This is NOT for the ignorant voters but the undecided!

Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232

Trump WANTED more media attention, and he got it.
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232
All I see is Trump has far more scandals and lies than Clinton...

Lets just put this is perspective.... Trump boasts of sexually assaulting women, would leave your daughter in a room alone with him...

The Question to Clinton about her age and Health, simple answer, she is younger, fitter and better shape than her opposing candidate while having a better diet...
How did they drag that out for 53mins...

Let's go to the Hillary scandal web page and count the ways!
1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

3) Bill Clinton admitted to an affair with Flowers, as he did with Lewinksy. But Hillary’s actions, Willey contends, indicated by word and deed that her main concern was to ensure her husband’s proclivities didn’t ruin their political careers.
4) When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House. Hillary tried to ship furniture to the Clintons’ personal home in Chappaqua, New York. The Clintons came under fire when they reportedly tried to take $190,000 in gifts and furnishings from the presidential mansion.
4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clinton duo was involved in a scandal known as “Filegate” in which they illegally obtaining FBI files on perceived adversaries, most of whom served in previous Republican administrations.
5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death

7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Chinagate, documented by Judicial Watch, was uncovered by Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman. Technology companies allegedly made donations of millions of dollars to various Democratic Party entities, including President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, in return for permission to sell high-tech secrets to China.
9) Travelgate: Always room for friends
In the Travelgate scandal, the staff of the White House travel office was fired to make way for Clinton cronies, including Bill’s 25-year-old cousin, who was reportedly promised the position of office director.
10) Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
The Whitewater investigation by independent counsel Kenneth Starr began in 1994 with accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others concerning improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
And that's just 10! The worst are yet to be shown to you but go to the above and see the remaining 12!

Have you got any actual evidence that could stand up in a court of law... Lets not pretend that tens of millions of dollars has been spent investigating Hillary Clinton and you have not one criminal action which would stand up in court... One glorious waste of money...

Where is the court date? Where is the proof...

Up there on your list is the glorious list of past failures... Unproven accusations...

Shit lads if a kid said Hillary ate his homework, you would have it up on that list and arrange congressional hearings...

This is your problem at this stage, you have been proven time and time again of lying about allegations against Clinton.

You have lost credibility, read story of boy who cried wolf...

The made up scandals on both sides are mind numbing, but that is what the media likes. Personally both candidates are terrible and neither is worth wasting a vote on.
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232

'Bashing' Trump? Bashing is when you attack a candidate unfairly. The Trump scandals are real.
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232

Do you realize that study only uses a tiny percentage of the media coverage of the candidates?
Hillary got people killed as SOS and her husband is a rapist perverted pig its not rocket science.
Its time to end this garbage, Hillary got no one killed, not a single person, and IF her husband is a rapist so then, my friend, is Trump. It works both ways
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232
All I see is Trump has far more scandals and lies than Clinton...

Lets just put this is perspective.... Trump boasts of sexually assaulting women, would leave your daughter in a room alone with him...

The Question to Clinton about her age and Health, simple answer, she is younger, fitter and better shape than her opposing candidate while having a better diet...
How did they drag that out for 53mins...

Let's go to the Hillary scandal web page and count the ways!
1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

3) Bill Clinton admitted to an affair with Flowers, as he did with Lewinksy. But Hillary’s actions, Willey contends, indicated by word and deed that her main concern was to ensure her husband’s proclivities didn’t ruin their political careers.
4) When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House. Hillary tried to ship furniture to the Clintons’ personal home in Chappaqua, New York. The Clintons came under fire when they reportedly tried to take $190,000 in gifts and furnishings from the presidential mansion.
4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clinton duo was involved in a scandal known as “Filegate” in which they illegally obtaining FBI files on perceived adversaries, most of whom served in previous Republican administrations.
5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death

7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Chinagate, documented by Judicial Watch, was uncovered by Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman. Technology companies allegedly made donations of millions of dollars to various Democratic Party entities, including President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, in return for permission to sell high-tech secrets to China.
9) Travelgate: Always room for friends
In the Travelgate scandal, the staff of the White House travel office was fired to make way for Clinton cronies, including Bill’s 25-year-old cousin, who was reportedly promised the position of office director.
10) Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
The Whitewater investigation by independent counsel Kenneth Starr began in 1994 with accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others concerning improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
And that's just 10! The worst are yet to be shown to you but go to the above and see the remaining 12!

