This ad just made black democrats look really stupid

I noticed she didn't mention a single thing repubs are willing to do for black people. I wonder why?
I notice you didn't mention a single thing democraps HAVE been doing for black people. I wonder why?

I didn't mention all those things because I don't have to. Black people already know who takes their interest to heart. That's why Trump has almost no black support.
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Let’s go Kim! I just donated
In Baltimore that election is over . Primary day is de facto election day. The Republican registration is so small that a miracle would need to occur for the Democratic nominee not to be elected.

What’s your point? Did you see the video? Looks like blacks need some help from what the kkk is doing

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Wait you mean democratic controlled cities are gentrifying black neighborhoods and you want to blame conservatives for that?

What happens when real estate taxes force you from your home? Where do you go after tax foreclosure?

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Ahh taxes help blacks lol not fixing the broken fam, and the kkk run education

Conservatives want to interfere with families? What happened to small, less intrusive government?

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Obviously some 60 years of Democrat policy 'solutions' haven't worked, and in fact made them far worse off than they were in the 1950's, when all that 'racism' was allegeldy holding them back n stuff. Why not admit your idiotic pandering to left wing fashions have screwed over several generations of school children, and you're now promoting sick stupid crap like Drag Queen Story Times to kids in grade school?

Well, actually, some Democrats told the truth and made real policy solutions available, but they got tossed under the bus; Patrick Moynihan and a few others pointed out the problems in detail, but of course got vilified by the commies and hippies for telling the truth.

You have no clue about the conditions of poverty in the 1950s. Don't say "the fact is" while you know nothing of the facts.

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Wait you mean democratic controlled cities are gentrifying black neighborhoods and you want to blame conservatives for that?

What happens when real estate taxes force you from your home? Where do you go after tax foreclosure?

Family, important to have

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Obviously some 60 years of Democrat policy 'solutions' haven't worked, and in fact made them far worse off than they were in the 1950's, when all that 'racism' was allegeldy holding them back n stuff. Why not admit your idiotic pandering to left wing fashions have screwed over several generations of school children, and you're now promoting sick stupid crap like Drag Queen Story Times to kids in grade school?

Well, actually, some Democrats told the truth and made real policy solutions available, but they got tossed under the bus; Patrick Moynihan and a few others pointed out the problems in detail, but of course got vilified by the commies and hippies for telling the truth.

You have no clue about the conditions of poverty in the 1950s. Don't say "the fact is" while you know nothing of the facts.

My parents were poor and paid 63 bucks a month for rent, it’s now 3,000 because of all your welfare
I noticed she didn't mention a single thing repubs are willing to do for black people. I wonder why?
I notice you didn't mention a single thing democraps HAVE been doing for black people. I wonder why?

I didn't mention all those things because I don't have to. Black people already know who takes their interest to heart. That's why Trump has almost no black support.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Wait you mean democratic controlled cities are gentrifying black neighborhoods and you want to blame conservatives for that?

What happens when real estate taxes force you from your home? Where do you go after tax foreclosure?

Family, important to have

So government should run your family, but not tax you for it. Government should force women to be with a man, no matter how toxic that man may be, but not keep chemicals out of the air, water and soil because that means regulation.

The values of Conservatives revolve around profit, not principle.

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Obviously some 60 years of Democrat policy 'solutions' haven't worked, and in fact made them far worse off than they were in the 1950's, when all that 'racism' was allegeldy holding them back n stuff. Why not admit your idiotic pandering to left wing fashions have screwed over several generations of school children, and you're now promoting sick stupid crap like Drag Queen Story Times to kids in grade school?

Well, actually, some Democrats told the truth and made real policy solutions available, but they got tossed under the bus; Patrick Moynihan and a few others pointed out the problems in detail, but of course got vilified by the commies and hippies for telling the truth.

You have no clue about the conditions of poverty in the 1950s. Don't say "the fact is" while you know nothing of the facts.

