This is the man Republicans call stupid and a fool????

Breaking News: Diplomacy Works
The Bush years were so great because the deficit was exploding. Nothing was being paid for. But it wasn't so great for those fighting in Iraq. Tens of thousands are maimed for life costing the country trillions into the future. Republicans used reconciliation three times. Do you remember for what?

We have an almost $19 trillion dollar debt. Does that mean we're paying for things now? By the way, your ****** President is responsible for far more of it than Bush.
You know that's not true. The evidence has been posted again and again. Bush and the GOP responsible for most of it. After the way the fucked up the economy and left a huge part of the world in chaos, many would say all of it.

Many? You mean you Liberals who want to protect your ****** President.

Don't ever characterize yourself as a patriot, you appear to be nothing more than a racist curmudgeon who hates other Americans.

Just people like you. I love real Americans.

As for what I should or shouldn't do, since I don't work for you nor am I on your property where you make the rules, I'll do as I damn well please and there isn't a thing you can do about. Until you can enforce your demands, you shouldn't make them.

I can laugh at you, and point how how a bigoted, racist piece of human excrement your are. I also wonder who or what made you into the callous jerk who lacks empathy, but for you to answer you would need introspection, something also lacking in your character and of all sociopaths (those afflicted with personality disorders).
How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

No, most of the Bush years were great years for most people. If not for the housing bubble and collapse, we might have enjoyed a good economy right into the McCain presidency.

Nobody could create such an economy that eventually expanded worldwide by "anemic" job growth. Plus the fact that under DumBama, his spending was twice that of Bush. When Ears was running for President, he claimed that Bush's spending was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Yet once in office, he proved to be twice as irresponsible and twice as unpatriotic; using his terminology of course.

Here's an idea.....instead of all the bold assertions, how about some evidence?

While your working on that, consider how the very thing you insist brought down the "Great Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux" economy was THE VERY SAME PHENOMENON ON WHICH IT WAS DEPENDENT FOR GDP AND JOB GROWTH.

Federal Debt
The federal debt has already grown more during Obama’s first six years than under all previous U.S. presidents combined, at least in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. The debt owed to the public stands at about $13 trillion, an increase of 106 percent since Obama first took office.
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, stands at $18.1 trillion, up 70 percent.
Both debt figures continue to grow, though less rapidly than during Obama’s first few years when annual deficits topped $1 trillion for four years running. The U.S. finished the most recent fiscal year with a deficit of $483 billion. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that unless Congress acts to trim future spending or raise future taxes, or some combination of both, those annual deficits will soon be rising again. The most recent “baseline” budget projection, which CBO issued in August, forecasts that under current law the deficit will rise above half a trillion in fiscal 2016 and hit $960 billion within a decade.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)

Cherry picking seems to be fair play, from your link:


Jobs, paychecks, corporate profits and stock prices have all improved since our last report on the Obama statistical record. Some highlights:
  • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
  • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
  • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
  • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
  • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.

Fine, but we were discussing debt.
You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

No, most of the Bush years were great years for most people. If not for the housing bubble and collapse, we might have enjoyed a good economy right into the McCain presidency.

Nobody could create such an economy that eventually expanded worldwide by "anemic" job growth. Plus the fact that under DumBama, his spending was twice that of Bush. When Ears was running for President, he claimed that Bush's spending was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Yet once in office, he proved to be twice as irresponsible and twice as unpatriotic; using his terminology of course.

Here's an idea.....instead of all the bold assertions, how about some evidence?

While your working on that, consider how the very thing you insist brought down the "Great Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux" economy was THE VERY SAME PHENOMENON ON WHICH IT WAS DEPENDENT FOR GDP AND JOB GROWTH.