Have you got any actual evidence that could stand up in a court of law... Lets not pretend that tens of millions of dollars has been spent investigating Hillary Clinton and you have not one criminal action which would stand up in court... One glorious waste of money...

Where is the court date? Where is the proof...

Up there on your list is the glorious list of past failures... Unproven accusations...

Shit lads if a kid said Hillary ate his homework, you would have it up on that list and arrange congressional hearings...

This is your problem at this stage, you have been proven time and time again of lying about allegations against Clinton.

You have lost credibility, read story of boy who cried wolf...

It's kind of hard to get an indictment when you buy off the investigator. But you knew that, you simply don't care.

Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife

Already Debunked today...

This is all you got unfounded allegation after another...

The pay was a standard run of the mill PAC transfer which is happening furiously at the moment...

The particular payment you are taking happened over a year before her husband was promoted into the job on the investigation team...

This is the horseshit you believe... That is why people are not taking ye seriously....

Grow up and at least try and gain some credibility... This was debunked in one google search...
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232
All I see is Trump has far more scandals and lies than Clinton...

Lets just put this is perspective.... Trump boasts of sexually assaulting women, would leave your daughter in a room alone with him...

The Question to Clinton about her age and Health, simple answer, she is younger, fitter and better shape than her opposing candidate while having a better diet...
How did they drag that out for 53mins...

Let's go to the Hillary scandal web page and count the ways!
1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

3) Bill Clinton admitted to an affair with Flowers, as he did with Lewinksy. But Hillary’s actions, Willey contends, indicated by word and deed that her main concern was to ensure her husband’s proclivities didn’t ruin their political careers.
4) When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House. Hillary tried to ship furniture to the Clintons’ personal home in Chappaqua, New York. The Clintons came under fire when they reportedly tried to take $190,000 in gifts and furnishings from the presidential mansion.
4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clinton duo was involved in a scandal known as “Filegate” in which they illegally obtaining FBI files on perceived adversaries, most of whom served in previous Republican administrations.
5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death

7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Chinagate, documented by Judicial Watch, was uncovered by Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman. Technology companies allegedly made donations of millions of dollars to various Democratic Party entities, including President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, in return for permission to sell high-tech secrets to China.
9) Travelgate: Always room for friends
In the Travelgate scandal, the staff of the White House travel office was fired to make way for Clinton cronies, including Bill’s 25-year-old cousin, who was reportedly promised the position of office director.
10) Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
The Whitewater investigation by independent counsel Kenneth Starr began in 1994 with accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others concerning improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
And that's just 10! The worst are yet to be shown to you but go to the above and see the remaining 12!

Have you got any actual evidence that could stand up in a court of law... Lets not pretend that tens of millions of dollars has been spent investigating Hillary Clinton and you have not one criminal action which would stand up in court... One glorious waste of money...

Where is the court date? Where is the proof...

Up there on your list is the glorious list of past failures... Unproven accusations...

Shit lads if a kid said Hillary ate his homework, you would have it up on that list and arrange congressional hearings...

This is your problem at this stage, you have been proven time and time again of lying about allegations against Clinton.

You have lost credibility, read story of boy who cried wolf...

It's kind of hard to get an indictment when you buy off the investigator. But you knew that, you simply don't care.

Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife

Already Debunked today...

This is all you got unfounded allegation after another...

The pay was a standard run of the mill PAC transfer which is happening furiously at the moment...

The particular payment you are taking happened over a year before her husband was promoted into the job on the investigation team...

