This black hate group is making white people bow down and kiss their boots


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

This Black Hate Group is Making White People Kiss Their Boots to Show Remorse for Racism
This black HATE group is making white people bow down and kiss their boots

What is wronng with you lmfao, I so would never ever bow downn and kiss some fkrs feet, I'd say you cann fk off ......
These are your white Trump hating liberals folks they are the same all over the world. I would be damed if I'd kiss the feet of any mother............r!!! You leftist whites are really such pathetic cowards man. You should see how pathetic you are viewed as and you donn't have to kiss their feet you just have to be stupid enouggh to be a leftist anti american asshole. Why do or would you kiss anybody's feet you stupid fk. You are sayignyou are of a lesser person because you believe another race is superior to another you idiot!!

This Black Hate Group is Making White People Kiss Their Boots to Show Remorse for Racism
This black HATE group is making white people bow down and kiss their boots

What is wronng with you lmfao, I so would never ever bow downn and kiss some fkrs feet, I'd say you cann fk off ......
These are your white Trump hating liberals folks they are the same all over the world. I would be damed if I'd kiss the feet of any mother............r!!! You leftist whites are really such pathetic cowards man. You should see how pathetic you are viewed as and you donn't have to kiss their feet you just have to be stupid enouggh to be a leftist anti american asshole. Why do or would you kiss anybody's feet you stupid fk. You are sayignyou are of a lesser person because you believe another race is superior to another you idiot!!

Bow to them. They will now with my size 12 up there ass.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

Lots of white racists are redefining themselves as pagans to exploit the protections given to religion, especially nonChristian pagan religion.

White Supremacy’s Old Gods: The Far Right and Neopaganism | Political Research Associates

In 2014, a White supremacist leader, Frazier Glenn Cross, Jr. (also known as F. Glenn Miller), killed three people outside Jewish organizations in Overland Park, Kansas. Although all three were actually Christian, Cross’s intended target was clear, as was the religious justification he found for his supremacist beliefs. Cross, founder of the Carolina Knights of the KKK, which later became the White Patriot Party,1 was a convert from Christianity to a neonazi interpretation of the pre-Christian, Northern European and Germanic religion of Odinism. In his self-published 1999 autobiography, A White Man Speaks Out, he wrote:

I’d love to see North America’s 100 million Aryan Christians convert to the religion invented by their own race and practiced for a thousand generations before the Jews thought up Christianity. / Odinism! This was the religion for a strong heroic people, the Germanic people, from whose loins we all descended, be we German, English, Scott [sic], Irish, or Scandinavian, in whole or in part. / Odin! Odin! Odin! Was the battle cry of our ancestors; their light eyes ablaze with the glare of the predator, as they swept over and conquered the decadent multi-racial Roman Empire. / And Valhalla does not accept Negroes. There’s a sign over the pearly gates there which reads, “Whites only.”2

Cross’ hateful manifesto on the eve of the 21st Century represents more than just the ramblings of one violent terrorist. His argument that White people need to embrace their pre-Christian roots in service of the White race is one increasingly being adopted by White supremacists across Europe and North America. More than a decade ago, in 2003, comparative religion scholar Mattias Gardell wrote that racist forms of neopaganism were already outpacing traditional monotheistic versions of White supremacy.3 Today, they’re even more prevalent, as White supremacists exploit political instability driven by anti-immigrant and anti-refugee sentiment in Europe, and the racist backlash surging under Donald Trump in the United States.

Only about 0.3 percent of the U.S. population follow beliefs related to neopaganism, an umbrella term for modern interpretations of polytheist and pantheist religions that predate Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.4Within that figure, an even smaller number—just 7,878 people according to one community census—practice Scandinavian and Germanic forms of neopaganism known as Heathenry.5 Perhaps the most recognized Heathen faith is Ásatrú, a polytheist religion venerating old Norse gods and goddesses. However, despite its small numbers—in 1996, religion scholar Jeffrey Kaplan estimated fewer than 1,000 U.S. adherents6—Ásatrú has come to figure prominently in modern U.S. White supremacist movements.....

While most U.S. Ásatrúar (followers of Ásatrú) are inclusive,7 there exists a divide within Heathen communities about who should be allowed to take up ancient Scandinavian and Germanic spiritual practices. Those who eschew racism and invite potential members regardless of ethnic background are termed “universalists.” Conversely, those groups calling themselves “folkish” stipulate that only members with Northern European or Germanic ancestry may join. Many of these “folkish” groups are overtly White supremacist, claiming that Ásatrú is the true religion of the superior “Aryan race.”

