Thirty Years Of Failed Climate Predictions


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
We know the left will not watch that video. They hate these types of videos about their dumb brethren in the past.

Lets guess thirty years from now, what the few wise people left will bring up.


Well, the world was supposed to have already ended according to carbon bigfoot gore.

And according to the dumbest person to ever be elected in the history of the country?


James Hansen's predictions from THIRTY FUCKING YEARS AGO

Hansen's predictions were an abject failure...they would only be valid had CO2 remained have to look at what he was actually predicting...and perhaps you should find some other mode of understanding than a graph...

If you look at his business as usual scenario, he appears to be not that far off... The problem with that is that in reality, CO2 emissions have increased at least 25% more than his business as usual scenario assumed...had he assumed a 25% increase in CO2 emissions, his model would have predicted even more warming..and he would have, in turn been even further from the mark...

He also didn't factor in two very large El Nino events into his was just dumb luck that those two events happened and brought his estimate a bit closer to reality...he didn't even account for one El Nino event and look how far off he was, had he figured two strong el ninos, his estimates would have also been much much much warmer...

You people have absolutely no critical thinking skills at operate on faith and believe whatever you are told to believe.
You think Hansen should have been able to preduct el Ninos decades into the future? Fuck off. No projection is perfect, but the denier mantra that all models have failed is a blatant and demonstrable lie.
No projection is perfect, but the denier mantra that all models have failed is a blatant and demonstrable lie.
Which will be repeated every time it is debunked. What other option have they?


Updated version of IPCC AR5 Figure 11.25a, showing observations and the CMIP5 model projections relative to 1986-2005. The black lines represent observational datasets (HadCRUT4.5, Cowtan & Way, NASA GISTEMP, NOAA GlobalTemp, BEST).
You think Hansen should have been able to preduct el Ninos decades into the future? Fuck off. No projection is perfect, but the denier mantra that all models have failed is a blatant and demonstrable lie.


Your premise is fake. Nobody said "all". You dont go half cocked into destroying an economy when so many of the models have been proven to be historically inaccurate. Its illogical by any standard.

You display no ability to think on the margin. It's not an intelligence thing wouldnt understand.
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You think Hansen should have been able to preduct el Ninos decades into the future? Fuck off. No projection is perfect, but the denier mantra that all models have failed is a blatant and demonstrable lie.

Not at all...Like I said...the El Ninos were just dumb luck which raised the temperatures high enough to keep him in the same city as the ballpark...Had they not occurred, he would have been in the next state with his predictions...he is a failure..
No projection is perfect, but the denier mantra that all models have failed is a blatant and demonstrable lie.
Which will be repeated every time it is debunked. What other option have they?


Updated version of IPCC AR5 Figure 11.25a, showing observations and the CMIP5 model projections relative to 1986-2005. The black lines represent observational datasets (HadCRUT4.5, Cowtan & Way, NASA GISTEMP, NOAA GlobalTemp, BEST).

All your graph shows is that not only do climate models not agree with reality...they don't even agree with each other...failure made manifest...
The worst part of this scare mongering climate hoax is what dangers get pushed to the back burner because of these outlandish sky is falling predictions....that is what will kill us all....what we are not paying attention to.....

All of this BS is to empower the governing class around the world...its a controlling tool just like taxes and the whip from years gone past.....
The worst part of this scare mongering climate hoax is what dangers get pushed to the back burner because of these outlandish sky is falling predictions....that is what will kill us all....what we are not paying attention to.....

All of this BS is to empower the governing class around the world...its a controlling tool just like taxes and the whip from years gone past.....

there are a host of real environmental and land use problems that we could be addressing with the billions upon billions of dollars that are being flushed down the climate toilet...but nothing is getting addressed so long as the climate scam is sucking all of the air out of the room and all of the treasure out of the coffers...

And none of the warmists can name a single thing that climate science has actually is just money down the drain.
All your graph shows is that not only do climate models not agree with reality...they don't even agree with each other...failure made manifest...
No, it shows observed temperature increase falling in the range of predicted temperature increase. But I understand you will lie out of hand, no worries.

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