This Is Bad, Real Bad: Hillary And Bernie Support Aborting Babies At 9 Months In The Womb

That's what you thought? You're dumber than I thought if you did. There's a simple solution for helping the freeloaders and it only involves you doing for them personally and privately with your money what you say they deserve. The government doesn't have to be involved. The only reason you want them involved is because, like the typical bleeding heart Liberal, you aren't willing to do anything voluntarily to help those you say you care so much about. If you actually did as much as you claimed, what you say the end result needs to be would take care of itself.

If you want to claim paying MANDATED taxes is the same as doing it VOLUNTARILY, you'd be a fool but I've found that most like you consider compassion as seeing how many others you can get forced to fund what you like and charity happens through a mandate. Neither one is true but you Liberals constantly claim that it is. Charity and compassion come from a willful and voluntary act by the giver not a mandate from the taker.

I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.
Hes under the delusion it takes a village... Lol

Did you singlehandedly build the road you drive to work on?
That's what you thought? You're dumber than I thought if you did. There's a simple solution for helping the freeloaders and it only involves you doing for them personally and privately with your money what you say they deserve. The government doesn't have to be involved. The only reason you want them involved is because, like the typical bleeding heart Liberal, you aren't willing to do anything voluntarily to help those you say you care so much about. If you actually did as much as you claimed, what you say the end result needs to be would take care of itself.

If you want to claim paying MANDATED taxes is the same as doing it VOLUNTARILY, you'd be a fool but I've found that most like you consider compassion as seeing how many others you can get forced to fund what you like and charity happens through a mandate. Neither one is true but you Liberals constantly claim that it is. Charity and compassion come from a willful and voluntary act by the giver not a mandate from the taker.

I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.

Start with the conservatives who think government programs for the poor are unconstitutional.
Because They are...
I know more than one who supports Obama's dictatorial actions even he says the Constitution doesn't give him the power to do.

waa waa dictator dictator. You lost. Get over it.

The country lost when morons like you picked skin color because you thought it was a qualification.

And what was McCain going to do that was so much better?

Are you making the claim I voted for McCain? If so, I'm sure you have proof to back it up.

As much proof as you have that I voted for Obama because of his skin color.

McCain and Obama were the choices. So again, what was McCain going to do that was so much better?

You couldn't have voted for him because of what he proposed. Only an idiot would have done that. Are you admitting you're an idiot?

That's strange. I distinctly remember pushing the screen for Chuck Baldwin.
I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.
Hes under the delusion it takes a village... Lol

Did you singlehandedly build the road you drive to work on?

I singlehandedly provide for my kids because it's MY responsibility to do so.
I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.
Hes under the delusion it takes a village... Lol

Did you singlehandedly build the road you drive to work on?
The government did not build it...
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.
Hes under the delusion it takes a village... Lol

Did you singlehandedly build the road you drive to work on?
The government did not build it...
He doesn't realize our tax dollars paid for it.
I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.
Hes under the delusion it takes a village... Lol

Did you singlehandedly build the road you drive to work on?

nope, but he did build the bridge that spans the dry river bed between his ears
Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.
Hes under the delusion it takes a village... Lol

Did you singlehandedly build the road you drive to work on?
The government did not build it...
He doesn't realize our tax dollars paid for it.
Only a dumbfuck would believe that the government has its own money…
Only thing the Federal Governmentcan claim is a stack of IOUs from here to eternity....
It Should be a states issue, federal government should have nothing to do with it just like marriage....
No, it should be a woman's very personal decision, in concert with her faith, her family and her doctor. Butt out.

If the woman's decision is to not have an abortion but to have the child, why is it that those of us told to butt out of something you say is her "very personal decision" expected to pay for the results when the woman is unable to do it herself?
No one said you should. Where I live, women fork out all the money for an abortion. It isn't covered by Medicaid. Is that what you're referring to?

Do you idiots read? I specifically said "to NOT have an abortion but to have the child". If a woman has an abortion, I doubt that I know unless she happens to tell someone. I addressed those women whose choice is to have children instead of an abortion then expect the rest of us to support her and those children after she and/or some Liberals tells us to butt out of the choice she made. I'm referring to all the children and their parents taxpayers support that exist due to a choice the woman made with her body.
That's what you thought? You're dumber than I thought if you did. There's a simple solution for helping the freeloaders and it only involves you doing for them personally and privately with your money what you say they deserve. The government doesn't have to be involved. The only reason you want them involved is because, like the typical bleeding heart Liberal, you aren't willing to do anything voluntarily to help those you say you care so much about. If you actually did as much as you claimed, what you say the end result needs to be would take care of itself.

