This election will boomerang on Trump voters

A third party candidates pull 5% or more of the vote it spells trouble for the incumbent party that holds the Presidency and that is what happened to the Democrats.
No, being out of touch with main stream America is what happened to the dems.
As herr drumpf screws them , they will defend him more

Throughout his business career, from the casino business to Trump University, Donald Trump has been a con man and grifter. But his life’s work in ripping people off pales next to the long con that he pulled on the American people this year.

Indeed, rarely have so many Americans been convinced to cast a ballot that was not only a vote against their own interests, but also one that will directly harm themselves and their families. More and more, 2016 looks like an “Own Goal Election” for the millions of angry, embittered voters who backed Trump.

This is hardly the first time voters have cast a ballot that will boomerang against them. But rarely has the effect been as pronounced. In giving Republicans full control of Washington, voters have unleashed political forces that are eagerly looking to eviscerate the social safety net and pass legislation that favors the wealthiest and best-connected Americans while ignoring the economic plight of the angry, alienated Americans who gave their trust to Donald Trump.
This election will boomerang on Trump voters - The Boston Globe

The boston globe also said obama would change the world, give us a transparent goverment, part the dead sea and walk on water.


Yep... the magic negro... their hero... their messiah... going to fundamentally transform America... didn't work out too well...


Is that really him?

IDK... but it surely could be. That's about his style.

I suppose it's the equivalent when Bob Hawke sculled a yard glass.
Sounds like America made the right choice. Sorry, guno, guess you're gonna have to wait 8 years to get another shot at wiping out Whitey. :lol:
As herr drumpf screws them , they will defend him more

Throughout his business career, from the casino business to Trump University, Donald Trump has been a con man and grifter. But his life’s work in ripping people off pales next to the long con that he pulled on the American people this year.

Indeed, rarely have so many Americans been convinced to cast a ballot that was not only a vote against their own interests, but also one that will directly harm themselves and their families. More and more, 2016 looks like an “Own Goal Election” for the millions of angry, embittered voters who backed Trump.

This is hardly the first time voters have cast a ballot that will boomerang against them. But rarely has the effect been as pronounced. In giving Republicans full control of Washington, voters have unleashed political forces that are eagerly looking to eviscerate the social safety net and pass legislation that favors the wealthiest and best-connected Americans while ignoring the economic plight of the angry, alienated Americans who gave their trust to Donald Trump.
This election will boomerang on Trump voters - The Boston Globe

well damn, what was I thinking?

maybe you are right, maybe I WILL miss Obama as President!

Kind of like a hooker misses the clap 2 or 3 days after she gets her hands on some penicillin...
A third party candidates pull 5% or more of the vote it spells trouble for the incumbent party that holds the Presidency and that is what happened to the Democrats.
No, being out of touch with main stream America is what happened to the dems.

That's why a third party candidates pulled 5%. The Dems were out of touch and the voters didn't like it.
A third party candidates pull 5% or more of the vote it spells trouble for the incumbent party that holds the Presidency and that is what happened to the Democrats.
No, being out of touch with main stream America is what happened to the dems.

That's why a third party candidates pulled 5%. The Dems were out of touch and the voters didn't like it.
Personally, and I've said this before, I don't think there should be "parties," no democrats, no republicans, no anything. Candidates should run on their merits and convictions, period, and let the voters chose who best aligns with their beliefs.
A third party candidates pull 5% or more of the vote it spells trouble for the incumbent party that holds the Presidency and that is what happened to the Democrats.
No, being out of touch with main stream America is what happened to the dems.

That's why a third party candidates pulled 5%. The Dems were out of touch and the voters didn't like it.
Personally, and I've said this before, I don't think there should be "parties," no democrats, no republicans, no anything. Candidates should run on their merits and convictions, period, and let the voters chose who best aligns with their beliefs.

That works for me. I do this anyway.
As herr drumpf screws them , they will defend him more

Throughout his business career, from the casino business to Trump University, Donald Trump has been a con man and grifter. But his life’s work in ripping people off pales next to the long con that he pulled on the American people this year.

Indeed, rarely have so many Americans been convinced to cast a ballot that was not only a vote against their own interests, but also one that will directly harm themselves and their families. More and more, 2016 looks like an “Own Goal Election” for the millions of angry, embittered voters who backed Trump.

