending and raise taxes. If cannot compromise on this point then this is not the place you want to be.

2. Economy and Jobs

We the People prosper when everyone has a job that pays a living wage with benefits. That should apply to everyone irrespective of the work that is being done.

e.g. A bus driver has a responsibility to the safety of their passengers and other vehicles on the road. Sometimes those passengers are your own children. Shouldn't the bus driver be paid enough so that they can concentrate on safely getting your children to school instead of worrying that they will be late for their 2nd or 3rd job so that they can make ends meet? This principle holds true for all jobs in society. The person cleaning the toilets at your place of work is actually a healthcare worker and it is your health that they are taking care of. When you see it in that light you realize that their job protects the health of all of the employees. How many of you enjoy using a dirty bathroom? Sure, it is a menial job but toilets don't clean themselves. The people who do it deserve a living wage just as much as you do.

So when everyone is paid a living wage with benefits there are several economic advantages. (a) Living wages means more consumers and that is the basis for a sound economy. (b) When people are paid a living wage with benefits they become taxpayers and no longer need any housing, food or health subsidies.

This is a double gain because it reduces government spending while increasing revenues. Without raising taxes or making any spending cuts in Congress both problems are dealt with in a way that automatically improves the economy and provides prosperity for everyone.

This is a win-win-win all around.

So let's find out who is on board up to this point. If you agree just thank this post and that will give We the People some idea of where we stand moving forward.
So basically, since we live together, work together, enjoy having fun and living life, watch/listen to the same movie/music types, believe in freedom, etc. Is it possible that conservatives(Not Far Right) and liberals(Not Leftists) could come together, as Americans in tough times do, to form a Platform that both could stand for and believe in?? Now of course there are things that we can't totally agree with, but if we stay with the Constitutional Rights, then I believe common ground could be reached..

For instance, you may not believe that having Guns are a good thing and believe they should be banned for all use..
Well too bad, it is already a protected right to Americans and can't be infringed.. So a simple issue like that shouldn't affect your decision of being in agreement with a new platform..


For instance, you may believe that Abortion is bad and should be banned..
Well, it is here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it. We shouldn't have our beliefs forced upon another person, even though we may believe that our Religion is more important. We are all sinners at the end of the day and live with our choices in life.

Now the way we could Agree to this as Conservatives and Liberals on a common ground basis:

Take Government out of Abortion, no Federal Funding to have an Abortion.. Create a sense of personal responsibility.

So Americans, I ask you, is it possible? Would you be willing to compromise together on things to End Gridlock in Washington?

I mean really guys and gals, we really should start looking at things and understand that these 2 Parties really aren't doing anything good for us. The constant bickering back and forth, getting nothing done in Washington, singling out certain groups for political gain, only caring about the next election rather than the citizens of the country.. You can't tell a difference between some of them almost, as if they were elected just because they had an R or a D by their name on the ballot.

Having guns is fine as long you follow the law. Mentally unstable people should not have guns, period. That includes more severe cases of PTSD.

Abortion is a private sadness.

Cut speeding, raise taxes on those that benefit the most from our economy and markets.
infrastructure, education, science and r@d shouldn't be touched as they're the cornerstone of what makes America a power. Pretty much our economy and our standard within the world. One thing we may do is Cut the military a few hundred billion and bring our troops home as it isn't our job to defend everyone from themselves. If we need to go after terrorist use drones. MUCH less blood of our children...

Drop opposition to homosexual marriage, pot and allow for abortion to 20 weeks within the platform to moderate the imagine.

Lastly, issues like nsa spying we must restrict that. Just that we do need to spy on our enemies like China, Russia, and iran.
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I believe most people would agree to something like that Matthew, again, I don't believe in Same-sex Marriage, but it's none of my business to worry about their life choices.. That is their right as a person.

