This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

Yes, we do know the facts....The facts are that 50 states certified their vote totals as accurate and honest. Those votes totals were then used to select EC members and those voted as well. That vote was then certified as valid by the US Congress.

Nothing there can be disputed.
True -------------- but if some of them were lying through their teeth, what does it matter what they "certify"?

Napoleon put the Constitution he wrote up for a vote by the French people. "It passed by 200,000 votes!" said his election manager. "I don't know ---- doesn't sound like enough to me," said Napoleon. "Make it 300,000 votes."

They did, and certified it.
True -------------- but if some of them were lying through their teeth, what does it matter what they "certify"?

Then all you need to do is prove that and you will have me on your side. I go where the evidence takes me.

I was open to the idea of fraud at the end of the election.

As such I watched some of the early hearings on the election and possible theft, I was open to the idea it could have happened.

The one held at the hotel in Michigan by the Michigan senate started with a Dem senator asking if the witnesses would be sworn in, she was told she was out of order and it was not necessary.

Then I watched Rudy say that more ballots were mailed back in Pa than were mailed out. I thought, wow that is a smoking gun. Then I did my own research and it took less than 5 min to find out he lied.

Then I watched the hearings in Ga, where they has real life data analyst (my profession by the way). He talked about statistical anomalies, a fancy word for outliers. He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud. This sounded pretty compelling so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not proof of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties. So, this guy was either really bad at his job or he lied.

And then I watched the first Az hearings, and they put up a guy they called an "expert mathematician", he used a lot of words but did not really say anything except a few lies about population growth and voter numbers. I did the math and he was wrong. Imagine my shock when I found this same guy's profile on LinkedIn and found out he was not a mathematician, that he had not training nor education is math or analytics. Turns out he is a financial planner that loves conspiracy theories. I am not sure if the Repubs in Az were dishonest or incompetent and did not check his credentials.
Don't be vulgar, GG. Even if you are losing. :mad:

It is a word, quit being a snowflake. Hell, it is not even considered profanity any longer.

How can I be losing when I am the one posting facts and you are going all on feelings?
It is a word, quit being a snowflake. Hell, it is not even considered profanity any longer.

How can I be losing when I am the one posting facts and you are going all on feelings?
Your facts are not facts. They are lies backed up by nothing but the fact politicians and weaponized government agencies and a media with an America destroying agenda say they are facts.

No one believes them. What part of that don't you get?
I give credit to care4all for asking that question. On the level. It is one of the first legitimate truly thoughtful questions I’ve seen asked here by a person of the “liberal” persuasion. And it deserves (in my opinion) more than some off the cuff flippant response. It probably deserves its own thread.

I can’t get to it right now. I have a few other posts I’m reviewing. But I’ll be happy to get down to business shortly.
Don' bother, you already post enough bullshit as it is.

Go shop for a new MAGA hat, they're practically giving them away.
I saw a story recently about how the drug cartel stole an election in Mexico in the 1980s with unverified ballots. They wanted to install their own man.

It had the same elements of the 2020 stolen election in the US including the massive denial by the winning party.

In the US stolen election it was Chinese that wanted their man in power instead of the Colombians.

It was rich fat cats like Soros and Zuckenberg instead of the drug lords that provided the funds to do the thievery.
I remember the OJ Simpson trial, where he was found not guilty. But there's quite a few people today who still believe he wasn't innocent of murdering his wife and the guy she was with, but they couldn't or didn't prove otherwise. Same deal with the 2020 election results, at the time insufficient evidence was found that would justify not certifying the election and so those involved in that process did what they had to do.

Some people claim that the certification process proves there was no fraud, or at least insufficient fraud to prove the election was stolen. But to me, the certification process merely indicates that they didn't have the justification to do anything else. IOW, what happened then did not prove the election was legit; maybe it was stolen and maybe not, but the certification process proves nothing. Just like Simpson's 'Not Guilty" verdict does not mean he was innocent.
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Start listening. See you in an hour or so.

Another source
I got only as far as his first claim to see he's full of shit like you. He actually claimed...

"We found ballots shredded in a garbage can. That's obvious mal-administration. Some of these votes didn't count."

So while it's true he did find shredded ballots that were thrown out; what he didn't find were shredded official ballots from the 2020 election...

And it turns out, the actual 2020 election ballots are still safely secured until they too can be legally shredded...

Now here's where the rubber meets the road...

Had Josh Barnett said that back in March when that trash was discovered, he'd be right to complain about it and to question it. But he gave this interview last month, 8 months later and after that story was debunked. And over those 8 months, no actual ballot from the election was found in that pile of trash. Since then, Maricopa county clarified that shredded material contained ballots from previous elections which were legal to shred, sample ballots from the 2020 election, and other assorted garbage; but not ballots Arizonians voted on in 2020. Since then, it was shown the actual 2020 election ballots were locked up in a vault. Since then, ALL of the actual ballots had been turned over to Cyber Ninja's to evaluate, where they counted every single one and their results were just a couple of hundred off of the original tabulation count.

So if this were March and Barnett been claiming 2020 election ballots were found shredded, it would merely be an honest mistake. But eight months later, and after that claim was thoroughly debunked, Barnett is outright lying.

