This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

The only people who should have been arrested were the students advocating forceful removal of the journalist.

Of course, to keep the peace and officer of the law has the authority to order a group to disperse, as well as a single individual. The instigator as well as those whose emotions have been set on edge by another.

As a matter of fact the only person in authority is the Professor, who has a duty and the authority to keep the peace and maintain control of students and interlopers.

That's a lot of fancy words for justifying a mob intimidating a journalist. And it fails anyway.

Fancy words? Interesting comment for its lack of substance. What does stand out is your use of the word mob.

In Sociology it is defined as:

A group of persons stimulating one another to excitement and losing ordinary rational control over their activity.

Yet, your use of the word leaves out the antagonist, whose actions bring said "mob" together, and without whom there would be no event upon which to comment.

Though no law seems to prevent his speech or action, we do have a supreme court decision to consider, if one has an open mind and will set aside their bias for the interloper:

"Morse v. Frederick, 551 U.S. 393 (2007), was a United States Supreme Courtcase in which the Court held, 5–4, that the First Amendment does not prevent educators from suppressing, at a school-supervised event, student speech that is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use."

Of course drug use is not the issue here, but a disruption at a public school seemed necessary and sufficient for an educator to act and infringe the First Amendment Right of Expression in both instances.

Witnessing and observing an event as a reporter is not "disrupting".

It figures you go out of your way to defend whiny little twats, because you probably are one, and whiny little twats tend to travel in packs.

Putting a camera in ones face, inches away, goes far beyond witnessing an event, when the witness/observer is holding the camera.

Now you're just being stupid, defending your biased opinion thoughtlessly. Are you channeling BEDOWIN62?
It is interesting how you interpreted the event. I saw the photographer standing firm in one position while the students involved entered "his space." They crept up on him...He did not advance toward them.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.

That was a joke, right?

The age of the mass indoctrination centers that revolve around creating political movements is coming to an end. The internet is eroding the bastions of Marxism, slowly, but gaining speed. Private Universities that offer an actual education, rather than leftist activism that institutions such as Yale offer are gaining in size every day. Yale and Harvard are the Blockbuster video in the path of University of Phoenix, Redlands U, Grand Canyon, et al. in the role of Netflix. The results will be inevitable.
Your bigotry against geeky/nerdy males is just icing on the cake of your intolerance.

And your sad pathetic attempts at justifying mob violence is not surprising.

And your last statement seals your hack status.

actually, I was pretty nerdy in college.

But I had the good sense to not to stalk girls and take their pictures when they asked me nicely not to.
Thirty years ago, a college education, any college, meant something. Now, with the racial unrest, and liberal need to do less for even more, is becoming paramount in our society. Employers will be taking notice of just where the new applicants went to school. Black colleges and liberal schools, take will be harder to find a job if you are a graduate of those.
Thirty years ago, a college education, any college, meant something. Now, with the racial unrest, and liberal need to do less for even more, is becoming paramount in our society. Employers will be taking notice of just where the new applicants went to school. Black colleges and liberal schools, take will be harder to find a job if you are a graduate of those.

Guy, I write resumes as a side business. if a kid got a Bachelor's from a real university, he's a step above those who got degrees on line, in a community college or at some Bible university where they teach about Talking Snakes in biology class.
Thirty years ago, a college education, any college, meant something. Now, with the racial unrest, and liberal need to do less for even more, is becoming paramount in our society. Employers will be taking notice of just where the new applicants went to school. Black colleges and liberal schools, take will be harder to find a job if you are a graduate of those.

This is why the online schools will prevail, They focus on teaching. There is no social movement on the campus, no racist groups to stage protests, no football teams to corrupt policies - just learning - nothing but learning.

The old and corrupt institutions are doomed.
Thirty years ago, a college education, any college, meant something. Now, with the racial unrest, and liberal need to do less for even more, is becoming paramount in our society. Employers will be taking notice of just where the new applicants went to school. Black colleges and liberal schools, take will be harder to find a job if you are a graduate of those.

