This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

They have no right to ask him to leave in a public space at a public university.

and again, your "might makes right" fetish shows your inner fascism.

I'm more of a stupid people getting their asses kicked for being stupid. He knew he wasn't welcome there, he kept provoking those folks anyway.

An ass-kicking would have done him a world of good.

I went to the California Polytechnic University in Pomona for my undergrad. Twenty years later I decided to pursue and MBA. I enrolled in Phoenix and was utterly shocked. Granted that a masters program SHOULD be more difficult than and undergrad program, but Cal Poly simply didn't prepare me for the rigors of Phoenix.

Guy, the only reason why the University of Fraud was challenging for you is because you are borderline retarded with mental issues.

And the government doesn't get to decide who is a "reporter" in a public space. I can be a reporter if I want to in that situation.

The government didn't decide here, either. The crowd decided he wasn't a reporter, he was just a creep.
THE PARENTS need to get their little brats under control. they are making the schools unsafe to attend. YOU PAY TAXES for that place. speak the hell up

How is this school 'unsafe" other than by the actions of a few racist assholes the university didn't expell when they were first reported?
They have no right to ask him to leave in a public space at a public university.

and again, your "might makes right" fetish shows your inner fascism.

I'm more of a stupid people getting their asses kicked for being stupid. He knew he wasn't welcome there, he kept provoking those folks anyway.

An ass-kicking would have done him a world of good.

I went to the California Polytechnic University in Pomona for my undergrad. Twenty years later I decided to pursue and MBA. I enrolled in Phoenix and was utterly shocked. Granted that a masters program SHOULD be more difficult than and undergrad program, but Cal Poly simply didn't prepare me for the rigors of Phoenix.

Guy, the only reason why the University of Fraud was challenging for you is because you are borderline retarded with mental issues.

And the government doesn't get to decide who is a "reporter" in a public space. I can be a reporter if I want to in that situation.

The government didn't decide here, either. The crowd decided he wasn't a reporter, he was just a creep.

Crowds don't get to decide who can record a public event in a public space in our society, you fascist prick.
Protesting every little trayvonn wasn't working so they shift to college trying to cloak it in legitimacy except their lies undermine their efforts as before.
Crowds don't get to decide who can record a public event in a public space in our society, you fascist prick.

no, but crowds will decide who is creeping htem the fuck out, and frankly, if you got a whole crowd telling you that you are creeping them the fuck out, it's probably a good idea to leave.

Or at least common sense. Something that is a truly alien concept to LIbertarian Mutants like yourself.
Crowds don't get to decide who can record a public event in a public space in our society, you fascist prick.

no, but crowds will decide who is creeping htem the fuck out, and frankly, if you got a whole crowd telling you that you are creeping them the fuck out, it's probably a good idea to leave.

Or at least common sense. Something that is a truly alien concept to LIbertarian Mutants like yourself.

Mob veto isn't something to be happy about, unless of course you are a fascist thug. (Hint, you are, or at least a wanna-be fascist thug, frankly I don't think you have the balls for it).
I posted this in a new thread. the people better open your eyes to see what's being done with the blessings of the DNC and that community Agitator Obama. VOTE them out of our lives come 2016. We are going to be dealing with this ugliness for a long time after that puke is gone. they were horrible during Bush, they get in power and they are even MORE NASTY and horrible for us the citizens of this country

Obama's Three Lynch Mob Movements
The left-wing lynchers doing the president's bidding in the streets.
November 17, 2015
Matthew Vadum

Barack Obama's demagogic presidency has unleashed state-sanctioned mob violence to a degree not seen since the Jim Crow era.

Obama-approved lynch mobs have been helping to force the fundamental transformation of America that the radical left-wing community organizer promised on the campaign trail in 2008. Creating little armies of malcontents has long been the way Obama's fellow Marxist agitators have turned groups in society against each other in order to generate the civil unrest and societal instability needed to effect unwanted change. Sometimes thugs get things done that elections can't.

Obama's presidency is a case study in defining deviancy down by attempting to de-stigmatize criminality, including the legitimization of street justice. It has had a Maoist flavor to it as violent mobs in the streets have assisted in carrying out Obama's political objectives. And those fomenting the chaos, such as the community organizers of the Justice Department's Community Relations Service (CRS), have often been on the government payroll.

Also underwriting these subversive activities is anti-American hedge fund manager George Soros who publicly likens the U.S. to Nazi Germany and considers this nation to be the greatest threat to peace and order in the world. Like many leftists, Soros praises the brutal totalitarian government of the People's Republic of China for its supposed vision and efficiency.

