This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

I know a person by what he says. I won't riot about it or stage a starvation act because I don't like what someone says. I just shun the people that are outright bigots. That is the way it is. Freedom of speech is not freedom from your feelings being hurt. Everyone has to grow up and expect that not everyone is go ng to think like you.

Which isn't what these kids were protesting. They were protesting acts of vandalism and racial abuse, not "getting their feelings hurt."
Irrationality is running rampant with our lefties. Let's see, you need to have permission to take someone's picture. Like when police are surrounded by cell phone cameras when they just make a stop. Like,when,the guy filmed a murder by a policeman in South Carolina. How,about when undercover work is being done on abortionists in public places. Did any of the protesters chanting fry em like bacon tell anyone not to take,their pictures. Was this guy only taking pictures of young girls or of everybody, there is no evidence of the former. Do outside agitators have more rights to be there than journalists, were any of them ask d to leave. In short Joe, in this situation, you are as wrong about the photographer as you can be.

again- guy, go back and learn to read common fucking english.

I didn't say he didn't have a legal right to take people's pictures. I said he was being RUDE and IMPOLITE by continuing to take people's pictures without their permission when he had been asked nicely for SIX MINUTES to stop doing so.

Oh, the guys who took those pictures in the abortion clinics WERE breaking the law. Not that anyone is going to go after them legally, but it actually is against the law to record someone without telling them you are doing so. That's why all those phone service lines say, "this call may be recorded for quality assurance" or some such.

In wrys case, we have a video showing a woman aggressively attacking someone whose only crime is being in the same area as this woman. She tried to impersonate someone with authority and bully this person into leaving. She absolutely tried to deny this person the same rights under which she was assembling. She then tried to incite a mob to physically assault this man and physically remove him from the premises. The metaphor is,that the photographer is black and this is a white gathering and no blacks are allowed. Talk about blaming the victim. Anyway wrycarcher is so far off base about this mans rights that he is delusional.

No metaphor involved.

A group of people were gathering, and a creepy guy who was not a registered journalist was taking their pictures without their permission, and was asked nicely to knock it off. He's lucky he didn't get his ass kicked.

There is no logic to your statements Joe. You said the photographer was rude and impolite to keep taking,pictures. Was the Yale student rude and impolite when she harangued her master? The people,that are rude and impolite are the ones harassing the photographer when he had every right to be there, it was apublic gathering in a public space, too bad misses sensitives. Your double standards Joe are legion for leftists. In fact at least on the campuses all the video I have seen shows absolutely zero manners by the protesters whoch is one reason the American people are going to turn against these kids big time.

Please, the abortion videos are illegal according to you. Anyone knows if the left could put these guys in jail they would do it in a heartbeat. The recordings were made in public spaces where there was no expectation of privacy, unlike phone calls to your home. Your opinion, partisan as it is is just that, your opinion.

Once again you decide that this guy is creepy. You decide based on your first hand experience I guess. Get your ass kicked huh. So that is what you would,have done heh. Another one of your fictions that speaks for itself.
aIf this race movement continues, efficacy of the educational institution will be invalid. The races of students will determine part of their grade for professors are not as likely to give honest grades to all of their students in fear of repercussions.

Do you have any more hysterical scenarios you want to spin?

For the record, they did a study back in 2003 which showed that if you had a "black" name on your resume, you were 50% less likely to get a call-back, even if they had equal qualifications. That's when most of these kids who are finally calling bullshit on these universities were still in grammar school.

Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?

They responded to help-wanted ads for a variety of positions in the fields of sales, administrative support, clerical services and customer services posted in The Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune with fake resumes. The researchers plugged in made-up names on the resumes that are associated with African-Americans (they used Lakisha Washington and Jamal Jones as examples) or whites (Emily Walsh and Greg Baker) based on naming data for babies born between 1974-79 in Massachusetts. The name on each resume was randomly assigned, so the same resume in some cases had a black name and in others had a white name.

After responding to 1,300 ads with more than 5,000 resumes, the researchers found that the job applicants with white names needed to send 10 resumes to get one callback, but the black candidate needed to send 15 for one.
Hmmm. Seems as whites had a better reputation in the work force. That's what I take from that data.
I know a person by what he says. I won't riot about it or stage a starvation act because I don't like what someone says. I just shun the people that are outright bigots. That is the way it is. Freedom of speech is not freedom from your feelings being hurt. Everyone has to grow up and expect that not everyone is go ng to think like you.

