This is me addressing democrats/liberals: how has Obama disappointed you?

I'm not entirely convinced that "compromise with the Republicans" deserves the blame for Obama failing to deliver on the reform we need. I'm not convinced that he hasn't used that for an excuse rather than it being the real reason. I see the fact that Wall Street and the pharmaceutical and health-insurance industries have given enormous amounts of money to his campaigns and those of other Democrats as sufficient to explain much of what he's done as president.

And that is really my biggest disappointment in him: that he has turned out to be on the take from corporate America just like anyone else able to rise to the position he holds. At this point, the only reason to vote for Obama for a second term is damage control, because as bad as he's been, a Republican president would undeniably be even worse.

The Health Insurance industries contributed to his campaigns? Do you have a link to support that?
Unfortunately, we have created a political system that requires you to be on the take to participate.
That doesn't change the fact that Obama has a better track record on the truth than most politicians.

So it's relative? Is that what you're saying? He doesn't lie as much as some others so that makes him better than them?

See, I find that hysterically funny. :lol: Are you so open minded that your brains fell out?

Well, it's certainly better than being close-minded. And come on, really? -1000 rep points. Again, I think that demonstrates how childish you are underneath.

You got negged for your misogynistic comment. Don't like it, don't make sexist remarks. Easy.

Being brainless is better than being close-minded? :lol: Wow. Every time I think you can't be any more ridiculous, you prove me wrong. That's something to be proud of.... in a way.
I'm not entirely convinced that "compromise with the Republicans" deserves the blame for Obama failing to deliver on the reform we need. I'm not convinced that he hasn't used that for an excuse rather than it being the real reason. I see the fact that Wall Street and the pharmaceutical and health-insurance industries have given enormous amounts of money to his campaigns and those of other Democrats as sufficient to explain much of what he's done as president.

And that is really my biggest disappointment in him: that he has turned out to be on the take from corporate America just like anyone else able to rise to the position he holds. At this point, the only reason to vote for Obama for a second term is damage control, because as bad as he's been, a Republican president would undeniably be even worse.

The Health Insurance industries contributed to his campaigns? Do you have a link to support that?

How can you not know this shit?

No wonder you're such an Obama Borg... you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How fucking embarrassing for you.
I'm not entirely convinced that "compromise with the Republicans" deserves the blame for Obama failing to deliver on the reform we need. I'm not convinced that he hasn't used that for an excuse rather than it being the real reason. I see the fact that Wall Street and the pharmaceutical and health-insurance industries have given enormous amounts of money to his campaigns and those of other Democrats as sufficient to explain much of what he's done as president.

And that is really my biggest disappointment in him: that he has turned out to be on the take from corporate America just like anyone else able to rise to the position he holds. At this point, the only reason to vote for Obama for a second term is damage control, because as bad as he's been, a Republican president would undeniably be even worse.

The Health Insurance industries contributed to his campaigns? Do you have a link to support that?

How can you not know this shit?

No wonder you're such an Obama Borg... you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How fucking embarrassing for you.

You have some serious issues, don't you?
That would be true if you offered any. Where is it in relation to this thread?

If you understood 'truth', you would realize that Obama is nothing more than another corrupt politician. It's unpalatable but true. Your Messiah is "not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy."

His record on the truth says otherwise. See the links in my signature.

I'm capable of doing my own research on Obama's lies. Thanks.

Personally, I find it rather pathetic that you are so desperate to prove his honesty. To who? Others or yourself? He's no better than the rest. A lying, corrupt, two bit hustler who plays whatever tune his audience wants to hear. And anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.
I don't see why that would be surprising. When the template for reform requires the purchase of insurance, it's a win/win.

Take a gander at the spread for the current election.


Makes me laugh when I hear how evil union money is comparable to corporate. Fucking wankers.
The Health Insurance industries contributed to his campaigns? Do you have a link to support that?

How can you not know this shit?

No wonder you're such an Obama Borg... you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How fucking embarrassing for you.

You have some serious issues, don't you?

Yes, I do. I'm honest to the point of brutality. No 'half truths'. Just call it as I see it. Not my problem if you lack the basic level of intellect to cope with honesty.

On the bright side, you'll never hear me justifying lies by a politician by saying he doesn't lie as often as others. Twit.
The Health Insurance industries contributed to his campaigns? Do you have a link to support that?

