This is an Enlightened White Guy. Must See

Yeah, he's right. Only the Minoan's show traces of Egyptian architecture. In any case, neither the Egyptians nor Moors were black. Except for some pockets of diffusion, there was no architecture to speak of in sub-Saharan Africa before colonialism.

People had their own styles of architecture but the know how to build great structures were provided by the Egyptians. Sorry to sink your boat but yes the Egyptians and Moors were Black. Find out what Moor means and check the history. The Rock of Gibraltar is named afterTarik who was a Black Moor. Dont be so gullible. :lol:

Who Were The Moors In Spain: Tarik Ibn Zeyad

This is the flag of Sardinia check the Black Moors on the flag.

I understand your desperation to find black civilization or even architecture, but no Tarik Ibn Zeyad was a Berber. They weren't black then and they aren't now. Stop it with this shit. It just makes you seem desperate.
No need to get upset and curse. William Shakespeare used the word Moor interchangeable with Negro in his work. Othello is a black Moor I already showed you the flag of Sardina. Check out the flag of Corsica. Black African Moors are all over Europe. Look it up

The Berbers?original MOORS of spain | America:Losing the Empire

Here is a present day Berber and one of the indigenous tribesman

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Don't be daft. In your desperation you assign "blackness" to anyone who has dark skin, you flail for accomplishment for black Africans. You cannot claim the achievements of the Berbers, Moors or Egyptians as being black. They were Mediterraneans, get over it.
Don't be daft. In your desperation you assign "blackness" to anyone who has dark skin, you flail for accomplishment for black Africans. You cannot claim the achievements of the Berbers, Moors or Egyptians as being black. They were Mediterraneans, get over it.

You are quite wrong. I personally didn't do anything so I am not claiming anything for myself. The people that did those things share the same DNA from Africa i do. You are right there are a lot of mediterranean people with African blood. i already know this. You seem to be the type that refuses to look at Africans in all their shapes sizes and colors. All Africans were not pitch Black with kinky hair. We are the most diverse type of people on the planet just in the continent of Africa. The only thing I claim is my link to them via Africa. Those pictures seem to really bother you. Why is that? BTW did you know Pushkin of Russia was Black?

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What is your point? Sub-Saharan Africa was practically devoid of anything approaching civilization or even architecture, and it's contributions to mankind were very modest at best. The peoples of the Mediterranean were quite different in their accomplishments as well as their race.

Don't be so desperate, it is a bet pathetic.
Evidently you are lacking in information. The Egyptian pyramids were made out of a combination of stone. Basalt, Granite, Limestone there may be others but those are the 3 i remember. Why did you think the whole thing was made out of limestone? Are you that uniformed?

Evidently, you don't research your idiotic claims before you say stupid things.

Many of the pyramids were built with a number of different stone materials. Most of the material used was fairly rough, low grade limestone used to build the pyramid core, while fine white limestone was often employed for the outer casing as well as to cover interior walls, though pink granite was also often used on inner walls. Basalt or alabaster was not uncommon for floors, particularly in the mortuary temples and as was mudbricks to build walls within the temples (though often as not they had limestone walls).

Egypt is a country rich in stone and was sometimes even referred to as the "state of stone". In particular, Egypt has a great quantity of limestone formation, which the Egyptians called "white stone", because during the Cretaceous period Egypt was covered with seawater. The country is also rich in sandstone, but it was never really used much until the New Kingdom.

Limestone seems to have first been employed in the area of Saqqara, where it is of poor quality but layered in regular, strong formations as much as half a meter thick. This limestone is coarse grained with yellow to greenish gray shading. The layers are separated from each other by thin layers of clay and the coloration may vary according to layer. It could often be quarried very near the building sites, and quarries have been found at Saqqara, Giza, Dahshur and other locations.
Egypt: Building Materials of the Pyramids

Then again, no one but you ever thought you know what the fuck you are talking about.

Both you clowns just proved what I said! What is it about granite and basalt did you not get? I highlighted it for you since you both appear to be blind. God damn you 2 are stupid!! :lol:

I love it when idiots try to show they are smart by only reading part of a sentence. The materials you claim were the main material used to construct the pyramids were used for floors and walls. That means that all they had to do was cut them into tiles. That takes such advanced techniques that it is impossible for us to do the same thing, which is why we never use granite for flooring, walls, or countertops.

Many of the pyramids were built with a number of different stone materials. Most of the material used was fairly rough, low grade limestone used to build the pyramid core, while fine white limestone was often employed for the outer casing as well as to cover interior walls, though pink granite was also often used on inner walls. Basalt or alabaster was not uncommon for floors, particularly in the mortuary temples and as was mudbricks to build walls within the temples (though often as not they had limestone walls).
Like anyone that is not aware of this information no matter their ethnicity. No such thing as different races.

Noah was the Dad of all of us, according to the Bible..

Unless Noah was magic he was black as well. 2 white people cannot produce a black child but 2 black people can produce a white child. its in our genes and thats why there is no such thing as race.


This is from a Nigerian couple. DNA confirmed. Not an albino.


You really don't know much about anything, do you?
What is your point? Sub-Saharan Africa was practically devoid of anything approaching civilization or even architecture, and it's contributions to mankind were very modest at best. The peoples of the Mediterranean were quite different in their accomplishments as well as their race.

Don't be so desperate, it is a bet pathetic.

