This Forum Needs to Set an Example

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So, you're saying that the staff should ban people you disagree with.

No different than what Progressives are doing everywhere.

Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?

That's illegal. Bringing up other things is just a Red Herring.

My OP is quite precise. The Staff need to make examples of some of these obvious racist that are going to trickle in, so that the others that are looking for a new home to spread their BS racist shit go somewhere else.
So, you're saying that the staff should ban people you disagree with.

No different than what Progressives are doing everywhere.

Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

There are many instances already of hateful comments, there have been for years, it isn't suddenly something that has just happened at this forum yesterday.

Sorry I don't believe in the policy that just because there is drip coming from the ceiling that I might as well let the roof cave in.

What about people who post vile things about police officers?

What about people who defend Islamic Terrorism by deflecting away from it?

What about people who post hateful things about Christians and Jesus Christ?

Where do you want to stop once you go onto the slippery slope of This Offends Me So Censor It NOW?

Personally I think the only people who should be removed are those who have so little shame that they OPENLY post that they like REO Fucking Speedwagon and KISS and Lady Fucking Gaga.

So, you're saying that the staff should ban people you disagree with.

No different than what Progressives are doing everywhere.

Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?
Hate speech against an individual for specific causes does not sink to the level of hate speech against whole segment of the American citizenry based on ignorance and stereotypes.
So, you're saying that the staff should ban people you disagree with.

No different than what Progressives are doing everywhere.

Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?
Hate speech against an individual for specific causes does not sink to the level of hate speech against whole segment of the American citizenry based on ignorance and stereotypes.

What about if someone is anti-LGTBQ? Are they the next group of people your type demand are removed, if they don't support the LGBTQ Agenda, if they don't support allowing children to Transgender?

Is not supporting the LGBTQ Agenda due to "ignorance"? What is it next? Re-Education Camps?

Leftists are the Fascists, you are again illustrating it in this thread.
My OP is quite precise. The Staff need to make examples of some of these obvious racist that are going to trickle in, so that the others that are looking for a new home to spread their BS racist shit go somewhere else.

Define 'obvious racist' would that include Trump supporters?
So, you're saying that the staff should ban people you disagree with.

No different than what Progressives are doing everywhere.

Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing is mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

This is a private forum, at liberty to ban hate speech if the forum’s administrators so desire.

And private message boards banning hate speech violates no one’s right to free expression, as that right concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not private entities such as message boards.
So, you're saying that the staff should ban people you disagree with.

No different than what Progressives are doing everywhere.

Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing is mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

This is a private forum, at liberty to ban hate speech if the forum’s administrators so desire.

And private message boards banning hate speech violates no one’s right to free expression, as that right concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not private entities such as message boards.

Yes and others have the right to leave if they disagree with the labeling. That's the way free speech and free enterprise works IF the ones being banned are conservative. Leftist liberals will get support from the ACLU for reinstatement. That's just the way it works for now........Hopefully not for long though.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.
If the forum "loses a lot of good people", because of an influx of posters with contrary points of view; one would have to surmise that those lost, really weren't all that "good" to begin with. It just means your buddies can't hold their own in a debate.

However... You Libs already outnumber us conservatives by something like 3-1. Yet you still lose constantly; so I can see your cause for concern

One thing is having people who are willing to debate, I've debated with some White Supremacists who have been willing to come with their views and defend them, another is those who come on here with crap and spout crap and won't debate for shit, which happens a lot at the best of times.

How can I debate with someone who's argument is "you're an idiot"?
I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

When did you adopt the role of forum police?

The purpose of the First Amendment is to protect Hate Speech. YOU do not get to determine what is or is not Hate Speech.

I never heard of Stormfront but I am certain that it is no more or less vile than far left sites such as The DailyKOS or The Nation.

Yes, this is a private site and they can include or exclude whatever they wish. However, I doubt that you lobbying for the exclusion of certain people is relevant.

So, you're saying that the staff should ban people you disagree with.

No different than what Progressives are doing everywhere.

Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing is mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

This is a private forum, at liberty to ban hate speech if the forum’s administrators so desire.

