This Forum Needs to Set an Example

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With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis

Prove that I've done that. I've said repeatedly that I am only talking about the blatantly obvious people, yet here are many of you creating a strawman argument extrapolating my comments to include a large group of people. What's funny about that, is it like you are masking your defense of those types of people to exist by grouping them into a much larger crowd. Do you even understand what you are doing? YOU are the one here that is putting these same types of idiots into your own inner circle, not me.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis

Prove that I've done that. I've said repeatedly that I am only talking about the blatantly obvious people, yet here are many of you creating a strawman argument extrapolating my comments to include a large group of people. What's funny about that, is it like you are masking your defense of those types of people to exist by grouping them into a much larger crowd. Do you even understand what you are doing? YOU are the one here that is putting these same types of idiots into your own inner circle, not me.

I could not care less what you're saying
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis

Prove that I've done that. I've said repeatedly that I am only talking about the blatantly obvious people, yet here are many of you creating a strawman argument extrapolating my comments to include a large group of people. What's funny about that, is it like you are masking your defense of those types of people to exist by grouping them into a much larger crowd. Do you even understand what you are doing? YOU are the one here that is putting these same types of idiots into your own inner circle, not me.

I could not care less what you're saying

Then why the fuck are you quoting me and posting in this thread? :rolleyes:

Good grief no wonder I've had you on ignore for so long. I thought I would clear out of my ignore list to give people a chance again... but you have just proven my first intuitions correct.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis

Prove that I've done that. I've said repeatedly that I am only talking about the blatantly obvious people, yet here are many of you creating a strawman argument extrapolating my comments to include a large group of people. What's funny about that, is it like you are masking your defense of those types of people to exist by grouping them into a much larger crowd. Do you even understand what you are doing? YOU are the one here that is putting these same types of idiots into your own inner circle, not me.

I could not care less what you're saying

Then why the fuck are you quoting me and posting in this thread? :rolleyes:

Good grief no wonder I've had you on ignore for so long. I thought I would clear out of my ignore list to give people a chance again... but you have just proven my first intuitions correct.

Don't care Lewpuppy
You mean like this?

As you know, they supported petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Where was your outrage then?

Non-sequitur. :rolleyes:

I'm against ALL racism, but in the OP I pointed out a specific group of people and where they are coming from.

"I'm against ALL racism"

Including the Black racists who hate White people? Including the Black Race Baiters? If so, maybe you should post a new thread about those also, you know to illustrate that you are against ALL racism.

I have told people that were saying anti-White stuff they aren't helping their cause with the shit they say. I have reported Anti-White threads. An Anti-White website didn't just get shut down. Not sure why this is such a hard concept for you to grasp.

Well, Westwall already responded to your OP, and his response is both logical and reasonable.

Well, the person I was referring to in the OP has already received a ban. So we'll see where it goes from there. Stormfront just shut down yesterday so...

You mean like this?

As you know, they supported petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Where was your outrage then?

Non-sequitur. :rolleyes:

I'm against ALL racism, but in the OP I pointed out a specific group of people and where they are coming from.

"I'm against ALL racism"

Including the Black racists who hate White people? Including the Black Race Baiters? If so, maybe you should post a new thread about those also, you know to illustrate that you are against ALL racism.

I have told people that were saying anti-White stuff they aren't helping their cause with the shit they say. I have reported Anti-White threads. An Anti-White website didn't just get shut down. Not sure why this is such a hard concept for you to grasp.

Well, Westwall already responded to your OP, and his response is both logical and reasonable.

Well, the person I was referring to in the OP has already received a ban. So we'll see where it goes from there. Stormfront just shut down yesterday so...

The person who posted the donkey thread that you refer to in your OP, I just looked and that one joined not yesterday but on August 8th.