This is hardly the first time voters have cast a ballot that will boomerang against them. But rarely has the effect been as pronounced. In giving Republicans full control of Washington, voters have unleashed political forces that are eagerly looking to eviscerate the social safety net and pass legislation that favors the wealthiest and best-connected Americans while ignoring the economic plight of the angry, alienated Americans who gave their trust to Donald Trump.
This election will boomerang on Trump voters - The Boston Globe

As herr drumpf screws them , they will defend him more

Throughout his business career, from the casino business to Trump University, Donald Trump has been a con man and grifter. But his life’s work in ripping people off pales next to the long con that he pulled on the American people this year.

Indeed, rarely have so many Americans been convinced to cast a ballot that was not only a vote against their own interests, but also one that will directly harm themselves and their families. More and more, 2016 looks like an “Own Goal Election” for the millions of angry, embittered voters who backed Trump.

This is hardly the first time voters have cast a ballot that will boomerang against them. But rarely has the effect been as pronounced. In giving Republicans full control of Washington, voters have unleashed political forces that are eagerly looking to eviscerate the social safety net and pass legislation that favors the wealthiest and best-connected Americans while ignoring the economic plight of the angry, alienated Americans who gave their trust to Donald Trump.
This election will boomerang on Trump voters - The Boston Globe

My only pleasure in seeing Trump elected , is how the middle America conservatives who voted for him will suffer the most. Trump's policies will benefit the rich and hurt working class and blue collar workers the most.

They love him now but they're going to turn on him within the first year.
As herr drumpf screws them , they will defend him more

Throughout his business career, from the casino business to Trump University, Donald Trump has been a con man and grifter. But his life’s work in ripping people off pales next to the long con that he pulled on the American people this year.

Indeed, rarely have so many Americans been convinced to cast a ballot that was not only a vote against their own interests, but also one that will directly harm themselves and their families. More and more, 2016 looks like an “Own Goal Election” for the millions of angry, embittered voters who backed Trump.

This is hardly the first time voters have cast a ballot that will boomerang against them. But rarely has the effect been as pronounced. In giving Republicans full control of Washington, voters have unleashed political forces that are eagerly looking to eviscerate the social safety net and pass legislation that favors the wealthiest and best-connected Americans while ignoring the economic plight of the angry, alienated Americans who gave their trust to Donald Trump.
This election will boomerang on Trump voters - The Boston Globe

Spoken like a loyal golem POS of the Klintoon Krime Kartel.
It is astounding that the Americans have elected such an obvious conman who would not recognize a fact if he heard one.
you are smarter then that Eloy , Americans were sick of mrobama and they understood that 'illary' was just an extension of mrobama and his policies so WE went for Trump . -------- you say Trump is a CON MAN , what is the Trump trying to con , please give some examples Eloy .
and Americans should have never gone for 'barrack hussein obama ' in 2008 based simply on his name Eloy !!
As herr drumpf screws them , they will defend him more

Throughout his business career, from the casino business to Trump University, Donald Trump has been a con man and grifter. But his life’s work in ripping people off pales next to the long con that he pulled on the American people this year.

Indeed, rarely have so many Americans been convinced to cast a ballot that was not only a vote against their own interests, but also one that will directly harm themselves and their families. More and more, 2016 looks like an “Own Goal Election” for the millions of angry, embittered voters who backed Trump.

This is hardly the first time voters have cast a ballot that will boomerang against them. But rarely has the effect been as pronounced. In giving Republicans full control of Washington, voters have unleashed political forces that are eagerly looking to eviscerate the social safety net and pass legislation that favors the wealthiest and best-connected Americans while ignoring the economic plight of the angry, alienated Americans who gave their trust to Donald Trump.
This election will boomerang on Trump voters - The Boston Globe

What you fail to admit is, the reason Donald is President is because you people supported a corrupt con woman.

Now crawl back into your hole and look for another community organizer for 2020.
you are smarter then that Eloy , Americans were sick of mrobama and they understood that 'illary' was just an extension of mrobama and his policies so WE went for Trump . -------- you say Trump is a CON MAN , what is the Trump trying to con , please give some examples Eloy .
Willingly. First of all he is a showman, not dissimilar from a carnival barker, saying anything that will get him noticed. But once you listen to him and read his tweets you can see that he is only a windbag. As the Republican Mitt Romney said, check out his fake university that landed him with a lawsuit after he conned students to enroll and pay him money. Then there was Trump Airline ... what happened to that after he conned people into thinking it was legit. What else, all the real estate, buildings with his name on them but do not belong to him, another con. He was also called a con man by the Republican Senator Rubio. He conned the gullible into believing that he will appoint a special prosecutor to charge Hillary Clinton and then lock her up but that will not be heard of again. He actually conned people into thinking that he would build a wall all along the border with Mexico! That will never happen; I believe he said something about it being a fence now. HA HA