White supremacists practicing Ásatrú may also use the term Odinism, named after the god Odin, though not all self-identified Odinist groups are White supremacist, and there are ongoing debates within Ásatrú communities about the differences implied by the terms. Others use the name Wotanism. The late White supremacist and convicted murderer David Lane promoted the term Wotanism to serve as an explicitly racist form of Odinism. Lane, who also created the “14 Words” slogan widely cited by White supremacists—“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children”8—favored Wotanism in part because, he explained, “W.O.T.A.N. makes a perfect acronym for Will Of The Aryan Nation.”9

This Black Hate Group is Making White People Kiss Their Boots to Show Remorse for Racism
This black HATE group is making white people bow down and kiss their boots

What is wronng with you lmfao, I so would never ever bow downn and kiss some fkrs feet, I'd say you cann fk off ......
These are your white Trump hating liberals folks they are the same all over the world. I would be damed if I'd kiss the feet of any mother............r!!! You leftist whites are really such pathetic cowards man. You should see how pathetic you are viewed as and you donn't have to kiss their feet you just have to be stupid enouggh to be a leftist anti american asshole. Why do or would you kiss anybody's feet you stupid fk. You are sayignyou are of a lesser person because you believe another race is superior to another you idiot!!

If these black people do not pay these white folks salary, or are not fabulously wealthy and powerful and could blacklist these people or somehow affect their ability to make a living or at least make as much dough as they could if they figuratively kissed the fabulously wealthy and powerful guy's ass, like all the people who kiss Trump's ass who work for him and put up with his arrogant bullshit because he signs their checks and pays them a lot of dough to put up with his bullshit, then I have no idea on Earth why anyone would try to oblige these stupid asses.

Reparations is a bad idea, a stupid idea, and not many people believe anyone alive today is responsible for how people were mistreated 150 years ago in the cruelest way possible, slavery, or even how they were punished for being black by legal segregation and discrimination and other racist Jim Crow laws in our society openly and legal as hell until the 1954 School Desegregation Act and the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of the 1960's. And the results of slavery and then systemic racism after still has an after effect today, but any kind of reparation would never equal the scale or make any real difference or is fair, given that no one alive today is in any way responsible for such immoral acts.
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.
At the end of the day kissing something that a person wears on their feet is better than something like a toilet seat for example.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Bowing down is where my line would be drawn. The Lord is the only person that I will ever do such a thing for.
At the end of the day kissing something that a person wears on their feet is better than something like a toilet seat for example.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Bowing down is where my line would be drawn. The Lord is the only person that I will ever do such a thing for.

God does not exist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lots of white racists are redefining themselves as pagans to exploit the protections given to religion, especially nonChristian pagan religion.

White Supremacy’s Old Gods: The Far Right and Neopaganism | Political Research Associates

In 2014, a White supremacist leader, Frazier Glenn Cross, Jr. (also known as F. Glenn Miller), killed three people outside Jewish organizations in Overland Park, Kansas. Although all three were actually Christian, Cross’s intended target was clear, as was the religious justification he found for his supremacist beliefs. Cross, founder of the Carolina Knights of the KKK, which later became the White Patriot Party,1 was a convert from Christianity to a neonazi interpretation of the pre-Christian, Northern European and Germanic religion of Odinism. In his self-published 1999 autobiography, A White Man Speaks Out, he wrote:

I’d love to see North America’s 100 million Aryan Christians convert to the religion invented by their own race and practiced for a thousand generations before the Jews thought up Christianity. / Odinism! This was the religion for a strong heroic people, the Germanic people, from whose loins we all descended, be we German, English, Scott [sic], Irish, or Scandinavian, in whole or in part. / Odin! Odin! Odin! Was the battle cry of our ancestors; their light eyes ablaze with the glare of the predator, as they swept over and conquered the decadent multi-racial Roman Empire. / And Valhalla does not accept Negroes. There’s a sign over the pearly gates there which reads, “Whites only.”2

Cross’ hateful manifesto on the eve of the 21st Century represents more than just the ramblings of one violent terrorist. His argument that White people need to embrace their pre-Christian roots in service of the White race is one increasingly being adopted by White supremacists across Europe and North America. More than a decade ago, in 2003, comparative religion scholar Mattias Gardell wrote that racist forms of neopaganism were already outpacing traditional monotheistic versions of White supremacy.3 Today, they’re even more prevalent, as White supremacists exploit political instability driven by anti-immigrant and anti-refugee sentiment in Europe, and the racist backlash surging under Donald Trump in the United States.

Only about 0.3 percent of the U.S. population follow beliefs related to neopaganism, an umbrella term for modern interpretations of polytheist and pantheist religions that predate Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.4Within that figure, an even smaller number—just 7,878 people according to one community census—practice Scandinavian and Germanic forms of neopaganism known as Heathenry.5 Perhaps the most recognized Heathen faith is Ásatrú, a polytheist religion venerating old Norse gods and goddesses. However, despite its small numbers—in 1996, religion scholar Jeffrey Kaplan estimated fewer than 1,000 U.S. adherents6—Ásatrú has come to figure prominently in modern U.S. White supremacist movements.....

