This is the Face of Liberal Racism

And the Alt Right above declare their war on peoples of color in America
Today saying democrat or liberal you are talking about the same thing. 90 percent of the democratic party is liberal.

Translation: "Lotsa people misuse terms they don't understand and by god I'm gonna join them".

"Democrat" (capital D) is a political party. "Liberal" is a political philosophy, one which created this country. They are not synonyms and never were. They may or may not coincide in a given person. And that coincidence when it occurs is probably going to be inconsistent.

A political party exists for one purpose and that is to organize and consolidate power. It is NOT to represent an ideology. If it were the latter, political parties would never change the direction of their thrust. Clearly that's not the case by any stretch.

Liberalism is older than both political parties, the DP not having existed until Jackson in 1828, and really didn't exist until van Buren organized that loose Jackson faction into a formal party. Liberalism on the other hand was the framework philosophy used to craft the Constitution decades before that. By the middle of the 19th century clearly "Liberals" were more likely Republicans with that party's championing of Abolition. A Liberal may show up anywhere, including having no party at all (like me).

See the political spectrum like a football field viewed from the 50-yard line. One team (doesn't matter which) is trying to move the ball to the left, the other team to move it to the right. Those are your political ideologies. The Liberal on that field is the referee. The ref doesn't run the ball and the ref doesn't tackle. He just enforces the rules for those who do. Most importantly he keeps the playing field level on the principle that, for the purpose of overseeing the game, "all teams are created equal". And each gets equal opportunity, and then the better team wins.

That's what Liberalism means, regardless of these incessant attempts to morph it to other things that already have their own definitions and don't need a synonym. Or in the case of the OP title, incessant attempts to transmogrify an established term into its own opposite.
She didn't get the memo on not saying what you're actually thinking.

She has a promising career waiting with the DNC once she figures out how to play the game properly, which I imagine she'll figure out once she realizes out that's where the real power, and money, is to be had......
Yeah, I think of those people as "division pimps", the people who have a vested professional interest in keeping us divided and angry and separated.
And then, there are their flocks, who buy into it and make it much worse.
If this continues, lilly white Midwestern states are going to be GOP solid by 2030, alienated by all the anti-white racism and the Democrats will not be competitive anywhere but in large minority areas of urban machines.
From your lips to God's ears. There's no getting along with these people.
Today saying democrat or liberal you are talking about the same thing. 90 percent of the democratic party is liberal.
They're beyond liberal, these days.

Real liberals were George McGovern, Zell Miller, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

Today's libs are none of these.
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"Liberal" is a political philosophy, one which created this country
Repeating a lie over and over, doesn't make it any more true today than last week.

That's what I keep telling wags like the OP here.

Funny you cut out the entire rest of the post. Too inconvenient, was it?

Get your blinders on, here comes PoliSci 101:

>> Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality, and international cooperation.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the prevailing social and political norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[11] while adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.

Leaders in the Glorious Revolution of 1688,[12] the American Revolution of 1776, and the French Revolution of 1793 used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of tyranny. << (Wiki)

There's no such thing as a "Democrat KKK". The Klan never had a political party.
Only every member of the Klan was a Democrat, since their objective was to terrorize Republicans.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
We know about the Klan and the Democrats 150 years ago but who are you people supporting today?
Ah, the old "they switched sides" argument again, eh? That old dog won't hunt, Augie.
There's no such thing as a "Democrat KKK". The Klan never had a political party.
Only every member of the Klan was a Democrat, since their objective was to terrorize Republicans.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

You know better by now than to challenge me on this.

The Klan was founded on Christmas 1865 by Capt. John Lester, Capt. John B. Kennedy, James Crowe, Frank McCord, Richard Reed and Calvin Jones, in Jones' father's law office at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee.

All of the six were twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers and zero of them had any known political affiliations. Moreover their stated purpose was a frivolous address of boredom and had nothing to do with elements that took it over from the six, elements made up of the "night riders" that had been already going on since the eighteenth century, before the United States existed as a country.

That Klan lasted less than a decade and would have been relegated to the historical scrapheap with literally dozens of similar vigilante groups that sprang up in the same era including Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869), Heroes of America (South Carolina), Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi), Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868), Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69), Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama), Native Sons of the South (Mississippi), Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867, Society of the White Rose (Mississippi) and the White League (Louisiana 1874) --- which was the organization commemorated in the "Liberty Place" monument that was recently removed by the City of New Orleans...

---------- if not for William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons, who took a gaggle of guys who had lynched a Jew up Stone Mountain on Thanksgiving Day 1915 in a rented bus where they burned a cross and rekindled the ("Knights of the") Ku Klux Klan, which upon hiring a PR team became by far the largest and most pervasive iteration of the Klan.

Simmons was an ex-Methodist minister, salesman, huckster, drunk (ironic since his Klan was staunchly pro-Prohibition) and inveterate club-joiner who was looking to (and did) make money from membership fees. He too had no political affiliation.

