This ad just made black democrats look really stupid

^And yet it was a black man that convinced me to become Republican. And he broke it down so good! He was a very smart and wise man.

A) IM2 doesn't have the right to speak for blacks. Nobody elected his ass.
B) TL; DR, you're just trying to dazzle with bullshit.

He and his ilk don't have any credibility; nobody sane will ever bother to read his cut and pastes or his links. Just reading the link address is enough to skip it.
This is the type of thing the democrats fear the most.... People of color thinking for themselves.... They are just waking up and its scaring the hell out of dimwits..
We've been thinking for ourselves since we got here. Some of us have been murdered by whites because we think for ourselves. We are not republicans because we think for ourselves. Klacik is a known sellout. Black sellouts don't think for themselves. They think the way whites want them to think because they want whites to like them.
LMFAO 90% of blacks vote for high taxes, high cost of living, high crime rates and you have the balls to tell us they think for themselves?

Your absurd remark isn't surprising from a right winger, but that doesn't matter anyway. It's enough for you to understand that more than 90% of blacks oppose what you and your orange idiot advocate. You can explain that to yourself any way you want.
Blacks oppose low taxes, low cost of living, walking in the middle of the night with out getting robbed, raped and killed?

Who would of thought

As I said, you can make up any story you want to explain it to yourself. The bottom line is black folk just don't like republican goals. Perhaps you should make an effort try to find out why.

Bottom line is hardly anybody else gives a shit what black folks think, since they're violent racists and willfully stupid.
"LMFAO 90% of blacks vote for high taxes, high cost of living, high crime rates and you have the balls to tell us they think for themselves?"

Republican policies increase crime, taxes and the cost of living. On top of that, republican policies want to roll back or get rid of civil rights and equal rights policies.
Live in a fantasy world now, cock sucker?
"LMFAO 90% of blacks vote for high taxes, high cost of living, high crime rates and you have the balls to tell us they think for themselves?"

Republican policies increase crime, taxes and the cost of living. On top of that, republican policies want to roll back or get rid of civil rights and equal rights policies.

Nobody's responsibility to explain why their policies suck. If you were discussing with a reasonable person who valued facts, it might be worthwhile, but a hard core nutbag isn't worth the effort. Their policies suck. End of story.

Let’s go Kim! I just donated

All democrats look stupid. But then there is the other side of the coin: who is killing most of these people? Other blacks. Who destroyed most of these communities? Blacks who live there.

The Democrats don't kill the blacks, they don't tear down their communities, but destroyed communities don't pay much in tax revenue and without that tax base, the money isn't there either to rebuild it.

The real problem comes from education and opportunity. You can't give opportunity to people without job skills. And it takes education to acquire skills.

Either Blacks are a victim of generational environmental and social bias and neglect, or,

Blacks really are less smart, harder to educate, and with greater behavioral problems.

Which are you willing to accept?

Well, the latter part of what you are saying (blacks being victims of neglect AND harder to educate, in some cases) holds some merit.
When you have a political party that continually claims you are a victim, over time you come to believe it, whether it's true....or not. When black students have had trouble with subjects in school, the Democrat solution was to "dumb down" the material. In essence, the "bigotry of low expectations." It further doesn't help when there are good black students trying to study hard and achieve their goals and among them are students insulting them and saying that "the student is trying to be white." So, are blacks harder to educate? Possibly. Then again, when students live in single parent homes and primarily learn their behavior from their peers, they are not in an ideal situation for accomplishing goals. But if harder to teach is true, you don't "dumb down" the material, you find another method of teaching the students so that they can indeed learn the material. You can't standardize individuals in education. Everyone is different and individuals learn differently.

You offered no policy solutions. You just restated the problems. How will tax cuts for the wealthy, repealing the ACA, militarizing the police and gentrification solve problems for Black Americans?

Lower taxes benefitted the middle and lower income communities who needed to have more currency in their pockets. As for the ACA, the costs kept rising on users. There was no lower benefit under it.
As for militarizing the police, I fail to see a problem with that. This idiotic concept that has been tossed around that people in their homes should not face those armed invaders with weapons superior to those breaking in (the opposition should be fair? What the hell is that? Why should the criminal be given an equal chance of killing the home owner?) and how the police should not be heavily armed is absolutely absurd. You arm your law enforcement with sufficient force to be able to either easily subdue or kill the criminal, regardless of race. The Opportunity Zones program and funding reduced unemployment in the inner cities and was a help to those that lived and needed work there.
1. Get the former (they're now neo-Marxists) Democrat party out of running the cities.
2. Restart the "stop and frisk" in high crime areas (it doesn't matter what race is predominant in a high crime area). If that's where the abundance of criminal activity is, that's where you go and to hell with their "feelings." Sending law enforcement to low crime areas to stop and frisk is a waste of time, money and personnel. You go to where the crime is, not where it isn't. Add one or more extra precincts in the high crime areas and man/woman them with a a force made up of police that more reflect the population in those areas.
3. A massive reworking of our educational system (end the "dumbing-down" of educational materials). Tailor the teachings to better help those that have need of different methods to help them learn the material. In the final two years of high school, send in company representatives as well as law enforcement and military representatives to talk about job opportunities and college administrators to talk to students about college programs and what majors to focus on for actual job opportunities, rather than fluff degrees that are largely worthless.
4. In inner-city students early years, not only teach about the negatives of drug use, but what that lifestyle entails (i.e., in and out of jails and prison), plus guided tours of actual jails and/or prison environments. They need to know how their lives would be, if they get into that world and they need to be shown this at an early age for it to sink in.

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