This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Yep, the Right is suspicious of anyone with higher education. nobody in the GOP has a college diploma?

I think your problem is your head is full of mush and false stereotypes....memorized so you can repeat them whenever you don't feel like thinking.

There are many of us with graduate degrees who realize it's not that impressive to get one and that people with only a high school education can be well educated while those who get degree after degree know little.

I will never forget reading the paper of someone a year ahead of me in law school who could not write properly. He had one paragraph that was two pages long. To this day I still don't know what he was trying to argue in this rambling incoherent mess.
If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

Not seeing a problem here. It's common fucking etiquette, you don't take people's picture without their permission. This guy was asked NOT to take the pictures of these students, and he kept insisting that he had a right to.
It's a public university, they are in a public space, and he is a member of the press. He DOES HAVE A RIGHT to take their picutres.

Of course, the constitution doesn't matter to you anyway, so pointing that out to you is pointless.
The constitution does not cover interactions between citizens

Actually considering the professor was part of this, and she is an agent of a public university, her actions are covered by the 1st amendment.

and my response was to Joe, who said the reporter had no right to take the pictures, which is wrong. He has every right to take pictures in a public space of a public university, of people protesting in public.

No they do not. First amendment covers what action the government can take against citizens

A reporter can be told you do not want your picture taken. If he does it anyway, he can be screamed at

Not by a public employee in a public place during a public event
The crybullies shouting down any difference of opinion are all thugs. They should be expelled, soonest.
The crybullies shouting down any difference of opinion are all thugs. They should be expelled, soonest.


I love when they repeat what they hear on Hate Radio and pass it off as an original idea.
The crybullies shouting down any difference of opinion are all thugs. They should be expelled, soonest.


I love when they repeat what they hear on Hate Radio and pass it off as an original idea.

No, the word was in a great op-ed in the Wall Street Journal last week. It's going viral. I didn't make up this wonderful term myself, but I don't think the Wall Street Journal can exactly be called "Hate Radio."

The problem with the crybullies is twofold: they both intimidate everyone they can AND pretend they are victims.

I saw a vicious bumper sticker this past week spoiling a new, lovely car at a supermarket near a black area: "Stop pretending your racism is patriotism."

New car, new bumper sticker, so I peeled it off. The intimidation by rioting, sit-ins late at night, screeching and yelling at individuals they surround, getting people fired --- brave people HAVE to stop all this, it's barbarianism. It's Stalinism, a purge, it's Maoist brainwashing. 2015, what a terrible year for American civilization.
No, the word was in a great op-ed in the Wall Street Journal last week. It's going viral. I didn't make up this wonderful term myself, but I don't think the Wall Street Journal can exactly be called "Hate Radio."

The WSJ has been shit ever since Rupert Murdoch bought it.

The problem with the crybullies is twofold: they both intimidate everyone they can AND pretend they are victims.

No, the problem is you guys like to pretend they don't have valid grievances. That and you like to exaggerate everything into a bigger deal than it is.

I saw a vicious bumper sticker this past week spoiling a new, lovely car at a supermarket near a black area: "Stop pretending your racism is patriotism."

New car, new bumper sticker, so I peeled it off.

What business is it of yours what other people put on their cars? It seems to me that you are whining about how these kids are suppressing 'Free Speech", but here you are, vandalizing someone else's property because you don't like what they have to say.

I'll let the irony of that sink in for a moment.

The intimidation by rioting, sit-ins late at night, screeching and yelling at individuals they surround, getting people fired --- brave people HAVE to stop all this, it's barbarianism. It's Stalinism, a purge, it's Maoist brainwashing. 2015, what a terrible year for American civilization.

