This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

No, just pointing out reality. How many plumbers and electricians come over here on H1B's? Its usually Comp sci/IT weenies, and engineers.

Of which they could find or train enough Americans to do.

Really? Again, I don't see our Engineering and tech majors flooded with applicants, never mind people who can actually get through the programs.

What do you suggest, forced drafting of 18 year olds into STEM programs?
Really? Again, I don't see our Engineering and tech majors flooded with applicants, never mind people who can actually get through the programs.

What do you suggest, forced drafting of 18 year olds into STEM programs?

that tells me that your program isn't being run well, not that there aren't people you can train.

Or are you saying that a guy from India who barely speaks English is really a better fit? Of course he isn't. BUt he IS someone they can control.

So keep telling people you fell down the stairs.
Really? Again, I don't see our Engineering and tech majors flooded with applicants, never mind people who can actually get through the programs.

What do you suggest, forced drafting of 18 year olds into STEM programs?

that tells me that your program isn't being run well, not that there aren't people you can train.

Or are you saying that a guy from India who barely speaks English is really a better fit? Of course he isn't. BUt he IS someone they can control.

So keep telling people you fell down the stairs.

Actually the ones from India usually speak excellent English, its the ones they put in the call centers that have the issue. And most Engineering programs take pride it weeding people out by being as hard ass as possible. It's the students that can't hack it. You actually have to skip your Thursday night bender from time to time.

India respects doctors, engineers, and then lawyers in that order. India's engineering schools pump out quality graduates.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.

Once again the left wing has it exactly backwards. As with everything.
Liberals on campus feel threatened by everything. It's like they feel that campus is their refuge, and it's where they escape reality.

The college experience is a bit surreal, I grant you that. But i doubt liberals on college campuses feel threatened by everything.
Actually the ones from India usually speak excellent English, its the ones they put in the call centers that have the issue. And most Engineering programs take pride it weeding people out by being as hard ass as possible. It's the students that can't hack it. You actually have to skip your Thursday night bender from time to time.

India respects doctors, engineers, and then lawyers in that order. India's engineering schools pump out quality graduates.

By quality, of course, you mean 'Willing to put up with corporate shit'.

I've worked with some of these H1B guys here. Um, yeah, their English skills aren't much better.
Actually the ones from India usually speak excellent English, its the ones they put in the call centers that have the issue. And most Engineering programs take pride it weeding people out by being as hard ass as possible. It's the students that can't hack it. You actually have to skip your Thursday night bender from time to time.

India respects doctors, engineers, and then lawyers in that order. India's engineering schools pump out quality graduates.

By quality, of course, you mean 'Willing to put up with corporate shit'.

I've worked with some of these H1B guys here. Um, yeah, their English skills aren't much better.

No, I mean quality. And I doubt your veracity on the H1B guys, as I doubt your veracity on a great many things.
Well, there are liberal arts colleges

If there were more "conservative" arts colleges, the OP may suggest sending your teens there.

Then again, we do not know which school these events took place.

Conservative arts are engineering, biology, mathematics, etc. That which is quantifiable.

Mathematics and science are part of the Liberal arts curriculum.

There is no such thing as "conservative arts". Liberal, in terms of the phrase Liberal Arts, is not a political term whatsoever.
I hope I die before such CryBullies assume power in our government. The ELITE have raised a particularly nasty brood. This won't end well.

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

You are the queen of sweeping generalizations.
The kids don't know any better. The monsters are the radical hypocrite professors like Milessa Click who called for "some muscle" to beat up a student journalist.

Yep, they are being led by the nose. they better hope it doesn't come back to bite them later in life.

Unhinged Mizzou Prof Melissa Click Apologizes For Goading Protesters to Assault Reporter

snippet from article
On Monday protesting Mizzou race activists harassed an Asian reporter while protesting in a public place.

Mizzou professor Melissa Click, an assistant professor of mass media at the University of Missouri, ordered a journalist to leave an area where demonstrators had gathered on the Missouri campus.

She then called activists to “muscle” the Asian journalist off campus!

This morning Mizzou journalism faculty voted to revoke the appointment of activist professor Melissa Click.
The faculty have not yet announced the results of their vote.

Tonight Melissa Click apologized for threatening violence against a campus reporter.
Buzzfeed reported:

Unhinged Mizzou Prof Melissa Click Apologizes For Goading Protesters to Assault Reporter - The Gateway Pundit

Most universities are just left wing seminaries now.
No, I mean quality. And I doubt your veracity on the H1B guys, as I doubt your veracity on a great many things.

Of course you do. I shatter your little world view that you are held in special regard by the one percent.

I use to think like that. Until they fucked me. Now I know better.
Most universities are just left wing seminaries now.

No, guy. Most universities are businesses, selling something that is overvalued.

We tell these kids, "You have to have a degree to make good money", except a degree often costs upwards of $42,000 at even a basic state university. So these kids put themselves into awful amounts of debt and end up working as Baristas at Starbucks or some shit, while the big corporations move their jobs to China or bring in some guy on a H1B visa who will work cheaper.

And then we wonder why the kids revolt a bit.
One also wonders why these idiotic students are studying all this useless careers.......they will not find jobs anyway...what a waste of time and money.... that's why they have to amuse themselves in the meantime with shit like that...

Losers...pathetic and wretched losers....oh well

like I give a s*** :itsok: morons...

How do you know what each student is studying?

Have you looked at what the University of Missouri offers in their degree program? I haven't, yet I know they offer more than a literature degree.
Most universities are just left wing seminaries now.

No, guy. Most universities are businesses, selling something that is overvalued.

We tell these kids, "You have to have a degree to make good money", except a degree often costs upwards of $42,000 at even a basic state university. So these kids put themselves into awful amounts of debt and end up working as Baristas at Starbucks or some shit, while the big corporations move their jobs to China or bring in some guy on a H1B visa who will work cheaper.

And then we wonder why the kids revolt a bit.
Disagree. Universities have only one goal - brainwash kids into left wing zombies. It's why 98% of university professors are radical hardcore leftists. The reason they can't get good jobs is due to the guy in the White House.
Disagree. Universities have only one goal - brainwash kids into left wing zombies. It's why 98% of university professors are radical hardcore leftists. The reason they can't get good jobs is due to the guy in the White House.

Guy, the economy was fucked up long before Obama got there. Quit being such a tool.
Disagree. Universities have only one goal - brainwash kids into left wing zombies. It's why 98% of university professors are radical hardcore leftists. The reason they can't get good jobs is due to the guy in the White House.

Guy, the economy was fucked up long before Obama got there. Quit being such a tool.
Obama and Democrats are singing praises about how wonderful the economy is. They have obtained their goal and are happy with the result. It's just that simple.

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