This is the horseshit you believe... That is why people are not taking ye seriously....

Grow up and at least try and gain some credibility... This was debunked in one google search...
If its a story on right wing media, its got to be true. Why then would anyone bother to fact check Hannity or Limbaugh?
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232

I'm not voting for Trump because of what Trump says. He wants to punish companies that want to operate efficiently and it's up to him whether we can engage in trade or not, we have to convince him allowing us to trade is in his interest. I won't vote for someone who's not a free market capitalist, and says so.

I say the same to Trump and the Trumpettes as the Democrats who think my property is theirs to use for their interest. Fuck off and keep your hands on your own shit, not my property, not other people's property, keep your hands on your own property

I'm not voting for Trump because of what Trump says.

Doesn't that point make everything else Mute... You freely admit not being interested in what he says, how do you know position on anything...

Trump has stated that he is up for taxing imports, that is against free market capitalism....

Now you got a problem...
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232

I'm not voting for Trump because of what Trump says. He wants to punish companies that want to operate efficiently and it's up to him whether we can engage in trade or not, we have to convince him allowing us to trade is in his interest. I won't vote for someone who's not a free market capitalist, and says so.

I say the same to Trump and the Trumpettes as the Democrats who think my property is theirs to use for their interest. Fuck off and keep your hands on your own shit, not my property, not other people's property, keep your hands on your own property

I'm not voting for Trump because of what Trump says.

Doesn't that point make everything else Mute... You freely admit not being interested in what he says, how do you know position on anything...

Trump has stated that he is up for taxing imports, that is against free market capitalism....

Now you got a problem...
The worst part is that Trump doesn't know what he is talking about. He constantly demeans the ACA, but has no idea how it works
Hillary got people killed as SOS and her husband is a rapist perverted pig its not rocket science.
Its time to end this garbage, Hillary got no one killed, not a single person, and IF her husband is a rapist so then, my friend, is Trump. It works both ways

Hang on there....

Clinton had all allegations rape made against investigated and was cleared... He deserves the respect due, god knows the investigation was painful enough...

Trump has confessed to sexual assault and has 11 women come forward saying he sexually assaulted them.

Not the Alt Right has alway never understood the difference between consensual sexual acts and nonconsensual sexual acts.

Remember in a previous election they thought you couldn't get pregnant by one...
Trump got what he wanted and tried so hard to get, free media coverage.

Look at it this way, if Trump had not gotten all of that free marketing and advertising for the FIRST 52 weeks of his campaign from the Media, he would never had been in the position to receive these last 12 weeks of critical media.
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232
All I see is Trump has far more scandals and lies than Clinton...

Lets just put this is perspective.... Trump boasts of sexually assaulting women, would leave your daughter in a room alone with him...

The Question to Clinton about her age and Health, simple answer, she is younger, fitter and better shape than her opposing candidate while having a better diet...
How did they drag that out for 53mins...

Let's go to the Hillary scandal web page and count the ways!
1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

3) Bill Clinton admitted to an affair with Flowers, as he did with Lewinksy. But Hillary’s actions, Willey contends, indicated by word and deed that her main concern was to ensure her husband’s proclivities didn’t ruin their political careers.
4) When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House. Hillary tried to ship furniture to the Clintons’ personal home in Chappaqua, New York. The Clintons came under fire when they reportedly tried to take $190,000 in gifts and furnishings from the presidential mansion.
4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clinton duo was involved in a scandal known as “Filegate” in which they illegally obtaining FBI files on perceived adversaries, most of whom served in previous Republican administrations.
5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death

7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Chinagate, documented by Judicial Watch, was uncovered by Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman. Technology companies allegedly made donations of millions of dollars to various Democratic Party entities, including President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, in return for permission to sell high-tech secrets to China.
9) Travelgate: Always room for friends
In the Travelgate scandal, the staff of the White House travel office was fired to make way for Clinton cronies, including Bill’s 25-year-old cousin, who was reportedly promised the position of office director.
10) Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
The Whitewater investigation by independent counsel Kenneth Starr began in 1994 with accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others concerning improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
And that's just 10! The worst are yet to be shown to you but go to the above and see the remaining 12!

