This Is Lynching

Does the word "LYNCH" only describe the lynching of blacks?

  • No, many whites were also lynched,

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • Yes, in today's world only blacks were lynched

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
This was an intentional attempt to redirect the conversation. Throwing out red meat is a strategy that works every time especially if it has a racist element to it.. Nothing motivates the presidents base more then seeing black people outraged. Trump supporters view it as black people complaining again and demanding white people acquiesce.

It should be mentioned but we should not linger on it.

People need to remain focused.
It is imperative to Trump's base that they feel both Trump and they are UNFAIRLY put upon by anyone not of the base. Trump represents their view of themselves both that he is unfairly treated but simultaneously Yuugely successful through his own efforts that overcome all that is put upon him. That's the key to Trumpism. It's anti-elitist, anti-immigrant and anti-intellectual. At it's base, Trumpism allows people to see whatever missed opportunity they perceive is someone else's fault, but they overcome that through Trump. "Only I can save you."

The racism aspect is simply that he's been blaming Blacks for everything since 1970. LOL

But when he told Pelosi "I'll see you at the polls," he really meant it. You're right that he's just giving his fans red meat. And you're also right that overemphasizing the racism aspect just misses the overall reason for his success with his base.

His base is about 30% of this nation.

They can't elect much alone. They have to have others voting with them.

When you alienate everyone but your base, you lose elections.

It all boils down to who can get their voters out to vote. Trump packs stadiums and arenas everywhere he goes. Ole Joe can't pack a high school basketball court. Because of the economy, and because Trump supporters are fired up as all hell with the constant phony attacks by the left, it will take a hurricane or tornado to stop us from getting to the polls.
Trump packs stadiums and arenas because he had the mercy of using his know-how to create jobs across America, without prejudice or anything awry. He set aside his own interests to improve conditions for the ordinary guy, and all he gets is dirt in the face from his loyal opposition. I used to say a little prayer for him for guidance. Now, I pray for his enemies to make a turn around and help him for a change. I think their making up stories in their heads to make President Trump days are over in the near future, and some of them may have to deal with the courts for doing what they only accused Trump wrongfully of doing. Maybe the Democrats secretly on his side and tired of their leaders and House Demmies lying to the American people when they're not swindling someone out of good money. lol! Bless the Walk Away group that's swelling every time Schiff lies.

C'mon Becki. Rump packs venues because he's a freak show. Freak shows ATTRACT ATTENTION, which is all he cares about anyway. Nothing more to it than that.

didnt obama pack venues???
Another thing that makes this extra ridiculous, is that Trump made the "lynching" comment in a tweet, a fucking TWEET !

It's not until the MSM started reporting it, and people like the OP spread it around the internet, that anyone really knew about it.

If AA's are butthurt from hearing the term, blame the media and robots like the OP.

Excuse me, but the OP was created because the black folk on CNN that were absolutely outraged that Trump would use the word "lynching" to describe his impeachment plight and they were convinced that all lynchings were of po black folks. My point being that the word "lynching" is not just of black folks and Biden and Nadler in-fact used it to describe the Clinton impeachment, on videos.

So not sure why you object to my setting the record straight in the OP?
1. White folks were also lynched
2. Biden and Nadler used "lynching" to describe the Clinton impeachment
3. Black folks needs to stop tryin' to play that fucking race card every chance they get, we ain't buying it.
4. Trump has every right to use the word "lynching" if he feels like it.

From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched. These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.


Again, those numbers are outdated. Several hundred more black lynchings have been counted since then, raising that number 3446 to (at last count) 4084, so not only is it well past the 73% mark with those included, but that's a 70-to-80 percent representation out of a populace that only comprises 10-12% of the total population.

In other words if it were anywhere near equal the number of black lynchings should have been around 500. But in reality it's eight times that.

those numbers dont work if you go back beyond 1882,,,
'Lynching' is Obama's US AG holding a scheduled meeting with Bill Clinton - telling people it was a spur-of-the-moment meeting resulting from a sudden urge to swap stories about grandkids - to re-assure him 'the fix is in' the day before Co-conspirator FBI Director Comey usurped the US AG's power by declaring he will not indict Hillary despite her having broken laws...


Poor little snowflake- still suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

Trump calls it a lynching because Trump knows that term lynching is very appealing to a large part of his base.
Trump calls it a lynching because Trump knows that term lynching is very appealing to a large part of his base.