Which isn't what these kids were protesting. They were protesting acts of vandalism and racial abuse, not "getting their feelings hurt."
I know about the Nazi sign. What other racial abuse. Must have missed that article. Were the writers specific?

Like Tiberius Claudius said back in the day.....

"Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out."

All the scum .... progressive scum...will consume themselves....

Wait and see.

Like Tiberius Claudius said back in the day.....

"Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out."

All the scum .... progressive scum...will consume themselves....

Wait and see.

So, close all the universities and colleges cuz dumb as rocks RW idiots sure as hell don't want an education. Indeed, the R candidates would agree with you.

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

I just don't get why are they still protesting?

Btw, love the video, there is some batshit crazy stuff in there.
One also wonders why these idiotic students are studying all this useless careers.......they will not find jobs anyway...what a waste of time and money.... that's why they have to amuse themselves in the meantime with shit like that...

Losers...pathetic and wretched losers....oh well

like I give a s*** :itsok: morons...
Like Tiberius Claudius said back in the day.....

"Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out."

All the scum .... progressive scum...will consume themselves....

Wait and see.

So, close all the universities and colleges cuz dumb as rocks RW idiots sure as hell don't want an education. Indeed, the R candidates would agree with you.

Generalizing, stereotyping, jumping to conclusions.
There is no logic to your statements Joe. You said the photographer was rude and impolite to keep taking,pictures. Was the Yale student rude and impolite when she harangued her master?

wouldn't know, this thread isn't about the Yale student.

But most people, you keep taking their picture after you've asked them to stop WILL KICK YOUR ASS!!!!

The people,that are rude and impolite are the ones harassing the photographer when he had every right to be there, it was apublic gathering in a public space, too bad misses sensitives. Your double standards Joe are legion for leftists. In fact at least on the campuses all the video I have seen shows absolutely zero manners by the protesters whoch is one reason the American people are going to turn against these kids big time.

You guys keep fantasizing about this, but the thing is, these kids have learned how to manipulate the system. Universities are money making scams. These kids have figured out how to use that. Good for them.

Please, the abortion videos are illegal according to you. Anyone knows if the left could put these guys in jail they would do it in a heartbeat. The recordings were made in public spaces where there was no expectation of privacy, unlike phone calls to your home. Your opinion, partisan as it is is just that, your opinion.

Uh, those videos weren't made in Public spaces, and even if they were, they were still illegal.

But here, Educate yourself, if that's possible.

Secret Recording of Conversations in California - A Crime | Stimmel Stimmel and Smith

California Law Penal Code § 632, enacted under the California Invasion of Privacy Act, makes it illegal for an individual to monitor or record a "confidential communication" whether the communication is carried on among the parties in the presence of one another or by means of a telegraph, telephone, or other device. California is known as a "two-party" state, which means that recordings are not allowed unless all parties to the conversation consent to the recording.

Under Penal Code § 632(c), "confidential communication" includes any communication carried on in circumstances as may reasonably indicate that any party to the communication desires it to be confined to the parties, but excludes a communication made in a public gathering or in any legislative, judicial, executive or administrative proceeding open to the public, or in any other circumstance in which the parties to the communication may reasonably expect that the communication may be overheard or recorded.

A violation of Penal Code § 632 can lead to a fine of up to $2,500 and/or imprisonment for up to a year (misdemeanor). In addition, the violator may be subject to civil liability in the amount of $5,000 or three times the amount of any actual damages sustained as a result.

Once again you decide that this guy is creepy. You decide based on your first hand experience I guess. Get your ass kicked huh. So that is what you would,have done heh. Another one of your fictions that speaks for itself.

No, guy I didn't behave in rude-ass behavior, that's the point. Of course, when I was that age, we didn't have digital cameras and you didn't waste expensive film taking pictures of things that weren't important...
Here is another "Safe Space" video. LOL

Between this video and one from the OP is evident that only Asians have balls to confront the blacks.
Those morons have too much time on their hands. They should be in class learning a trade or some skill that can make them something in life.

Instead they stand around and complain that their first world lives are too hard.
Let's dispense with the personal insults for a moment. Here is a real life story that frames my beliefs.

When I was in college( yes, I hate to burst your bubble) in a liberal arts college in Philadelphia in the late 60s, I was swept up in the Vietnam protest.our school had always been in the forefront of peaceful social activism as it had a Quaker foundation. We were one of the first to have coed dorms and activist professors. I was immature, not a very good student, and a farm boy thrown into this narcissistic and hedonist environment. Drugs were available and experimentation was everywhere. We had some of the first blacks to be admitted under affirmative action. But college was dull for me. Along come the war protests and our college decided to join in and send bus loads of students to Washington to join the protests. There was a rising tide of excitement, partying, and herd mentality. If you weren't going to Washington you just weren't cool. I joined the flood of protesters and added to the number of students marching in Washington for change.

