This Is Bad, Real Bad: Hillary And Bernie Support Aborting Babies At 9 Months In The Womb

I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.

Start with the conservatives who think government programs for the poor are unconstitutional.
Because They are...

How can they be unconstitutional if they've been going on for decades?
stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8

exactly like abortion (the topic) only totally different.

So you can show me any of those words in the Constitution? I'm waiting.

who cares if youre waiting... so wait.

abortion is the topic, I'll wait until you address that.

I'll wait until you can show the word abortion in the Constitution. I just addressed asshole. Show me where that word is.

You're finding rights for the unborn in the Constitution where there are none.

Show us the word 'unborn', or 'fetus', or 'embryo', or 'zygote', in the Constitution.

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