Have you got any actual evidence that could stand up in a court of law... Lets not pretend that tens of millions of dollars has been spent investigating Hillary Clinton and you have not one criminal action which would stand up in court... One glorious waste of money...

Where is the court date? Where is the proof...

Up there on your list is the glorious list of past failures... Unproven accusations...

Shit lads if a kid said Hillary ate his homework, you would have it up on that list and arrange congressional hearings...

This is your problem at this stage, you have been proven time and time again of lying about allegations against Clinton.

You have lost credibility, read story of boy who cried wolf...

It's kind of hard to get an indictment when you buy off the investigator. But you knew that, you simply don't care.

Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife

Already Debunked today...

This is all you got unfounded allegation after another...

The pay was a standard run of the mill PAC transfer which is happening furiously at the moment...

The particular payment you are taking happened over a year before her husband was promoted into the job on the investigation team...

This is the horseshit you believe... That is why people are not taking ye seriously....

Grow up and at least try and gain some credibility... This was debunked in one google search...

Which is pure unadulterated bullshit. And you know it. Face it sweet cheeks. So long as it is a fascist running for office you don't care what they do.
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232
All I see is Trump has far more scandals and lies than Clinton...

Lets just put this is perspective.... Trump boasts of sexually assaulting women, would leave your daughter in a room alone with him...

The Question to Clinton about her age and Health, simple answer, she is younger, fitter and better shape than her opposing candidate while having a better diet...
How did they drag that out for 53mins...

Let's go to the Hillary scandal web page and count the ways!
1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

3) Bill Clinton admitted to an affair with Flowers, as he did with Lewinksy. But Hillary’s actions, Willey contends, indicated by word and deed that her main concern was to ensure her husband’s proclivities didn’t ruin their political careers.
4) When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House. Hillary tried to ship furniture to the Clintons’ personal home in Chappaqua, New York. The Clintons came under fire when they reportedly tried to take $190,000 in gifts and furnishings from the presidential mansion.
4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clinton duo was involved in a scandal known as “Filegate” in which they illegally obtaining FBI files on perceived adversaries, most of whom served in previous Republican administrations.
5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death

7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Chinagate, documented by Judicial Watch, was uncovered by Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman. Technology companies allegedly made donations of millions of dollars to various Democratic Party entities, including President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, in return for permission to sell high-tech secrets to China.
9) Travelgate: Always room for friends
In the Travelgate scandal, the staff of the White House travel office was fired to make way for Clinton cronies, including Bill’s 25-year-old cousin, who was reportedly promised the position of office director.
10) Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
The Whitewater investigation by independent counsel Kenneth Starr began in 1994 with accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others concerning improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
And that's just 10! The worst are yet to be shown to you but go to the above and see the remaining 12!

Have you got any actual evidence that could stand up in a court of law... Lets not pretend that tens of millions of dollars has been spent investigating Hillary Clinton and you have not one criminal action which would stand up in court... One glorious waste of money...

Where is the court date? Where is the proof...

Up there on your list is the glorious list of past failures... Unproven accusations...

Shit lads if a kid said Hillary ate his homework, you would have it up on that list and arrange congressional hearings...

This is your problem at this stage, you have been proven time and time again of lying about allegations against Clinton.

You have lost credibility, read story of boy who cried wolf...

The made up scandals on both sides are mind numbing, but that is what the media likes. Personally both candidates are terrible and neither is worth wasting a vote on.
Which scandals are made up with hillary?
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232
All I see is Trump has far more scandals and lies than Clinton...

Lets just put this is perspective.... Trump boasts of sexually assaulting women, would leave your daughter in a room alone with him...

The Question to Clinton about her age and Health, simple answer, she is younger, fitter and better shape than her opposing candidate while having a better diet...
How did they drag that out for 53mins...