I don't know the term is actually "appealing" to the base. Discerning Trump's "mind" is a fool's errand, but let's try. Obviously, "lynching" makes his victim card grow. After all, there's hardly a more heinous or brutal crime imaginable.

More worryingly, it's also a call to action, directed at his base, to defend him against the lynch mob. The storming of the Committee hearing room today may just be the first we see, and it's entirely unclear what form this defensive "action" might take in the future.

The most worrying aspect is to discredit Congressional fact-finding as a criminal undertaking. This, of course, stands in a long line of similar efforts to undermine pretty much every kind of fact-finding by, say, the FBI, judges, the intelligence community, and science.

And that's before we look more closely at the usual way in which lynching has been understood, namely as a crime, and terrorism, directed mainly against Blacks, and to remove these connotations, belittle the terrorism, and claim the term for himself. Nice reframing, if you think about it, and as despicable as... Trump himself is.
Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

Almost half of the people lynched in the US between 1882-1964 were white.

Lynching Statistics by Year

That chart was bubbled up before. Even using its out-of-date stats your own link says that 73% of lynching victims were black, in a country where blacks make up 10-12% of the population. And that doesn't include several hundred more that weren't yet counted, so it's even higher.

DemoKKKrats have always hated blacks and did most of the lynchings. They also hated Jews and Catholics and especially anti-slave Republicans. Does not include murders though.



Yeah, that's complete bullshit. When you live halfway around the world it's kind of risky to run with mythologies from parts unknown. The fact is lynchings are an act of social terrorism, not an act of politics, and NO LYNCHING EVER anywhere has required a political party registration. It's simply not related, at all.

Interesting that you'd bring up Viola Liuzza (I know her name just from the picture of the car, no link needed, with or without a paywall -- I know my history, you clearly do not). As a result of that murder, LBJ became the first POTUS since Ulysses Grant to prosecute the Ku Klux Klan.

What he's referring to about "my father fought them many long years ago in Texas" is an event where his father Sam, on the Texas state house floor in Austin, had vigorously denounced the KKK, after which the Klan threatened the family. LBJ's father and uncles sat up all night with shotguns while the boy LBJ and his siblings were sequestered in the basement. The Klan never showed up. But later in the 1950s they burned a cross on LBJ's lawn.

That Klan opposed and persecuted Jews, Catholics, Blacks, labor unions, and immigrants, ALL of which were and still are constituents of the Democratic Party. Perhaps you'd care to essplain to the class what a political party would be doing running a chapter beating up its own constituents.

Perhaps you'd care to essplain to the class why that terror division would be running Republican political candidates against its own state and local candidates -- like Rice Means. Like Ed Jackson. Like Owen Brewster. Like Ben Paulen. Like Albert Johnson. Like Clarence Morley. Like George Luis Baker. For that matter perhaps you'd like to clear up why they'd be both killing Republicans and running them for office at the same time.

Perhaps you have an answer to why the KKK endorsed the Republicans Calvin Coolidge (the only candidate that year who refused to denounce them) and Herbert Hoover the next round, while running a national smear campaign against the Democrat Al Smith. Perhaps you'd like to enlighten us on why the Klan worked to drive out the Governor of Oklahoma -- a Democrat -- after he tried to drive them out of his state.

The KKK also opposed and persecuted drunks, deadbeats, gamblers, philanderers and people who "didn't go to church". All this is social stuff, not political. The closest political party to the agenda of the Klan was the Know Nothings, who preceded them by a couple of decades. Both the original Klan (1865) and the re-start (1915) specifically and pointedly described themselves as non-political. Simmons declared his Klan to be ""the most powerful, secret, non-political organization in existence" before he was maneuvered out of power

They suffered some setbacks from publicity, notably in 1925 when the political boss of Indiana, one D.C. Stephenson, brutally raped and murdered a schoolteacher and then again in the 1940s when a writer (who also ran for Governor of Florida) published an exposé after he infiltrated the local Klan, and then worked with the radio program "Superman" on a series called "The Clan of the Fiery Cross". His name was Stetson Kennedy. Fun facts: Stephenson was a Republican, Kennedy a Democrat.

Oh and you know who caused the KKK to officially cease to exist, as of April 23, 1944? Ellis Arnall, Governor of Georgia (a Democrat) when he ordered his AG to find a way to rescind the Klan's charter, and FDR's IRS, who slapped the KKK with a bill for 2/3 of a million bucks in back taxes, effectively crippling them.

