This is the man Republicans call stupid and a fool????

He isn't stupid, just detached from reality.
If you don't agree with him then you don't agree with me and over half of America.

Obama just laid the groundwork for the democratic nominee. Their message will be much like Obama's and your message will be doom gloom and lies. Good luck with that.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?
It is full time as it is defined by BLS.........I suggest you find alternatives to Daily Caller and Breitbart..

So what is it? You can't reasonably compare data that is defined differently, you can't just say full time workers unless the definition was consistent throughout the graph. My question is, was it consistent, or are they comparing 2009 oranges to 2015 apples?
They are are confusing definitions under ACA with BLS statistical definitions....BLS, which is the source of the jobs numbers has defined full time as 35 hrs per week......for the purpose of eligibility under ACA 30 hrs is considered full time...

Once again you dodged the question, if you say 35 hours is now considered full time, was that definition used throughout the graph?

BLS defines full time as 35 hrs per week.....BLS compiles the jobs ACA defines full time is entirely irrelevant to BLS...

Read that as many times as you need to grasp it.....

I guess that's a way to inflate the full time numbers, I've never had a full time job where I worked less than 40 hours. But what can you expect from DC, where the suspension of reality is practiced early and often.

If that has been the definition over time, then there is no such "inflation".....
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?
here we go again bobo saying things that are not true....i have told you time and time again i cant stand the republicans as much as i cant stand that party your lips are attached too.....and yet you say i lean republican because i may have a conservative view on something,how about all the liberal leaning views i have? they count?...
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.

Ah yes.......the Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander theory....

What WILL you hold him responsible for?
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.

Yet you can't offer a rebuttal to the points made, which can easily be supported by those alive, aware and engaged in a thoughtful critique of current events.

You too are brainwashed, as are many of today's self defined conservatives, who have adopted the hate and experienced the fears of demagogues (like Trump, Cruz , Rubio & Christie) and charlatans (like Rubio & Fiorina) creating a perfect storm of foolery.

Not one of those noted have the experience, temperament or introspective ability to serve as POTUS, and lead a diverse nation of over 300 Million persons.

Face it, that spectacle at last night's debate is reminiscent of a childish squabble over the last piece of cake at a party for a ten year old.
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?
here we go again bobo saying things that are not true....i have told you time and time again i cant stand the republicans as much as i cant stand that party your lips are attached too.....and yet you say i lean republican because i may have a conservative view on something,how about all the liberal leaning views i have? they count?...
I've yet to run across you arguing my sides points.
How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.

Yet you can't offer a rebuttal to the points made, which can easily be supported by those alive, aware and engaged in a thoughtful critique of current events.

You too are brainwashed, as are many of today's self defined conservatives, who have adopted the hate and experienced the fears of demagogues (like Trump, Cruz , Rubio & Christie) and charlatans (like Rubio & Fiorina) creating a perfect storm of foolery.

Not one of those noted have the experience, temperament or introspective ability to serve as POTUS, and lead a diverse nation of over 300 Million persons.

Face it, that spectacle at last night's debate is reminiscent of a childish squabble over the last piece of cake at a party for a ten year old.

What are the odds that when BLS reports January jobs data, that Pred will complain about the LFPR?
How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.

Ah yes.......the Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander theory....

What WILL you hold him responsible for?

Irrelevant. This thread isn't about Bush.
How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.

Yet you can't offer a rebuttal to the points made, which can easily be supported by those alive, aware and engaged in a thoughtful critique of current events.

You too are brainwashed, as are many of today's self defined conservatives, who have adopted the hate and experienced the fears of demagogues (like Trump, Cruz , Rubio & Christie) and charlatans (like Rubio & Fiorina) creating a perfect storm of foolery.

Not one of those noted have the experience, temperament or introspective ability to serve as POTUS, and lead a diverse nation of over 300 Million persons.

Face it, that spectacle at last night's debate is reminiscent of a childish squabble over the last piece of cake at a party for a ten year old.

I can of course. It's been done many many times here in many threads. Yet, you left wing nutters still say the same stupid shit. It's not worth the effort to do it again. I just prefer to point at you idiots and laugh.
You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.

Yet you can't offer a rebuttal to the points made, which can easily be supported by those alive, aware and engaged in a thoughtful critique of current events.

You too are brainwashed, as are many of today's self defined conservatives, who have adopted the hate and experienced the fears of demagogues (like Trump, Cruz , Rubio & Christie) and charlatans (like Rubio & Fiorina) creating a perfect storm of foolery.

Not one of those noted have the experience, temperament or introspective ability to serve as POTUS, and lead a diverse nation of over 300 Million persons.

Face it, that spectacle at last night's debate is reminiscent of a childish squabble over the last piece of cake at a party for a ten year old.

What are the odds that when BLS reports January jobs data, that Pred will complain about the LFPR?

I guess the odds need to be established based on whether PF is willfully ignorant or if his ignorance is congenital and thus irreparable.
You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.

Ah yes.......the Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander theory....

What WILL you hold him responsible for?

Irrelevant. This thread isn't about Bush.

From "Bold Assertion" to "better part of valor" in two posts....

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.

Yet you can't offer a rebuttal to the points made, which can easily be supported by those alive, aware and engaged in a thoughtful critique of current events.

