This is the man Republicans call stupid and a fool????

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy

You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.

The law and Constitution prove you wrong:

Exigent Circumstances

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Exigent Circumstances can not be applied to whole neighborhoods just like prosecutorial discretion can not be applied to a whole class of criminals. There was NOT probable cause to search every house in a neighborhood. Suspicion the suspect might be in a neighborhood does not meet the definition of probable cause.

From your link:


Probable cause exists when there is a fair probability that a search will result in evidence of a crime being discovered.
No such probability existed in every house.

Wrong again. No warrant was asked for or necessary under the circumstances.

You can defend the gestapo all you wan't, doesn't make it true, right or legal. There was a possibility in the houses, not probability, big difference.
You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.

The law and Constitution prove you wrong:

Exigent Circumstances

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Exigent Circumstances can not be applied to whole neighborhoods just like prosecutorial discretion can not be applied to a whole class of criminals. There was NOT probable cause to search every house in a neighborhood. Suspicion the suspect might be in a neighborhood does not meet the definition of probable cause.

From your link:


Probable cause exists when there is a fair probability that a search will result in evidence of a crime being discovered.
No such probability existed in every house.

Wrong again. No warrant was asked for or necessary under the circumstances.

You can defend the gestapo all you wan't, doesn't make it true, right or legal. There was a possibility in the houses, not probability, big difference.

Your use of the word "gestapo" is internet speak for I have lost so I'll go all non sequitur and compare them to Hitler or a Nazi.
As you are from Texas, you can appreciate why I'm gonna ask for citations in support of your assertion......

Ask if you want to learn where to find the data...

Are you seriously saying there are more people working 40+ hours a week now than there were in Jan 2009? I can't find any numbers to support that, maybe you can educate me.

Thank me later.....

Is that 40+ hours or 35+ hours full time as defined in maobamacare? I found no definition of "full time", it was 40+ hours in Jan 2009, what are they using now?

It is full time as it is defined by BLS.........I suggest you find alternatives to Daily Caller and Breitbart..

So what is it? You can't reasonably compare data that is defined differently, you can't just say full time workers unless the definition was consistent throughout the graph. My question is, was it consistent, or are they comparing 2009 oranges to 2015 apples?
They are are confusing definitions under ACA with BLS statistical definitions....BLS, which is the source of the jobs numbers has defined full time as 35 hrs per week......for the purpose of eligibility under ACA 30 hrs is considered full time... was NOT all added to the FY 2009 budget....

The Feb 2008 WH budget request sought 3.1 trillion EXCLUSIVE of ESAs for Iraqnam (which would add another 150 billion in spending)...

Yet they spent 3.5177 trillion with a deficit of 1.4127 trillion.

Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2009 - Charts

That's if Scrub requested 3.1, added a net of roughly 160 billion for TARP, and total spending came in at 3.51, how could the "1 trillion" in Stimulus have been put on the FY 2009 tab?

The stimulus was authorize in 2009, it wasn't all spent that year.

Therefore it could NOT have been assessed, in entirety, to FY2009...

Also not assessed to that year, thought it would be subsequently, were ESAs for Iraqnam......which removed them from the deficit calculation.

Damn shame it didn't remove them from the debt calculation.

Damn shame that Scrub's inept management of the economy demanded such remediation....

But as you have seen, all in, federal spending has grown at the lowest rate in 60 years since Scrub hauled out of DC in a hail of well deserved jeers....

Call it another opportunity cost of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux.
I just laugh at you libs that make excuses for your failed President. Bush had a piece of shit war in Iraq with congressional approval and at the end Obama claimed victory, then he goes back to the ME and funds the Muslim Brotherhood along with ISIL to create problems in Syria, Egypt, and Libya and the violence he creates spills back over into Iraq because they were still too weak to stand in their own and you refuse to hold him accountable.

Democratic policies regarding housing create the depression and you want to blame the right. Giving housing loans to people who couldn't afford a house was the left's doing. Then instead of bailing out the citizens, Obama bails out the big banks while spending so much he doubled the debt load of all previous Presidents combined.

He blames cops and whites for violence and then gives a pass to minorities rioting in the streets and overlooks the huge amount of black on black violence like it is only terrible if it is a white who commits a violent crime.

You lefties complain about Cruz and Rubio's citizenship but defended Obama. Get real.

You guys are so screwed up and everyone sees it.

This time we will get the change we really needed to make America great again.

You can thank us later or just move to one of the many socialist countries that already exist.

That is the rub. The US is unique because of conservative values. Your socialist leftist shit is available all over Europe, Canada, and South America. It really isn't all that special.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

then he goes back to the ME and funds the Muslim Brotherhood along with ISIL to

I suggest that you walk away whenever Frank Gaffney shows up on FOX....
Obama still showing how Obamacare is going to reduce the deficit? Amazing what you can make numbers do huh?