Federal Debt
The federal debt has already grown more during Obama’s first six years than under all previous U.S. presidents combined, at least in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. The debt owed to the public stands at about $13 trillion, an increase of 106 percent since Obama first took office.
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, stands at $18.1 trillion, up 70 percent.
Both debt figures continue to grow, though less rapidly than during Obama’s first few years when annual deficits topped $1 trillion for four years running. The U.S. finished the most recent fiscal year with a deficit of $483 billion. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that unless Congress acts to trim future spending or raise future taxes, or some combination of both, those annual deficits will soon be rising again. The most recent “baseline” budget projection, which CBO issued in August, forecasts that under current law the deficit will rise above half a trillion in fiscal 2016 and hit $960 billion within a decade.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)

Cherry picking seems to be fair play, from your link:


Jobs, paychecks, corporate profits and stock prices have all improved since our last report on the Obama statistical record. Some highlights:
  • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
  • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
  • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
  • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
  • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.

Fine, but we were discussing debt.

Fine, the annual deficit under Obama has gone down, some 'credit' to the TP; however, what the TP solution does, is to simply kick ultimate needs down the road. To fail to fix what we allow to further rust / fall into disrepair or become obsolete, or take away what most citizens have worked do to their health crisis or injury or loss of a job is callous and foolish and simply gives to the wealthy and takes away from the needy.

Being penny wise and dollar foolish defines a fiscal conservative. Fiscal decisions must be rational, pragmatic, responsible and compassionate, something alien to the mind of a tea bagger.
Last edited:
No, most of the Bush years were great years for most people. If not for the housing bubble and collapse, we might have enjoyed a good economy right into the McCain presidency.

Nobody could create such an economy that eventually expanded worldwide by "anemic" job growth. Plus the fact that under DumBama, his spending was twice that of Bush. When Ears was running for President, he claimed that Bush's spending was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Yet once in office, he proved to be twice as irresponsible and twice as unpatriotic; using his terminology of course.

Here's an idea.....instead of all the bold assertions, how about some evidence?

While your working on that, consider how the very thing you insist brought down the "Great Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux" economy was THE VERY SAME PHENOMENON ON WHICH IT WAS DEPENDENT FOR GDP AND JOB GROWTH.

Federal Debt
The federal debt has already grown more during Obama’s first six years than under all previous U.S. presidents combined, at least in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. The debt owed to the public stands at about $13 trillion, an increase of 106 percent since Obama first took office.
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, stands at $18.1 trillion, up 70 percent.
Both debt figures continue to grow, though less rapidly than during Obama’s first few years when annual deficits topped $1 trillion for four years running. The U.S. finished the most recent fiscal year with a deficit of $483 billion. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that unless Congress acts to trim future spending or raise future taxes, or some combination of both, those annual deficits will soon be rising again. The most recent “baseline” budget projection, which CBO issued in August, forecasts that under current law the deficit will rise above half a trillion in fiscal 2016 and hit $960 billion within a decade.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)

Cherry picking seems to be fair play, from your link:


Jobs, paychecks, corporate profits and stock prices have all improved since our last report on the Obama statistical record. Some highlights:
  • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
  • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
  • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
  • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
  • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.

Fine, but we were discussing debt.

Fine, the annual deficit under Obama has gone down, some 'credit' to the TP; however, what the TP solution does, is to simply kick ultimate needs down the road. To fail to fix what we allow to further rust / fall into disrepair or become obsolete, or take away what most citizens have worked do to their health crisis or injury or loss of a job is callous and foolish and simply gives to the wealthy and takes away from the needy.

Being penny wise and dollar foolish defines a fiscal conservative. Fiscal decisions must be rational, pragmatic, responsible and compassionate, something alien to the mind of a tea bagger.

First, learn the difference between debt and deficit. Second, learn who controls the spending in our government. Third, pay close attention to the leaders of Congress when deficits are reduced and who to credit for it.
I mean the Democrats position. I've said pretty much everything he said at one time or another.

And you know if I thought the Republicans were sincere, its not like I don't see their points. But I see they are disingenuous and I can't believe you haven't seen it.

And being middle class, I think you are voting against yourself if you vote GOP.

Why don't you tea bag the democratic party? Why do you choose to lean GOP? What are your reasons?

How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

No, most of the Bush years were great years for most people. If not for the housing bubble and collapse, we might have enjoyed a good economy right into the McCain presidency.

Nobody could create such an economy that eventually expanded worldwide by "anemic" job growth. Plus the fact that under DumBama, his spending was twice that of Bush. When Ears was running for President, he claimed that Bush's spending was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Yet once in office, he proved to be twice as irresponsible and twice as unpatriotic; using his terminology of course.