Pot Legalization would be fine by me..
-Marijuana is safer than alcohol.
-The Majority of border violence with Mexico is due to drugs.
-End the war on Drugs, its a waste of money
-States should make drug policy, not Federal Government

Military cuts may be hard for Both sides to come together on, as they both believe in policing the world and not worrying about our own country.. It needs to be done by a large scale however.. If America ever has such a War that's considered an actual Global threat and deals with America, We would have MANY Americans join for the cause just for the sake of freedom, as I would be one of them.. I wouldn't join in on senseless wars like Iraq, Vietnam, etc. that Both sides are guilty of..

What would peoples take on Immigration be if you don't mind me asking??
I believe most people would agree to something like that Matthew, again, I don't believe in Same-sex Marriage, but it's none of my business to worry about their life choices.. That is their right as a person.

Pot Legalization would be fine by me..
-Marijuana is safer than alcohol.
-The Majority of border violence with Mexico is due to drugs.
-End the war on Drugs, its a waste of money
-States should make drug policy, not Federal Government

Military cuts may be hard for Both sides to come together on, as they both believe in policing the world and not worrying about our own country.. It needs to be done by a large scale however.. If America ever has such a War that's considered an actual Global threat and deals with America, We would have MANY Americans join for the cause just for the sake of freedom, as I would be one of them.. I wouldn't join in on senseless wars like Iraq, Vietnam, etc. that Both sides are guilty of..

What would peoples take on Immigration be if you don't mind me asking??

Finally enforce current laws and grant amnesty to the ones here. No sense in rounding up 10-20 million people...
This is a Stance that I believe anybody in America could agree with if they take it all in its entirety.

-Potential immigrants should pass a background check, and then be issued a Social Security card, which would allow them to pay income, payroll, and all other taxes workers pay.
-They get 2 years to obtain a work visa
-Immigrants with temporary work visas should have access to the normal procedures for gaining permanent status and citizenship, and should be able to bring their families to the U.S. after demonstrating ability to support them financially.
-Streamline the legal immigration process to reduce illegal immigration and allow the U.S. to know who enters the country and for what reasons.
-1 Strike, You're out rule for immigrants who circumvent the streamlined work visa process.
-Marijuana legalization would reduce the Monopoly that the Mexican drug cartels have and would abate them
-Open the borders, if they want to get to America, then they will regardless of a border..
We the People do need to work together to find Common Ground and resolve our differences. So if we are going to do that then We the People must decide upon a platform that is functional and feasible.

I wonder if you can imagine 'we the people' working together voluntarily, without attempting to coerce each other via majoritarian bullying?
We the People do need to work together to find Common Ground and resolve our differences. So if we are going to do that then We the People must decide upon a platform that is functional and feasible.

I wonder if you can imagine 'we the people' working together voluntarily, without attempting to coerce each other via majoritarian bullying?

As long as a minority gives up trying to fuck the rest society out of its educational system, infrastructure, science and safety net. Well, the rest I think can find some common ground...
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So basically, since we live together, work together, enjoy having fun and living life, watch/listen to the same movie/music types, believe in freedom, etc. Is it possible that conservatives(Not Far Right) and liberals(Not Leftists) could come together, as Americans in tough times do, to form a Platform that both could stand for and believe in?? Now of course there are things that we can't totally agree with, but if we stay with the Constitutional Rights, then I believe common ground could be reached..

For instance, you may not believe that having Guns are a good thing and believe they should be banned for all use..
Well too bad, it is already a protected right to Americans and can't be infringed.. So a simple issue like that shouldn't affect your decision of being in agreement with a new platform..


For instance, you may believe that Abortion is bad and should be banned..
Well, it is here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it. We shouldn't have our beliefs forced upon another person, even though we may believe that our Religion is more important. We are all sinners at the end of the day and live with our choices in life.

Now the way we could Agree to this as Conservatives and Liberals on a common ground basis:

Take Government out of Abortion, no Federal Funding to have an Abortion.. Create a sense of personal responsibility.

So Americans, I ask you, is it possible? Would you be willing to compromise together on things to End Gridlock in Washington?