As is our forum's own criminal-pervert-lastamender, who propagates these lies. He puts this debunked garbage up as fact and as always, it "explodes" in his own face.

Pun intended.

:blowup: :blowup: :blowup:
I got only as far as his first claim to see he's full of shit like you. He actually claimed...

"We found ballots shredded in a garbage can. That's obvious mal-administration. Some of these votes didn't count."

So while it's true he did find shredded ballots that were thrown out; what he didn't find were shredded official ballots from the 2020 election...

And it turns out, the actual 2020 election ballots are still safely secured until they too can be legally shredded...

Now here's where the rubber meets the road...

Had Josh Barnett said that back in March when that trash was discovered, he'd be right to complain about it and to question it. But he gave this interview last month, 8 months later and after that story was debunked. And over those 8 months, no actual ballot from the election was found in that pile of trash. Since then, Maricopa county clarified that shredded material contained ballots from previous elections which were legal to shred, sample ballots from the 2020 election, and other assorted garbage; but not ballots Arizonians voted on in 2020. Since then, it was shown the actual 2020 election ballots were locked up in a vault. Since then, ALL of the actual ballots had been turned over to Cyber Ninja's to evaluate, where they counted every single one and their results were just a couple of hundred off of the original tabulation count.

So if this were March and Barnett been claiming 2020 election ballots were found shredded, it would merely be an honest mistake. But eight months later, and after that claim was thoroughly debunked, Barnett is outright lying.

As is our forum's own criminal-pervert-lastamender, who propagates these lies. He puts this debunked garbage up as fact and as always, it "explodes" in his own face.

Pun intended.

:blowup: :blowup: :blowup:
30 laws were broken and your debunking by in the tank RINOs or other assorted corrupt assholes mean 0. Assflap.

Say hi to Incest Joe for me.
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I remember the OJ Simpson trial, where he was found not guilty. But there's quite a few people today who still believe he wasn't innocent of murdering his wife and the guy she was with, but they couldn't or didn't prove otherwise. Same deal with the 2020 election results, at the time insufficient evidence was found that would justify not certifying the election and so those involved in that process did what they had to do.

Some people claim that the certification process proves there was no fraud, or at least insufficient fraud to prove the election was stolen. But to me, the certification process merely indicates that they didn't have the justification to do anything else. IOW, what happened then did not prove the election was legit; maybe it was stolen and maybe not, but the certification process proves nothing.
At least the people who think OJ was guilty can point to real evidence, which was proven in court, pointing to his guilt. Like Ron Goldman's blood found in OJ's car. Like OJ's blood found at the crime scene.

Whereas you don't have any evidence of election fraud that's been proven in or out of court to be actual proof of fraud. Just claims of fraud and just about every claim debunked.
30 laws were broken and your debunking by in the tank RINOs or other assorted corrupt[t assholes mean 0. Assflap.

Say hi to Incest Joe for me.

It was YOUR link, criminal-pervert-lastamender. YOU posted that as evidence of election fraud and I proved his very first complaint was bullshit.

And of course, you're such a lying criminal-pervert-lastamender, you swallow his swill wholeheartedly anyway. That's why 10 years from now, you'll still be crying about how the 2020 election was stolen. And probably every election in between wherever a Democrat wins.
Dude, the video just below has the liar in chief saying he had to most extensive voter fraud organization. Are you saying he is a LIAR in chief?
How did I know that you were going to go with THAT stupid video? You idiots are so predictable.

It’s like you think intentionally taking a clip out of context is somehow going to prove your point for you. The reality is that it just makes you look incredibly pathetic.

Have you ever noticed that it’s only tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist right-wing crybabies pushing that nonsense? Have you ever noticed that nobody else actually takes that seriously and nothing ever came from that? That’s because it’s a ridiculously stupid argument and it’s the best one you have.

How did I know that you were going to go with THAT stupid video? You idiots are so predictable.

It’s like you think intentionally taking a clip out of context is somehow going to prove your point for you. The reality is that it just makes you look incredibly pathetic.

Have you ever noticed that it’s only tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist right-wing crybabies pushing that nonsense? Have you ever noticed that nobody else actually takes that seriously and nothing ever came from that? That’s because it’s a ridiculously stupid argument and it’s the best one you have.

There was nothing taken out of context you fucking moron, now i see why Joe Biteme got 8,000 votes and then run through 10,000 times.

It is a shame that Joe Biteme is so stupid it, need an army of fucking progressive factcheckers to try to save the worthless fuck from himself.

There was nothing taken out of context you fucking moron…
To anyone with common sense, It clearly was. But not to people like you. You guys believe what you want to believe and then wonder why your idiotic cases have been laughed out of court.

Reality must be confusing to people like you.
I used to think it was a bad thing for America that these dead enders continue to rehash an election "their guy" lost, even though according to the polls it shouldn't have been even that close if Biden had controlled his own party's message .. and it wasn't really that close.

But probably the only possible thing that can save a second Biden term is if Trump were actually the nominee ... again. I mean Biden's lost at least two primary campaigns (to MONDALE AND DUCKASS), and would have lost this one but for Clyburn. HE couldn't even get his own party to agree on a social spending bill that in the end wasn't even that big compared to things like Obamacare and gop tax cuts.

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