This year has seen crazed, largely incoherent student mobs rise up against campus administrations to demand the suppression of free speech and persecution of dissenters. Before that, the virulently racist, cultish, neo-communist movement, Black Lives Matter, founded on false claims of systemic police brutality against black Americans, began taking it to the streets, scapegoating whites for the various pathologies that ravage black communities. And before that there was Occupy Wall Street, a Sixties-style revolutionary movement calling for the overthrow of capitalism and the supposedly unjust American system of governance.

The antisocial activists of these three seemingly distinct protest movements bear more than a passing resemblance to the Red Guards of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the brutal street enforcers of Mao Zedong, history's most accomplished mass-murdering dictator. They have a fondness for blaming those they victimize, along with class warfare, mass meetings, mock trials, and ritualized denunciations.

These movements are really just three different faces of an insidious Marxist hydra that seeks to bring America to its knees for its supposed sins.

If nothing else, the Occupy Wall Street movement, which was born in the streets of Lower Manhattan in 2011, has helped to advance socialism by forcing the phony political issue of "income inequality" into the national political debate and making it more or less socially acceptable to espouse communist ideas in public.

Before Occupy -- the home of rapists, arsonists, destructive squatters, and police car defecators -- came along, very few Americans spoke in Marxist terms, pitting the super-rich "one percent" against everyone else. Now just about everybody does it. Even among conservatives who reject the frame, few challenge it.

This national brainwashing through the power of repetition has boosted left-wing causes such as organized labor's destructive push for a $15 an hour minimum wage.
It has helped greens advance their anti-energy, anti-economic growth platform.

It has emboldened left-wingers to push for student loan forgiveness and step up their attacks on the First Amendment by pushing a constitutional amendment that would reverse the Citizens United ruling and overturn the ancient legal principle that corporations are "persons" capable of raising funds and suing and being sued.

In other words, the Left is waging a full-scale war on both the Bill of Rights and the legal concept of limited liability, the beating heart of free enterprise.

Black Lives Matter grew out of the vicious lie that "white Hispanic" neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman killed his young black attacker, Trayvon Martin, because he was African-American. Mobs in Sanford, Fla., agitated until the state agreed to pursue a doomed prosecution of Zimmerman.

The movement idolizes unrepentant cop killers Mumia abu Jamal and Assata Shakur and maintains that lawless violence and bloody insurrection are necessary to secure so-called social justice.

One of the movement's leaders, Twitter star Deray Mckesson, is teaching students after being rewarded by the Left with a special appointment at prestigious Yale Divinity School. "Looting for me isn't violent, it's an expression of anger," he lectured last month "The act of looting is political. Another way to dissolve consent. Pressing you to no longer keep me out of this space, by destroying it."

ALL of it here:
Obama's Three Lynch Mob Movements
Mob veto isn't something to be happy about, unless of course you are a fascist thug. (Hint, you are, or at least a wanna-be fascist thug, frankly I don't think you have the balls for it).

If you are stupid enough to an antogonize a mob, you totally deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Creepy Boys were antagonizing the mob. They were asked to stop. They kept doing it.
They have no right to ask him to leave in a public space at a public university.

and again, your "might makes right" fetish shows your inner fascism.

I'm more of a stupid people getting their asses kicked for being stupid. He knew he wasn't welcome there, he kept provoking those folks anyway.

An ass-kicking would have done him a world of good.

I went to the California Polytechnic University in Pomona for my undergrad. Twenty years later I decided to pursue and MBA. I enrolled in Phoenix and was utterly shocked. Granted that a masters program SHOULD be more difficult than and undergrad program, but Cal Poly simply didn't prepare me for the rigors of Phoenix.

Guy, the only reason why the University of Fraud was challenging for you is because you are borderline retarded with mental issues.

And the government doesn't get to decide who is a "reporter" in a public space. I can be a reporter if I want to in that situation.

The government didn't decide here, either. The crowd decided he wasn't a reporter, he was just a creep.

Crowds don't get to decide who can record a public event in a public space in our society, you fascist prick.
If a pro-choicer got their ass kicked by a pro-life "mob", imagine the reaction.

The PC Police are cowards, liars and hypocrites.
If a pro-choicer got their ass kicked by a pro-life "mob", imagine the reaction.

The PC Police are cowards, liars and hypocrites.

I'd have the same view. If you are antagoinzing a mob, you kind of deserve to get your ass kicked.

One of hte first things I commented on here was a gay kid and his partner who went to a Church were his dad was pastor, and made a scene. While most of the other liberals thought this was the worst thing ever, I pointed out, these guys kind of antagonized the situation.
Mob veto isn't something to be happy about, unless of course you are a fascist thug. (Hint, you are, or at least a wanna-be fascist thug, frankly I don't think you have the balls for it).

If you are stupid enough to an antogonize a mob, you totally deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Creepy Boys were antagonizing the mob. They were asked to stop. They kept doing it.

