This is an abortion. The World needs to see why this is the killing of an unborn baby

And then, there are those willing to let a woman die because strict abortion laws refuse to allow an abortion of a severely defective fetus, until sepsis begins and the mother’s life is considered “in danger”…by which time, her chances of survival are greatly reduced. A woman’s life has less value than a fetus’.

Don't try to shift the blame on someone else if a woman tries to murder their baby. That is all on them and so are any consequences that follow.

And spare me the "life is in danger" bull crap. Every mother (and father) I know would gladly give their lives to save their child if ever such a situation arose. What sort of sickos do you hang out with who would murder their own child to save themselves?

You are a twisted person.
In my opinion only.....abortion is ok IF...the woman was raped and kept track of any possible pregnancy and had it removed BEFORE it got larger than a kidney bean. Which is what I did. I didn't ask for the planting of a fetus against my will and I damn sure didn't plan to carry it in my body. So I kept a constant watch, went to the doctor often, and once they stated "yes. You are pregnant", I had it removed within days. Keep in mind this was wayyyyy before the new pill offered to rape victims. I had to keep track myself. And I did. Would do it again too. No regrets.

Those who wait, and wait, and wait....NO!

Other condition is if the fetus will kill the mother. But again, no waiting! If waiting happened due to not knowing the hazard to the mother and it was a later term (but not by much), then YES. Re move the fetus.

Her body, her choice...up to a certain time.
Sometimes, the waiting isn’t by choice. If you live in a large red state that maybe has one clinic, and it it is several hundred miles away, and the laws require waiting periods…it can be difficult for a poor woman to get off work, find transportation, to go there not once but twice. Some women have irregular periods and may not know they are pregnant. Or, the mother may be a minor, with family troubles that make it more difficult, or the victim of incest and unable to get an abortion in an early time frame. Just that there are some circumstances.

I am ok with elective abortions up to the point of fetal viability, and at that point, the fetus could exist independent of another’s body and it’s rights should be considered. Once it is viable, I am ok with restrictions but not an outright ban because the mother’s life and health should always be first, and there are some severe birth defects (that typically lead to death at or soon after birth) that are not until later in the pregnancy. I think in those cases, if she wishes, abortion should be allowed.
This is an abortion. The World needs to see why this is the killing of an unborn baby.
Father Frank Pavone

View attachment 568226

View attachment 568229

Everyone is opposed to abortion – that’s not the source of conflict and disagreement.

The source of conflict and disagreement is those who seek to ‘ban’ abortion in violation of the right to privacy, who seek to allow the state to interfere in personal, private matters, such as whether to have a child or not, and who seek to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

The practice of abortion should indeed be ended – but consistent with the Constitution, respecting the rights and protected liberties of women.
Sorry. I could not tell who was on which side.
This is why it's a bad idea to allow mods to post on a board like this. Since you can't put a mod on ignore, you have no choice but to listen to them. Most of the mods here are good and reasonable people.

That one is an unapologetic bitch.
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And since I can't "ignore" you, I want you to shut up. If you respond to any more of my posts I will report you for harassment.
Lady, I can respond to any post I want, just like you can (imagine that!). As a mod, I cannot put you on “ignore”, or I would. You responded to my post (which wasn’t even directed at YOU) with a bitchy-ass bunch of crap, then YOU whine about being “harassed” :lol:

Please report me. I would love it. We would all get a laugh out of your emo fragility.

In the meantime I will respond to any damn post I want, just like any other mod and just like you.
Don't try to shift the blame on someone else if a woman tries to murder their baby. That is all on them and so are any consequences that follow.
Of course it is all on the woman, it is her body and her medical decision.

And spare me the "life is in danger" bull crap. Every mother (and father) I know would gladly give their lives to save their child if ever such a situation arose. What sort of sickos do you hang out with who would murder their own child to save themselves?

I personally know someone who who lost his wife during a complicated pregnancy and a child they wanted. The baby survived, a preemie, but he never stopped missing his wife. Late term abortions are extremely rare. The fact that you are so blasé about a woman’s life by removing her choices says a lot.

You are a twisted person.
So, in order for us to be against murdering innocent human beings we have to open hospitals? What sort of insane reasoning is that? Here is the simple answer: Do not murder your child. Then you can just go to a regular clinic like all normal people who do not murder their child.

Or maybe you didn't friggin' think of that.
Planned Parenthood offers many health services to women other than abortion. In many cases, they are the ONLY clinic in their area.

Being against abortion is one thing. Actually doing something about it is superior.

Was that really that hard to figure out?
So, in order for us to be against murdering innocent human beings we have to open hospitals? What sort of insane reasoning is that? Here is the simple answer: Do not murder your child. Then you can just go to a regular clinic like all normal people who do not murder their child.

Or maybe you didn't friggin' think of that.
There are so many people here who cannot figure out that the easiest way to not have unwanted children is to not have irresponsible sex, and I just scratch my head at them. Are they truly retarded? By the time I was able to bear children, I had easily figured out how babies are made and that it was my job to not make any if I wasn't in a position to do it the right way. I know for sure that the people here who support baby-murder are devoid of morals.
And then, there are those willing to let a woman die because strict abortion laws refuse to allow an abortion of a severely defective fetus, until sepsis begins and the mother’s life is considered “in danger”…by which time, her chances of survival are greatly reduced. A woman’s life has less value than a fetus’.

Amen! Anti-choice zealots don't care about the mental/physical/financial health of women! They also don't care about the fetus - after it is born!
strict abortion laws

Translation: Laws against murdering another human being.

Amen! Anti-choice zealots

Nobody can "choose" to murder. Abortion is murdering a child. People who don't understand that are either stupid or evil.

SCIENCE: A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. I dumbed down that science about as far as I could for you.
Everyone is opposed to abortion – that’s not the source of conflict and disagreement.

You are already 100% wrong right out of the gatr.

The source of conflict and disagreement is those who seek to ‘ban’ abortion in violation of the right to privacy

Jeez Louise, one more time: Nobody can "choose" to murder. Abortion is murdering a child. People who don't understand that are either stupid or evil.

SCIENCE: A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. I dumbed down that science about as far as I could for you.
Translation: Laws against murdering another human being.

Nobody can "choose" to murder. Abortion is murdering a child. People who don't understand that are either stupid or evil.

SCIENCE: A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. I dumbed down that science about as far as I could for you.
You're going to be at home here. Far more posters here agree with you than disagree. It's just that the ones who disagree with you are loud and nasty.

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