American people know well his type, a snake oil self promoter with a gigantic ego that has him believing in his own brash promises. He hasn't a clue about how the government works, totally without any elective office experience. Before he has been inaugurated he has the Chinese wanting to know what he means by talking to the Taiwanese. What next!
He actually conned people into thinking that he would build a wall all along the border with Mexico! That will never happen; I believe he said something about it being a fence now. HA HA
EU open borders idiot.
BY LAW, a fence -- MUST BE BUILT.
The Democrat controlled Congress, under Obama CHANGED that law and rendered it ineffective.

How Congress Prevented Border Fence Law's Implementation

We now have a president again to whom this is a major priority.

A WALL will be built where necessary. A FENCE in areas where a wall is impractical.

But most important -- and all that is really necessary --- the BORDER LAWS will be strictly enforced by president Trump. If he does that, his supporters will consider his presidency a YUGE success! And the America hating left -- including Europe will continue to "misunderestimate" President Trump.
you are smarter then that Eloy , Americans were sick of mrobama and they understood that 'illary' was just an extension of mrobama and his policies so WE went for Trump . -------- you say Trump is a CON MAN , what is the Trump trying to con , please give some examples Eloy .
Willingly. First of all he is a showman, not dissimilar from a carnival barker, saying anything that will get him noticed. But once you listen to him and read his tweets you can see that he is only a windbag. As the Republican Mitt Romney said, check out his fake university that landed him with a lawsuit after he conned students to enroll and pay him money. Then there was Trump Airline ... what happened to that after he conned people into thinking it was legit. What else, all the real estate, buildings with his name on them but do not belong to him, another con. He was also called a con man by the Republican Senator Rubio. He conned the gullible into believing that he will appoint a special prosecutor to charge Hillary Clinton and then lock her up but that will not be heard of again. He actually conned people into thinking that he would build a wall all along the border with Mexico! That will never happen; I believe he said something about it being a fence now. HA HA

American people know well his type, a snake oil self promoter with a gigantic ego that has him believing in his own brash promises. He hasn't a clue about how the government works, totally without any elective office experience. Before he has been inaugurated he has the Chinese wanting to know what he means by talking to the Taiwanese. What next!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and geez , i thought that you were smart Eloy . Anyway starting at the bottom , wot are you scared of the 'chinese' ?? Both the Trump and ' I ' say feck the 'chinese' . It is true that an American President can talk to anyone that he likes Eloy . ---------------------------------Wall , fence , barrier , armed border patrol or national guard . Trump can decide what he thinks will best fit the situation and landscape and mexico will pay for it , one way or the other . ------------------------------------- SPECIAL Prosecutor , we will see what happens when the TRUMP is actually President and his Law and Order Attorney General Senator Jeff Session is seated as 'AG'. --------------------------------------------- Roobio is a ''Cuban and a former 'gang of eight' sympathizer for illegal immigration and amnesty so , to heck with him . --------------------------------- The buildings that Trump doesn't own but which have his name on them is called BRANDING . The owners of the buildings that TRUMP doesn't own but which have the TRUMP name on them is because the building owners pay Trump money to put the Trump name on the building . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP university is BS / fluff and the issue is dead and the issue was long before the Trump was running for President although it was recently mentioned by media scum to try to hurt the Trump . ----------------- Trump airlines , just more BS and fluff news, i never heard of them . can't comment except to say that it might be a failed business venture Eloy !!
He actually conned people into thinking that he would build a wall all along the border with Mexico! That will never happen; I believe he said something about it being a fence now. HA HA
EU open borders idiot.
BY LAW, a fence -- MUST BE BUILT.
The Democrat controlled Congress, under Obama CHANGED that law and rendered it ineffective.

How Congress Prevented Border Fence Law's Implementation

We now have a president again to whom this is a major priority.

A WALL will be built where necessary. A FENCE in areas where a wall is impractical.

But most important -- and all that is really necessary --- the BORDER LAWS will be strictly enforced by president Trump. If he does that, his supporters will consider his presidency a YUGE success! And the America hating left -- including Europe will continue to "misunderestimate" President Trump.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Death Angel sums up the situation quite nicely Eloy !!

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