If you want to claim paying MANDATED taxes is the same as doing it VOLUNTARILY, you'd be a fool but I've found that most like you consider compassion as seeing how many others you can get forced to fund what you like and charity happens through a mandate. Neither one is true but you Liberals constantly claim that it is. Charity and compassion come from a willful and voluntary act by the giver not a mandate from the taker.

I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.

Start with the conservatives who think government programs for the poor are unconstitutional.

That's because they are.
That's what you thought? You're dumber than I thought if you did. There's a simple solution for helping the freeloaders and it only involves you doing for them personally and privately with your money what you say they deserve. The government doesn't have to be involved. The only reason you want them involved is because, like the typical bleeding heart Liberal, you aren't willing to do anything voluntarily to help those you say you care so much about. If you actually did as much as you claimed, what you say the end result needs to be would take care of itself.

If you want to claim paying MANDATED taxes is the same as doing it VOLUNTARILY, you'd be a fool but I've found that most like you consider compassion as seeing how many others you can get forced to fund what you like and charity happens through a mandate. Neither one is true but you Liberals constantly claim that it is. Charity and compassion come from a willful and voluntary act by the giver not a mandate from the taker.

I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.

Start with the conservatives who think government programs for the poor are unconstitutional.

I'll start with the Liberals who can't show the word food stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8, etc. in the Constitution.
If you want to make the case I don't pay taxes, and haven't paid my taxes for my entire working life,

go ahead,

let's hear it.

That's what you thought? You're dumber than I thought if you did. There's a simple solution for helping the freeloaders and it only involves you doing for them personally and privately with your money what you say they deserve. The government doesn't have to be involved. The only reason you want them involved is because, like the typical bleeding heart Liberal, you aren't willing to do anything voluntarily to help those you say you care so much about. If you actually did as much as you claimed, what you say the end result needs to be would take care of itself.

If you want to claim paying MANDATED taxes is the same as doing it VOLUNTARILY, you'd be a fool but I've found that most like you consider compassion as seeing how many others you can get forced to fund what you like and charity happens through a mandate. Neither one is true but you Liberals constantly claim that it is. Charity and compassion come from a willful and voluntary act by the giver not a mandate from the taker.

I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.

The left thinks giving someone more for nothing than they could earn working is an incentive to go to work. They consider compassion as supporting mandates by the government to take the money of the one that earned it. They consider charity as the government giving money to someone it had to first take from someone else.
I don't consider poor kids who need healthcare or an education to be freeloaders. Why do you?
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.

Start with the conservatives who think government programs for the poor are unconstitutional.

I'll start with the Liberals who can't show the word food stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8, etc. in the Constitution.
A person is only as good as their drive and ambition… The road to hell is paved with good intentions and no follow through.
stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8

exactly like abortion (the topic) only totally different.

This is what needs to be done to all Hillary and Sanders signs.
stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8

exactly like abortion (the topic) only totally different.

Yawn, is most Americans want nothing to do with a fucked up incestuous "it takes a village" mentality...
Fine, you pay their way then... Dumbass

Win some elections and you can get rid of helping the poor.
Prove that republicans don't want to help the poor. We want to help them, but supporting an able bodied person for the rest of their life for a vote. Isn't helping.

Start with the conservatives who think government programs for the poor are unconstitutional.

I'll start with the Liberals who can't show the word food stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8, etc. in the Constitution.
A person is only as good as their drive and ambition… The road to hell is paved with good intentions and no follow through.

Liberals have plenty of good intentions. If they acted to a level half as much as they say they care, this wouldn't be a discussion. When they saw a need, they'd meet it privately, personally, and individually. They don't. Most of their time is spent searching for those they say have too much and finding ways to take more of it from them. The ones who constantly talk about staying out of someone else's business sure spend a lot of time telling the rest of us that another person doesn't need as much as they have and can afford to give some of it away.
stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8

exactly like abortion (the topic) only totally different.

So you can show me any of those words in the Constitution? I'm waiting.

who cares if youre waiting... so wait.

abortion is the topic, I'll wait until you address that.

I'll wait until you can show the word abortion in the Constitution. I just addressed asshole. Show me where that word is.

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