This is the liberal game plan.

Nothing shows the contempt democrats have for labor more than the importing of tens of millions of illegals to drive wages down.

democrats are dedicated to eradicating the middle class and leaving the majority destitute and impoverished.

Actually the lack of labor unions and corporate exploitation of labor drove down wages
Damn---hit send accidentally. Here is the link and I know of the miss spelling.

Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)​

Lawful permanent residents (LPRs), also known as “green card” holders, are non-citizens who are lawfully authorized to live permanently within the United States. LPRs may accept an offer of employment without special restrictions, own property, receive financial assistance at public colleges and universities, and join the Armed Forces. They also may apply to become U.S. citizens if they meet certain eligibility requirements. The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides several broad classes of admission for foreign nationals to gain LPR status, the largest of which focuses on admitting immigrants for the purpose of family reunification. Other major categories include economic and humanitarian immigrants, as well as immigrants from countries with relatively low levels of immigration to the United States.
The Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS) Annual Flow Reports on LPRs contain information obtained from foreign nationals’ applications for LPR status on the number and characteristics of persons who became LPRs during a given fiscal year. Below are the annual flow reports on Lawful Permanent Residents.
Paleman Did you have a point?
Possibly or maybe, but definitely and without a doubt, the left leaning fools in this country are intentionally assisting in the destruction of our nation by this disgusting open border policy. Millions are and will continue to raid our border and then be given the option of sponsoring, via Biden issued Green Cards, their family members to join them here in the country of the increasingly brain-dead.
Except that the vast amount of people who come here, come here to WORK. To make a better life for themselves and their families.. Immigration built this country.
I would turn alt-right media off. They just feed you red meat to keep you in a constant state of outrage.
Will you at least admit that when South America, The Middle East, Cuba and every other despot nation has sent all, repeat all, their underpaid or unemployed to invade this country that it has gone too far? How much is enough? How much is too much? Can you answer that easy question? Give us a number, 2 million, 4 million 10 million, or maybe just a BILLION?
Will you at least admit that when South America, The Middle East, Cuba and every other despot nation has sent all, repeat all, their underpaid or unemployed to invade this country that it has gone too far? How much is enough? How much is too much? Can you answer that easy question? Give us a number, 2 million, 4 million 10 million, or maybe just a BILLION?
Sure, as soon as people like you can admit that our government had a hand in creating and fostering these "despot" nations that people want to flee. We helped make the problem. The war on drugs exacerbates the problem
When is enough meddling enough?
When is your hatred for this country going to be enough?
Don't waste my time with alt-right catchphrases.

It's people like you I hate. Not this country.
I want to see this country delivered from people like you.
You'd see it shred to pieces in fealty to a strongman that makes you feel safe.
Don't waste my time with alt-right catchphrases.

It's people like you I hate. Not this country.
I want to see this country delivered from people like you.
You'd see it shred to pieces in fealty to a strongman that makes you feel safe.
My friend, we have something in common. I also hate people like you, and the political parties you support. The man you so hate (Trump) was in control of this country for 4 years, he and we did just fine. You sure as hell can't say the same thing when it concerns your GD fool, and waste of space, Biden. Long live the Republican Party.
NO! Undocumented, and, unknown possible criminals, pedophiles and rapist are SKEERY. That includes you and all same thinkers.

That is how you view Mexicans

I see them mowing lawns, making beds and picking crops

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