This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

No, I mean quality. And I doubt your veracity on the H1B guys, as I doubt your veracity on a great many things.

Of course you do. I shatter your little world view that you are held in special regard by the one percent.

I use to think like that. Until they fucked me. Now I know better.

more "mystification" bull shit.

You are a bitter old man, nothing more or less.
Disagree. Universities have only one goal - brainwash kids into left wing zombies. It's why 98% of university professors are radical hardcore leftists. The reason they can't get good jobs is due to the guy in the White House.

Guy, the economy was fucked up long before Obama got there. Quit being such a tool.
Obama and Democrats are singing praises about how wonderful the economy is. They have obtained their goal and are happy with the result. It's just that simple.

Uh, guy, when Obama took office, unemployment was at 10% and the DOw had crashed to 6000.

Today unemployment is at 5% and the DOW is at 17,000+.

Now, please spare me your wingnut rationalizations of "Well, who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" Point is, Obama did fix quite a lot of what Bush fucked up. The bigger problems of globalization are still there, but this isnt a conversaton about Obama, because to you , everything thing is a conversation about Obama.

"Honey, would you like some coffee"

"Coffee tastes awful! Thanks, Obama!!!"
more "mystification" bull shit.

You are a bitter old man, nothing more or less.

But that's the point, guy. At my age, I shouldn't still be worried about these things. I shouldn't have to think, "I hope I don't get sick or injured, or my employer will screw me over".

Just because you still let the 1% slap you around, doesn't mean the rest of us need to keep bending over.
more "mystification" bull shit.

You are a bitter old man, nothing more or less.

But that's the point, guy. At my age, I shouldn't still be worried about these things. I shouldn't have to think, "I hope I don't get sick or injured, or my employer will screw me over".

Just because you still let the 1% slap you around, doesn't mean the rest of us need to keep bending over.

Just keep yelling "get off of my lawn" at the world, that will make things all better.
Just keep yelling "get off of my lawn" at the world, that will make things all better.

Actually, what makes it better is crushing the useful idiots of the 1%.

So make those Christians bake those cakes.

Make the gun nuts have to register their penis compensators.

Regulate the shit out of small business.
Just keep yelling "get off of my lawn" at the world, that will make things all better.

Actually, what makes it better is crushing the useful idiots of the 1%.

So make those Christians bake those cakes.

Make the gun nuts have to register their penis compensators.

Regulate the shit out of small business.

Your usual fascism and love of government fucking over people you don't like is noted. Your cowardice in letting some big brother do you dirty work is also noted.

The fact you are a miserable excuse for a human being would not be an issue except for your desire to have your fellow man under government's boot heel over slights against you, real or imagined.

You are a pathetic waste of life.

Your usual fascism and love of government fucking over people you don't like is noted. Your cowardice in letting some big brother do you dirty work is also noted.

The fact you are a miserable excuse for a human being would not be an issue except for your desire to have your fellow man under government's boot heel over slights against you, real or imagined.

You are a pathetic waste of life.

NOt at all. I have a sense of perspective.

I've known gay folks who've been fired for being gay. I've known gay folks who've been beaten up for being gay.

I just don't consider it a huge imposition to make someone do what they promised to do. If you don't want to be in the cake business, get out of the cake business.

Frankly, all the useful idiots of hte 1% deserve exactly what they get. They screwed over themselves, at the end of the day, so not getting their little pet projects is justice.

Your usual fascism and love of government fucking over people you don't like is noted. Your cowardice in letting some big brother do you dirty work is also noted.

The fact you are a miserable excuse for a human being would not be an issue except for your desire to have your fellow man under government's boot heel over slights against you, real or imagined.

You are a pathetic waste of life.

NOt at all. I have a sense of perspective.

I've known gay folks who've been fired for being gay. I've known gay folks who've been beaten up for being gay.

I just don't consider it a huge imposition to make someone do what they promised to do. If you don't want to be in the cake business, get out of the cake business.

Frankly, all the useful idiots of hte 1% deserve exactly what they get. They screwed over themselves, at the end of the day, so not getting their little pet projects is justice.

Justify it all you want, you still are a cowardly wanker who lets others do your dirty work.
Justify it all you want, you still are a cowardly wanker who lets others do your dirty work.

My part is to vote for what I want.

I'll leave the fun stuff to the professionals.

The reality is- there's more of us than there are of you, and more people are wising up to the 1% and their bullshit.

BUt keep being a nice little tool, and maybe they'll let you have some scraps from their table.
Justify it all you want, you still are a cowardly wanker who lets others do your dirty work.

My part is to vote for what I want.

I'll leave the fun stuff to the professionals.

The reality is- there's more of us than there are of you, and more people are wising up to the 1% and their bullshit.

BUt keep being a nice little tool, and maybe they'll let you have some scraps from their table.

Still with the mystification bullshit. You are a broken record playing a whiny twatty song.
No, guy. Most universities are businesses, selling something that is overvalued.

Stalinism and teenage angst?

We tell these kids, "You have to have a degree to make good money", except a degree often costs upwards of $42,000 at even a basic state university. So these kids put themselves into awful amounts of debt and end up working as Baristas at Starbucks or some shit, while the big corporations move their jobs to China or bring in some guy on a H1B visa who will work cheaper.

And then we wonder why the kids revolt a bit.

Thank Bill Clinton for the H1B mess.
Justify it all you want, you still are a cowardly wanker who lets others do your dirty work.

My part is to vote for what I want.

I'll leave the fun stuff to the professionals.

The reality is- there's more of us than there are of you, and more people are wising up to the 1% and their bullshit.

BUt keep being a nice little tool, and maybe they'll let you have some scraps from their table.

What is it with you folks and your fixation on the mythical one-percenters?
Sure you did


And "This is the Kind of Monsters..." is a phrase that sounds written by someone who didn't even make it as far as college.
Actually, while attending college I always maxed out reading and writing skills tests.
Justify it all you want, you still are a cowardly wanker who lets others do your dirty work.

My part is to vote for what I want.

I'll leave the fun stuff to the professionals.

The reality is- there's more of us than there are of you, and more people are wising up to the 1% and their bullshit.

BUt keep being a nice little tool, and maybe they'll let you have some scraps from their table.

What is it with you folks and your fixation on the mythical one-percenters?

It's a combination of envy, and a feeling that he somehow got cheated in life.

Plus he's a miserable bastard, that's part of it too.
Still with the mystification bullshit. You are a broken record playing a whiny twatty song.

Again, it probably isn't hard to fool you dumb-ass bible thumpers. You all believe in talking snakes.
This is kind of why we just need to stomp you instead of trying to win you over... it's for your own good.

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