Here's an idea.....instead of all the bold assertions, how about some evidence?

While your working on that, consider how the very thing you insist brought down the "Great Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux" economy was THE VERY SAME PHENOMENON ON WHICH IT WAS DEPENDENT FOR GDP AND JOB GROWTH.

Federal Debt
The federal debt has already grown more during Obama’s first six years than under all previous U.S. presidents combined, at least in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. The debt owed to the public stands at about $13 trillion, an increase of 106 percent since Obama first took office.
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, stands at $18.1 trillion, up 70 percent.
Both debt figures continue to grow, though less rapidly than during Obama’s first few years when annual deficits topped $1 trillion for four years running. The U.S. finished the most recent fiscal year with a deficit of $483 billion. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that unless Congress acts to trim future spending or raise future taxes, or some combination of both, those annual deficits will soon be rising again. The most recent “baseline” budget projection, which CBO issued in August, forecasts that under current law the deficit will rise above half a trillion in fiscal 2016 and hit $960 billion within a decade.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Stop most of the taxing for the rich under Bush losing all that revenue.

Move millions of jobs to China under Bush losing all that revenue.

Close tens of thousands of factories under Bush losing all that revenue.

Then complain that Obama isn't bring in enough revenue.

Shit for brains nitwit doesn't get it.
Breaking News: Diplomacy Works
The Bush years were so great because the deficit was exploding. Nothing was being paid for. But it wasn't so great for those fighting in Iraq. Tens of thousands are maimed for life costing the country trillions into the future. Republicans used reconciliation three times. Do you remember for what?

We have an almost $19 trillion dollar debt. Does that mean we're paying for things now? By the way, your ****** President is responsible for far more of it than Bush.
You know that's not true. The evidence has been posted again and again. Bush and the GOP responsible for most of it. After the way the fucked up the economy and left a huge part of the world in chaos, many would say all of it.

Many? You mean you Liberals who want to protect your ****** President.

Don't ever characterize yourself as a patriot, you appear to be nothing more than a racist curmudgeon who hates other Americans.

Just people like you. I love real Americans.

As for what I should or shouldn't do, since I don't work for you nor am I on your property where you make the rules, I'll do as I damn well please and there isn't a thing you can do about. Until you can enforce your demands, you shouldn't make them.
Your kind aren't real Americans. You've learned too much from Isis.
Breaking News: Diplomacy Works
We have an almost $19 trillion dollar debt. Does that mean we're paying for things now? By the way, your ****** President is responsible for far more of it than Bush.
You know that's not true. The evidence has been posted again and again. Bush and the GOP responsible for most of it. After the way the fucked up the economy and left a huge part of the world in chaos, many would say all of it.

Many? You mean you Liberals who want to protect your ****** President.

Don't ever characterize yourself as a patriot, you appear to be nothing more than a racist curmudgeon who hates other Americans.

Just people like you. I love real Americans.

As for what I should or shouldn't do, since I don't work for you nor am I on your property where you make the rules, I'll do as I damn well please and there isn't a thing you can do about. Until you can enforce your demands, you shouldn't make them.
Your kind aren't real Americans. You've learned too much from Isis.

By my kind do you mean those that whenever something bad happens in their life they don't expect the government to take care of them? I'll take that all day long. That's as real of an American as you can get. You support those who when they can't afford something believe it's OK to demand someone else be forced to provide it to them.

I learned from all sorts of people that it's not anyone's place to be forced to provide anything to you and if you don't have it, either earn or get one of you bleeding hearts to voluntarily give it to you.
Breaking News: Diplomacy Works
You know that's not true. The evidence has been posted again and again. Bush and the GOP responsible for most of it. After the way the fucked up the economy and left a huge part of the world in chaos, many would say all of it.

Many? You mean you Liberals who want to protect your ****** President.

Don't ever characterize yourself as a patriot, you appear to be nothing more than a racist curmudgeon who hates other Americans.

Just people like you. I love real Americans.