Guy, I write resumes as a side business. if a kid got a Bachelor's from a real university, he's a step above those who got degrees on line, in a community college or at some Bible university where they teach about Talking Snakes in biology class.
When real universities turn into natural hot spots for race riots and "political correctness", "don't hurt my feelings talk and forget about free speech, then education takes a back seat.
Thirty years ago, a college education, any college, meant something. Now, with the racial unrest, and liberal need to do less for even more, is becoming paramount in our society. Employers will be taking notice of just where the new applicants went to school. Black colleges and liberal schools, take will be harder to find a job if you are a graduate of those.

This is why the online schools will prevail, They focus on teaching. There is no social movement on the campus, no racist groups to stage protests, no football teams to corrupt policies - just learning - nothing but learning.

The old and corrupt institutions are doomed.
could be.
This is why the online schools will prevail, They focus on teaching. There is no social movement on the campus, no racist groups to stage protests, no football teams to corrupt policies - just learning - nothing but learning.

The old and corrupt institutions are doomed.

"University of Phoenix, you must be really smart." Said no Director of Human Resources looking at a resume, ever.
Thirty years ago, a college education, any college, meant something. Now, with the racial unrest, and liberal need to do less for even more, is becoming paramount in our society. Employers will be taking notice of just where the new applicants went to school. Black colleges and liberal schools, take will be harder to find a job if you are a graduate of those.

This is why the online schools will prevail, They focus on teaching. There is no social movement on the campus, no racist groups to stage protests, no football teams to corrupt policies - just learning - nothing but learning.

The old and corrupt institutions are doomed.
And that is really a shame. Going to college was basically higher education and "growing up." On line education received the less effective professors if they were professors at all. The tide may be turning.
When real universities turn into natural hot spots for race riots and "political correctness", "don't hurt my feelings talk and forget about free speech, then education takes a back seat.

Get a grip, guy. "Political Correctness" is the last whine of a bigot who got caught saying something even he knows is wrong.
I know a person by what he says. I won't riot about it or stage a starvation act because I don't like what someone says. I just shun the people that are outright bigots. That is the way it is. Freedom of speech is not freedom from your feelings being hurt. Everyone has to grow up and expect that not everyone is go ng to think like you.
This is why the online schools will prevail, They focus on teaching. There is no social movement on the campus, no racist groups to stage protests, no football teams to corrupt policies - just learning - nothing but learning.

The old and corrupt institutions are doomed.

"University of Phoenix, you must be really smart." Said no Director of Human Resources looking at a resume, ever.
aIf this race movement continues, efficacy of the educational institution will be invalid. The races of students will determine part of their grade for professors are not as likely to give honest grades to all of their students in fear of repercussions.
When real universities turn into natural hot spots for race riots and "political correctness", "don't hurt my feelings talk and forget about free speech, then education takes a back seat.

Get a grip, guy. "Political Correctness" is the last whine of a bigot who got caught saying something even he knows is wrong.
We are in a world where you can say something wrong without being hanged.
aIf this race movement continues, efficacy of the educational institution will be invalid. The races of students will determine part of their grade for professors are not as likely to give honest grades to all of their students in fear of repercussions.

Do you have any more hysterical scenarios you want to spin?

For the record, they did a study back in 2003 which showed that if you had a "black" name on your resume, you were 50% less likely to get a call-back, even if they had equal qualifications. That's when most of these kids who are finally calling bullshit on these universities were still in grammar school.

Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?

They responded to help-wanted ads for a variety of positions in the fields of sales, administrative support, clerical services and customer services posted in The Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune with fake resumes. The researchers plugged in made-up names on the resumes that are associated with African-Americans (they used Lakisha Washington and Jamal Jones as examples) or whites (Emily Walsh and Greg Baker) based on naming data for babies born between 1974-79 in Massachusetts. The name on each resume was randomly assigned, so the same resume in some cases had a black name and in others had a white name.

After responding to 1,300 ads with more than 5,000 resumes, the researchers found that the job applicants with white names needed to send 10 resumes to get one callback, but the black candidate needed to send 15 for one.

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