You too are brainwashed, as are many of today's self defined conservatives, who have adopted the hate and experienced the fears of demagogues (like Trump, Cruz , Rubio & Christie) and charlatans (like Rubio & Fiorina) creating a perfect storm of foolery.

Not one of those noted have the experience, temperament or introspective ability to serve as POTUS, and lead a diverse nation of over 300 Million persons.

Face it, that spectacle at last night's debate is reminiscent of a childish squabble over the last piece of cake at a party for a ten year old.

What are the odds that when BLS reports January jobs data, that Pred will complain about the LFPR?

I guess the odds need to be established based on whether PF is willfully ignorant or if his ignorance is congenital and thus irreparable.
Cold...........but fair....
You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

That is a nice little fantasy land you live in there pal. How is the weather there?

With which part of it do you take issue, Unrepentant 2Time Scrub Voter?

All of it. None of the things you cited are 100% Bush's fault and much of it has nothing to do with him at all, hack.

Yet you can't offer a rebuttal to the points made, which can easily be supported by those alive, aware and engaged in a thoughtful critique of current events.

You too are brainwashed, as are many of today's self defined conservatives, who have adopted the hate and experienced the fears of demagogues (like Trump, Cruz , Rubio & Christie) and charlatans (like Rubio & Fiorina) creating a perfect storm of foolery.

Not one of those noted have the experience, temperament or introspective ability to serve as POTUS, and lead a diverse nation of over 300 Million persons.

Face it, that spectacle at last night's debate is reminiscent of a childish squabble over the last piece of cake at a party for a ten year old.

I can of course. It's been done many many times here in many threads. Yet, you left wing nutters still say the same stupid shit. It's not worth the effort to do it again. I just prefer to point at you idiots and laugh.
Of course....yes, many many many.....not worth it......

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?
here we go again bobo saying things that are not true....i have told you time and time again i cant stand the republicans as much as i cant stand that party your lips are attached too.....and yet you say i lean republican because i may have a conservative view on something,how about all the liberal leaning views i have? they count?...
I've yet to run across you arguing my sides points.
thats because you never enter those threads.....go find the med pot,unions,federal workers,health ins threads that im in.....i have been called an addict,a lowlife useless govt tit sucker and many more by your friends on the right...
Diverse in color, race, ethnicity, gender, creed, and opinions, So many I, not like you, cannot count all of them.

Strangest answer for old white people I ever heard.

Agreed, but it seems Wry has comprehension problems; public school you know.

Or maybe (like the rest of us) he's so bored by the Democrat primary race he doesn't know how many people are running because he's not watching them either. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

A public university which is one of the best in the world. And you, reading your posts suggest the closest you've every gotten to a U. is when you got lost and needed to turn around.

By the way, I've watched each debate, those with the clowns and those with the Democrats.

What I don't and can't comprehend is why someone like you cannot see beyond the propaganda you've been feed, and why anyone would even consider those Republicans seeking the nomination to have the right stuff to be POTUS. It is completely unfathomable that Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Carson have the experience or temperament to sit in the chair of the oval office.

So you think that an admitted Socialist or a candidate being investigated by the FBI who admittedly has discussions with dead people should sit in that chair?

If you went to a university that is the best in the world, see if you can get your money back.
Lots of people are investigated for many reasons. If you are in the military and need a secret clearance for a nuclear duty position, you are investigated.

But in this country, that doesn't make you guilty of anything. And if you are a Republican, then it means nothing. Bush broke the law and was convicted and the GOP didn't even care. Most GOP refuse to even remember.

Holy Jesus.... she's being investigated over many alleged crimes. That is hardly a "background check" you dumbass.

God Lord you're dumb.
Obama said what we all think. If you don't believe what we are saying its because you are brainwashed by rush fox and the GOP.

Or you are rich? I doubt that
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?
here we go again bobo saying things that are not true....i have told you time and time again i cant stand the republicans as much as i cant stand that party your lips are attached too.....and yet you say i lean republican because i may have a conservative view on something,how about all the liberal leaning views i have? they count?...
I've yet to run across you arguing my sides points.
thats because you never enter those threads.....go find the med pot,unions,federal workers,health ins threads that im in.....i have been called an addict,a lowlife useless govt tit sucker and many more by your friends on the right...
I call you one too. LOL. You worked for the government your whole life. You've never stopped sucking off the government tit. As far as I'm concerned any mailman or teacher is a socialist.
just a bit ago you said it was half the country,now its what we ALL THINK?....
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?
here we go again bobo saying things that are not true....i have told you time and time again i cant stand the republicans as much as i cant stand that party your lips are attached too.....and yet you say i lean republican because i may have a conservative view on something,how about all the liberal leaning views i have? they count?...
I've yet to run across you arguing my sides points.
thats because you never enter those threads.....go find the med pot,unions,federal workers,health ins threads that im in.....i have been called an addict,a lowlife useless govt tit sucker and many more by your friends on the right...
I call you one too. LOL. You worked for the government your whole life. You've never stopped sucking off the government tit. As far as I'm concerned any mailman or teacher is a socialist.
thats because you dont know what a socialist is.....just like many of your buddies on the right....and i did not work for the govt my whole life....

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