This is a very dark day in American history

Unlike Clinton, Trump has nothing to apologize for

Other than shaking down a foreign leader for personal gain.

Trump didn't do that...but the clinton's did sell out American national security to the Chinese during the 1990s, allowing Loral Space to sell classified technology to the chinese in exchange for campaign donations...the current Chinese missiles that threaten the U.S. fleet and our asian allies are directly from those personal gains by the clintons.

How Bill Clinton and American Financiers Armed China
Did you say the same when Former President Bill Clinton was impeached?

I wonder if St Trumpy will go on TV and apologize for HIs actions like Clinton did?

More than likely though, He'll go on TV and demand an apology from us for besmirching His good character.


Democrats have a long-shot plan to remove the president via a civil emergency to bypass the Senate:

Exclusive! Dems/Deep State Plan to Remove Trump Via the SCOTUS Revealed – Watch Live
The Democrats got what they wanted, but in the process they have created deep political fissures that will never heal.
This Is A Very Dark Day In American History

The scum of the UNITED STATES where now when you speak you will be arrested
if they don't like it or you, they destroy you. get rid of you lie cheat and steal you pigs will find Karma hunting for you low life pig asses!!
Did you say the same when Former President Bill Clinton was impeached?

He actually broke the law you doofus. He committed perjury and had his staff commit perjury.
Unlike Clinton, Trump has nothing to apologize for

Other than shaking down a foreign leader for personal gain.

Trump didn't do that...but the clinton's did sell out American national security to the Chinese during the 1990s, allowing Loral Space to sell classified technology to the chinese in exchange for campaign donations...the current Chinese missiles that threaten the U.S. fleet and our asian allies are directly from those personal gains by the clintons.

Not to mention what I
Unlike Clinton, Trump has nothing to apologize for

Other than shaking down a foreign leader for personal gain.

Trump didn't do that...but the clinton's did sell out American national security to the Chinese during the 1990s, allowing Loral Space to sell classified technology to the chinese in exchange for campaign donations...the current Chinese missiles that threaten the U.S. fleet and our asian allies are directly from those personal gains by the clintons.

Not to mention what i said earlier that many people that knew about clintons drug smuggling operation for the CIA along with the bush family as gov of arkansas endeded up ARKANSAWED by the clinton crime family machine and his long time pal who did autopsys for arkansas ruled they were suicides and drug overdoes but the FACTS by an independent autopsy peson not conneted to clinton said they were clearly murders,not to mention how he gave the FBI the blessing to open fire on and murder women and children at waco.

which is no surprise in the least why Obozo from the chicago crime syndicate, wanted HITLERY to serve on his stafff of course.

where was clintons impeachment from that i asked earlier but got no answer on?:abgg2q.jpg::cuckoo:
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The Democrats got what they wanted
They have. Right me if I am wrong, but I have heard it said that sometime next month, this impeachment can and will be "thrown out" when the dust has settle. Therefore, if it isn't going to stick when all is said and done, what is there to party hardy about exactly?

God bless you and our current leader always!!!


Unlike Clinton, Trump has nothing to apologize for

Other than shaking down a foreign leader for personal gain.

Trump didn't do that...but the clinton's did sell out American national security to the Chinese during the 1990s, allowing Loral Space to sell classified technology to the chinese in exchange for campaign donations...the current Chinese missiles that threaten the U.S. fleet and our asian allies are directly from those personal gains by the clintons.

How Bill Clinton and American Financiers Armed China

Mr clean and Bodecca got taken to school and checkmated by you same as they did by me earlier as well.:2up:

they were obviously living on a deserted island when clinton was president.thats the ONLY thing that explains their ignorance to this man who coverered up all of clintons murders ruling them as drug overdoes and suicides. Clinton's Ties to Controversial Medical Examiner Questioned

or how they missed this that araknsas state troopers that came forward of clintons activities with bush in drug smuggling for the CIA,ended up dying mysterious deaths.:rolleyes:

"A trail of Death"
The following is a list of a number of persons who have died in suspicious circumstances who
had connection to the Clintons or the Clinton's dealings. The length and breadth of this list is
disconcerting. It is beyond credibility that very many of these cases are coincidences. Forward
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