I'll tell ya what Greg. You don't sit here and tell me what my own history is, and I won't sit here and tell you Australia's. And the reason I won't do that is because I'm not qualified. Don't just sit here and parrot bullshit that mythologists shit on the floor. QUESTION EVERYTHING.

You seem a bit fragile about being the party of the KKK and the Party of Lynching; seems you have real blinkers on; denying your party History is understandable if you're a DemoKKKrat, Fredo Ocrazio!!!

Democrats Decry the KKK While Forgetting Legacy of One of Their Own - Rasmussen Reports®

You're a liar and a disgusting apologist for your Party's Past deeds of racism and murder. Get lost!!

You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

Trump calls it a lynching because Trump knows that term lynching is very appealing to a large part of his base.

It is? I didn't know that. So when Biden said it, it was because it was so appealing to his base too?
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics

Whites were lynched in history too. Or perhaps you don’t know that. Idiot.

Yes they were. Mostly for supporting civil rights for African Americans.

But this isn't a racial thing.

For a person to be lynched they need to be dead.

trump is very alive and well. So he couldn't have been lynched.

Being held accountable for crimes according to the constitution isn't lynching anyone.

Was Clinton being lynched when he was impeached?

This whole thing is ridiculous. When I see trump hung upside down by his feet. Doused with gasoline then set on fire then people shoot countless bullets into him, then you can say he was lynched.

Words do have meaning. You and trump can't change that. Here is the REAL meaning of lynching. Notice the very first sentence:

Screen Shot 2019-10-22 at 4.29.56 PM.png
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

Trump calls it a lynching because Trump knows that term lynching is very appealing to a large part of his base.

It is? I didn't know that. So when Biden said it, it was because it was so appealing to his base too?

Of course it was appealing to his base. These are politicians. They say whatever they need to say in order for their supporters to continue to support them no matter how ridiculous or offensive their comments are.

Why is this even a topic that either side would argue about.......... (baffled)
never happened,,,or you would have a long list of KKK republicans, but all we have is KKK democrats

Today's Repubs are yesteryear's Dems. They have the same values anyway...
that I dont believe for a minute,,,

according to the left bill maher is now far right,, so their definitions change daily,,,so its the left thats moving away from everybody else,,,

The problem is they don't realize it.

They went from:

Democrats to liberals.
Liberals to progressives.
Progressives to Democrat Socialists.

They are so far left they're off the radar screen at this point. The Terrorist 3 plus AOC is clear evidence of that. They are now the anti-semitic and anti-white party.
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

Trump calls it a lynching because Trump knows that term lynching is very appealing to a large part of his base.

It is? I didn't know that. So when Biden said it, it was because it was so appealing to his base too?

Of course it was appealing to his base. These are politicians. They say whatever they need to say in order for their supporters to continue to support them no matter how ridiculous or offensive their comments are.

Why is this even a topic that either side would argue about.......... (baffled)

Because the Democrat party and their extension, the MSM, made it that way. Nobody said a peep when Biden said the exact same thing. In fact, he even offered an apology for what he said over 20 years ago to justify what he's saying today.

Correct, it's not a big deal in any real way. But Democrats love to lie. They love to twist words like when Trump said there were good people on both sides, or that he was a nationalist. Innocent words that implied nothing nefarious, so Democrats changed the words around to create the lies.
Donald Trump uses another racially insensitive word to demonstrate his inbred racism.

He compared the impeachment process to a lynching.

Trump calls impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' - CNNPolitics

Whites were lynched in history too. Or perhaps you don’t know that. Idiot.

Yes they were. Mostly for supporting civil rights for African Americans.

But this isn't a racial thing.

For a person to be lynched they need to be dead.

trump is very alive and well. So he couldn't have been lynched.

Being held accountable for crimes according to the constitution isn't lynching anyone.

Was Clinton being lynched when he was impeached?

This whole thing is ridiculous. When I see trump hung upside down by his feet. Doused with gasoline then set on fire then people shoot countless bullets into him, then you can say he was lynched.

Words do have meaning. You and trump can't change that. Here is the REAL meaning of lynching. Notice the very first sentence:

View attachment 285987
Wait, you thought he was being literal?!! Christ almighty! You have got to be the dumbest person at USMB. :laugh:
This was an intentional attempt to redirect the conversation. Throwing out red meat is a strategy that works every time especially if it has a racist element to it.. Nothing motivates the presidents base more then seeing black people outraged. Trump supporters view it as black people complaining again and demanding white people acquiesce.