Um. No. It's getting rid of a crappy University President because he didn't do his job. If this guy had addressed this issue months ago when it first came up, people would probably be praising him for his management style. Instead, he let this fester in an arrogant and pompous way, until the kids figured out how to hurt the university's bottom line.
[QUOTE="JoeB131, post: 12866037, member: 31057]

What business is it of yours what other people put on their cars? It seems to me that you are whining about how these kids are suppressing 'Free Speech", but here you are, vandalizing someone else's property because you don't like what they have to say.

True. But it was such a mean, nasty hate to be broadcasting to the world --- I am still pleased with myself that I zapped it. :biggrin:
True. But it was such a mean, nasty hate to be broadcasting to the world --- I am still pleased with myself that I zapped it.

Sounds like you have more problems than the owner of that car.

You see, the funny thing is, people like you think that your white privilege gives you something, but you are in the same boat those college kids are in. Just one layoff or one medical issue away from the One-percenters grinding you up and throwing you away.

They've just got you very distracted by bullshit.
I don't feel very sorry for these university officials who are finding themselves smeared or driven to resign by the liberal students whom they helped to create. Sorry, but what goes around comes around.
You see, the funny thing is, people like you think that your white privilege gives you something, but you are in the same boat those college kids are in. Just one layoff or one medical issue away from the One-percenters grinding you up and throwing you away.

We aren't one-percenters, but six (we did the math last year after reading one of those articles that say 0.1% pay for half the whole nation's taxes, top 1% this other, top 10% something else, nobody below pays anything). We prefer to think of ourselves as grinders rather than being ground up. I'd rather be a hammer than a nail......

Yes I would.

I have always made sure I was getting rather than whining around that nobody was giving me stuff. Blacks should do that if they want respect. How can anyone possibly respect the terrible things they are doing now?

But that lovely new car, with its hate-filled message centered neatly on the bumper, "Stop pretending your racism is patriotism" --- I am assuming it was a black man's car, but who knows: it may not have been. -A woman? Some far-left white crazy? But whoever it was had enough money to get that nice car, and yet he complains bitterly about the whole society. Of course, I suppose he COULD have been a drug dealer. Except it seemed too conservative a car, somehow. If he lived in Africa he wouldn't have such a car, or any house but a cardboard shack thrown up against thousands of others with dirt floors and no toilets anywhere, as we see in the Ebola photos. He is doing far better here, and yet he broadcasts his furious anti-white message to the world. Well, he DID, heh-heh, but I put a stop to that, and at least gave him something to wonder about for awhile.
We aren't one-percenters, but six (we did the math last year after reading one of those articles that say 0.1% pay for half the whole nation's taxes, top 1% this other, top 10% something else, nobody below pays anything). We prefer to think of ourselves as grinders rather than being ground up. I'd rather be a hammer than a nail......

Yes I would.

The sad thing is you actually believe articles like that.

I have always made sure I was getting rather than whining around that nobody was giving me stuff. Blacks should do that if they want respect. How can anyone possibly respect the terrible things they are doing now?

what terrible things are those, exactly?

But that lovely new car, with its hate-filled message centered neatly on the bumper, "Stop pretending your racism is patriotism" --- I am assuming it was a black man's car, but who knows: it may not have been. -A woman? Some far-left white crazy? But whoever it was had enough money to get that nice car, and yet he complains bitterly about the whole society.

Except he isn't complaining about the whole society, is he? He's probably complaining about the stupid Redneck who waves a flag but don't want no Mexicans or A-rabs living in his neighborhood, but he done loves him some America.
Yes, there has always been goofy shit happening on college campuses. After all, when you have a bunch of people barely out of adolescents, many of them riding on daddy's money, there is a notable sense of the lack of responsibility. Frat boys and girls. Some even become notably poor Presidents.

On the other hand, where I am attending, I see many young men and women holding down a couple of jobs, and taking only one or two classes at a time, because that is all they have time for, or can afford. Of course, being a science major, I see a differant group than the social butterflys. Even the people who have wealthy daddy's paying for the school work their asses off. Of course, they do better as they have far more time to study and do homework.