I mean really guys and gals, we really should start looking at things and understand that these 2 Parties really aren't doing anything good for us. The constant bickering back and forth, getting nothing done in Washington, singling out certain groups for political gain, only caring about the next election rather than the citizens of the country.. You can't tell a difference between some of them almost, as if they were elected just because they had an R or a D by their name on the ballot.

Here's a thought, why not try to make the party that best represents you more responsive to your beliefs instead of inventing some kumbya fantasy world?
We the People do need to work together to find Common Ground and resolve our differences. So if we are going to do that then We the People must decide upon a platform that is functional and feasible.

I wonder if you can imagine 'we the people' working together voluntarily, without attempting to coerce each other via majoritarian bullying?

As long as a minority gives up trying to fuck the rest society out of its educational system, infrastructure, science and safety net. Well, the rest I think can find some common ground...

In other words, "no".
So basically, since we live together, work together, enjoy having fun and living life, watch/listen to the same movie/music types, believe in freedom, etc. Is it possible that conservatives(Not Far Right) and liberals(Not Leftists) could come together, as Americans in tough times do, to form a Platform that both could stand for and believe in?? Now of course there are things that we can't totally agree with, but if we stay with the Constitutional Rights, then I believe common ground could be reached..

For instance, you may not believe that having Guns are a good thing and believe they should be banned for all use..
Well too bad, it is already a protected right to Americans and can't be infringed.. So a simple issue like that shouldn't affect your decision of being in agreement with a new platform..


For instance, you may believe that Abortion is bad and should be banned..
Well, it is here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it. We shouldn't have our beliefs forced upon another person, even though we may believe that our Religion is more important. We are all sinners at the end of the day and live with our choices in life.

Now the way we could Agree to this as Conservatives and Liberals on a common ground basis:

Take Government out of Abortion, no Federal Funding to have an Abortion.. Create a sense of personal responsibility.

So Americans, I ask you, is it possible? Would you be willing to compromise together on things to End Gridlock in Washington?

I mean really guys and gals, we really should start looking at things and understand that these 2 Parties really aren't doing anything good for us. The constant bickering back and forth, getting nothing done in Washington, singling out certain groups for political gain, only caring about the next election rather than the citizens of the country.. You can't tell a difference between some of them almost, as if they were elected just because they had an R or a D by their name on the ballot.

Here's a thought, why not try to make the party that best represents you more responsive to your beliefs instead of inventing some kumbya fantasy world?

Because if people are not appreciative of others beliefs and only want what they believe in and think it is their way or the highway, then what kind of freedom does that promote??
Exactly what is happening today.. Gridlock in Washington over silly things and putting their beliefs and goals ahead of what is best for ALL Americans..
One of the bigger splits in the Democratic party is between those who represent poor areas and those who represent middle class areas. There is already a friction within the party here and would make a relatively natural splitting point.

For Republicans the split is generally with the extreme tea party types and the more moderate Republicans who need to support things like Medicare and Medicaid to get re-elected.

In both instances a party platform that emphasizes the middle class and small business would probably work.
We the People do need to work together to find Common Ground and resolve our differences. So if we are going to do that then We the People must decide upon a platform that is functional and feasible.

I wonder if you can imagine 'we the people' working together voluntarily, without attempting to coerce each other via majoritarian bullying?

Please define what you mean by "majoritarian bullying".
One of the bigger splits in the Democratic party is between those who represent poor areas and those who represent middle class areas. There is already a friction within the party here and would make a relatively natural splitting point.

For Republicans the split is generally with the extreme tea party types and the more moderate Republicans who need to support things like Medicare and Medicaid to get re-elected.

In both instances a party platform that emphasizes the middle class and small business would probably work.

What "friction" are you referring to and how do you perceive this "natural splitting point" coming about?
So basically, since we live together, work together, enjoy having fun and living life, watch/listen to the same movie/music types, believe in freedom, etc. Is it possible that conservatives(Not Far Right) and liberals(Not Leftists) could come together, as Americans in tough times do, to form a Platform that both could stand for and believe in?? Now of course there are things that we can't totally agree with, but if we stay with the Constitutional Rights, then I believe common ground could be reached..