Bullshit. I guess Woodward and Bernstien should have backed off if the White House asked them to "Stop". Maybe if the Secret Service intimidated them a bit, it would have stopped those creepy reporters.
They have no right to ask him to leave in a public space at a public university.

and again, your "might makes right" fetish shows your inner fascism.

I'm more of a stupid people getting their asses kicked for being stupid. He knew he wasn't welcome there, he kept provoking those folks anyway.

An ass-kicking would have done him a world of good.

I went to the California Polytechnic University in Pomona for my undergrad. Twenty years later I decided to pursue and MBA. I enrolled in Phoenix and was utterly shocked. Granted that a masters program SHOULD be more difficult than and undergrad program, but Cal Poly simply didn't prepare me for the rigors of Phoenix.

Guy, the only reason why the University of Fraud was challenging for you is because you are borderline retarded with mental issues.

And the government doesn't get to decide who is a "reporter" in a public space. I can be a reporter if I want to in that situation.

The government didn't decide here, either. The crowd decided he wasn't a reporter, he was just a creep.

Funny Comrade Stalin, the Cal State program wasn't much of a challenge for me. It appears you were far too stupid to grasp that part.

When I think of you, I envision someone who came of age in the 60's, Enrolled in community college used a LOT of LSD, hung around with Marxist radicals, but lacked the intellect or charisma to lead. Dropped out before the AA, because your only talent was hanging around and using drugs. Ended up in a government job that required no mental skills, post office or clerical, was radically overpaid to do menial tasks, and has significant self-esteem issues as a result.
Mob veto isn't something to be happy about, unless of course you are a fascist thug. (Hint, you are, or at least a wanna-be fascist thug, frankly I don't think you have the balls for it).

Careful, JoeB Stalin will hit you with his walker...

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

Ooooo, monsters. Scary! Wow, that's some heavy shit. I thought you said you were some kind of Green Beret bad ass or something.
Bullshit. I guess Woodward and Bernstien should have backed off if the White House asked them to "Stop". Maybe if the Secret Service intimidated them a bit, it would have stopped those creepy reporters.

If W&B went into Nixon's living room when he was trying to have a quiet dinner with Pat, you'd have bet the SS would have kicked their asses.

Photographing people without their permission is creepy.

How much creepy behavior do you engage in?
Funny Comrade Stalin, the Cal State program wasn't much of a challenge for me. It appears you were far too stupid to grasp that part.

Guy, you haven't shown the ability to get a mail-order degree from the University of Pheonix, much less a real university.

Clearly, you are too mentally ill to hold down a real job.
Bullshit. I guess Woodward and Bernstien should have backed off if the White House asked them to "Stop". Maybe if the Secret Service intimidated them a bit, it would have stopped those creepy reporters.

If W&B went into Nixon's living room when he was trying to have a quiet dinner with Pat, you'd have bet the SS would have kicked their asses.

Photographing people without their permission is creepy.

How much creepy behavior do you engage in?

You explicitly give permission to be photographed when taking part in a public display in a public place.
When I think of you, I envision someone who came of age in the 60's, Enrolled in community college used a LOT of LSD, hung around with Marxist radicals, but lacked the intellect or charisma to lead. Dropped out before the AA, because your only talent was hanging around and using drugs. Ended up in a government job that required no mental skills, post office or clerical, was radically overpaid to do menial tasks, and has significant self-esteem issues as a result.

Well, you'd be wrong about everything, then.

first, I came of age in the 1980's, not the 1960's, and up until about 2008 or so, when Bush fucked up the economy and just about everything else, I voted pretty strictly republican. Never used drugs, joined the military but then worked for various civilian companies, all of whom engaged in all manner of shitty behavior whenever there was a recession.

THen in 2008, I looked at my underwater mortgage and my busted 401K and the pink slip I got from a Romney-loving asshole who fired all the people who had carried him for six years because he "didn't have to deal with a union" and asked myself what the fuck was I doing?

I honestly WISH I had gotten a government job after the I left the Army in 1992. They have good benefits. I also wish it hadn't taken me 16 years to figure out that capitalism was a shit sandwich for most working people.

But I realize that the main reason why they keep getting away with it is because a lot of working people keep voting Republican because they are upset bout the abortions or the Gays or the Mexicans or whatever else they come up with to keep stupid people like you distracted from what is really going on.

I just refuse to be distracted.
You explicitly give permission to be photographed when taking part in a public display in a public place.

really? When did I do that.

Hey, and if I got a big old mob ready to kick your ass, and all you got is a piece of paper and a camera we just smashed the shit out of... well, I don't think that's an even fight.

How about this. When people nicely ask you NOT to take your picture, you DON'T TAKE THEIR FUCKING PICTURE.

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