However, most of the bitching about college students here is because our rightwingnuts hate science and education in general. And wish to prevent others from being more educated than they are.
Yes, there has always been goofy shit happening on college campuses. After all, when you have a bunch of people barely out of adolescents, many of them riding on daddy's money, there is a notable sense of the lack of responsibility. Frat boys and girls. Some even become notably poor Presidents.

On the other hand, where I am attending, I see many young men and women holding down a couple of jobs, and taking only one or two classes at a time, because that is all they have time for, or can afford. Of course, being a science major, I see a differant group than the social butterflys. Even the people who have wealthy daddy's paying for the school work their asses off. Of course, they do better as they have far more time to study and do homework.

However, most of the bitching about college students here is because our rightwingnuts hate science and education in general. And wish to prevent others from being more educated than they are.

Bullshit, considering I have a Master's in ChemE and spent 5.5 years getting up to it, gives lie to your statement.

The education I "hate" is education that used to be intended purely for academic roles, X Studies, et al, being proffered as career paths. More STEM majors, more accounting majors, less basketweaving majors. Plus there needs to be a frank honest discussion about the concept of "everyone to college" being more harmful then beneficial. The Country needs plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics, and other tradesmen more than it needs some communications major with a 2.1 GPA.
The education I "hate" is education that used to be intended purely for academic roles, X Studies, et al, being proffered as career paths. More STEM majors, more accounting majors, less basketweaving majors. Plus there needs to be a frank honest discussion about the concept of "everyone to college" being more harmful then beneficial. The Country needs plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics, and other tradesmen more than it needs some communications major with a 2.1 GPA.

Wow, Marty, you almost said something sensible here.

The problem is, of course, is that a lot of jobs simply won't take you without a college degree. for instance, most Purchasing Jobs require a bachelor's degree, and I know a lot of buyers without them that had a really hard time getting considered for jobs despite having decades of purchasing experience.

So the thing is, we ask these kids to put themselves into debt for decades to get these degrees to get even the kind of nice basic salaries their grandparents got merely by being in the trades and belonging to a union. And then more often than not, they find themselves being edged out of those jobs by some guy named Pradip who got in here on a H1B visa, because the big corporations just love having that kind of control over people.
H1B's are usually used for tech jobs, not for plumbers. And I think sooner or later most employers will get sick of what our universities are producing, and start waiving the college requirement, except for jobs that really need it.

Right now H1B's are needed in Tech and Engineering because our schools simply don't produce enough graduates. Hell, my Engineering class had a 50% wash out rate, across all engineering disciplines, and of the ones that made it, 1/3 are not doing engineering, (some are doctors or lawyers, others went into things like sales and other business type work).
H1B's are usually used for tech jobs, not for plumbers. And I think sooner or later most employers will get sick of what our universities are producing, and start waiving the college requirement, except for jobs that really need it.

Right now H1B's are needed in Tech and Engineering because our schools simply don't produce enough graduates. Hell, my Engineering class had a 50% wash out rate, across all engineering disciplines, and of the ones that made it, 1/3 are not doing engineering, (some are doctors or lawyers, others went into things like sales and other business type work).

And he's back to making excuses for the One Percent like an abused wife claiming she fell down the stairs.
H1B's are usually used for tech jobs, not for plumbers. And I think sooner or later most employers will get sick of what our universities are producing, and start waiving the college requirement, except for jobs that really need it.

Right now H1B's are needed in Tech and Engineering because our schools simply don't produce enough graduates. Hell, my Engineering class had a 50% wash out rate, across all engineering disciplines, and of the ones that made it, 1/3 are not doing engineering, (some are doctors or lawyers, others went into things like sales and other business type work).

And he's back to making excuses for the One Percent like an abused wife claiming she fell down the stairs.

No, just pointing out reality. How many plumbers and electricians come over here on H1B's? Its usually Comp sci/IT weenies, and engineers.

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