This is America now?

Yes, apparently it is

sad and totally disgusting.

I want to vomit now.....scum

This is America now?
Unfortunately, yes, this is America now. What we once were, we are no more. Evil has spread everywhere. Pedo's are protected, a woman who sucker her way to VP will wind up POTUS, China will own us, new wars will start, work camps will be the new cages for dessenting voices and in general...filth will prevail.

The more I see and hear, the more I get depressed. I just flat out don't want to be here on this beautiful but dying earth any more.
Don't forgot...GEORGE SOROS will be under your beds.

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.
Lol I love how you people take these anecdotal stories and say dramatic shit like “This is America now?”. Don’t give me these anecdotes. You want to move me? Show me statistics. Show me statistics that support a narrative. Otherwise, why should anyone care? are the stats...

Black males are 6.3% of the population and do 52.5% of the murder, 62% of the robbery and 56% of the carjacking in the USA.

Stats from: National Crime Victimization Survey / Wikipedia

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Nah, I’m going to need a link. Of course, this stat is completely irrelevant either way lol
Stats are only relevant to you when they fit your shitty guitar playing narrative.
Why do you keep saying this guitar stuff? What are you even talking about?
That you suck as a guitar player.
Sure, dude, take any victory you can get I guess lol
I am from Boston. I ve seen you play. You suck.
Hm. Okay then. Good to know lol
Trump is gone. So will you bitch about now for all the worlds ills? Still won’t make you a decent guitar player.
Well there’s always rubbing his loss in your face. I want to take up the cello anyway.
If you want to really upset me, play your guitar for me.
Unfortunately, yes, this is America now. What we once were, we are no more. Evil has spread everywhere. Pedo's are protected, a woman who sucker her way to VP will wind up POTUS, China will own us, new wars will start, work camps will be the new cages for dessenting voices and in general...filth will prevail.

The more I see and hear, the more I get depressed. I just flat out don't want to be here on this beautiful but dying earth any more.
Don't forgot...GEORGE SOROS will be under your beds.
Not for long. He is very old. You ll miss him.
Political hackery. Billy sucks as a guitar player but at least he is not a loser resume writer.

Billy entertains people.
I help people in a bad place in their life find new jobs.

You work with companies that would happily force their employees to come in during a pandemic and risk their health, so you wanted to cut off unemployment benefits.

You know what makes me successful? People like THIS are managers.

WATERLOO, Iowa — The family of a Tyson Foods employee in Waterloo that had a COVID-19 outbreak has filed a wrongful death suit, alleging management was aware of the risks and placed wagers on how many of the workers would get sick with the deadly virus.

Isidro Fernandez's family filed the suit earlier this year, and alleged Fernandez got sick while working at the plant. He is one of at least five plant employees to die of the virus. He died on April 26.

Around the time of Fernandez's death, the lawsuit claimed Waterloo Plant Manager Tom Hart organized a cash buy-in, winner-take-all betting pool for supervisors and managers to wager how many employees would test positive for COVID-19.
Political hackery. Billy sucks as a guitar player but at least he is not a loser resume writer.

Billy entertains people.
I help people in a bad place in their life find new jobs.

You work with companies that would happily force their employees to come in during a pandemic and risk their health, so you wanted to cut off unemployment benefits.

You know what makes me successful? People like THIS are managers.

WATERLOO, Iowa — The family of a Tyson Foods employee in Waterloo that had a COVID-19 outbreak has filed a wrongful death suit, alleging management was aware of the risks and placed wagers on how many of the workers would get sick with the deadly virus.

Isidro Fernandez's family filed the suit earlier this year, and alleged Fernandez got sick while working at the plant. He is one of at least five plant employees to die of the virus. He died on April 26.

Around the time of Fernandez's death, the lawsuit claimed Waterloo Plant Manager Tom Hart organized a cash buy-in, winner-take-all betting pool for supervisors and managers to wager how many employees would test positive for COVID-19.
Zzzzzz....”in a bad place”? LOL
Keep telling yourself that.

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.

Dear Azog:

I think it's crazy that someone gets fired for doing their job.


Chris Krebs.
I think Colonel Alex Vindman could sign on to that letter too.

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.

Dear Azog:

I think it's crazy that someone gets fired for doing their job.


Chris Krebs.
I think Colonel Alex Vindman could sign on to that letter too.
Apples and oranges. There is a video of the crimes. Not sure why that is so difficult to understand? It’s not a he said she said case.
The felony charges against Lucas was retaliation for the Senator's efforts to pass police reform. The real question is why it took so long to fire this corrupt police chief.
Zzzzzz....”in a bad place”? LOL
Keep telling yourself that.

I've had some customers who have had very bad situations. One lady got fired from her job because her boss was sexually harrassing her and she complained. Another was a fellow who spent a few years in jail on a false conviction. Most are just regular folks dealing with awful, shitty bosses.

Apples and oranges. There is a video of the crimes. Not sure why that is so difficult to understand? It’s not a he said she said case.

A video that is open to interpretation...
Zzzzzz....”in a bad place”? LOL
Keep telling yourself that.

I've had some customers who have had very bad situations. One lady got fired from her job because her boss was sexually harrassing her and she complained. Another was a fellow who spent a few years in jail on a false conviction. Most are just regular folks dealing with awful, shitty bosses.

Apples and oranges. There is a video of the crimes. Not sure why that is so difficult to understand? It’s not a he said she said case.

A video that is open to interpretation...
Again, subjective. No it isn’t. Cut and dry.
Again, subjective. No it isn’t. Cut and dry.

No, it really isn't. The State Senator didn't attack the statue... She just told the cops it would be a bad idea to try to stop them from painting the statues, and that they had permission to demonstrate from the city.

The idiot grandstanded and arrested her at her home anyway.

It’s where it hurts the deepest.

So the question is, why do you feel the need to 'hurt' people on a political discussion board? Were you hurt as a child and you are getting revenge? Are you still upset about the time they put your Yamulka in the toilet while you were still wearing it?

Honestly, it sounds like you have a lot of anger issues.

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.
The communist can arrest or fire anyone they choose if they arrest the wrong people
Get the hell out of this thread. Your lies are not welcome. Like your theory that America is systematically racist? That theory? What a waste of space you are. Hypocrite
Who the fuck are you?

This isn't "your" forum
I am someone with free speech. Something you have yet to take away, Herr Lesh.
You have no rights fool. If you have free speech this is only because you are saying what they want, are not being heard or are a joke.

If you still believe in the constitution you are a fool

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