And private message boards banning hate speech violates no one’s right to free expression, as that right concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not private entities such as message boards.

Yes and others have the right to leave if they disagree with the labeling. That's the way free speech and free enterprise works IF the ones being banned are conservative. Leftist liberals will get support from the ACLU for reinstatement. That's just the way it works for now........Hopefully not for long though.

That essentially is what this is about, Censorship of ALL Conservative Speech, the new definition as defined of course by the Leftists is that Hate Speech IS Conservative Speech, and then the Leftists will demand that Hate Speech is Libertarian Speech etc....then to include the Centrists, until the ONLY Free Speech that is allowed is the Leftist Agenda of INSANE Political Correctness.

The slippery slope.
No different than what Progressives are doing everywhere.

Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?
Hate speech against an individual for specific causes does not sink to the level of hate speech against whole segment of the American citizenry based on ignorance and stereotypes.

What about if someone is anti-LGTBQ? Are they the next group of people your type demand are removed, if they don't support the LGBTQ Agenda, if they don't support allowing children to Transgender?

Is not supporting the LGBTQ Agenda due to "ignorance"? What is it next? Re-Education Camps?

Leftists are the Fascists, you are again illustrating it in this thread.
You can be anti-LGBTQ without being hateful. But smearing the LBGTQ community with hate and stereotypes does not serve you or your argument well as it exposed you and your argument as an ignorant bigot.
Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?
Hate speech against an individual for specific causes does not sink to the level of hate speech against whole segment of the American citizenry based on ignorance and stereotypes.

What about if someone is anti-LGTBQ? Are they the next group of people your type demand are removed, if they don't support the LGBTQ Agenda, if they don't support allowing children to Transgender?

Is not supporting the LGBTQ Agenda due to "ignorance"? What is it next? Re-Education Camps?

Leftists are the Fascists, you are again illustrating it in this thread.
You can be anti-LGBTQ without being hateful. But smearing the LBGTQ community with hate and stereotypes does not serve you or your argument well as it exposed you and your argument as an ignorant bigot.

Not that I care what you Politically Correct Snowflakes think, there is no more Intolerant group of people than the LGBTQ Crowd.

So the faggots and Trannies can GTFO if they don't like it.
Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?
Hate speech against an individual for specific causes does not sink to the level of hate speech against whole segment of the American citizenry based on ignorance and stereotypes.

What about if someone is anti-LGTBQ? Are they the next group of people your type demand are removed, if they don't support the LGBTQ Agenda, if they don't support allowing children to Transgender?

Is not supporting the LGBTQ Agenda due to "ignorance"? What is it next? Re-Education Camps?

Leftists are the Fascists, you are again illustrating it in this thread.
You can be anti-LGBTQ without being hateful. But smearing the LBGTQ community with hate and stereotypes does not serve you or your argument well as it exposed you and your argument as an ignorant bigot.

They WANT to be stereotyped.....Why else would they separate themselves with alphabet salads like LBGTQ? (What does the 'Q' stand for? Prolly not queer.....Just wondering....I don't wanna upset anybody....)
Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?
Hate speech against an individual for specific causes does not sink to the level of hate speech against whole segment of the American citizenry based on ignorance and stereotypes.

What about if someone is anti-LGTBQ? Are they the next group of people your type demand are removed, if they don't support the LGBTQ Agenda, if they don't support allowing children to Transgender?

Is not supporting the LGBTQ Agenda due to "ignorance"? What is it next? Re-Education Camps?

Leftists are the Fascists, you are again illustrating it in this thread.
You can be anti-LGBTQ without being hateful. But smearing the LBGTQ community with hate and stereotypes does not serve you or your argument well as it exposed you and your argument as an ignorant bigot.

Not that I care what you Politically Correct Snowflakes think, there is no more Intolerant group of people than the LGBTQ Crowd.

So the faggots and Trannies can GTFO if they don't like it.
As I said, when you lace your argument with hate and stereotypes you expose both yourself and your argument as ignorant.