We also must be careful that we don't immediately polarise on new members who have just joined, an example in this thread is Leo, who earlier in this thread thought you were referring to him because he joined yesterday and then you told him that you were not referring to him.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis

Prove that I've done that. I've said repeatedly that I am only talking about the blatantly obvious people, yet here are many of you creating a strawman argument extrapolating my comments to include a large group of people. What's funny about that, is it like you are masking your defense of those types of people to exist by grouping them into a much larger crowd. Do you even understand what you are doing? YOU are the one here that is putting these same types of idiots into your own inner circle, not me.
Sassyirishlass is one of the rdeans of the right, it's a curable condition but like quitting smoking one has to really want to.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.
Stormfront was shut down? For real?

Yep their host took it down.

Neo-Nazi website Stormfront forced offline 'by its own host'

...and they had 300,000 registered members as of 2015, thus why I made this thread hoping something could be done to make sure it doesn't get flooded by their rats getting off the sinking ship.

I don't think most of them are going to come to this forum, I think you are in a panic for nothing and this is all hysteria.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis

Prove that I've done that. I've said repeatedly that I am only talking about the blatantly obvious people, yet here are many of you creating a strawman argument extrapolating my comments to include a large group of people. What's funny about that, is it like you are masking your defense of those types of people to exist by grouping them into a much larger crowd. Do you even understand what you are doing? YOU are the one here that is putting these same types of idiots into your own inner circle, not me.
Sassyirishlass is one of the rdeans of the right, it's a curable condition but like quitting smoking one has to really want to.

Sassy is okay, so stop it Captain Jack Sparrow :meow:
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis

Prove that I've done that. I've said repeatedly that I am only talking about the blatantly obvious people, yet here are many of you creating a strawman argument extrapolating my comments to include a large group of people. What's funny about that, is it like you are masking your defense of those types of people to exist by grouping them into a much larger crowd. Do you even understand what you are doing? YOU are the one here that is putting these same types of idiots into your own inner circle, not me.
Sassyirishlass is one of the rdeans of the right, it's a curable condition but like quitting smoking one has to really want to.

Sassy is okay, so stop it Captain Jack Sparrow :meow:
Sassy is an extreme partisan hack who relies entirely on base sociopolitical generalizations and stereotypes just like most on this board appear to do regardless of which side they're on.
I think most of the racists on USMB are phony

They hide behind the anonymity of a Message Board to spew the hate they can't say in public.

Let's be honest. Many are probably mad because a Black person is their boss, they lost a significant other from a relationship to, or some other issue... but simply because the person was Black they make it a race issue when if it were to a White person they wouldn't be saying anything. They are using it as an unhealthy outlet to try and ease their own pain.

The same thing used to happen towards women that men felt were inferior.

So you are making excuses for Black racists then? Nobody should be surprised, you have no problem with Black racists, they're just misunderstood or whatever.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis

Prove that I've done that. I've said repeatedly that I am only talking about the blatantly obvious people, yet here are many of you creating a strawman argument extrapolating my comments to include a large group of people. What's funny about that, is it like you are masking your defense of those types of people to exist by grouping them into a much larger crowd. Do you even understand what you are doing? YOU are the one here that is putting these same types of idiots into your own inner circle, not me.
Sassyirishlass is one of the rdeans of the right, it's a curable condition but like quitting smoking one has to really want to.

Sassy is okay, so stop it Captain Jack Sparrow :meow:
Sassy is an extreme partisan hack who relies entirely on base sociopolitical generalizations and stereotypes just like most on this board appear to do regardless of which side they're on.

Good grief, another clown bloviates
Well, the person I was referring to in the OP has already received a ban. So we'll see where it goes from there. Stormfront just shut down yesterday so...
I never paid much attention to Stormfront so...can I ask how you know it shut down yesterday? Obviously you were not a participant, so...where did you get the news about it?

I also don't pay much attention to Black Panther crap, or BLM or KKK stuff. case anyone forgot....look at the main front page of USMB. What does it say under the banner?

"Where your voices count".

