This is a very dark day in American history

Unlike Clinton, Trump has nothing to apologize for

Other than shaking down a foreign leader for personal gain.

yet the clintons were involved in drug smuggling up to their ears and had people ARKANSAWED off who knew about his drug smuggling activites while governor and gave the FBI to go ahead to murder children at waco and yet he is walking the streets free as a bird,very dark day indeed when a president gets way with murder like that and even more sad,they only impeach him for some stupid blowjob.
Impeachment has now been reduced to an everyday political ploy.

Even now I'm certain impeachment papers are being prepared for the next three elected presidents with blank spaces for their names.

Like so much - cheapened.

Next step: Have your DIY impeachment papers printed in bulk in China.
Unlike Clinton, Trump has nothing to apologize for

Other than shaking down a foreign leader for personal gain.

yet the clintons were involved in drug smuggling up to their ears and had people ARKANSAWED off who knew about his drug smuggling activites while governor and gave the FBI to go ahead to murder children at waco and yet he is walking the streets free as a bird,very dark day indeed when a president gets way with murder like that and even more sad,they only impeach him for some stupid blowjob.
"A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is"
Babs Crowley
Unlike Clinton, Trump has nothing to apologize for

Other than shaking down a foreign leader for personal gain.

Which there is zero evidence of. Biden though....there is shitloads of evidence he did that.

But you whores cover up for him. Does he pay you to do that or are you just stupid?
"zero evidence of".....:71: Nice gas lighting attempt......par for the trumpanzee course.

There is no need to gaslight what is factually correct, moron. No, it is you brainless loons who have been gaslighting the country for three years now.

Your collective bitch slapping is going to be epic.
Did you say the same when Former President Bill Clinton was impeached?

I wonder if St Trumpy will go on TV and apologize for HIs actions like Clinton did?

More than likely though, He'll go on TV and demand an apology from us for besmirching His good character.

Jeff Epstein and his young nieces were frequent visitors to the Clinton White House. BJ Clinton's a fucking pig who raped grown women and fucked young girls
View attachment 295555 NBC archive footage shows Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein in 1992

That's pre-Epstein getting booted from Trump's properties. BJ Clinton got frequent flyers miles, and 16 year old girls from flying Lolita Island Airlines. It's OK for grown men to fuck 16 year old girls, amiright?

Cue: Trump at the beauty pageant in failed attempt to deflect BJ Clinton serial pedophilia
Did you say the same when Former President Bill Clinton was impeached?

I wonder if St Trumpy will go on TV and apologize for HIs actions like Clinton did?

More than likely though, He'll go on TV and demand an apology from us for besmirching His good character.

Jeff Epstein and his young nieces were frequent visitors to the Clinton White House. BJ Clinton's a fucking pig who raped grown women and fucked young girls
View attachment 295555 NBC archive footage shows Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein in 1992

That's pre-Epstein getting booted from Trump's properties. BJ Clinton got frequent flyers miles, and 16 year old girls from flying Lolita Island Airlines. It's OK for grown men to fuck 16 year old girls, amiright?

Cue: Trump at the beauty pageant in failed attempt to deflect BJ Clinton serial pedophilia

It's bodie the fat ass. All she has are pics from long ago that prove only that Trump was the ONLY person who actually helped the Epstein victims.

Not bodies heroes, but TRUMP.

If she had a decent bone in her body she would give Trump credit for that but we all know she's a useless piece of shit.
Did you say the same when Former President Bill Clinton was impeached?

I wonder if St Trumpy will go on TV and apologize for HIs actions like Clinton did?

More than likely though, He'll go on TV and demand an apology from us for besmirching His good character.

he wasn't caugHT BECAUSE they . HAD NOTHING TO PIN ON HIM .
Did you say the same when Former President Bill Clinton was impeached?

I wonder if St Trumpy will go on TV and apologize for HIs actions like Clinton did?

More than likely though, He'll go on TV and demand an apology from us for besmirching His good character.


Democrats have a long-shot plan to remove the president via a civil emergency to bypass the Senate:

Exclusive! Dems/Deep State Plan to Remove Trump Via the SCOTUS Revealed – Watch Live
The Democrats got what they wanted, but in the process they have created deep political fissures that will never heal.
This Is A Very Dark Day In American History

The scum of the UNITED STATES where now when you speak you will be arrested
if they don't like it or you, they destroy you. get rid of you lie cheat and steal you pigs will find Karma hunting for you low life pig asses!!
Hey, where is that fucking civil war you fucking pussies?
Did you say the same when Former President Bill Clinton was impeached?

I wonder if St Trumpy will go on TV and apologize for HIs actions like Clinton did?

More than likely though, He'll go on TV and demand an apology from us for besmirching His good character.

Jeff Epstein and his young nieces were frequent visitors to the Clinton White House. BJ Clinton's a fucking pig who raped grown women and fucked young girls
View attachment 295555 NBC archive footage shows Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein in 1992

have a point?
The Democrats got what they wanted, but in the process they have created deep political fissures that will never heal.
This Is A Very Dark Day In American History

The scum of the UNITED STATES where now when you speak you will be arrested
if they don't like it or you, they destroy you. get rid of you lie cheat and steal you pigs will find Karma hunting for you low life pig asses!!
Did you say the same when Former President Bill Clinton was impeached?

He actually broke the law you doofus. He committed perjury and had his staff commit perjury.
Unlike Clinton, Trump has nothing to apologize for

Other than shaking down a foreign leader for personal gain.

Trump didn't do that...but the clinton's did sell out American national security to the Chinese during the 1990s, allowing Loral Space to sell classified technology to the chinese in exchange for campaign donations...the current Chinese missiles that threaten the U.S. fleet and our asian allies are directly from those personal gains by the clintons.
Unlike Clinton, Trump has nothing to apologize for

Other than shaking down a foreign leader for personal gain.
funny I did not get that idea from the transcript. I think you are letting your imagination run away with you. What would have been his personal gain since it was even before Binden even announced he was running

Yep.......and having defeated the clinton crime family, the obama chicago machine, and the bush well as 16 other republicans in the primaries...biden poses no threat....
The Democrats got what they wanted, but in the process they have created deep political fissures that will never heal.
This Is A Very Dark Day In American History

The scum of the UNITED STATES where now when you speak you will be arrested
if they don't like it or you, they destroy you. get rid of you lie cheat and steal you pigs will find Karma hunting for you low life pig asses!!
Hey, where is that fucking civil war you fucking pussies?

UP UR ASS CYKA! don't worry kitty you will know it when it knocks at your door when America collapses bitches your gonna cry like the kitty you are. bahahaahha
The Democrats got what they wanted
They have. Right me if I am wrong, but I have heard it said that sometime next month, this impeachment can and will be "thrown out" when the dust has settle. Therefore, if it isn't going to stick when all is said and done, what is there to party hardy about exactly?

God bless you and our current leader always!!!


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