That's the conclusion of the CBO.....

Do you know what that stands for?

That would be the congressional propaganda arm that can only use the numbers their told to use.

No.....that only holds for requested reports where assumptions are provided....

In the case of the June 2015 report, it was requested by the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee...go to pg 24 for the details

Yep and on page 20 is says the whole report is nothing but one big SWAG (sophisticated wild assed guess).
Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.

The law and Constitution prove you wrong:

Exigent Circumstances

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Exigent Circumstances can not be applied to whole neighborhoods just like prosecutorial discretion can not be applied to a whole class of criminals. There was NOT probable cause to search every house in a neighborhood. Suspicion the suspect might be in a neighborhood does not meet the definition of probable cause.

From your link:


Probable cause exists when there is a fair probability that a search will result in evidence of a crime being discovered.
No such probability existed in every house.

Wrong again. No warrant was asked for or necessary under the circumstances.

You can defend the gestapo all you wan't, doesn't make it true, right or legal. There was a possibility in the houses, not probability, big difference.

Your use of the word "gestapo" is internet speak for I have lost so I'll go all non sequitur and compare them to Hitler or a Nazi.

Can't demonstrate they actually had probable cause because the probability of them finding anything was non-existent, in fact the suspect was located in a different neighborhood in an outside area. So like the typical regressive you are, you deflect. Good job.
So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????
And the Indian, the woman, the black guy and the Hispanic are not going to win. They are for show. And the GOP is 90% white. You can't prove otherwise because it's a fact.
The GOP is the party for the rich. That doesn't mean the ignorant base are rich. They are lemmings.

Right, everybody is a lemming to you.

The GOP is for equality for everybody. Democrats divide people into groups, and then decide who they like and who they don't. Of course, it's based on vote buying. Then they base their legislation in favor of who they like.

The GOP party is for the rich, well, let me tell ya, the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama. Furthermore, the last time the GOP dealt with the rich, they increased their taxes.

The Democrat theory is to punish success and reward failure. Then when sheep like you look around and see failure, you can't figure out why that is.

The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards, there are no dues, there is no discrimination. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because the don't give things to people?

Your thought process is the problem. Of course the R's don't prevent minorities from joining the party, they encourage them, well, as long as they agree to not rock the boat. Notice, the tokens all speak the company line as did the S. Carolina Governor last night.

Why would you join a party who's philosophy you disagree with? Of course you have to believe in the party platform to support them. Why would I, a working person who believes in less government and more personal responsibility join the Democrat party? They are not for those things. The Democrat party is for victims, government dependents, excuse makers, irresponsible people, and people who want to take from the producers to give to themselves. I'm against all those things.

Do you believe in personal responsibility? Thus, you have a conflict in your reasoning.

Would small government as visioned by the TP require a person to buy health insurance? The hue and cry from the right wing is such a requirement is one which only a tyrannical government would require.

What message does this give to those who don't want to pay for their own health care, given they can receive treatment at any public hospital for free (of course they get a bill, but they are rarely paid by scofflaws, and so we the responsible taxpayers pays the price)?

The message is they don't need to pay a tyrannical government and when "we" win, we'll repeal Obamacare and restore your free lunch.

Big government is when they take money from people that don't have it such as listed in Commie Care.

What do you think Medicaid is all about? It's about getting free healthcare. It's about people who have no money to buy health insurance because they don't feel like working. The program has been with us for decades.
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
Are you seriously saying there are more people working 40+ hours a week now than there were in Jan 2009? I can't find any numbers to support that, maybe you can educate me.

Thank me later.....

Is that 40+ hours or 35+ hours full time as defined in maobamacare? I found no definition of "full time", it was 40+ hours in Jan 2009, what are they using now?

It is full time as it is defined by BLS.........I suggest you find alternatives to Daily Caller and Breitbart..

So what is it? You can't reasonably compare data that is defined differently, you can't just say full time workers unless the definition was consistent throughout the graph. My question is, was it consistent, or are they comparing 2009 oranges to 2015 apples?
They are are confusing definitions under ACA with BLS statistical definitions....BLS, which is the source of the jobs numbers has defined full time as 35 hrs per week......for the purpose of eligibility under ACA 30 hrs is considered full time...

Once again you dodged the question, if you say 35 hours is now considered full time, was that definition used throughout the graph?
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

Thank me later.....

Is that 40+ hours or 35+ hours full time as defined in maobamacare? I found no definition of "full time", it was 40+ hours in Jan 2009, what are they using now?

