This is an abortion. The World needs to see why this is the killing of an unborn baby

Don't put words in my mouth. That little childish game is lame.

Abortion is murder. That's all there is to it. What part does your stupid ass not understand. Abortion kills a human being. Are you too retarded to grasp that?

All this other stupidity you are spewing out just deflect away from the issue.
Is that you, bettypoop? You sound just like her.
Take your finger waggling and shove it up your ass. Or do you not want a foreign object crammed up there you didn't want? Oh. Wait.
Oh boo-fucking-hoo. That is the rarest of circumstances that lead to abortion and you know damned well that very many of us are not that harsh toward a woman who has a bona fide medical need to end a pregnancy. You know that most abortion is retroactive birth control for irresponsible people. Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous whining about the one-in-a-million actual valid reason that a woman must be able to access abortion.

Not to mention if I was the mother and it was a choice between my life and the baby's there's absolutely no doubt I would pick my baby's.
That's what contraception is for. Half of all women who seek an abortion did not use birth control. Another fifth used it improperly or inconsistently.

And that is according to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute.

We could literally wipe out at least half of all abortions by getting more people to use contraception and use it correctly and consistently.

That would result in abortion being even more of a stigma, which it should be.

What's more, using abortion as birth control is an incredibly unhealthy thing to do to a woman's body.

There is a morning after pill now for rape victims.

I have sympathy for victims of incest and would not oppose abortion in those cases, so long as the abortion is performed in the first trimester.

Rape and incest account for less than 2 percent of all abortions. To use these victims of the most heinous crimes as human shields to protect the 98 percent of abortions which are convenience abortions is about as sick as it gets.

Her body - her choice! Roe v. Wade.
I have often wondered why the pro-life movement does not open women's health clinics across the street of every Planned Parenthood site and provide all the exact same health services sans abortion. I would fully support federal funding for those clinics for as long as PP receives federal funding.
Well Catholic Charities/Lutherans are too busy funding settling illegals and other assorted foreigners in red areas across the country and Protestants are all talk and no hat unless they can make a dollar off of it.

Most people don't give two-shits about abortion unless it makes them appear righteous amongst their peer group and people damn sure do not want to see, hear, or be reminded of the sausage being made by right-leaning politicians or their talking heads.

Remember, going on three generations have passed since RvW. If peeps were really all that upset over the whole "murder of the innocent" thing abortion clinics would be burned to the ground and abortion personnel hunted down for sport on a regular basis some 30+ years ago but that did not happen so the level of commitment of those that profess to be pro-life now must be pretty low.

Nah, I figure those that are right-leaning like myself actually see the utility in abortion but unlike me don't have the stones to admit it.
Tough shit. If someone elses body is implanted in my UNWILLING body, then that body growing WILL BE REMOVED. Period.

So you admit you are willing to kill an innocent child. ell, at least you admit it. What a horrible, horrible evil woman you must be, willing to kill a little baby, a baby dependent on you. May God have mercy on your soul.
Well Catholic Charities/Lutherans are too busy funding settling illegals and other assorted foreigners in red areas across the country and Protestants are all talk and no hat unless they can make a dollar off of it.

Why is it that people like you try to make the lames justification for murdering innocent human beings, as if anything you said is the slightest justification for murdering innocent human being. You truly have no morals, no ethics . . . you are so evil, so deep down inside, that you, purposely blind yourself to the simple SCIENTIFIC fact that a human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. That means that abortion is the killing of an innocent human being, and all that gobbldeygook you are talking about does not change that fact.
Duh, that would be your choice.

Lakhota obviously has a brain made of corn meal. She is not intellectually capable of processing the fact that nobody has the "choice" to murder another person.

It as a simple SCIENTIFIC fact that a human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. That means that abortion is the killing of an innocent human being,

Liberalism truly is a mental disease. It keeps you people from seeing simple facts

The atheist’s case against abortion: respect for human rights​

I am an atheist, a 29-year-old woman, well-educated at secular institutions, and I lean liberal on many issues, including same-sex marriage and climate change.

I am also a dedicated pro-life activist, working to make abortion unthinkable.

The abortion industry would have you believe that people like me do not exist. They would have you believe that the pro-life movement is almost exclusively old white men, with a few pearl-clutching church ladies thrown in. This characterization is insulting to both young and old. The older pro-life leaders of today are the pioneering young adult activists of the 1970s, who courageously dissented from Roe v. Wade. And they have recruited new generations of pro-lifers to follow in their footsteps; millennials in the movement call ourselves the “pro-life generation.”

There are important differences between the millennial generation and those that came before. One of the biggest is religion. The well-reported decline in church attendance is driven largely by young adults. Over a third of millennials tell pollsters they have no religious affiliation, compared with 23 percent for Generation X and 17 percent for baby boomers. And even among millennials who have maintained a religious affiliation, many favor same-sex marriage and show less appetite for the “culture war” than their elders do.

