This Is NOT Christian

I know. I propose each elected official should have a half term probationary period. If it can be shown there has been no effort to enact those promises, the position must be ceded to runner-up to fill the remainder of the term. (This goes double for those re-elected if we cannot enact term limits.)

I was speaking of their marriages.
I asked this before........some actor choses a lifestyle other than mine and I'm supposed to get upset why?

We picked two guys for president who both had cheated on their spouses and I'm supposed to get upset over some actor and his wife who have agreed to a lifestyle that suits them?

Please, explain.
Again, I did not ask for anyone to get upset--merely to stand by their own position of what is right or wrong. Recently (in another thread) I brought up Milgram's Experiments where it is shown that 65% of us will do what we believe to be wrong if that wrong has been authorized by authorities.

Our government overlords told us divorce was okay and people rushed to divorce courts. Our government overlords told us abortion was a right, and we rushed to abort. This can be shown over and over again. Milgram's experiment had a person of authority telling people it was okay to increase pain levels to the lethal level, and 65% of those in the study did just that.

We have to insist to our government (both elected officials and bureaucracies) that we are the overlords, and that can't happen if we all just quietly step back and let everyone do as they please, having no expectations.

Elected officials will do anything to get power and to stay in power. And--as they learned from Milgram's experiments--the majority will fall in line behind authority figures who tell them it is all right to do wrong. That's why the wrong people get elected. Humans have this baser inclination to do wrong. We need our ideals and people who stand up for them. Upstanders, not bystanders.

I voted for President Trump knowing his personal history. He was the only one who showed any interest at all at tilting at all the bureaucratic windmills to get rid of bureaucratic rules, regulations, and mandates. He did fine with that, and I would vote for him again to do it again. However, he would not be my choice for husband of the year, or even Christian of the year. But then, we are not asked to vote on those. Maybe we should.
Again, I did not ask for anyone to get upset--merely to stand by their own position of what is right or wrong. Recently (in another thread) I brought up Milgram's Experiments where it is shown that 65% of us will do what we believe to be wrong if that wrong has been authorized by authorities.

Our government overlords told us divorce was okay and people rushed to divorce courts. Our government overlords told us abortion was a right, and we rushed to abort. This can be shown over and over again. Milgram's experiment had a person of authority telling people it was okay to increase pain levels to the lethal level, and 65% of those in the study did just that.

We have to insist to our government (both elected officials and bureaucracies) that we are the overlords, and that can't happen if we all just quietly step back and let everyone do as they please, having no expectations.

Elected officials will do anything to get power and to stay in power. And--as they learned from Milgram's experiments--the majority will fall in line behind authority figures who tell them it is all right to do wrong. That's why the wrong people get elected. Humans have this baser inclination to do wrong. We need our ideals and people who stand up for them. Upstanders, not bystanders.

I voted for President Trump knowing his personal history. He was the only one who showed any interest at all at tilting at all the bureaucratic windmills to get rid of bureaucratic rules, regulations, and mandates. He did fine with that, and I would vote for him again to do it again. However, he would not be my choice for husband of the year, or even Christian of the year. But then, we are not asked to vote on those. Maybe we should.

Anyone that will cheat on their spouse will cheat anyone, IMO. To note, Will Smith is not cheating on his spouse. He is living their agreement. It affects me none.
No, because it would be adultery either way you look at it.

Well, he makes a point of saying in the article that he was raised on Christian values.
Where does the NT speak against having more than one wife?
If your god was against it, explain king david, abraham, jacob, gideon, solomon etc
Where does the NT speak against having more than one wife?
Where does it speak of having more than one husband? Remember the woman at the well? Both Jesus and she agreed that the man she was living with was not her husband. What did he say to the woman caught in adultery. "Go, but from now on, avoid this sin."
Where does it speak of having more than one husband? Remember the woman at the well? Both Jesus and she agreed that the man she was living with was not her husband. What did he say to the woman caught in adultery. "Go, but from now on, avoid this sin."

How is it that a "Christian" nation looks to people who never learned this lesson to run the country?
An analogy: Butter (or another topping) spread thinly over two slices of bread or more lavishly on one. If we are apt to select the more lavish slice of bread, doesn't it make sense we prefer a partner who lavishes his/her attention on one, rather than spreading it over two?
That analogy falls down where it assumes all slices of bread are equal.
Is there value in morals? Is a family, community, society more stable and happier all agree to abide by a set of morals; or more stable and happier if everyone goes their own way, each deciding for him/herself how each will behave?
I love the pious double standard, voting for a less stable and happier community.
I voted for President Trump knowing his personal history.
Where does it speak of having more than one husband? Remember the woman at the well? Both Jesus and she agreed that the man she was living with was not her husband. What did he say to the woman caught in adultery. "Go, but from now on, avoid this sin."
Doesnt the bible specify a woman can only have one husband? Romans or timothy maybe? I dont remember seeing anything about the man having more than one wife.
Where does the NT speak against having more than one wife

Well for one marriage is supposed to be holy and for two does any of this seem familiar to you by any chance?

"Do you promise to keep yourself only for him/her as long as you both shall live?" OR "Until death do you part?"
Well for one marriage is supposed to be holy and for two does any of this seem familiar to you by any chance?

"Do you promise to keep yourself only for him/her as long as you both shall live?" OR "Until death do you part?"

what has that to do with being swingers - than a sanctified arrogance for their purpose as a couple.
Not in the slightest.

Jacob Reaboahm and Solomon had more than one wife and concubines'. It was a certain number, that grew with time. You pledge to not be up to any mischief. That is a good thing. Stay with it. Wicked people fall into mischief.
Not in the slightest.

That can be repeated. Concubines' are OK to God. The church hates the truth. That is why things are, the way they are. Where is a priest talked about?
Sorry, No.
Because God ALLOWED Gabby Petito to be murdered by her boyfriend doesn't mean God condones it.

Just because God didn't rain down fire on sinners doesn't mean he condones their behaviour.

Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent

Humans naturally gravitate to sin. But in a short time we will all give an accounting for the lives we've lived
Will Smith reduces his wife to a fuck buddy when he can't scrag some fluff!! Am I supposed to give a damn about some male sluts so called demeaning of womanhood?? Isn't that what women's lib was all against??


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