It should be mentioned but we should not linger on it.

People need to remain focused.
It is imperative to Trump's base that they feel both Trump and they are UNFAIRLY put upon by anyone not of the base. Trump represents their view of themselves both that he is unfairly treated but simultaneously Yuugely successful through his own efforts that overcome all that is put upon him. That's the key to Trumpism. It's anti-elitist, anti-immigrant and anti-intellectual. At it's base, Trumpism allows people to see whatever missed opportunity they perceive is someone else's fault, but they overcome that through Trump. "Only I can save you."

The racism aspect is simply that he's been blaming Blacks for everything since 1970. LOL

But when he told Pelosi "I'll see you at the polls," he really meant it. You're right that he's just giving his fans red meat. And you're also right that overemphasizing the racism aspect just misses the overall reason for his success with his base.

His base is about 30% of this nation.

They can't elect much alone. They have to have others voting with them.

When you alienate everyone but your base, you lose elections.

I think 30% is high. Going by the numbers, 55% of eligible voters in 2016 bothered to vote at all, and out of those 46% voted for Rump. 46% of 55% equals 25%.

I was being generous.

The point is when you drive everyone else away, You lose the election.

I'm in the Independent group of registered voters. He needs people like me but all he and the republicans have done is made me and people like me run from the republicans in horror.

Sure he has a base but that's not going to win any elections.
You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

Trump calls it a lynching because Trump knows that term lynching is very appealing to a large part of his base.

It is? I didn't know that. So when Biden said it, it was because it was so appealing to his base too?

Of course it was appealing to his base. These are politicians. They say whatever they need to say in order for their supporters to continue to support them no matter how ridiculous or offensive their comments are.

Why is this even a topic that either side would argue about.......... (baffled)

Because the Democrat party and their extension, the MSM, made it that way. Nobody said a peep when Biden said the exact same thing. In fact, he even offered an apology for what he said over 20 years ago to justify what he's saying today.

Correct, it's not a big deal in any real way. But Democrats love to lie. They love to twist words like when Trump said there were good people on both sides, or that he was a nationalist. Innocent words that implied nothing nefarious, so Democrats changed the words around to create the lies.

Here's a post that wants to go --

"He didn't say it" ..... "Okay he said it but da debbil made him say it".

Anything it takes to get off the hook, amirite?
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trump is now calling the constitutional process of impeachment is a lynching. That democrats are lynching him.

If anyone knew what REAL lynching is you would be thoroughly disgusted with trump and his words.

trump isn't being lynched. He's legally and constitutionally being impeached.

THIS is lynching:

May 1918 lynchings - Wikipedia

After Hayes Turner was murdered, his distraught wife Mary, who was eight months pregnant, publicly denounced her husband's lynching. She denied that her husband had been involved in Smith's killing, and threatened to have members of the mob arrested. The mob turned against her, determined to "teach her a lesson".[7] Although she fled, Mary Turner was captured at noon on May 19.[1][7] The mob of several hundred took her to the bank in Brooks County near Folsom Bridge, over the Little River, which forms the border with Lowndes County.[7][2]According to investigator Walter F. White of the NAACP, Mary Turner was tied and hung upside down by the ankles, her clothes soaked with gasoline, and burned from her body. Her belly was slit open with a knife like those used "in splitting hogs."[7] Her "unborn babe" fell to the ground and gave "two feeble cries."[7] Its head was crushed by a member of the mob with his heel, and the crowd shot hundreds of bullets into Turner's body.[7][2][11] Mary Turner was cut down and buried with her child near the tree, with a whiskey bottle marking the grave.[1] The Atlanta Constitution published an article with the subheadline: "Fury of the People Is Unrestrained."[12]

It speaks volumes that anyone anywhere would click a "Funny" on this story (which is absolutely true, it's been posted before). Gotta say I'm surprised at who they are though, at least one of them.

It's disgusting.

How can anyone, especially people who claim to be pro life think what happened to Mary Turner is funny? She was lynched, her child ripped from her body then it's head stomped into the ground under someone's boot.

trump and these people believe that what is happening to him now is the same thing.
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never happened,,,or you would have a long list of KKK republicans, but all we have is KKK democrats

Today's Repubs are yesteryear's Dems. They have the same values anyway...
that I dont believe for a minute,,,

according to the left bill maher is now far right,, so their definitions change daily,,,so its the left thats moving away from everybody else,,,

The problem is they don't realize it.