As far as "every Klan member was a Democrat", already an absurd statement on its face as it ass-umes everybody in existence is even registered with a political party, I give you:

Owen Brewster -- Governor, Congresscritter and Joe McCarthy apologist. Klan and Republican.
Rice Means -- Senator, Colorado. Klan, Republican.
George Baker -- Mayor Portland Oregon. Klan, Republican.
4/5 of the City Council of Anaheim (1924) --- Klan, Republican
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado. Klan, Republican
Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana. Klan, Republican.

Speaking of Ed Jackson and Indiana -- which accomplished the dubious feat of having the largest concentration of its population in the KKK:

Oh and also Charles Bowles, who won the mayoral election in Detroit, as a write-in. Agan, Klan, no party at all.

In Maine, Klan Republicans were opposed by anti-Klan Republicans, Maine being as overwhelmingly Republican as the "solid South" was Democrat. And in the South, Klan Democrats were opposed by anti-Klan Democrats.

The Klan supported, or opposed, Republicans, or Democrats, depending on what served its interest in that time and place. That is, when it dabbled in politics at all and wasn't going after drinkers, labor unions, blacks, Jews, Catholics, adulterers and in at least one case whipping a (white) woman for "not going to church".

So much for mythology.
There's no such thing as a "Democrat KKK". The Klan never had a political party.
Only every member of the Klan was a Democrat, since their objective was to terrorize Republicans.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
We know about the Klan and the Democrats 150 years ago but who are you people supporting today?
Ah, the old "they switched sides" argument again, eh? That old dog won't hunt, Augie.

They certainly did switch sides. In the mid-19th century the young Republican Party was representing Liberal interests in fostering Abolition. The Democrats of the same period were the "states rights" advocates, a mantle since taken over by the RP, notably Ronald Reagan.

By the turn of that century the RP began to take on the interests of the wealthy and the corporations (McKinley), while the DP absorbed the Populist Party and movement (Bryan) ---- which is where it got the constituencies of minorities, immigrants and labor unions ..... all of which btw were targets of the Klan.
There's no such thing as a "Democrat KKK". The Klan never had a political party.
Only every member of the Klan was a Democrat, since their objective was to terrorize Republicans.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

You know better by now than to challenge me on this.

The Klan was founded on Christmas 1865 by Capt. John Lester, Capt. John B. Kennedy, James Crowe, Frank McCord, Richard Reed and Calvin Jones, in Jones' father's law office at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee.

All of the six were twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers and zero of them had any known political affiliations. Moreover their stated purpose was a frivolous address of boredom and had nothing to do with elements that took it over from the six, elements made up of the "night riders" that had been already going on since the eighteenth century, before the United States existed as a country.

That Klan lasted less than a decade and would have been relegated to the historical scrapheap with literally dozens of similar vigilante groups that sprang up in the same era including Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869), Heroes of America (South Carolina), Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi), Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868), Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69), Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama), Native Sons of the South (Mississippi), Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867, Society of the White Rose (Mississippi) and the White League (Louisiana 1874) --- which was the organization commemorated in the "Liberty Place" monument that was recently removed by the City of New Orleans...

---------- if not for William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons, who took a gaggle of guys who had lynched a Jew up Stone Mountain on Thanksgiving Day 1915 in a rented bus where they burned a cross and rekindled the ("Knights of the") Ku Klux Klan, which upon hiring a PR team became by far the largest and most pervasive iteration of the Klan.

Simmons was an ex-Methodist minister, salesman, huckster, drunk (ironic since his Klan was staunchly pro-Prohibition) and inveterate club-joiner who was looking to (and did) make money from membership fees. He too had no political affiliation.

As far as "every Klan member was a Democrat", already an absurd statement on its face as it ass-umes everybody in existence is even registered with a political party, I give you:

Owen Brewster -- Governor, Congresscritter and Joe McCarthy apologist. Klan and Republican.
Rice Means -- Senator, Colorado. Klan, Republican.
George Baker -- Mayor Portland Oregon. Klan, Republican.
4/5 of the City Council of Anaheim (1924) --- Klan, Republican
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado. Klan, Republican
Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana. Klan, Republican.

Speaking of Ed Jackson and Indiana -- which accomplished the dubious feat of having the largest concentration of its population in the KKK:

Oh and also Charles Bowles, who won the mayoral election in Detroit, as a write-in. Agan, Klan, no party at all.

In Maine, Klan Republicans were opposed by anti-Klan Republicans, Maine being as overwhelmingly Republican as the "solid South" was Democrat. And in the South, Klan Democrats were opposed by anti-Klan Democrats.

The Klan supported, or opposed, Republicans, or Democrats, depending on what served its interest in that time and place. That is, when it dabbled in politics at all and wasn't going after drinkers, labor unions, blacks, Jews, Catholics, adulterers and in at least one case whipping a (white) woman for "not going to church".

So much for mythology.

Sure, pogo. The History Channel doesn't know what they're talking about. and you, a left wing sycophant who trolls the internet to spread his liberal propaganda, know more than they do. And yeah, they were all Democrats (unless you, being an idiot, think a Republican would join a group that was formed for the purpose of terrorizing Republicans).

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