This is an abortion. The World needs to see why this is the killing of an unborn baby

Red Storm Rising

Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
This is an abortion. The World needs to see why this is the killing of an unborn baby.
Father Frank Pavone


That is horrendous, but what is worse are the "doctors" that play with the fetuses in dance routines to be recorded on camera...and even worse is that is what happens to the babies if they survive the abortion (later stages) and are alive. Only evil would condone this. And that is what this war we are fighting about today is. Evil vs good. No shots fired needed. There are other ways to destroy innocents, women, children, men and adults. We are experiencing this right now. Today. Tomorrow will be worse.
As I sit here this morning, sipping my morning coffee, a brief moment of peace before the chaos of the day ramps up, and the kids and their spouses arrive, I opened this thread, and know in my heart that my new grand daughter will be here in two weeks.

I can not imagine how I would have felt if the cold, and callous decision to abort young Alexia Nichole. I would have wept....For that would have been a true tragedy.

Think of all of the children that by now could have been solvers of problems, bringers of peace, leaders of nations, if they had only been given a chance to live in this world...It is staggering how cold the pro abortion can be, in the name of convenient contraception.
As I sit here this morning, sipping my morning coffee, a brief moment of peace before the chaos of the day ramps up, and the kids and their spouses arrive, I opened this thread, and know in my heart that my new grand daughter will be here in two weeks.

I can not imagine how I would have felt if the cold, and callous decision to abort young Alexia Nichole. I would have wept....For that would have been a true tragedy.

Think of all of the children that by now could have been solvers of problems, bringers of peace, leaders of nations, if they had only been given a chance to live in this world...It is staggering how cold the pro abortion can be, in the name of convenient contraception.

That was a wonderful post. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving
I hope God will forgive me for being an indoctrinated idiot in my youth, and working for a doctor who performed abortions. The "blob of cells" thing is a lie. I flushed body parts down the sink in the room where that doctor butchered those people, after he assured me that all I would ever see is blood and a little tissue. I only managed to work there for a few months and I couldn't go on after I realized what I was doing, even though I would retain my pro-abortion stance until many years later.

Please forgive me.
I hope God will forgive me for being an indoctrinated idiot in my youth, and working for a doctor who performed abortions. The "blob of cells" thing is a lie. I flushed body parts down the sink in the room where that doctor butchered those people, after he assured me that all I would ever see is blood and a little tissue. I only managed to work there for a few months and I couldn't go on after I realized what I was doing, even though I would retain my pro-abortion stance until many years later.

Please forgive me.
God forgives all who repent. I was in your boat so I understand.
Though right-leaning I'm very pro-choice. If the dems want to practice genocide on their future base then I'm all for it....Abortion, it's the gift that keeps on giving.

In fact if it were up to me I'd fully fund Planned Parenthood and insist that a PP center be on every-other street corner in a blue population center and pick up the spares with a PP kiosk at every Walmart in the land.
Though right-leaning I'm very pro-choice. If the dems want to practice genocide on their future base then I'm all for it....Abortion, it's the gift that keeps on giving.

In fact if it were up to me I'd fully fund Planned Parenthood and insist that a PP center be on every-other street corner in a blue population center and pick up the spares with a PP kiosk at every Walmart in the land.
I have often wondered why the pro-life movement does not open women's health clinics across the street of every Planned Parenthood site and provide all the exact same health services sans abortion. I would fully support federal funding for those clinics for as long as PP receives federal funding.
And then, there are those willing to let a woman die because strict abortion laws refuse to allow an abortion of a severely defective fetus, until sepsis begins and the mother’s life is considered “in danger”…by which time, her chances of survival are greatly reduced. A woman’s life has less value than a fetus’.

And then, there are those willing to let a woman die because strict abortion laws refuse to allow an abortion of a severely defective fetus, until sepsis begins and the mother’s life is considered “in danger”…by which time, her chances of survival are greatly reduced. A woman’s life has less value than a fetus’.

You had to go all the way to Poland to find a woman who died from a lack of an abortion?
And then, there are those willing to let a woman die because strict abortion laws refuse to allow an abortion of a severely defective fetus, until sepsis begins and the mother’s life is considered “in danger”…by which time, her chances of survival are greatly reduced. A woman’s life has less value than a fetus’.

Oh boo-fucking-hoo. That is the rarest of circumstances that lead to abortion and you know damned well that very many of us are not that harsh toward a woman who has a bona fide medical need to end a pregnancy. You know that most abortion is retroactive birth control for irresponsible people. Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous whining about the one-in-a-million actual valid reason that a woman must be able to access abortion.
In my opinion only.....abortion is ok IF...the woman was raped and kept track of any possible pregnancy and had it removed BEFORE it got larger than a kidney bean. Which is what I did. I didn't ask for the planting of a fetus against my will and I damn sure didn't plan to carry it in my body. So I kept a constant watch, went to the doctor often, and once they stated "yes. You are pregnant", I had it removed within days. Keep in mind this was wayyyyy before the new pill offered to rape victims. I had to keep track myself. And I did. Would do it again too. No regrets.

Those who wait, and wait, and wait....NO!

Other condition is if the fetus will kill the mother. But again, no waiting! If waiting happened due to not knowing the hazard to the mother and it was a later term (but not by much), then YES. Remove the fetus.

Her body, her choice...up to a certain time.
Oh boo-fucking-hoo. That is the rarest of circumstances that lead to abortion and you know damned well that very many of us are not that harsh toward a woman who has a bona fide medical need to end a pregnancy. You know that most abortion is retroactive birth control for irresponsible people. Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous whining about the one-in-a-million actual valid reason that a woman must be able to access abortion.
Sure honey, you just keep blathering on. You clearly know everything about…everything.

I have often wondered why the pro-life movement does not open women's health clinics across the street of every Planned Parenthood site and provide all the exact same health services sans abortion. I would fully support federal funding for those clinics for as long as PP receives federal funding.

So, in order for us to be against murdering innocent human beings we have to open hospitals? What sort of insane reasoning is that? Here is the simple answer: Do not murder your child. Then you can just go to a regular clinic like all normal people who do not murder their child.

Or maybe you didn't friggin' think of that.

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