Let's go to the Hillary scandal web page and count the ways!
1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

3) Bill Clinton admitted to an affair with Flowers, as he did with Lewinksy. But Hillary’s actions, Willey contends, indicated by word and deed that her main concern was to ensure her husband’s proclivities didn’t ruin their political careers.
4) When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House. Hillary tried to ship furniture to the Clintons’ personal home in Chappaqua, New York. The Clintons came under fire when they reportedly tried to take $190,000 in gifts and furnishings from the presidential mansion.
4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clinton duo was involved in a scandal known as “Filegate” in which they illegally obtaining FBI files on perceived adversaries, most of whom served in previous Republican administrations.
5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death

7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Chinagate, documented by Judicial Watch, was uncovered by Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman. Technology companies allegedly made donations of millions of dollars to various Democratic Party entities, including President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, in return for permission to sell high-tech secrets to China.
9) Travelgate: Always room for friends
In the Travelgate scandal, the staff of the White House travel office was fired to make way for Clinton cronies, including Bill’s 25-year-old cousin, who was reportedly promised the position of office director.
10) Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
The Whitewater investigation by independent counsel Kenneth Starr began in 1994 with accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others concerning improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
And that's just 10! The worst are yet to be shown to you but go to the above and see the remaining 12!

Have you got any actual evidence that could stand up in a court of law... Lets not pretend that tens of millions of dollars has been spent investigating Hillary Clinton and you have not one criminal action which would stand up in court... One glorious waste of money...

Where is the court date? Where is the proof...

Up there on your list is the glorious list of past failures... Unproven accusations...

Shit lads if a kid said Hillary ate his homework, you would have it up on that list and arrange congressional hearings...

This is your problem at this stage, you have been proven time and time again of lying about allegations against Clinton.

You have lost credibility, read story of boy who cried wolf...

And here is just ONE of the reasons she hasn't as of yet been jailed.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The report states Jill McCabe received an additional $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by McAuliffe.
Clinton ally gave $500K to wife of FBI agent on email probe | New York Post

Again BS....

The misplaced GOP buzz about Jill McCabe

The money was given as a usual interpact transfers between party members... The GOP do this all the time too... Actually Clinton is give crap load of money at the moment to down ticket ballots....

But the real BS in your story is, her husband wasn't promoted to the position in the investigation until well after the money was given...

This amounts to a joke conspiracy theory to sully good peoples names...


Lol, so Hilalry's only defense is that "Bush did it too?"

roflmao, well great throw both their asses into prison!
Before you cast your vote consider what you have heard about Trump/Hillary with this following
chart as a guide.
MRC Study: Documenting TV’s Twelve Weeks of Trump Bashing
Please in all honesty how can you make a truly objective decision when:
The MSM spent 344 minutes of airtime or 75% of the 461 BASHING Trump?
Letting Hillary off with 117 minutes or 25%!
How can you possibly make any rational decision if you are presented with such BIAS?

View attachment 95232

I'm not voting for Trump because of what Trump says. He wants to punish companies that want to operate efficiently and it's up to him whether we can engage in trade or not, we have to convince him allowing us to trade is in his interest. I won't vote for someone who's not a free market capitalist, and says so.

I say the same to Trump and the Trumpettes as the Democrats who think my property is theirs to use for their interest. Fuck off and keep your hands on your own shit, not my property, not other people's property, keep your hands on your own property

I'm not voting for Trump because of what Trump says.

Doesn't that point make everything else Mute... You freely admit not being interested in what he says, how do you know position on anything...

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't say I don't know what he says or I don't care what he says. I do care what he says, and I oppose what he says. He's not a free market capitalist, that's why I oppose him

Trump has stated that he is up for taxing imports, that is against free market capitalism....

No shit, thanks for explaining to me what I said, moron

Now you got a problem...

No ... I'm voting for Gary Johnson, you have a problem. What is wrong with you people? Birth defect?

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