This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

Conservatives know that Trump lost the 2020 election, what they won't accept is their inability to bully the rest of America into allowing them to reverse the election result.
It's more Trump's core supporters. And losing goes to the heart of Trump's message: "only I can save you."
Naaaaaah, we don't know what the facts -- reality -- is.

It's your opinions that don't change.

Ours, neither.

Doesn't matter who "certified" what. A gazillion corrupt elections have been "certified" around the world. It matters about those cardboard boxes pulled out from under the counting tables.

I want this cleaned up.
But it was totally cleaned up And explained Circe....

The lady that presented the so called video evidence, at the Giuliani hearing

MADE UP THE WHOLE SCENARIO......shame on her and giuliani.

She claimed she had a 9 hour tape she had no time to review all of it, so she didn't know why the table clothed table showed up or when it was put there.....but the video shows it was set up in the beginning, before they started verifying absentee envelopes, a d other evidence shows the table was standard procedure in ALL vote counting places.... Nothing abnormal as the lying blonde bitch claimed.

The cases pulled out from under the table were ballot cases that were filled with the ballots that the election teams had just processed, by verifying signature matches, and then removing from the absentee envelopes and flattening the folds to get them ready to be processed by the vote counting scanner machines....

Just before the video she showed us of them being pulled out from under the table, it showed the election workers loading the ballot suit cases being loaded with the flattened ballots, and rolled under the table by election workers, to await the election teams responsible for feeding the ballot scanners, when they were ready to begin counting. In ALL vote counting places, this was the standard operating PROCEDURE.

the blonde bitch of course cut that out of the video she showed in this hearing.....such a move that was MEANT TO DECEIVE trick you in to believing they were brought in as illegitimate ballot stuffers.

Y'all have been played, by a bunch of deceitful, preplanned, cut out of context, lies.

Anyway, it was all looked in to, and the proof was in the pudding, or the full 9hr video.
There was nothing taken out of context you fucking moron, now i see why Joe Biteme got 8,000 votes and then run through 10,000 times.

It is a shame that Joe Biteme is so stupid it, need an army of fucking progressive factcheckers to try to save the worthless fuck from himself.

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Moron, Joe literally gave out the number of his hotline to report fraud, not to commit fraud.

Like I always say, there's no creature slithering this Earth dumber than a conservative.

It was YOUR link, criminal-pervert-lastamender. YOU posted that as evidence of election fraud and I proved his very first complaint was bullshit.

And of course, you're such a lying criminal-pervert-lastamender, you swallow his swill wholeheartedly anyway. That's why 10 years from now, you'll still be crying about how the 2020 election was stolen. And probably every election in between wherever a Democrat wins.
If you people did not cheat I would not have to. Think about it.
You are the liar. The election was stolen. You know it was. Why not admit it? Will you get cancelled?

You keep claiming the election was stolen but you keep exploding the evidence in your own face.


You did it yet again s short while ago posting the bulkshit claim that official 2020 ballots that were used in the election had been shredded and that some peoples' votes weren't counted as a result.

Only that bullshit claim, like your face, was blown up by reality.

It's more Trump's core supporters. And losing goes to the heart of Trump's message: "only I can save you."
You keep claiming the election was stolen but you keep exploding the evidence in your own face.
They also consider the fact that they can't prove the steal actually happened as proof of how well it was carried out.

That's some pretty fuckin' air tight Trumpian logic right there.
They also consider the fact that they can't prove the steal actually happened as proof of how well it was carried out.

That's some pretty fuckin' air tight Trumpian logic right there.
There are videos of illicit ballot drops. There are videos of drop off ballot boxes being stuffed. The evidence never gets investigated. I wonder why? Videos of ballots being run through multiple time. Ballots pulled from under a table. Cardboard going up over windows and Republicans being ejected from the counting process.

4 states stopping the count at the same time. MI. deleting files and no one held accountable. Nevada wiping it's machines before the the federal time limit. States like PA. and GA. and AZ. putting observers at recounts too far away to see anything, I believe PA. had them 40 ft. away. There is just too much to see it any other way unless you are a dishonest or very stupid person. Or in your case both.
There are videos of illicit ballot drops. There are drop off ballot boxes being stuffed. The evidence never gets investigated. I wonder why? Videos of ballots being run through multiple time. Ballots pulled from under a table. Cardboard going up over windows and Republicans being ejected from the counting process.

4 states stopping the count at the same time. MI. deleting files and no one held accountable. Nevada wiping it's machines before the the federal time limit. There is just too much to see it any other way unless you are a dishonest or very stupid person. Or in your case both.
^^^ All debunked.

There is just too much to see it any other way unless you are a dishonest or very stupid person. Or in your case both.

I know, I know.

You obedient Trumpsters are just too smart and too informed for me, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

Does George Stephanopoulos consider himself a "journalist"? Sure seems desperate to get Rand Paul to play along

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Journalists don't give equal time to myths and truths. They do the opposite of that.

Getting to the bottom of what a Senator believes IS journalism. The fact that the squirming, smirking little weasel Paul is dancing shows the need for journalism that seeks the truth.

Here's a spoiler and a hint for the gullible rubes: Rand Paul does NOT think the election was stolen. But he needs the votes of gullible rubes who DO believe it. So, he uses them and lies to them.
Journalists don't give equal time to myths and truths. They do the opposite of that.

Getting to the bottom of what a Senator believes IS journalism. The fact that the squirming, smirking little weasel Paul is dancing shows the need for journalism that seeks the truth.

Here's a spoiler and a hint for the gullible rubes: Rand Paul does NOT think the election was stolen. But he needs the votes of gullible rubes who DO believe it. So, he uses them and lies to them.
Can you quote Rand Paul? When you can come back and do it.

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