While most U.S. Ásatrúar (followers of Ásatrú) are inclusive,7 there exists a divide within Heathen communities about who should be allowed to take up ancient Scandinavian and Germanic spiritual practices. Those who eschew racism and invite potential members regardless of ethnic background are termed “universalists.” Conversely, those groups calling themselves “folkish” stipulate that only members with Northern European or Germanic ancestry may join. Many of these “folkish” groups are overtly White supremacist, claiming that Ásatrú is the true religion of the superior “Aryan race.”

White supremacists practicing Ásatrú may also use the term Odinism, named after the god Odin, though not all self-identified Odinist groups are White supremacist, and there are ongoing debates within Ásatrú communities about the differences implied by the terms. Others use the name Wotanism. The late White supremacist and convicted murderer David Lane promoted the term Wotanism to serve as an explicitly racist form of Odinism. Lane, who also created the “14 Words” slogan widely cited by White supremacists—“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children”8—favored Wotanism in part because, he explained, “W.O.T.A.N. makes a perfect acronym for Will Of The Aryan Nation.”9
The Soldiers of Odin started in Finland. Within months it was here as Soldiers of Odin USA.

Soldiers of Odin USA
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.

"People of color" are not only encouraged, they are required to be proud of thier race, to be as racist about thier race as they want, to hyphenate thier "American" with whatever foreign shithole they washed up on shore from, and demand special treatment set asides because they are so fragile, and at risk from the white majority, sniffle and boo hoo.

Whites on the other hand are to be ashamed of thier race, they're to step aside and let a "person of color" have that job, that house, that white woman, because they've been put upon for so long by the white majority that it's payback time, and second class citizenry is what straight white males can expect these days every day in every way, unless they want to be gay.

That lane thier allowed and encouraged to be in, why, thiers many a "person of color" who gets it on the "down low", who'd love to get that BJ from the white guy, and not just the kissing of the feet as payback for those "300 years of oppression".

Something along those lines is what the person you are responding to was talking about, you as a likely "person of color" conveniently overlooked all of it.
Good way to get properly ventilated
I guess you believed the headline, the lying headline of this thread, that anyone was being FORCED to kiss a boot. Or are you claiming you would shoot anyone who asked you to kiss their boots, but not try to force you? Just how trigger happy are ya, Annie Oakley wannabe?
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.
I got sucker punched by a black guy. I literally did nothing to him. It happened in high school. He got suspended and i had a giant hematoma on my head. I didnt find that to be a fair trade at all.
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.

"People of color" are not only encouraged, they are required to be proud of thier race, to be as racist about thier race as they want, to hyphenate thier "American" with whatever foreign shithole they washed up on shore from, and demand special treatment set asides because they are so fragile, and at risk from the white majority, sniffle and boo hoo.

Whites on the other hand are to be ashamed of thier race, they're to step aside and let a "person of color" have that job, that house, that white woman, because they've been put upon for so long by the white majority that it's payback time, and second class citizenry is what straight white males can expect these days every day in every way, unless they want to be gay.

That lane thier allowed and encouraged to be in, why, thiers many a "person of color" who gets it on the "down low", who'd love to get that BJ from the white guy, and not just the kissing of the feet as payback for those "300 years of oppression".

Something along those lines is what the person you are responding to was talking about, you as a likely "person of color" conveniently overlooked all of it.

So where is all of this occurring? It hasn't occurred in any neighborhood in which I've lived, and hasn't been appeared in any of the thousands of discrimination cases I've read in years covering anti-discrimination laws as a legal journalist.

BTW: please cut this crap out about any man being "entitled" to a "white woman" or a woman of any other race. No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property. Shame on you.
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.

"People of color" are not only encouraged, they are required to be proud of thier race, to be as racist about thier race as they want, to hyphenate thier "American" with whatever foreign shithole they washed up on shore from, and demand special treatment set asides because they are so fragile, and at risk from the white majority, sniffle and boo hoo.

Whites on the other hand are to be ashamed of thier race, they're to step aside and let a "person of color" have that job, that house, that white woman, because they've been put upon for so long by the white majority that it's payback time, and second class citizenry is what straight white males can expect these days every day in every way, unless they want to be gay.

That lane thier allowed and encouraged to be in, why, thiers many a "person of color" who gets it on the "down low", who'd love to get that BJ from the white guy, and not just the kissing of the feet as payback for those "300 years of oppression".

Something along those lines is what the person you are responding to was talking about, you as a likely "person of color" conveniently overlooked all of it.

So where is all of this occurring? It hasn't occurred in any neighborhood in which I've lived, and hasn't been appeared in any of the thousands of discrimination cases I've read in years covering anti-discrimination laws as a legal journalist.

BTW: please cut this crap out about any man being "entitled" to a "white woman" or a woman of any other race. No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property. Shame on you.

I never said women were peices of meat to be traded, I only mentioned how white women with black men is something they do to get back at whitey.

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