It is full time as it is defined by BLS.........I suggest you find alternatives to Daily Caller and Breitbart..

So what is it? You can't reasonably compare data that is defined differently, you can't just say full time workers unless the definition was consistent throughout the graph. My question is, was it consistent, or are they comparing 2009 oranges to 2015 apples?
They are are confusing definitions under ACA with BLS statistical definitions....BLS, which is the source of the jobs numbers has defined full time as 35 hrs per week......for the purpose of eligibility under ACA 30 hrs is considered full time...

Once again you dodged the question, if you say 35 hours is now considered full time, was that definition used throughout the graph?
I remember we use to work 8 hours and get paid 8 hours and we got a lunch and 2 15s

All the sudden you work 9 hours? Assholes!
Is that 40+ hours or 35+ hours full time as defined in maobamacare? I found no definition of "full time", it was 40+ hours in Jan 2009, what are they using now?

It is full time as it is defined by BLS.........I suggest you find alternatives to Daily Caller and Breitbart..

So what is it? You can't reasonably compare data that is defined differently, you can't just say full time workers unless the definition was consistent throughout the graph. My question is, was it consistent, or are they comparing 2009 oranges to 2015 apples?
They are are confusing definitions under ACA with BLS statistical definitions....BLS, which is the source of the jobs numbers has defined full time as 35 hrs per week......for the purpose of eligibility under ACA 30 hrs is considered full time...

Once again you dodged the question, if you say 35 hours is now considered full time, was that definition used throughout the graph?
I remember we use to work 8 hours and get paid 8 hours and we got a lunch and 2 15s

All the sudden you work 9 hours? Assholes!

Damn, you're almost making as much sense as franco, care to expand on what you're trying to say?
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???
I wouldn't know where to begin.

But I could give you your own advice. You are responsible for you. You should go back to school or start your own business. And you could be saving $7 a day if you quit smoking.
He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???
I wouldn't know where to begin.

But I could give you your own advice. You are responsible for you. You should go back to school or start your own business. And you could be saving $7 a day if you quit smoking.

Correct, I am responsible for me, but I can only do that if government quits attacking my life. The farther government stays out of my life (as when Republicans have control) the better.

And to make this accusation that voting Republican is voting against your middle-class interest is just a pure liberal lie. The middle-class is now (and has always been) in better hands with Republicans than Democrats.

When Democrats are in charge, it costs the middle-class and wealthy money. Democrats are for the lazy--not the middle-class who struggle every day. Democrats are for taking from the producers to give to the non-producers be they the middle-class or the rich. Just as long as they can play Santa Clause and give people things at the expense of others.

Thank me later.....

Is that 40+ hours or 35+ hours full time as defined in maobamacare? I found no definition of "full time", it was 40+ hours in Jan 2009, what are they using now?

It is full time as it is defined by BLS.........I suggest you find alternatives to Daily Caller and Breitbart..

So what is it? You can't reasonably compare data that is defined differently, you can't just say full time workers unless the definition was consistent throughout the graph. My question is, was it consistent, or are they comparing 2009 oranges to 2015 apples?
They are are confusing definitions under ACA with BLS statistical definitions....BLS, which is the source of the jobs numbers has defined full time as 35 hrs per week......for the purpose of eligibility under ACA 30 hrs is considered full time...

Once again you dodged the question, if you say 35 hours is now considered full time, was that definition used throughout the graph?

BLS defines full time as 35 hrs per week.....BLS compiles the jobs ACA defines full time is entirely irrelevant to BLS...

Read that as many times as you need to grasp it.....
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...
Is that 40+ hours or 35+ hours full time as defined in maobamacare? I found no definition of "full time", it was 40+ hours in Jan 2009, what are they using now?

It is full time as it is defined by BLS.........I suggest you find alternatives to Daily Caller and Breitbart..

So what is it? You can't reasonably compare data that is defined differently, you can't just say full time workers unless the definition was consistent throughout the graph. My question is, was it consistent, or are they comparing 2009 oranges to 2015 apples?
They are are confusing definitions under ACA with BLS statistical definitions....BLS, which is the source of the jobs numbers has defined full time as 35 hrs per week......for the purpose of eligibility under ACA 30 hrs is considered full time...

Once again you dodged the question, if you say 35 hours is now considered full time, was that definition used throughout the graph?

BLS defines full time as 35 hrs per week.....BLS compiles the jobs ACA defines full time is entirely irrelevant to BLS...

Read that as many times as you need to grasp it.....

I guess that's a way to inflate the full time numbers, I've never had a full time job where I worked less than 40 hours. But what can you expect from DC, where the suspension of reality is practiced early and often.

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