This is Nathan Ener. He Threatened mob violence against BLM for Texas Shooting.

No its not different. My comment never changed. You just had problems reading and understanding. If you think bad reading comprehension is funny that explains why you said some whites were racist then when I agreed you said I was blocking communication.
Not sure what you're talking about, but you go! Your friends on this important site are really lovin' it!
Of course you are not sure. More likely you are embarrassed. Making an error like that tends to throw your world out of balance when you profess to be above it all.
"Embarrassed". In front of whom, the PC Police? I didn't realize how important this place is to you.

Let me rephrase, then: You and CC are liars and bigots, and tiny little parts of a critical problem.

I don't try to communicate with you, because as liars and bigots you make it impossible.

If you don't like that, tough shit. You sure as hell won't affect my opinions.
Obviously someone on this site is important to you in order for you to get this embarrassed. You completely broke down after I pointed out how you exposed your hypocrisy. You just said you dont try to communicate with me but here we are pages later and you are still doing the opposite of what you just said. Is it Opposite Day?
Great point.

Off to ignore you go, with the other bigots and liars.

Buh bye.
I have a way of doing that to people. I show them how they exposed their lack of logic, they deny, then deflect, then they finally succumb to avoidance behavior and put me on ignore. It basically leaves not doubt I have caused them emotional trauma.
The root of all white male racism. Fear their women will turn to Black men. :laugh:

Not much to fear. Mostly white men turning to women. "Transgerdering" doesn't seen to have caught on as strongly with blacks though, as you illustrate, there could be exceptions
Your segue into "transgerdering" (whatever that is) was pretty poorly thought out. Why dont you back up and try your deflection again?
And why the hell is this guy's opinion important when illegal aliens are murdering American citizens and some death cult called "black lives matter" may be involved directly or indirectly in the assassinations of at least two and maybe three Police Officers in the last couple of weeks?
And why the hell is this guy's opinion important when illegal aliens are murdering American citizens and some death cult called "black lives matter" may be involved directly or indirectly in the assassinations of at least two and maybe three Police Officers in the last couple of weeks?
Who said his opinion was important?
So was Hitler right all along and those bad bad Jews are the cause? Or is that different? Dont answer, you wont anyway
Hitler was a sick zealot who was wrong pretty much across the board.

And I love that you invoke Hitler, another great sign.

You two really need to try harder.

Ok how about David Duke? He hates blacks because its blacks fault but really wrong for the Jewish thing.
I have no idea what your point is. Duke is another racist, duh.

Ask a direct question instead of playing games.

But he's a racist with a reason....dont be shy tell us why the Jews made this reasonable man a bigot and racist.
They didn't.

Is there a point somewhere? What's wrong with you people?

Yeah, you said blacks were Creating racists. So tell me how the Jews are responsible for hatred of Jews.
Yeah, you said blacks were Creating racists.
I did? Really?

I realize that (a) the perceptions of hardcore partisan ideologues like you are distorted, and that (b) you have a significant problem with honesty, but that's not what I said.

What I actually said was: "Sadly, some on the Left are significantly slowing down that process by both exacerbating racial tensions and creating new racists." That's a cut & paste, by the way.

I'm talking about the PC Police. And of course, you folks create racists because people who are otherwise ambivalent about racial matters see you folks...
  • Cram race into every last goddamn conversation
  • Scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, regardless of how absurd the charge is
  • Expect normal Americans to treat people differently based on their skin color
  • Lower standards and expectations for certain people based only on their skin color
  • Ignore bad behaviors for certain people based only on their skin color
  • Infer that white people don't deserve what they have, they only have it because of white privilege
  • Spin & deflect for pretty much any destructive & inflammatory words and behavior by groups like BLM
  • Enable race pimps to make tensions worse
That's what decent people - white, brown, yellow and black - are seeing and hearing, from coast to coast. And maybe some of them don't like that.

I know, I know. You have no idea what I'm talking about! This is all crazy! It just never happens! It doesn't exist! I know your silly denial schtick.

Your response will be a lie. But you asked, and I don't need your approval.
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This is Nathan Ener. He's an angry white man. It seems to be catching on these days.

See Nathan Rant

He's tough! Here's what Nathan said in a nutshell:

He said alleged gunman Shannon Miles, who was found incompetent to stand trial in an unrelated 2012 assault case, was not to blame for the deputy’s slaying.

The one that killed him was these Black Panthers and all these black thugs that comes to your town and marches and hollers ‘oink-oink, bang-bang,’ and all that retarded sh*t, you know, they’re the ones that’s responsible for it,” Ener said.

Starting now we holding these people responsible,” Ener warned. “Like I said, it stops now. Don’t ever let a Black Panther or any black group come to your town and march in that town and get done and be able to get in their vehicle and leave. That’s over with.


This is Nathan meeting one of those "black panther types" face to face.

See Nathan change his tune. See Nathan get police protection. See Nathan mad but not do anything when face to face with one of those "types".

See Nathan angry that his daughter likes those types. See Nathan leave. See Nathans tail? No? Thats because its tucked straight into his asshole like a thread in a needle.

He is just another bloated half dead cracker coward
Yeah, you said blacks were Creating racists.
I did? Really?

I realize that (a) the perceptions of hardcore partisan ideologues like you are distorted, and that (b) you have a significant problem with honesty, but that's not what I said.

What I actually said was: "Sadly, some on the Left are significantly slowing down that process by both exacerbating racial tensions and creating new racists." That's a cut & paste, by the way.

Yes really, and you even quoted it here. Now you are trying to hide all your objections about race and say it's not about blacks. Very funny stuff.

I'm talking about the PC Police. And of course, you folks create racists because people who are otherwise ambivalent about racial matters see you folks...

Again you just found fault with the victims of the racism and not the racists themselves..which again, seem to not apply to any other group but blacks...err...I mean the PC police *wink wink*
  • Cram race into every last goddamn conversation
    [*]Scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, regardless of how absurd the charge is
    [*]Expect normal Americans to treat people differently based on their skin color

What skin color? PC police skin color? Lmao...
  • Lower standards and expectations for certain people based only on their skin color
    [*]Ignore bad behaviors for certain people based only on their skin color
Again, PC police skin color?
  • Infer that white people don't deserve what they have, they only have it because of white privilege
    [*]Spin & deflect for pretty much any destructive & inflammatory words and behavior by groups like BLM
    [*]Enable race pimps to make tensions worse
PC police have a race too? What race would that be?
That's what decent people - white, brown, yellow and black - are seeing and hearing, from coast to coast. And maybe some of them don't like that.

That good ol no true Scotsman fallacy again .

know, I know. You have no idea what I'm talking about! This is all crazy! It just never happens! It doesn't exist! I know your silly denial schtick.

Your response will be a lie. But you asked, and I don't need your approval.

I simply asked if the Jews are responsible for anti semetic also or does this rule only apply to blacks? You seem confused on that point.
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MACS whole spiel is that blacks don't like whites for no reason and rather perplexed at the whole thing.

But whites hate blacks for good sound reasons.
In the mind of criminals and thugs, defending oneself is the same as putting a bounty out on white people and cops.
And why the hell is this guy's opinion important when illegal aliens are murdering American citizens and some death cult called "black lives matter" may be involved directly or indirectly in the assassinations of at least two and maybe three Police Officers in the last couple of weeks?

May be involved? What evidence do you have other than hannity telling you that?

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