Thanks so much for making that abundantly clear for everyone! You must be so very proud.
Personally I think the only people who should be removed are those who have so little shame that they OPENLY post that they like REO Fucking Speedwagon and KISS and Lady Fucking Gaga.
You forgot Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Justin Beiber and a multitude of other creepies like the Kardashians, et al. Glad I am not the only one that is sick of Gaga.
Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?
Hate speech against an individual for specific causes does not sink to the level of hate speech against whole segment of the American citizenry based on ignorance and stereotypes.

What about if someone is anti-LGTBQ? Are they the next group of people your type demand are removed, if they don't support the LGBTQ Agenda, if they don't support allowing children to Transgender?

Is not supporting the LGBTQ Agenda due to "ignorance"? What is it next? Re-Education Camps?

Leftists are the Fascists, you are again illustrating it in this thread.
You can be anti-LGBTQ without being hateful. But smearing the LBGTQ community with hate and stereotypes does not serve you or your argument well as it exposed you and your argument as an ignorant bigot.

They WANT to be stereotyped.....Why else would they separate themselves with alphabet salads like LBGTQ? (What does the 'Q' stand for? Prolly not queer.....Just wondering....I don't wanna upset anybody....)
I see you've exhausted all your intellect and curiosity framing your response. I don't want to tax it further.

Pearls before swine comes to mind, but blood from a turnip might be more apropos.
So, you're saying that the staff should ban people you disagree with.

No different than what Progressives are doing everywhere.

Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing is mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

This is a private forum, at liberty to ban hate speech if the forum’s administrators so desire.

And private message boards banning hate speech violates no one’s right to free expression, as that right concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not private entities such as message boards.

Personally as a supporter of Free Speech, I don't think anyone should be removed unless as I stated they openly are advocating Paedophilia or Cruelty to Animals.

Not many people want to exist in a nightmare world of 1984 Thought Police, you of course want to as you are a Leftist and a 1984 world of Thought Police is your bizarro wet dream.

I myself support the right of people to have Free Speech and Free Thought.
What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?
Hate speech against an individual for specific causes does not sink to the level of hate speech against whole segment of the American citizenry based on ignorance and stereotypes.

What about if someone is anti-LGTBQ? Are they the next group of people your type demand are removed, if they don't support the LGBTQ Agenda, if they don't support allowing children to Transgender?

Is not supporting the LGBTQ Agenda due to "ignorance"? What is it next? Re-Education Camps?

Leftists are the Fascists, you are again illustrating it in this thread.
You can be anti-LGBTQ without being hateful. But smearing the LBGTQ community with hate and stereotypes does not serve you or your argument well as it exposed you and your argument as an ignorant bigot.

They WANT to be stereotyped.....Why else would they separate themselves with alphabet salads like LBGTQ? (What does the 'Q' stand for? Prolly not queer.....Just wondering....I don't wanna upset anybody....)
I see you've exhausted all your intellect and curiosity framing your response. I don't want to tax it further.

Pearls before swine comes to mind, but blood from a turnip might be more apropos.

Translation...."I have no logical answer".....Do you know what Q means? I really don't know.
What about people who have posted that they would like The Donald assassinated?

That's Hate Speech isn't it, or isn't it?
Hate speech against an individual for specific causes does not sink to the level of hate speech against whole segment of the American citizenry based on ignorance and stereotypes.

What about if someone is anti-LGTBQ? Are they the next group of people your type demand are removed, if they don't support the LGBTQ Agenda, if they don't support allowing children to Transgender?

Is not supporting the LGBTQ Agenda due to "ignorance"? What is it next? Re-Education Camps?

Leftists are the Fascists, you are again illustrating it in this thread.
You can be anti-LGBTQ without being hateful. But smearing the LBGTQ community with hate and stereotypes does not serve you or your argument well as it exposed you and your argument as an ignorant bigot.

They WANT to be stereotyped.....Why else would they separate themselves with alphabet salads like LBGTQ? (What does the 'Q' stand for? Prolly not queer.....Just wondering....I don't wanna upset anybody....)
I see you've exhausted all your intellect and curiosity framing your response. I don't want to tax it further.

Pearls before swine comes to mind, but blood from a turnip might be more apropos.

Your intellect and curiosity extends to what exactly? If you don't agree with it then Shut It All Down?
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