Yet this more secular generation still shows up to save preborn children and their mothers from the tragedy of abortion. This puzzles some abortion supporters, who had assumed they would benefit from demographic changes. The key to understanding this discrepancy is to realize that it is not a discrepancy at all: We see abortion not as a culture war issue or as a religious issue but as a human rights issue.

It is not enough to understand “Humanae Vitae” (indeed, lecturing an atheist on the finer points of Catholic dogma is surely counterproductive). To work with pro-life young people and to change the minds of pro-choice millennials you must be able to articulate the human rights case against abortion. The pro-life pioneer Dr. Mildred Jefferson said it best: “I am not willing to stand aside and allow this concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live.” That’s a sentiment that anyone, from any religious or nonreligious background, can get behind.

Most secular pro-choice people are well-meaning and affirm a commitment to human rights. Most are horrified by ableism—but close their eyes to the often lethal consequences of prenatal genetic testing. Abortion advocates would never murder a defenseless sleeping or comatose person—yet they argue that because children in the womb lack consciousness, killing them is permissible.

Pointing out these contradictions is a delicate business. Many young pro-choicers have been exposed to years of ad hominem propaganda. They have been taught that pro-lifers are hypocrites who do not care about children after they are born. They have been taught that we hate women. They may be close to someone who has had an abortion—or even had an abortion themselves—and believe that becoming pro-life will require them to issue fire-and-brimstone condemnations of post-abortive women.

The best antidote to these fears is not argument but action. Examine your own life and ensure that your priorities reflect concern for human life at all its stages. Befriend pro-choice people and let them see what being pro-life really means on the ground. Do not expect they have learned this from the mainstream media.

When the time for discussing the issue comes, be gentle and ask questions. The Socratic method, allowing people to discover internal contradictions for themselves, usually works best. For more on this technique, I highly recommend the Equal Rights Institute website.

When we survey the lives destroyed by abortion over the past five decades, it is easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged. But we are making real progress. This is an incredibly exciting time to be pro-life. If we work together—secular and religious, young and old, from every race and gender—I firmly believe we can end abortion in my lifetime.
Why is it that people like you try to make the lames justification for murdering innocent human beings, as if anything you said is the slightest justification for murdering innocent human being. You truly have no morals, no ethics . . . you are so evil, so deep down inside, that you, purposely blind yourself to the simple SCIENTIFIC fact that a human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. That means that abortion is the killing of an innocent human being, and all that gobbldeygook you are talking about does not change that fact.
Well, I just tend to be more honest, practical, and less emotional over the whole thing. That and like I stated, I see the utility in abortion but I'm not going to beat you over the head and shoulders because you don't.

In fact unless it's on some discussion board I seldom even hear of the subject out in the real world other than some seeing some Catholic running around with a half-dozen kids and a pro-live sticker on her van or overly large SUV. I just kind of chuckle when I see that. Her uterus, her choice.

No, I think it's just that peeps like you take satisfaction trying to push their feels upon others....You don't really think, you just feel.....But that's fine, I can take anything you care to dish-out because when all is said and done you won't sway me.....After all, according to you I'm evil so why bother. ;)

BTW.....If SCOTUS killed RvW tomorrow I'd not really care. I'll likely be dead by the time the next generation of "saved" dems gets of voting age.
Abortion is an intrinsic moral evil. It involves carrying out or arranging to carry out the deliberate killing of an innocent human being. An intrinsic evil is an action that is always gravely sinful regardless of the circumstances. There are no exceptions, no grey areas.
This is an abortion. The World needs to see why this is the killing of an unborn baby.
Father Frank Pavone

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This is what propaganda looks like.

Yet another entitled asshole, appearing out of nowhere, starting one lying thread after another, promoting anti-democratic propaganda designed to strip rights away from minorities and women.

Throughout the free world, countries which formerly banned abortion have loosened restrictions. Only in the USA are white men forcing women to have babies they cannot afford, and cannot care for. Only in fascist countries, is abortion being restricted and banned.
This is what propaganda looks like.

Yet another entitled asshole, appearing out of nowhere, starting one lying thread after another, promoting anti-democratic propaganda designed to strip rights away from minorities and women.

Throughout the free world, countries which formerly banned abortion have loosened restrictions. Only in the USA are white men forcing women to have babies they cannot afford, and cannot care for. Only in fascist countries, is abortion being restricted and banned.

Amen and thank you!
This is what propaganda looks like.

Yet another entitled asshole, appearing out of nowhere, starting one lying thread after another, promoting anti-democratic propaganda designed to strip rights away from minorities and women.

Throughout the free world, countries which formerly banned abortion have loosened restrictions. Only in the USA are white men forcing women to have babies they cannot afford, and cannot care for. Only in fascist countries, is abortion being restricted and banned.
Can't afford babies? Don't spread your legs. See how easy that is? I had that figured out by the time I hit puberty, but then my mama taught me about that silly old archaic notion of "personal responsibility". You leftists zombies sure do love sluts.

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