Obama Received $20 Million from Healthcare Industry in 2008 Campaign | Common Dreams

Hmm, okay then. It seems strange to me that they would.

Big business buys both parties, not just one of them. It's how the scam works. Government of, by, and for the people isn't on the ballot, therefore the people can't vote for it, therefore we don't have it.

Just buying the Republicans wouldn't do it. If that was all the plutocrats did, the Democrats would never lose an election. This way, the plutocrats win even when the Democrats do.
How can you not know this shit?

No wonder you're such an Obama Borg... you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How fucking embarrassing for you.

You have some serious issues, don't you?

Yes, I do. I'm honest to the point of brutality. No 'half truths'. Just call it as I see it. Not my problem if you lack the basic level of intellect to cope with honesty.

On the bright side, you'll never hear me justifying lies by a politician by saying he doesn't lie as often as others. Twit.

Do you not realize how transparent you sound? You like the idea of me thinking you as this tough, no nonsense bitch, but really you are just an insecure little girl. Frankly, I feel sorry for you.
You have some serious issues, don't you?

Yes, I do. I'm honest to the point of brutality. No 'half truths'. Just call it as I see it. Not my problem if you lack the basic level of intellect to cope with honesty.

On the bright side, you'll never hear me justifying lies by a politician by saying he doesn't lie as often as others. Twit.

Do you not realize how transparent you sound? You like the idea of me thinking you as this tough, no nonsense bitch, but really you are just an insecure little girl. Frankly, I feel sorry for you.

No need to feel 'sorry' for me. I get by very comfortably in life. But thanks for your concern.
My biggest disappointment with Obama is that, in negotiations, he tends to give too much to the GOP in hopes that they'll be fair and willing partners in governance. I realize that he's trying to appeal to the middle, but at some point he's got to say enough is enough (which he SEEMS to be doing now - we'll see). If he didn't already know it, he should know by now that the GOP is not the least bit interested in compromise.

You mean like Obamacare? Give some examples of this. It just shows how looney left you are. Obama is the most divisive bitterly partisan President in my lifetime, and that's up against some pretty stiff competition.
My biggest disappointment with Obama is that, in negotiations, he tends to give too much to the GOP in hopes that they'll be fair and willing partners in governance. I realize that he's trying to appeal to the middle, but at some point he's got to say enough is enough (which he SEEMS to be doing now - we'll see). If he didn't already know it, he should know by now that the GOP is not the least bit interested in compromise.

You mean like Obamacare? Give some examples of this. It just shows how looney left you are. Obama is the most divisive bitterly partisan President in my lifetime, and that's up against some pretty stiff competition.

Really? How old are you? I'd have to say Nixon was the most divisive one I've ever lived through. Do you have some examples of how bitterly divisive Obama has been?
It just shows how looney left you are.

Actually, the fact that you think Obama, who is quite conservative in his governance as Democrats go, is some kind of extreme left-wing ideologue, shows how looney right YOU are.
My biggest disappointment with Obama is that, in negotiations, he tends to give too much to the GOP in hopes that they'll be fair and willing partners in governance. I realize that he's trying to appeal to the middle, but at some point he's got to say enough is enough (which he SEEMS to be doing now - we'll see). If he didn't already know it, he should know by now that the GOP is not the least bit interested in compromise.

You mean like Obamacare? Give some examples of this. It just shows how looney left you are. Obama is the most divisive bitterly partisan President in my lifetime, and that's up against some pretty stiff competition.

Really? How old are you? I'd have to say Nixon was the most divisive one I've ever lived through. Do you have some examples of how bitterly divisive Obama has been?

Nice diversion. Try answering the question.
My biggest disappointment with Obama is that, in negotiations, he tends to give too much to the GOP in hopes that they'll be fair and willing partners in governance. I realize that he's trying to appeal to the middle, but at some point he's got to say enough is enough (which he SEEMS to be doing now - we'll see). If he didn't already know it, he should know by now that the GOP is not the least bit interested in compromise.

You mean like Obamacare? Give some examples of this. It just shows how looney left you are. Obama is the most divisive bitterly partisan President in my lifetime, and that's up against some pretty stiff competition.

Really? How old are you? I'd have to say Nixon was the most divisive one I've ever lived through. Do you have some examples of how bitterly divisive Obama has been?

I agree. Either Kaz thinks George W. Bush is a centrist, or Kaz is a child.

I wonder which it is.

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