My point is that Black Africans in all our colors (not the ones white people try to define us by) are the basis for civilization. Without our ancient ancestors developing enough to even leave Africa, Europeans would not even exist. The knowledge spread from south africa northwards and culminated in Egypt. Dont be confused at all regarding what some of the people look like in the northmost part of Africa. Over the years they have mixed back with the original Africans that populated Europe. Also you again show your ignorance regarding sub saharan Africa. No Nubia no Egypt. Nubians built the first dynasties and pyramids centuries before Egypt. Nubia and Cush are considered sub saharan.

Sub-Saharan Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Evidently, you don't research your idiotic claims before you say stupid things.

Egypt: Building Materials of the Pyramids

Then again, no one but you ever thought you know what the fuck you are talking about.

Both you clowns just proved what I said! What is it about granite and basalt did you not get? I highlighted it for you since you both appear to be blind. God damn you 2 are stupid!! :lol:

I love it when idiots try to show they are smart by only reading part of a sentence. The materials you claim were the main material used to construct the pyramids were used for floors and walls. That means that all they had to do was cut them into tiles. That takes such advanced techniques that it is impossible for us to do the same thing, which is why we never use granite for flooring, walls, or countertops.

Many of the pyramids were built with a number of different stone materials. Most of the material used was fairly rough, low grade limestone used to build the pyramid core, while fine white limestone was often employed for the outer casing as well as to cover interior walls, though pink granite was also often used on inner walls. Basalt or alabaster was not uncommon for floors, particularly in the mortuary temples and as was mudbricks to build walls within the temples (though often as not they had limestone walls).

Why don't you at least research before you make yourself look like an ass!? Tiles? :lol:

The largest granite stones in the pyramid, found in the "King's" chamber, weigh 25 to 80 tons

Thats a big ass tile. Don't reply to me again until you research the pyramids properly. You are wasting my time.
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Noah was the Dad of all of us, according to the Bible..

Unless Noah was magic he was black as well. 2 white people cannot produce a black child but 2 black people can produce a white child. its in our genes and thats why there is no such thing as race.


This is from a Nigerian couple. DNA confirmed. Not an albino.


You really don't know much about anything, do you?

I must know more than you. Do you have a better rebuttal for that? I would love for someone to produce a white couple that gave birth to a black child. Naturally.
You cant explain how the Egyptians got the cuts in stone that today's stone masons and machinist say is virtually impossible without modern machinery.
What a stone masons say that. . :cuckoo:

The ancient Greeks were master stone cutters and hewed beautiful statues by hand.

And the Romans fabricated huge pillars for their temples by hand

As a side note: the Aztecs and Mayans hewed stones into blocks just as precise as anything the Egyptian crafted. . :cool:

The Romans and Greeks had iron tools. The Ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids did not.
African's may have invented the spear and mud huts.

After that.......not much. .. :cool:

You wouldnt be alive if it wasnt for your African ancestors moving to Europe. Show some respect. :lol:
Sorry, but I don't buy into the 'all people originated in Africa' theory.

It's based on very tenuous pseudo science at best....... :cool:

I wouldn't either if I were delusional. :lol: How do you account for the DNA evidence in your blood that shows you came from Africa? Check out your ancestor the Grimaldi man. This is what they probably the closest to what they looked like.


These are what are referred to as the Khoi-San or for Europeans the bushmen in south africa.
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I wouldn't either if I were delusional. :lol: How do you account for the DNA evidence in your blood that shows you came from Africa?
A couple of years ago when I had my ancestry DNA charted it said my people came from northern europe.....specifically Ireland.

Africa wasn't mentioned in the report........ :cool:

Irish people have even more recent African blood. So I know you are lying or they just stopped in Ireland and left it at that not wanting to upset you. :lol: The Moors also conquered southern ireland. Have you ever heard the term "Black Irish"? Do you remember that the Irish were considered "the blacks of Europe"? Your fellow Europeans discriminated against you and claimed you were inferior. You are repeating what you were taught.

The term 'black Irish' has No connection to Africa in any way, shape, or form. . :cool:

"Black Irish is an ambiguous term sometimes used (mainly outside Ireland) as a reference to a dark-haired phenotype appearing in people of Irish origin. Opinions vary in regard to what is perceived as the usual physical characteristics of the so-called Black Irish: e.g., dark hair, brown eyes and medium skin tone; or dark hair, blue or green eyes and fair skin tone. Unbeknownst to some who have used this term at one time or another, dark hair in people of Irish descent is common, although darker skin complexions appear less frequently. The physical traits associated with the term Black Irish are sometimes thought to have been the result of an Iberian admixture."

Irish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don't be daft. In your desperation you assign "blackness" to anyone who has dark skin, you flail for accomplishment for black Africans. You cannot claim the achievements of the Berbers, Moors or Egyptians as being black. They were Mediterraneans, get over it.

Here are some pics that show Black people in different parts of the world. Some are not even considered black. :lol:

This women from the Bonda tribe in India. Remember these people are not considered black!


Black tribe from Kenya with European features



From the Philippines. Not considered black. The indigenous people of the Aeta tribe.

The term 'black Irish' has No connection to Africa in any way, shape, or form. . :cool:

"Black Irish is an ambiguous term sometimes used (mainly outside Ireland) as a reference to a dark-haired phenotype appearing in people of Irish origin. Opinions vary in regard to what is perceived as the usual physical characteristics of the so-called Black Irish: e.g., dark hair, brown eyes and medium skin tone; or dark hair, blue or green eyes and fair skin tone. Unbeknownst to some who have used this term at one time or another, dark hair in people of Irish descent is common, although darker skin complexions appear less frequently. The physical traits associated with the term Black Irish are sometimes thought to have been the result of an Iberian admixture."

Irish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is what people like to do. They like to hide things by calling it something else. What about the rest of my post? Still in denial? :lol:

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