This Forum Needs to Set an Example

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Good grief man, most racists on this forum come in here like a bull in a China shop.

You mean like this?

As you know, they supported petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Where was your outrage then?

Non-sequitur. :rolleyes:

I'm against ALL racism, but in the OP I pointed out a specific group of people and where they are coming from.

"I'm against ALL racism"

Including the Black racists who hate White people? Including the Black Race Baiters? If so, maybe you should post a new thread about those also, you know to illustrate that you are against ALL racism.

I have told people that were saying anti-White stuff they aren't helping their cause with the shit they say. I have reported Anti-White threads. An Anti-White website didn't just get shut down. Not sure why this is such a hard concept for you to grasp.

Well, Westwall already responded to your OP, and his response is both logical and reasonable.
Good grief man, most racists on this forum come in here like a bull in a China shop.

You mean like this?

As you know, they supported petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Where was your outrage then?

Non-sequitur. :rolleyes:

I'm against ALL racism, but in the OP I pointed out a specific group of people and where they are coming from.

"I'm against ALL racism"

Including the Black racists who hate White people? Including the Black Race Baiters? If so, maybe you should post a new thread about those also, you know to illustrate that you are against ALL racism.

I have told people that were saying anti-White stuff they aren't helping their cause with the shit they say. I have reported Anti-White threads. An Anti-White website didn't just get shut down. Not sure why this is such a hard concept for you to grasp.

Well, Westwall already responded to your OP, and his response is both logical and reasonable.

Well, the person I was referring to in the OP has already received a ban. So we'll see where it goes from there. Stormfront just shut down yesterday so...
Some people are terrified of debate and even worse of those who have a different opinion, they want an Echo Chamber where only they who agree 100% on everything are allowed.

That is not the type of world that most people want, it would be very boring and completely pointless to exist in such a world, a situation where everyone had the SAME opinions and there was NO debate.

I can strongly disagree with someone and they strongly disagree with me, but I will defend their RIGHT to have a different opinion and also am willing to have a debate, if it can be kept above descending into vicious type name calling etc.

Hate Speech isn't a debatable subject. When a group simply posts threads full of pseudo-science and hate, there is nothing to discuss, their position will never change, and all they are doing is mucking up the forum. It has nothing to do with wanting people that I don't agree with to be banned. It's about the fact as long as these racist idiots need a new home, once one comes here and is accepted, then like an ant will go back to it's group and tell them all about this new place they can come to and set up shop.

I guarantee that the owner of the forum, the advertisers, or the mods want a forum full of Stormfront refugees.

This is a private forum, at liberty to ban hate speech if the forum’s administrators so desire.

And private message boards banning hate speech violates no one’s right to free expression, as that right concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not private entities such as message boards.

Personally as a supporter of Free Speech, I don't think anyone should be removed unless as I stated they openly are advocating Paedophilia or Cruelty to Animals.

Not many people want to exist in a nightmare world of 1984 Thought Police, you of course want to as you are a Leftist and a 1984 world of Thought Police is your bizarro wet dream.

I myself support the right of people to have Free Speech and Free Thought.
You ever been on an almost purely racist site? You don't want to be unless you advocate what they advocate and we've been experiencing a somewhat large influx lately. Since it's a privately owned board the owner gets to decide what is free speech and what isn't.............

No I haven't.

I also haven't noticed this large influx you mention, but then the past week I've only been on randomly and also it depends what section this is all getting posted in and/or if threads are being moved or whatever if I notice them.
it's been happening over a period of time just like the last few times it happened.
I'm against ALL racism, but in the OP I pointed out a specific group of people and where they are coming from.

So where are they? Or, here's an even better idea. Anyone you suspect of being racist, just put them on ignore? Problem solved.
Well, the person I was referring to in the OP has already received a ban. So we'll see where it goes from there. Stormfront just shut down yesterday so...
I never paid much attention to Stormfront so...can I ask how you know it shut down yesterday? Obviously you were not a participant, so...where did you get the news about it?

I also don't pay much attention to Black Panther crap, or BLM or KKK stuff. case anyone forgot....look at the main front page of USMB. What does it say under the banner?

"Where your voices count".

I think that means all voices? Banning or stopping "racists" of any ilk is no better than stopping people from speeches or rally's or marches, etc in a country that allows the same thing. All voices count. Well, except lately. If you are a conservative, or a republican...then of course you are a KKK member. Right? Wrong.
Well, the person I was referring to in the OP has already received a ban. So we'll see where it goes from there. Stormfront just shut down yesterday so...
I never paid much attention to Stormfront so...can I ask how you know it shut down yesterday? Obviously you were not a participant, so...where did you get the news about it?

I also don't pay much attention to Black Panther crap, or BLM or KKK stuff. case anyone forgot....look at the main front page of USMB. What does it say under the banner?

