This is the Effect of Marxism in Practice EVERYWHERE it is Tried

Communism is a cancer that must be cut from a society. Once it takes root it will metastasize to every aspect of leadership, and government. It is the purest Satanic evil.
We have this Cancer deep in the bones of this nation.

Karl Marx wrote about a utopian society that could never exist. Lenin was a student and could only figure out that unless the world was under one central government that it wouldn't work. Hence the USSR Military Rule and the Military Spreading of the USSR. It became Totalitarian because Communism can't work much past a gathering of about 10 people. Stalin took it to a new level into a Dictatorship. A lot of people toss the term "Communism" around or even call themselves Communists but it's a lie. It can't exist. When the 11th person shows up to the group it falls apart.

But the threat of the Fear is used every once in awhile. 1st Red Scare 1919 to 1920. 2nd Red Scare 1952 to 1957. And now we have the 3rd Red Scare. The Red Scare only works for a short period of time and we have just about reached the end of that time. So go ahead, keep the 3rd Red Scare going. It ends soon.
Call it what you want...what it IS, will, and has resulted in, is the same.
If YOU, are a Communist, if YOU promote Communist principles, or feel that this world would be better with Socialism...then YOU are a piece of shit who deserves a helicopter ride.
Communism is a cancer that must be cut from a society. Once it takes root it will metastasize to every aspect of leadership, and government. It is the purest Satanic evil.
We have this Cancer deep in the bones of this nation.

Karl Marx wrote about a utopian society that could never exist. Lenin was a student and could only figure out that unless the world was under one central government that it wouldn't work. Hence the USSR Military Rule and the Military Spreading of the USSR. It became Totalitarian because Communism can't work much past a gathering of about 10 people. Stalin took it to a new level into a Dictatorship. A lot of people toss the term "Communism" around or even call themselves Communists but it's a lie. It can't exist. When the 11th person shows up to the group it falls apart.

But the threat of the Fear is used every once in awhile. 1st Red Scare 1919 to 1920. 2nd Red Scare 1952 to 1957. And now we have the 3rd Red Scare. The Red Scare only works for a short period of time and we have just about reached the end of that time. So go ahead, keep the 3rd Red Scare going. It ends soon.
Call it what you want...what it IS, will, and has resulted in, is the same.
If YOU, are a Communist, if YOU promote Communist principles, or feel that this world would be better with Socialism...then YOU are a piece of shit who deserves a helicopter ride.

I have flown in a lot of Choppers in my past. Not once did any other Patriot (Yes Patriots serve in one way or another) ever discuss throwing me out the open door. What have YOU sacrificed for America? You want to be called a Patriot, earn that right. I took an oath 5 times in over 20 years and I don't owe a damned thing to Rump. I owe it to the United States of America and will fight to protect the Constitution of the United States just like it's written. No crayon correction marks allowed.
The last attempt to establish socialism in USA has failed, when evil capitalist police stormed CHAZ commune in Seattle, in response to some "minor" problems of revolutionary government, like robberies, rapes and a couple of murders. However, just as every time before, Marxist are claiming that CHAZ was not real socialism, and that real socialism has never been tried, and the next time they try real socialism, they will try in on different scale, maybe even on entire USA, and it will certainly work.
The last attempt to establish socialism in USA has failed, when evil capitalist police stormed CHAZ commune in Seattle, in response to some "minor" problems of revolutionary government, like robberies, rapes and a couple of murders. However, just as every time before, Marxist are claiming that CHAZ was not real socialism, and that real socialism has never been tried, and the next time they try real socialism, they will try in on different scale, maybe even on entire USA, and it will certainly work.

Rave on,Lunatic. Socialism is an economic model, not a government.
Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Just look at BLM, they want to march into white neighborhoods and murder everyone there.
Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Reality doesn't matter. They been conditioned to maximize the hyperbole in virtually every situation. So you'll see them regularly using terms like Marxism, communism, evil, Nazi, etc., etc.

In and of itself, that's no big deal. Showbiz, like pro wrestling. The problem is that they appear to actually believe it. So when they call you "evil", I think they absolutely believe they think you really are evil.

It's been like this for a while now, but the conditioning came to full fruition with the regime of the current White House occupant, who behaves in precisely the same way: Believing the comical hyperbole as it comes out of his mouth. Or tweet.

So you'll see them regularly using terms like Marxism, communism,

The founders of the Black lives Matter group stated....they are trained marxists.....