They went from:

Democrats to liberals.
Liberals to progressives.
Progressives to Democrat Socialists.

They are so far left they're off the radar screen at this point. The Terrorist 3 plus AOC is clear evidence of that. They are now the anti-semitic and anti-white party.

Once again for those banned from the history book store ---

"Democrat" is a political party;
"Liberal" is a political philosophy;
"Progressive" was a social movement of roughly 1890 to 1920.
"Democrat Socialist" does not even exist.

You know, since it's still in the investigative stage, it's not a lynching yet. The time for calling it a lynching won't come until the Senate starts with their trial.

Actually I believe he's calling it a lynching because of these clandestine inquiries that's being conducted by the Democrat House. When representatives are hiding something from the people that everybody should know about, you know they are up to no good which is the norm for the Democrat party, and particularly where Trump is concerned.

Trump calls it a lynching because Trump knows that term lynching is very appealing to a large part of his base.

It is? I didn't know that. So when Biden said it, it was because it was so appealing to his base too?

Of course it was appealing to his base. These are politicians. They say whatever they need to say in order for their supporters to continue to support them no matter how ridiculous or offensive their comments are.

Why is this even a topic that either side would argue about.......... (baffled)

Because the Democrat party and their extension, the MSM, made it that way. Nobody said a peep when Biden said the exact same thing. In fact, he even offered an apology for what he said over 20 years ago to justify what he's saying today.

Correct, it's not a big deal in any real way. But Democrats love to lie. They love to twist words like when Trump said there were good people on both sides, or that he was a nationalist. Innocent words that implied nothing nefarious, so Democrats changed the words around to create the lies.

I'm so sick to death how voters attack the other side while ignoring their own party's shortcomings or actions that are equal to those they are complaining about.

You asked a question and I answered honestly. Your response was to double down on your attack on the other political party.

This attitude has helped divide the country. We will soon be unable to fix the damage we are doing to each other and our country.
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Just watching the MSM whine about Trump's use of the word "lynch".
In a tweet Trump said that he was being "lynched" (metaphorically).
However, the dictionary's description of lynch doesn't include race.
Lynchings did not necessarily involve a black person, white people were lynched too.

Definition of LYNCH
Definition of lynch
transitive verb

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

So the MSM continues the "lynching" of Trump by playing the race card every chance they get. As Newt said on the View today, most people saw lynchings on TV, such as on the old westerns, and they were of white criminals, not blacks. Blacks were NOT the only people lynched.

Almost half of the people lynched in the US between 1882-1964 were white.

Lynching Statistics by Year

That chart was bubbled up before. Even using its out-of-date stats your own link says that 73% of lynching victims were black, in a country where blacks make up 10-12% of the population. And that doesn't include several hundred more that weren't yet counted, so it's even higher.

DemoKKKrats have always hated blacks and did most of the lynchings. They also hated Jews and Catholics and especially anti-slave Republicans. Does not include murders though.



Yeah, that's complete bullshit. When you live halfway around the world it's kind of risky to run with mythologies from parts unknown. The fact is lynchings are an act of social terrorism, not an act of politics, and NO LYNCHING EVER anywhere has required a political party registration. It's simply not related, at all.

Interesting that you'd bring up Viola Liuzza (I know her name just from the picture of the car, no link needed, with or without a paywall -- I know my history, you clearly do not). As a result of that murder, LBJ became the first POTUS since Ulysses Grant to prosecute the Ku Klux Klan.

What he's referring to about "my father fought them many long years ago in Texas" is an event where his father Sam, on the Texas state house floor in Austin, had vigorously denounced the KKK, after which the Klan threatened the family. LBJ's father and uncles sat up all night with shotguns while the boy LBJ and his siblings were sequestered in the basement. The Klan never showed up. But later in the 1950s they burned a cross on LBJ's lawn.

That Klan opposed and persecuted Jews, Catholics, Blacks, labor unions, and immigrants, ALL of which were and still are constituents of the Democratic Party. Perhaps you'd care to essplain to the class what a political party would be doing running a chapter beating up its own constituents.