"Where your voices count".

I think that means all voices? Banning or stopping "racists" of any ilk is no better than stopping people from speeches or rally's or marches, etc in a country that allows the same thing. All voices count. Well, except lately. If you are a conservative, or a republican...then of course you are a KKK member. Right? Wrong.

Actually, regardless of what is being done to this country we still have societal norms. These norms are generally opposed to spewing hate and violence at each other and are thus finding this newly accepted movement promoted by our new President to be a problem. A small minority of citizens do not direct the ethical course of the majority and will be opposed when they try regardless of who leads it.
It is a testament to the population and hopefully expected that attacking the minority is fought against by the majority...we the people.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

While I despise their posts, they serve a purpose

They demonstrate to all that racism is alive and well in this country. Thanks to the ability to make anonymous messageboard posts

Racism is a live and well in Prog-Elite enclaves around the country.

Yet the racist deplorables flock to the Republican Party
I think most of the racists on USMB are phony

They hide behind the anonymity of a Message Board to spew the hate they can't say in public.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

'Racebaiting?' That is the description of Al Sharptongue and Jessie Jackoff.
Liberals cannot defeat the wave of Americanism over taking the country so they refer to everyone that disagrees with them as racist or nazi.

Je$$ie Ja¢k$on is their hero.
All Americans know the difference between racists and Nazis and the "wave of Americanism" (whatever that means).

If you think Americanism includes a tinge of racism or Nazism, then count yourself among those in a big ol' basket of deplorables.
Then why are so many liberals crying for the last 8 months? No, you are all part of the problem, and anyone that is against you is labeled a nazi or racist.
I think most of the racists on USMB are phony

They hide behind the anonymity of a Message Board to spew the hate they can't say in public.

Let's be honest. Many are probably mad because a Black person is their boss, they lost a significant other from a relationship to, or some other issue... but simply because the person was Black they make it a race issue when if it were to a White person they wouldn't be saying anything. They are using it as an unhealthy outlet to try and ease their own pain.

The same thing used to happen towards women that men felt were inferior.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.
Stormfront was shut down? For real?
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.
Stormfront was shut down? For real?

Yep their host took it down.

Neo-Nazi website Stormfront forced offline 'by its own host'

...and they had 300,000 registered members as of 2015, thus why I made this thread hoping something could be done to make sure it doesn't get flooded by their rats getting off the sinking ship.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.
Stormfront was shut down? For real?

Yep their host took it down.

Neo-Nazi website Stormfront forced offline 'by its own host'

...and they had 300,000 registered members as of 2015, thus why I made this thread hoping something could be done to make sure it doesn't get flooded by their rats getting off the sinking ship.
300,000 is a kinda scary number. And that's only one site.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.
Stormfront was shut down? For real?

Yep their host took it down.

Neo-Nazi website Stormfront forced offline 'by its own host'

...and they had 300,000 registered members as of 2015, thus why I made this thread hoping something could be done to make sure it doesn't get flooded by their rats getting off the sinking ship.
300,000 is a kinda scary number. And that's only one site.

Exactly. They could overwhelm this forum easily and give the mods so much of a headache it wouldn't be funny.
They can't take over the site. The racists we have here already are generally ignored and/or ridiculed, also likely kept out of social groups. I know I don't invite racists to my own personal group.

Even if he had some sort of point, hating any group or groups of people is not against the rules, so banning people for "being racist" likely won't happen. It's a slippery slope, anyway, as it's just banning people you disagree with.

Yeah except "Hate speech" is in the forum rules when you sign up.

"You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws."
I don't see it anywhere in the site rules.

I just linked it straight from the site rules.
You didn't link, you quoted. Show me where it says it in the rules.

Here is your link. Terms of Service and Rules | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum Sorry it was too difficult for you to click on yourself.

""You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws."

It clearly says not to submit hate speech or link to hate speech.


Define hate speech.


With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

While I despise their posts, they serve a purpose

They demonstrate to all that racism is alive and well in this country. Thanks to the ability to make anonymous messageboard posts

Racism is a live and well in Prog-Elite enclaves around the country.

Yet the racist deplorables flock to the Republican Party

No they don't. That is absolutely crap that you leftwing loons spew.

But keep it up. You'll ensure Trump 2020!
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

'Racebaiting?' That is the description of Al Sharptongue and Jessie Jackoff.
Liberals cannot defeat the wave of Americanism over taking the country so they refer to everyone that disagrees with them as racist or nazi.

Je$$ie Ja¢k$on is their hero.
All Americans know the difference between racists and Nazis and the "wave of Americanism" (whatever that means).

If you think Americanism includes a tinge of racism or Nazism, then count yourself among those in a big ol' basket of deplorables.


I see... So now all the 'deplorables' are racists and Nazi's.


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