Are you really this stupid?
Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Just look at BLM, they want to march into white neighborhoods and murder everyone there.

Oh, really now. And which voice in your head came up with that idea.
Oh I don’t know, could it be the BLM people themselves stating they want to go after white people in their neighborhoods? “Eat the rich” chants?

How about this “model BLM citizen” that murdered three white men? He admitted he hates whites.

Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Reality doesn't matter. They been conditioned to maximize the hyperbole in virtually every situation. So you'll see them regularly using terms like Marxism, communism, evil, Nazi, etc., etc.

In and of itself, that's no big deal. Showbiz, like pro wrestling. The problem is that they appear to actually believe it. So when they call you "evil", I think they absolutely believe they think you really are evil.

It's been like this for a while now, but the conditioning came to full fruition with the regime of the current White House occupant, who behaves in precisely the same way: Believing the comical hyperbole as it comes out of his mouth. Or tweet.

So you'll see them regularly using terms like Marxism, communism,

The founders of the Black lives Matter group stated....they are trained marxists.....

Are you really this stupid?
So you're pretending that this is the only context for which you use those terms.

Yeah, I admit, you Trumpsters are much smarter than the rest of us. Believe me.
Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Just look at BLM, they want to march into white neighborhoods and murder everyone there.

Oh, really now. And which voice in your head came up with that idea.
Oh I don’t know, could it be the BLM people themselves stating they want to go after white people in their neighborhoods? “Eat the rich” chants?

How about this “model BLM citizen” that murdered three white men? He admitted he hates whites.

Damn, and you think running over blacks by whites isn't Racial in any way? Or dragging them behind Pickup Trucks? Or ......... Besides, if you notice on your own link, he also murdered a Black Security Guard. He was a fruitcake, plain and simple who just want to kill. If he didn't find any whites to murder he would have settle for a latino or an African American.
The last attempt to establish socialism in USA has failed, when evil capitalist police stormed CHAZ commune in Seattle, in response to some "minor" problems of revolutionary government, like robberies, rapes and a couple of murders. However, just as every time before, Marxist are claiming that CHAZ was not real socialism, and that real socialism has never been tried, and the next time they try real socialism, they will try in on different scale, maybe even on entire USA, and it will certainly work.

Rave on,Lunatic. Socialism is an economic model, not a government.

Yes, it's economic model run by socialist government. That's exactly what you leftist fucks want.
Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Just look at BLM, they want to march into white neighborhoods and murder everyone there.
Even if that ridiculous idea was true, it still would not make them marxists. The dictatorship of the proletariat the government owning all business and industry no not whatsoever. black lives matter protesters are perfectly non-violent. At night The gangsta wannabes and anarchists ( I don't exist actually in any numbers-they seem to just need about a dozen in big cities to try and pull down monuments. And we're talkin about Confederates unless they just totally mindless. Where are the cops for crying out loud I think they're like making the Democratic Mayors look bad). But the blacks at night are out stealing this Yves they're criminals has nothing to do with BLM Except BLM is sort of a cover for them. And the cops seem to enjoy letting them do it even giving up their precinct voluntarily so they can set alarm fire what kind of Opera what kind of cops are these anyway? They need to be reformed very badly law & order has gone crazy. And most whites think they are over aggressive too... They are the defense for all the ills of our society that the GOP has caused the last 30-40 years. We need a real mental health system and to end the war on drugs. And of course the living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave, and ID card to end illegal work, and mainly to tax the rich their fair share so we can afford to invest in America and Americans again. Like every other modern country has. And no it is not communism LOL. Trump just makes it all so obvious. Is he trying to get a new conservative TV network now and just trying to lose LOL?
Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Just look at BLM, they want to march into white neighborhoods and murder everyone there.
Even if that ridiculous idea was true, it still would not make them marxists. The dictatorship of the proletariat the government owning all business and industry no not whatsoever. black lives matter protesters are perfectly non-violent. At night The gangsta wannabes and anarchists ( I don't exist actually in any numbers-they seem to just need about a dozen in big cities to try and pull down monuments. And we're talkin about Confederates unless they just totally mindless. Where are the cops for crying out loud I think they're like making the Democratic Mayors look bad). But the blacks at night are out stealing this Yves they're criminals has nothing to do with BLM Except BLM is sort of a cover for them. And the cops seem to enjoy letting them do it even giving up their precinct voluntarily so they can set alarm fire what kind of Opera what kind of cops are these anyway? They need to be reformed very badly law & order has gone crazy. And most whites think they are over aggressive too... They are the defense for all the ills of our society that the GOP has caused the last 30-40 years. We need a real mental health system and to end the war on drugs. And of course the living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave, and ID card to end illegal work, and mainly to tax the rich their fair share so we can afford to invest in America and Americans again. Like every other modern country has. And no it is not communism LOL. Trump just makes it all so obvious. Is he trying to get a new conservative TV network now and just trying to lose LOL?
If that’s true then why do no Democrats denounce the anti-capitalist protesters, or the rioters, or the attacks on white people?
The media, and the Democrats demonize people like the St Louis couple that defended their home from a violent mob. You call people that pulled down a gate and trespassing on private property as “peaceful”. Until your side denounces those thugs and communists, then you own it. Especially when you are all making excuses for them.
Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Just look at BLM, they want to march into white neighborhoods and murder everyone there.

