This is a political comment and should stay in..

Which part of the USA is Oblama destroying?

The national character.

"The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."

From Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address.
in less than two weeks a new millenium will begin with the advent of the nations most sweeping and progressive Health Care Reform in American History.

the citizens will take control of their Health Care rather than the special interest that to date continue to attempt the repeal the sweeping reforms mandated by the ACA.

Some dyslexic said you were full of carp.
The rightwing propaganda machine has become so addicted to hyperbole and hysteria that whatever merit any of their messages might have has become drowned out

by the maniacal ravings of end-of-worlders.

"The rightwing propaganda machine..."

Which of these did you have in mind?

Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss
translation = Bush did it.

No, it was not just Bush; you are always wrong when you suggest that.

From 1980 means RR, GWHB, WJC, GWB, and BHO, as well as more than a thousand congresspeople and senators, as well as We the People who let them do it.

OK, we agree, they all did it. But obama has taken it several steps beyond the others because he has a goal to punish the USA for its greed, arrogance, and slavery.

Read the asshole's books, he says it several times.

"punish"? His word or yours.
We pay twice what the rest of the industrialized world pays for healthcare.

There is no way our healthcare is twice as good.

That is proof that something is wrong.

Conservatives want to do little more than preserve that wrong,

which is why conservatives are wrong.

Prior to healthcare in the world as determined by longevity.

"If you correct for two causes of death not directly related to health care—homicides and automobile accidents—the U.S. actually rises to the top of the list for life expectancy."
Politics this forum discusses "government policies and candidates"...

I am very very frustrated with the POLITICS of Obama because he has by with his OWN words shown he will SAY anything to PROMOTE HIS IDEOLOGY which is the destruction of the USA.

Obama said as much when he said "I prefer a single payer"
He prefers and pushing ACA he favors destroying 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes & employ 400,000 people!
IS THAT WHAT ALL AMERICANS WANT? The destruction of companies and more importantly having to make up the $100 billion?

He prefers the destruction of a health care system to provide insurance for less the 1/2 of 1% of the country?

Obama pushes the destruction of our way of life as ACA is reducing the work week to 30 hours... all because of ACA!

Obama has ONLY non-profit experiences and NOT once obviously has he ever asked.."Hmmm where does the non-profit
get the money to pay me"???

I know that sounds terrible naive on his part BUT HIS ACTIONS AND WORDS indicates he doesn't know that the
Annenberg Foundation that paid him in Chicago.
Walter Hubert Annenberg (March 13, 1908 – October 1, 2002) was an American publisher, philanthropist, and diplomat most
of his wealth coming from TV Guide!

As a community organizer HE subsisted on profit generating philanthropists like Annenberg!

YET most of you that supported Obama did so NOT because YOU wanted the destruction of the USA obviously but you did so
because of two factors.
1) YOU were ignorant about Obama i.e. who he was, where he came from, who mentored him and especially what he WANTED!
2) And because you were ignorant YOU VOTED for him because you are racists!
YES you are if you voted for him because he is half black!
You couldn't vote against him because YOU were ignorant of his experiences, his agenda,etc. so the ONLY reason you voted
for him was because YOU didn't want to think YOU were racist so you voted for Obama!
Even though you were racist by practicing "Affirmative Action" regarding the Presidency.. which is so classic racist attitude.

100% Flame. wtf? Seriously, get a life
Which part of the USA is Oblama destroying?

Every single bit of it he can!!!

He's working hard at destroying our coal industry.

He's not only blocking the Keystone pipeline but doing everything he can to shut down the new sources of gas and oil.

He and his Dumbocrat buddies are destroying small banks to replace them with the giant multinational ones who have continually donated to his and their campaigns.

He is doing his best to downgrade and limit the abilities of all branches of our armed forces. He is destroying their morale and doing away with their rights and benefits.

He is doing everything he can to promote an atheist and Islamic agenda. Christianity and Judaism is under attack.

He is a proponent of Big Brother government at every level where individual freedoms and choices no longer exist.

All of this is only a start! :hellno:
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in less than two weeks a new millenium will begin with the advent of the nations most sweeping and progressive Health Care Reform in American History.

the citizens will take control of their Health Care rather than the special interest that to date continue to attempt the repeal the sweeping reforms mandated by the ACA.

Well, it's certainly clear that YOU need medical care on an emergency basis! Mental care! :eusa_whistle:
Well he save the auto and financial industry while killing Bin Laden and Gaddafi..

If he's trying to "Destroy America" he's doing a really awful job.

He should take lessons from Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

Those guys did a fantastic job of putting America under. :clap:
No, it was not just Bush; you are always wrong when you suggest that.

From 1980 means RR, GWHB, WJC, GWB, and BHO, as well as more than a thousand congresspeople and senators, as well as We the People who let them do it.

OK, we agree, they all did it. But obama has taken it several steps beyond the others because he has a goal to punish the USA for its greed, arrogance, and slavery.

Read the asshole's books, he says it several times.

"punish"? His word or yours.

mine, but the fact that that is his goal does not require a very in-depth reading of his books and his pre-campaign speeches, or his mentors.

Ayers, Wright, Aliinsky, Fleager, and yes Karl Marx. Obama believes in a system of marxist collectivism. "you didn't build that" " I want to redistribute the wealth" "socialized medicine" " the rich are not paying their fair share" The exact same rhetoric used by Hitler, Mao, Marx, Lenin, Castro, and Chavez.

Wake up RW and snake, the guy is not who you think he is.
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The problem is not Obama, people. Anybody who did their homework at all knew pretty much what we would get with Obama based on his own words, his own activities, his own track record. I did not expect him to be as devoid of conviction or principles or as hopeless a liar as he has proved himself to be, but all the other signs were there to see for those with eyes to see.

The problem is in the hopeless devout partisanship of those who won't admit they were wrong about Obama. Who just tighten up the blinders and swallow the inconsistencies and parrot the party and ideological line in some kind of blind hope that it all will somehow work out. Better to endure the misery than look to the hated conservatives to set it right.

Obama is not a person with sufficient vision or leadership skills to wreck anything. But those determined to make him god and all that is benevolent and righteous and good DO have the power to bring us down. And so far they're doing a damn good job of it.
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