I think that means all voices? Banning or stopping "racists" of any ilk is no better than stopping people from speeches or rally's or marches, etc in a country that allows the same thing. All voices count. Well, except lately. If you are a conservative, or a republican...then of course you are a KKK member. Right? Wrong.

The slippery slope Gracie, essentially the goal that is aimed for is to declare ALL Conservative speech as Hate Speech and ALL Conservatives as White Supremacists, the Free Speech Rally in Boston, Massachucetts for example that was a rally by Conservative and Libertarian groups and the Left with the Propaganda MSM declared it a White Supremacist Hate Speech rally.

What is the difference between BLM and the KKK? There is no difference, Black Supremacists and White Supremacists, two sides of the same coin, there are people here who strongly support and parrot the BLM mantra and yet has Lewdog become hysterical about that? No he hasn't.
The problem is you moon bats think everyone is racist that dares disagree with you...that or the new one, nazis

Prove that I've done that. I've said repeatedly that I am only talking about the blatantly obvious people, yet here are many of you creating a strawman argument extrapolating my comments to include a large group of people. What's funny about that, is it like you are masking your defense of those types of people to exist by grouping them into a much larger crowd. Do you even understand what you are doing? YOU are the one here that is putting these same types of idiots into your own inner circle, not me.
Sassyirishlass is one of the rdeans of the right, it's a curable condition but like quitting smoking one has to really want to.

Sassy is okay, so stop it Captain Jack Sparrow :meow:
Sassy is an extreme partisan hack who relies entirely on base sociopolitical generalizations and stereotypes just like most on this board appear to do regardless of which side they're on.

Good grief, another clown bloviates
Look, we know you have the power of projection, it came with your Power Ranger suit............
I think most of the racists on USMB are phony

They hide behind the anonymity of a Message Board to spew the hate they can't say in public.

Let's be honest. Many are probably mad because a Black person is their boss, they lost a significant other from a relationship to, or some other issue... but simply because the person was Black they make it a race issue when if it were to a White person they wouldn't be saying anything. They are using it as an unhealthy outlet to try and ease their own pain.

The same thing used to happen towards women that men felt were inferior.

So you are making excuses for Black racists then? Nobody should be surprised, you have no problem with Black racists, they're just misunderstood or whatever.

You make this argument without any proof of it. I've said numerous times I don't care for racist from either side. Ban them both, there is no need for them. Of course it is no different from people that wish bad things on people because of their sexual orientation either. :)
I think most of the racists on USMB are phony

They hide behind the anonymity of a Message Board to spew the hate they can't say in public.

Let's be honest. Many are probably mad because a Black person is their boss, they lost a significant other from a relationship to, or some other issue... but simply because the person was Black they make it a race issue when if it were to a White person they wouldn't be saying anything. They are using it as an unhealthy outlet to try and ease their own pain.

The same thing used to happen towards women that men felt were inferior.

So you are making excuses for Black racists then? Nobody should be surprised, you have no problem with Black racists, they're just misunderstood or whatever.

You make this argument without any proof of it. I've said numerous times I don't care for racist from either side. Ban them both, there is no need for them. Of course it is no different from people that wish bad things on people because of their sexual orientation either. :)

So you are saying that if people are anti-LGBTQ they should be put into the same category as Black Supremacists and White Supremacists?

This is what I mean with the slippery slope.

Also I don't think that mega amounts of people from that other forum are going to come to this forum. This is because forums like that other forum are Echo Chambers, they don't want to debate people, they just want people who hold the exact views as they hold and then they all agree with each other.
With news that Stormfront was shut down, there is going to be a flood of racists to this forum, one of which has already made theirself well known today, starting like 5 race baiting threads in a matter of hours. If this forum doesn't want to lose a lot of good people from being overrun by these types of people, they are going to need to start making examples of these racists and banning them as fast as possible.

While I despise their posts, they serve a purpose

They demonstrate to all that racism is alive and well in this country. Thanks to the ability to make anonymous messageboard posts

Correct. You only need "safe zones" if you know you are on the losing end of a debate.
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