What I didn't realize until my later years is that I didn't go to Washington because of deep held beliefs or knowledge of the situation, I went because I was one of the sheep who longed for the excitement and the experience. Many of my friends went. Many girls I had a thing for went, but I let myself be manipulated. I did not,think for myself or come to my own conclusions. I am now amazed by how clueless I was and how easily I was steered in certain directions. It is not about what the issue was, but how moldable I was. This was a teachable moment and now part of life's wisdom that I can apply to present also I have to remind myself that all this was accomplished before cell phones this movement, the Internet and Facebook. It also happened before the status of college campuses was so overwhelmingly anti American and socialist.

So this is the background with which I approach today's college dissension. Most of these kids have no clue what they are doing or what they are doing it for. They have become drunk with the power they think they have and are facing no resistance. They do not realize they are being manipulated by professional anarchists and pot stirrers. Black college football players who are receiving scholarships are saying they are going to strike because they say they are not being treated respectfully. Most of these kids have no idea how real life works or what true suffering is. They are just mirror images of me and my naïveté at their age. Just because they have a bigger bullhorn does not make them more right. The biggest difference is that you would never have heard the f bombs and cussing in my generation. Today's kids have no deference or manners for,their elders or even to other human beings, which makes them less human. The liberal media is not,helping the future of these kids by supporting their movement with a blind eye.

Lastly, the racism movement is suffering the same fate as the environmental movement. It is not,hard to get rid of 95 percent of pollution or 95 percent of racism, but getting rid of the last 5 per cent is just about impossible. Groups whose finances are contingent upon a racism narrative will never let it go even if it is minor. Democrats have to reinvent the racism narrative every election cycle to keep blacks on the plantation. It is getting harder and harder to squeeze juice out of,this lemon. Even when 6 figure black commentators are telling the 30000 dollar working stiff how racist they are no one seems to blink. Right now the racism movement is being folded into every nonwhite grievance movement to allow all protesters to glam onto a generic cause. This movement is self destructive. It will alienate more people than it will coopt. it does not resonate in the real world that most Americans live in.

Wisdom is not infallible, the passion and emotion of the young is not always irrational. But this current case is a tempest in a teapot and does not move the ball forward. Been there and done that.
I'm going to only address parts of your word salad here. Because most of it was silly.

What I didn't realize until my later years is that I didn't go to Washington because of deep held beliefs or knowledge of the situation, I went because I was one of the sheep who longed for the excitement and the experience. Many of my friends went. Many girls I had a thing for went, but I let myself be manipulated. I did not,think for myself or come to my own conclusions. I am now amazed by how clueless I was and how easily I was steered in certain directions. It is not about what the issue was, but how moldable I was. This was a teachable moment and now part of life's wisdom that I can apply to present also I have to remind myself that all this was accomplished before cell phones this movement, the Internet and Facebook. It also happened before the status of college campuses was so overwhelmingly anti American and socialist.

Uh, guy, i think most of those kids who protested against the pointless, dishonest and immoral war in Vietnam knew EXACTLY what they were protesting against. They knew that many of their friends were being drafted into a war that was based on a lie, that our own leaders admitted was ultimately unwinnable because the Vietnamese did not want our kind of political system no matter how much we bombed them. The young pointed out the hubris of an older generation who figured this sort of thing worked in Germany and Japan, it could work in Vietnam.

So this is the background with which I approach today's college dissension. Most of these kids have no clue what they are doing or what they are doing it for. They have become drunk with the power they think they have and are facing no resistance. They do not realize they are being manipulated by professional anarchists and pot stirrers. Black college football players who are receiving scholarships are saying they are going to strike because they say they are not being treated respectfully. Most of these kids have no idea how real life works or what true suffering is. They are just mirror images of me and my naïveté at their age.

So what you are saying is that because you were trying to get laid at an anti-war rally in 1968, that means some black kid who sees blacks killed by the police for really, no good reason, just don't know what they are upset about? I think they know exactly what they are upset about, and they have darned good reason to do so.