My parents were poor and paid 63 bucks a month for rent, it’s now 3,000 because of all your welfare

The landlord is part of welfare?
I noticed she didn't mention a single thing repubs are willing to do for black people. I wonder why?
I notice you didn't mention a single thing democraps HAVE been doing for black people. I wonder why?

I didn't mention all those things because I don't have to. Black people already know who takes their interest to heart. That's why Trump has almost no black support.
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View attachment 376459
Names, dates?

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Obviously some 60 years of Democrat policy 'solutions' haven't worked, and in fact made them far worse off than they were in the 1950's, when all that 'racism' was allegeldy holding them back n stuff. Why not admit your idiotic pandering to left wing fashions have screwed over several generations of school children, and you're now promoting sick stupid crap like Drag Queen Story Times to kids in grade school?

Well, actually, some Democrats told the truth and made real policy solutions available, but they got tossed under the bus; Patrick Moynihan and a few others pointed out the problems in detail, but of course got vilified by the commies and hippies for telling the truth.

You have no clue about the conditions of poverty in the 1950s. Don't say "the fact is" while you know nothing of the facts.

My parents were poor and paid 63 bucks a month for rent, it’s now 3,000 because of all your welfare

The landlord is part of welfare?

Beneficiaries because if you can shove poor people into public housing that opens up proper free market housing to just the rich

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Wait you mean democratic controlled cities are gentrifying black neighborhoods and you want to blame conservatives for that?

What happens when real estate taxes force you from your home? Where do you go after tax foreclosure?

Family, important to have

So government should run your family, but not tax you for it. Government should force women to be with a man, no matter how toxic that man may be, but not keep chemicals out of the air, water and soil because that means regulation.

The values of Conservatives revolve around profit, not principle.

No idea what your trying to make up
I noticed she didn't mention a single thing repubs are willing to do for black people. I wonder why?
I notice you didn't mention a single thing democraps HAVE been doing for black people. I wonder why?

I didn't mention all those things because I don't have to. Black people already know who takes their interest to heart. That's why Trump has almost no black support.
High taxes, high cost of living, Democrat cities rioting is taking their interest at heart?

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Obviously some 60 years of Democrat policy 'solutions' haven't worked, and in fact made them far worse off than they were in the 1950's, when all that 'racism' was allegeldy holding them back n stuff. Why not admit your idiotic pandering to left wing fashions have screwed over several generations of school children, and you're now promoting sick stupid crap like Drag Queen Story Times to kids in grade school?

Well, actually, some Democrats told the truth and made real policy solutions available, but they got tossed under the bus; Patrick Moynihan and a few others pointed out the problems in detail, but of course got vilified by the commies and hippies for telling the truth.

You have no clue about the conditions of poverty in the 1950s. Don't say "the fact is" while you know nothing of the facts.

We know blacks owned way more business in the 1950s compared to today

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Obviously some 60 years of Democrat policy 'solutions' haven't worked, and in fact made them far worse off than they were in the 1950's, when all that 'racism' was allegeldy holding them back n stuff. Why not admit your idiotic pandering to left wing fashions have screwed over several generations of school children, and you're now promoting sick stupid crap like Drag Queen Story Times to kids in grade school?

Well, actually, some Democrats told the truth and made real policy solutions available, but they got tossed under the bus; Patrick Moynihan and a few others pointed out the problems in detail, but of course got vilified by the commies and hippies for telling the truth.

You have no clue about the conditions of poverty in the 1950s. Don't say "the fact is" while you know nothing of the facts.

We know blacks owned way more business in the 1950s compared to today

Yup than 1960’s happen.. blacks went democrat
I noticed she didn't mention a single thing repubs are willing to do for black people. I wonder why?
I notice you didn't mention a single thing democraps HAVE been doing for black people. I wonder why?

I didn't mention all those things because I don't have to. Black people already know who takes their interest to heart. That's why Trump has almost no black support.
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View attachment 376459
Names, dates?
You can't read the caption at the bottom of the chart?

Let’s go Kim! I just donated


She has no chance, but the Republicans need to start somewhere in these urban areas. They shouldn't be conceding these places to the Democrats. It would take years of consistent time and effort into these places in order to flip them.

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