This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

And "This is the Kind of Monsters..." is a phrase that sounds written by someone who didn't even make it as far as college.
Or written by a college graduate

Tell me have you had the chance to talk to these supposedly educated college graduates lately most can't string 2 sentences together
LOL, sums it and them up nicely.
If you think about it. the Democrats standing in solidarity with these disrupters of our lives (OWS, BLMs, Rev. Sharpton, etc) and now our CHILDRENS lives by invading college campuses is only HELPING the other party.

COLUMN: Kurt Schlichter Explains Why Campus Protests Are GOOD NEWS For Conservatives

November 20, 2015


Kurt Schlichter is an author, a lawyer, a veteran, and a conservative favorite on Twitter. In a new column at Townhall, he details how conservatives should react to the current protests on college campuses:

Let’s All Laugh As Liberalism Commits Ritual Suicide On Campus

Please don’t tell the students at University of Missouri and Yale and all the other throbbing pustules of academia to stop their insanity. Instead, encourage and provoke them to turn the turmoil up to 11, a number most of these students can’t count to without taking off their Nikes. No, we want the campuses to echo with the whiny cries of the Children of the Safe Space Revolution.

And we will sit back and point and laugh as the weak-willed, spineless liberal losers of academia abase themselves before their whimpering student bodies. This is just great. As Napoleon observed, never interrupt your enemy while he’s making a mistake. Now, mentioning Napoleon probably a microaggression because, in the unlikely event that the gender studies and Marxist interpretive dance majors of Yale and Missouri recognize the name, he’s a cis-het dead white male – and he was not actually differently abled despite being vertically challenged. Still, his advice has merit – just pretend for a moment that he is trans woman-identifying being of color of some sort.

all of it here:
COLUMN: Kurt Schlichter Explains Why Campus Protests Are GOOD NEWS For Conservatives - Progressives Today
Wrong. If they are in a public space, doing a public thing, they have no right to stop you or intimidate you.

and i'm sure that when the mob has kicked in his teeth for being an uber-creep, his dentist can laugh all the way to the bank as he slobbers that excuse out.
LOL, sums it and them up nicely.
If you think about it. the Democrats standing in solidarity with these disrupters of our lives (OWS, BLMs, Rev. Sharpton, etc) and now our CHILDRENS lives by invading college campuses is only HELPING the other party.

The Second Coming of Jesus couldn't help your party at this point.

When your front runners are a Reality TV Rodeo Clown with a Bad Combover and a Self-Loathing Uncle Tom with Munchausen Syndrome, you've kind of descended into the ranks of the Polish Beer Party in terms of seriousness.
Wrong. If they are in a public space, doing a public thing, they have no right to stop you or intimidate you.

and i'm sure that when the mob has kicked in his teeth for being an uber-creep, his dentist can laugh all the way to the bank as he slobbers that excuse out.

And the mob should laugh all the way to jail. It's assault pure and simple, and enablers like you are giant fucking twats.
And the mob should laugh all the way to jail. It's assault pure and simple, and enablers like you are giant fucking twats.

okay, so they pay a $50.00 fine. Totally worth it.

Meanwhile, Creepy Stalker boy is going to have thousands of dollars in dental bills.
And the mob should laugh all the way to jail. It's assault pure and simple, and enablers like you are giant fucking twats.

okay, so they pay a $50.00 fine. Totally worth it.

Meanwhile, Creepy Stalker boy is going to have thousands of dollars in dental bills.

Assault isn't a $50 fine, twat.

Most of them won't even get that. Probably the cops would say, "And you kept taking their pictures after a mob of them told you to knock it off? What, are you fucking retarded?"

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

You must have never went to college. We were all young and crazy once and then we graduated and became successful productive citizens. You're starting to sound like your grandparents
And the mob should laugh all the way to jail. It's assault pure and simple, and enablers like you are giant fucking twats.

okay, so they pay a $50.00 fine. Totally worth it.

Meanwhile, Creepy Stalker boy is going to have thousands of dollars in dental bills.

Assault isn't a $50 fine, twat.

Most of them won't even get that. Probably the cops would say, "And you kept taking their pictures after a mob of them told you to knock it off? What, are you fucking retarded?"

Your disrespect for the law when it suits you is noted. As is your penchant for violence when it suits your interest.
Your disrespect for the law when it suits you is noted. As is your penchant for violence when it suits your interest.

Can't get worked up about people who create their own problems.

So let's review. You have a group of students who got so feed up with the racism at their campus they demonstrated against it.

Then some creepy-ass white guy (It was a white guy who got into a confrontation, not the Asian kid) keeps taking pictures of them without their permission. He is asked nicely to stop. He keeps doing it. He is then told he'd better knock it off.

"waaaaaah, you are violating my right to be a creep".
Your disrespect for the law when it suits you is noted. As is your penchant for violence when it suits your interest.

Can't get worked up about people who create their own problems.

So let's review. You have a group of students who got so feed up with the racism at their campus they demonstrated against it.

Then some creepy-ass white guy (It was a white guy who got into a confrontation, not the Asian kid) keeps taking pictures of them without their permission. He is asked nicely to stop. He keeps doing it. He is then told he'd better knock it off.

"waaaaaah, you are violating my right to be a creep".

When you demonstrate, you are putting yourself in the public arena, you don't get to decide who sees you, or who can record you.

The only whiny bitches are the protesters. If their position is so awesome, they should be proud to stand up for it and be photographed and recorded.

But we all know the protester are just as dickless as you are, tough in a group (or behind a keyboard) but gutless when confronted.
When you demonstrate, you are putting yourself in the public arena, you don't get to decide who sees you, or who can record you.

The only whiny bitches are the protesters. If their position is so awesome, they should be proud to stand up for it and be photographed and recorded.

But we all know the protester are just as dickless as you are, tough in a group (or behind a keyboard) but gutless when confronted.

Or not.

Frankly, the FBI used to take pictures of demonstrators back in the 1960's and those people were subjected to all sorts of dirty tricks. It was one of the main reasons why Nixon was run out of office.

You take someone's picture, after they told you to not do that, you deserve an asskicking.
When you demonstrate, you are putting yourself in the public arena, you don't get to decide who sees you, or who can record you.

The only whiny bitches are the protesters. If their position is so awesome, they should be proud to stand up for it and be photographed and recorded.

But we all know the protester are just as dickless as you are, tough in a group (or behind a keyboard) but gutless when confronted.

Or not.

Frankly, the FBI used to take pictures of demonstrators back in the 1960's and those people were subjected to all sorts of dirty tricks. It was one of the main reasons why Nixon was run out of office.

You take someone's picture, after they told you to not do that, you deserve an asskicking.

No, you don't, if your subjects are in public, and are demonstrating publicly.
No, you don't, if your subjects are in public, and are demonstrating publicly.

Okay, you can explain that to your proctologist as he's removing the camera from where the demonstrators left it when you were acting like a creep.
Hey guys! Hey guys! Do you know where else was education (especially of the higher kind) frowned upon?

Motherfuckin' totalitarian communist regimes.


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