Perhaps you'd care to essplain to the class why that terror division would be running Republican political candidates against its own state and local candidates -- like Rice Means. Like Ed Jackson. Like Owen Brewster. Like Ben Paulen. Like Albert Johnson. Like Clarence Morley. Like George Luis Baker. For that matter perhaps you'd like to clear up why they'd be both killing Republicans and running them for office at the same time.

Perhaps you have an answer to why the KKK endorsed the Republicans Calvin Coolidge (the only candidate that year who refused to denounce them) and Herbert Hoover the next round, while running a national smear campaign against the Democrat Al Smith. Perhaps you'd like to enlighten us on why the Klan worked to drive out the Governor of Oklahoma -- a Democrat -- after he tried to drive them out of his state.

The KKK also opposed and persecuted drunks, deadbeats, gamblers, philanderers and people who "didn't go to church". All this is social stuff, not political. The closest political party to the agenda of the Klan was the Know Nothings, who preceded them by a couple of decades. Both the original Klan (1865) and the re-start (1915) specifically and pointedly described themselves as non-political. Simmons declared his Klan to be ""the most powerful, secret, non-political organization in existence" before he was maneuvered out of power

They suffered some setbacks from publicity, notably in 1925 when the political boss of Indiana, one D.C. Stephenson, brutally raped and murdered a schoolteacher and then again in the 1940s when a writer (who also ran for Governor of Florida) published an exposé after he infiltrated the local Klan, and then worked with the radio program "Superman" on a series called "The Clan of the Fiery Cross". His name was Stetson Kennedy. Fun facts: Stephenson was a Republican, Kennedy a Democrat.

Oh and you know who caused the KKK to officially cease to exist, as of April 23, 1944? Ellis Arnall, Governor of Georgia (a Democrat) when he ordered his AG to find a way to rescind the Klan's charter, and FDR's IRS, who slapped the KKK with a bill for 2/3 of a million bucks in back taxes, effectively crippling them.

I'll tell ya what Greg. You don't sit here and tell me what my own history is, and I won't sit here and tell you Australia's. And the reason I won't do that is because I'm not qualified. Don't just sit here and parrot bullshit that mythologists shit on the floor. QUESTION EVERYTHING.

You seem a bit fragile about being the party of the KKK and the Party of Lynching; seems you have real blinkers on; denying your party History is understandable if you're a DemoKKKrat, Fredo Ocrazio!!!

Democrats Decry the KKK While Forgetting Legacy of One of Their Own - Rasmussen Reports®

You're a liar and a disgusting apologist for your Party's Past deeds of racism and murder. Get lost!!


I don't have a political party, asshole. I don't believe in that. But I *DO* know my history and I won't allow a wanker from Down Under to sit here and lie about shit he has no knowledge of. On the contrary I will correct it and I did. FUCKING DEAL WITH IT.

*EVERYTHING*, literally Everything I posted is documented and verifiable, and I have lots more, and there's not a damn thing in the world you can do about that. Whine and stomp your feet all you like, you can't just rewrite history on account of the fact that you didn't bother to learn any in the first place.


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Another thing that makes this extra ridiculous, is that Trump made the "lynching" comment in a tweet, a fucking TWEET !

It's not until the MSM started reporting it, and people like the OP spread it around the internet, that anyone really knew about it.

If AA's are butthurt from hearing the term, blame the media and robots like the OP.

Excuse me, but the OP was created because the black folk on CNN that were absolutely outraged that Trump would use the word "lynching" to describe his impeachment plight and they were convinced that all lynchings were of po black folks. My point being that the word "lynching" is not just of black folks and Biden and Nadler in-fact used it to describe the Clinton impeachment, on videos.

So not sure why you object to my setting the record straight in the OP?
1. White folks were also lynched
2. Biden and Nadler used "lynching" to describe the Clinton impeachment
3. Black folks needs to stop tryin' to play that fucking race card every chance they get, we ain't buying it.
4. Trump has every right to use the word "lynching" if he feels like it.

From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched. These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.


Again, those numbers are outdated. Several hundred more black lynchings have been counted since then, raising that number 3446 to (at last count) 4084, so not only is it well past the 73% mark with those included, but that's a 70-to-80 percent representation out of a populace that only comprises 10-12% of the total population.

In other words if it were anywhere near equal the number of black lynchings should have been around 500. But in reality it's eight times that.

those numbers dont work if you go back beyond 1882,,,

Dafuk does that mean?

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