Oh, really now. And which voice in your head came up with that idea.
Marxism and communism are where there is a dictatorship that owns all property and business. take friends as a modern country that has had both communist parties and socialist parties and the socialist party has always been Democratic small d and the Communist party has disappeared without any support from Russia. Back in the seventies days to get 20% sometimes. Only the English-speaking world can't figure out the difference between communism and socialism. Meanwhile let's just call it be more like Canada and Scandinavia and Germany and Australia and New Zealand and have a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the rich their fair share and have an ID card to end illegal immigration instead of this god-awful GOP mess we have. You people sound like babbling idiots.
Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Just look at BLM, they want to march into white neighborhoods and murder everyone there.

Oh, really now. And which voice in your head came up with that idea.
Marxism and communism are where there is a dictatorship that owns all property and business. take friends as a modern country that has had both communist parties and socialist parties and the socialist party has always been Democratic small d and the Communist party has disappeared without any support from Russia. Back in the seventies days to get 20% sometimes. Only the English-speaking world can't figure out the difference between communism and socialism. Meanwhile let's just call it be more like Canada and Scandinavia and Germany and Australia and New Zealand and have a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the rich their fair share and have an ID card to end illegal immigration instead of this god-awful GOP mess we have. You people sound like babbling idiots.
Those countries don’t just “mainly tax the rich”. They tax the piss out of everyone there, starting with a 19% sales tax and 43% income tax on middle class and up.
Then their tax payer healthcare system is still shit, many people buy their own private insurance since the government one is so bad.

It’s really amazing how stupid you people can be. Try living in one of these countries before advocating we copy them.
Nobody is for Marxism statistically speaking. You are totally misinformed if you think there are. Idiotic
Just look at BLM, they want to march into white neighborhoods and murder everyone there.

Oh, really now. And which voice in your head came up with that idea.
Marxism and communism are where there is a dictatorship that owns all property and business. take friends as a modern country that has had both communist parties and socialist parties and the socialist party has always been Democratic small d and the Communist party has disappeared without any support from Russia. Back in the seventies days to get 20% sometimes. Only the English-speaking world can't figure out the difference between communism and socialism. Meanwhile let's just call it be more like Canada and Scandinavia and Germany and Australia and New Zealand and have a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the rich their fair share and have an ID card to end illegal immigration instead of this god-awful GOP mess we have. You people sound like babbling idiots.
Those countries don’t just “mainly tax the rich”. They tax the piss out of everyone there, starting with a 19% sales tax and 43% income tax on middle class and up.
Then their tax payer healthcare system is still shit, many people buy their own private insurance since the government one is so bad.

It’s really amazing how stupid you people can be. Try living in one of these countries before advocating we copy them.

And the saddest thing......they destroy any chance of coming up with the new medical techniques and drugs that can actually save lives.......since there is no incentive to help people live the miracle cures of the future will just never be people get the crap healthcare socialism always provides...until it can't provide it anymore......since they run out of money.
The last attempt to establish socialism in USA has failed, when evil capitalist police stormed CHAZ commune in Seattle, in response to some "minor" problems of revolutionary government, like robberies, rapes and a couple of murders. However, just as every time before, Marxist are claiming that CHAZ was not real socialism, and that real socialism has never been tried, and the next time they try real socialism, they will try in on different scale, maybe even on entire USA, and it will certainly work.

Rave on,Lunatic. Socialism is an economic model, not a government.

Yes, it's economic model run by socialist government. That's exactly what you leftist fucks want.

Again, Socialism is nothing but an Economic Model, not a Government Model. The United States Economic Model is a mixture between Capitalism and Socialism. They are the Yin and Yang.

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