Lastly, the racism movement is suffering the same fate as the environmental movement. It is not,hard to get rid of 95 percent of pollution or 95 percent of racism, but getting rid of the last 5 per cent is just about impossible. Groups whose finances are contingent upon a racism narrative will never let it go even if it is minor. Democrats have to reinvent the racism narrative every election cycle to keep blacks on the plantation. It is getting harder and harder to squeeze juice out of,this lemon. Even when 6 figure black commentators are telling the 30000 dollar working stiff how racist they are no one seems to blink.

I would agree, the 30,000 working stiff who thinks the "spics" and the "coons" are taking his job is kind of sad. Because if they really thought about it, they'd realize the guys making seven and eight figure salaries are the ones keeping them angry for no good reason.

Do I think you have some hucksters like Jackson and Sharpton who make money from stirring the pot? Yup. But the problem is, there really is a pot to be stirred. And maybe that pot needs to get stirred. Stirring a pot is actually a good thing, otherwise the things on the bottom burn.
i wonder how libs would react if 90% of all colleges and universities were hard core conservative?
i wonder how libs would react if 90% of all colleges and universities were hard core conservative?

I'd be worried that people who are anti-science are running higher education.

You know, people who reject evolution and climate science because the evidence contradicts their religions.
Let's dispense with the personal insults for a moment. Here is a real life story that frames my beliefs.

When I was in college( yes, I hate to burst your bubble) in a liberal arts college in Philadelphia in the late 60s, I was swept up in the Vietnam protest.our school had always been in the forefront of peaceful social activism as it had a Quaker foundation. We were one of the first to have coed dorms and activist professors. I was immature, not a very good student, and a farm boy thrown into this narcissistic and hedonist environment. Drugs were available and experimentation was everywhere. We had some of the first blacks to be admitted under affirmative action. But college was dull for me. Along come the war protests and our college decided to join in and send bus loads of students to Washington to join the protests. There was a rising tide of excitement, partying, and herd mentality. If you weren't going to Washington you just weren't cool. I joined the flood of protesters and added to the number of students marching in Washington for change.

What I didn't realize until my later years is that I didn't go to Washington because of deep held beliefs or knowledge of the situation, I went because I was one of the sheep who longed for the excitement and the experience. Many of my friends went. Many girls I had a thing for went, but I let myself be manipulated. I did not,think for myself or come to my own conclusions. I am now amazed by how clueless I was and how easily I was steered in certain directions. It is not about what the issue was, but how moldable I was. This was a teachable moment and now part of life's wisdom that I can apply to present also I have to remind myself that all this was accomplished before cell phones this movement, the Internet and Facebook. It also happened before the status of college campuses was so overwhelmingly anti American and socialist.

So this is the background with which I approach today's college dissension. Most of these kids have no clue what they are doing or what they are doing it for. They have become drunk with the power they think they have and are facing no resistance. They do not realize they are being manipulated by professional anarchists and pot stirrers. Black college football players who are receiving scholarships are saying they are going to strike because they say they are not being treated respectfully. Most of these kids have no idea how real life works or what true suffering is. They are just mirror images of me and my naïveté at their age. Just because they have a bigger bullhorn does not make them more right. The biggest difference is that you would never have heard the f bombs and cussing in my generation. Today's kids have no deference or manners for,their elders or even to other human beings, which makes them less human. The liberal media is not,helping the future of these kids by supporting their movement with a blind eye.

Lastly, the racism movement is suffering the same fate as the environmental movement. It is not,hard to get rid of 95 percent of pollution or 95 percent of racism, but getting rid of the last 5 per cent is just about impossible. Groups whose finances are contingent upon a racism narrative will never let it go even if it is minor. Democrats have to reinvent the racism narrative every election cycle to keep blacks on the plantation. It is getting harder and harder to squeeze juice out of,this lemon. Even when 6 figure black commentators are telling the 30000 dollar working stiff how racist they are no one seems to blink. Right now the racism movement is being folded into every nonwhite grievance movement to allow all protesters to glam onto a generic cause. This movement is self destructive. It will alienate more people than it will coopt. it does not resonate in the real world that most Americans live in.

Wisdom is not infallible, the passion and emotion of the young is not always irrational. But this current case is a tempest in a teapot and does not move the ball forward. Been there and done that.
Great post and so true, years from now when they mature, raise families and work for a living many will see how they were used by the left. It's relatively to influence the young and/or liberal because they are driven by emotion. Get them inflamed on an issue and they are yours.

I went to college but after serving in the military (mid 70s), had a job and wanted no part of their bullshit, which was much less than today. What happened was the leftists got college jobs and moved universities even further left.

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