For instance, you may not believe that having Guns are a good thing and believe they should be banned for all use..
Well too bad, it is already a protected right to Americans and can't be infringed.. So a simple issue like that shouldn't affect your decision of being in agreement with a new platform..


For instance, you may believe that Abortion is bad and should be banned..
Well, it is here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it. We shouldn't have our beliefs forced upon another person, even though we may believe that our Religion is more important. We are all sinners at the end of the day and live with our choices in life.

Now the way we could Agree to this as Conservatives and Liberals on a common ground basis:

Take Government out of Abortion, no Federal Funding to have an Abortion.. Create a sense of personal responsibility.

So Americans, I ask you, is it possible? Would you be willing to compromise together on things to End Gridlock in Washington?

I mean really guys and gals, we really should start looking at things and understand that these 2 Parties really aren't doing anything good for us. The constant bickering back and forth, getting nothing done in Washington, singling out certain groups for political gain, only caring about the next election rather than the citizens of the country.. You can't tell a difference between some of them almost, as if they were elected just because they had an R or a D by their name on the ballot.

Here's a thought, why not try to make the party that best represents you more responsive to your beliefs instead of inventing some kumbya fantasy world?

Because if people are not appreciative of others beliefs and only want what they believe in and think it is their way or the highway, then what kind of freedom does that promote??
Exactly what is happening today.. Gridlock in Washington over silly things and putting their beliefs and goals ahead of what is best for ALL Americans..

Because what? They....whine....whine won't listen? What kind of freedom are you promoting with a fantasy party? I bet dreamers like you ridicule the good people in the Tea Party who are working within the system to make the GOP better.
One of the bigger splits in the Democratic party is between those who represent poor areas and those who represent middle class areas. There is already a friction within the party here and would make a relatively natural splitting point.

For Republicans the split is generally with the extreme tea party types and the more moderate Republicans who need to support things like Medicare and Medicaid to get re-elected.

In both instances a party platform that emphasizes the middle class and small business would probably work.

What "friction" are you referring to and how do you perceive this "natural splitting point" coming about?

It depends on the area but the friction is the competing needs of various groups. For example education funding for poor areas versus suburbs. A lot of policy will end up being targeted towards the poor areas which leaves the moderate Dems representing the middle class paying the bill.

Entitlement reform could be a place where the middle class may have to fight very hard to defend their own interests.
One of the bigger splits in the Democratic party is between those who represent poor areas and those who represent middle class areas. There is already a friction within the party here and would make a relatively natural splitting point.

For Republicans the split is generally with the extreme tea party types and the more moderate Republicans who need to support things like Medicare and Medicaid to get re-elected.

In both instances a party platform that emphasizes the middle class and small business would probably work.

What "friction" are you referring to and how do you perceive this "natural splitting point" coming about?

It depends on the area but the friction is the competing needs of various groups. For example education funding for poor areas versus suburbs. A lot of policy will end up being targeted towards the poor areas which leaves the moderate Dems representing the middle class paying the bill.

Entitlement reform could be a place where the middle class may have to fight very hard to defend their own interests.

The funding for public education has been an issue for decades and it has never split the Dem party before so there is no reason to believe that it will do so now.

As far as entitlement reform goes that will unite the party since that threat is coming from the right rather than from within the party itself.
That "third way" corporatist shit has already been slapped down by the democrats for no other reason than it is/was an entirely artificial creation of corporate lobbyists and is noting more than the new neocon party. We have had more than enough of that shit.
That "third way" corporatist shit has already been slapped down by the democrats for no other reason than it is/was an entirely artificial creation of corporate lobbyists and is noting more than the new neocon party. We have had more than enough of that shit.

corporations make up a respectable percentage of our economy and innovation as a nation. America wouldn't be nearly as great without apple, Microsoft, intel, Boeing, Spacex, wall mart, safeway or a dozen others.

Honestly tens of millions of people are employed this way. I want pro-American policies that benefit American corporations....True, I don't want corporations running the government but this is like cutting science and infrastructure on the other hand. stupid....

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