As for what I should or shouldn't do, since I don't work for you nor am I on your property where you make the rules, I'll do as I damn well please and there isn't a thing you can do about. Until you can enforce your demands, you shouldn't make them.
Your kind aren't real Americans. You've learned too much from Isis.

By my kind do you mean those that whenever something bad happens in their life they don't expect the government to take care of them? I'll take that all day long. That's as real of an American as you can get. You support those who when they can't afford something believe it's OK to demand someone else be forced to provide it to them.

I learned from all sorts of people that it's not anyone's place to be forced to provide anything to you and if you don't have it, either earn or get one of you bleeding hearts to voluntarily give it to you.

Spoken by ^^^ another member of the idiot fringe. If he had the balls to post his state and county I could be informed how not to ever send money to those who suffer from events beyond their control - hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires or earthquake where s/he lives.

Greed is a deadly sin; callous conservatives have turned avarice into a virtue - at least in their own head.
How are you voting against yourself if you vote GOP?

I think it's quite the opposite. If you vote Democrat, you are voting against the middle-class.

As a middle-class person, I've never endured the costs and problems that I endure now during the Bush years. I lost my employer health insurance. My electricity rates increased. I am now being charged transfer fees when I switch credit cards. I am paying much more for cigarettes than I did during the Bush years. I lost my unlimited internet service on my cell phone because phone companies had to recoup all that lost money on government phones. I lost my medical tax deduction because of Commie Care. My wage increases are less because of all these F'n foreigners that come here and lower our pay scale by taking our jobs.

Now can you tell me of one hardship that middle-class Americans experienced under George Bush???

You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

No, most of the Bush years were great years for most people. If not for the housing bubble and collapse, we might have enjoyed a good economy right into the McCain presidency.

Nobody could create such an economy that eventually expanded worldwide by "anemic" job growth. Plus the fact that under DumBama, his spending was twice that of Bush. When Ears was running for President, he claimed that Bush's spending was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Yet once in office, he proved to be twice as irresponsible and twice as unpatriotic; using his terminology of course.

Here's an idea.....instead of all the bold assertions, how about some evidence?

While your working on that, consider how the very thing you insist brought down the "Great Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux" economy was THE VERY SAME PHENOMENON ON WHICH IT WAS DEPENDENT FOR GDP AND JOB GROWTH.

Federal Debt
The federal debt has already grown more during Obama’s first six years than under all previous U.S. presidents combined, at least in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. The debt owed to the public stands at about $13 trillion, an increase of 106 percent since Obama first took office.
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, stands at $18.1 trillion, up 70 percent.
Both debt figures continue to grow, though less rapidly than during Obama’s first few years when annual deficits topped $1 trillion for four years running. The U.S. finished the most recent fiscal year with a deficit of $483 billion. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that unless Congress acts to trim future spending or raise future taxes, or some combination of both, those annual deficits will soon be rising again. The most recent “baseline” budget projection, which CBO issued in August, forecasts that under current law the deficit will rise above half a trillion in fiscal 2016 and hit $960 billion within a decade.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Stop most of the taxing for the rich under Bush losing all that revenue.

Move millions of jobs to China under Bush losing all that revenue.

Close tens of thousands of factories under Bush losing all that revenue.

Then complain that Obama isn't bring in enough revenue.

Shit for brains nitwit doesn't get it.

Speaking of shit for brains, the President doesn't have the power to do any of the things you listed. If you understood how our government worked, you'd know that.

And if you paid attention to politics, you would also have realized the Republicans did increase taxes on the wealthy, on corporations, and on capital gains just like you Socialists wanted.

Nobody on the right complains about bringing in revenue, we complain about all the wasteful spending.
Breaking News: Diplomacy Works
The Bush years were so great because the deficit was exploding. Nothing was being paid for. But it wasn't so great for those fighting in Iraq. Tens of thousands are maimed for life costing the country trillions into the future. Republicans used reconciliation three times. Do you remember for what?

We have an almost $19 trillion dollar debt. Does that mean we're paying for things now? By the way, your ****** President is responsible for far more of it than Bush.
You know that's not true. The evidence has been posted again and again. Bush and the GOP responsible for most of it. After the way the fucked up the economy and left a huge part of the world in chaos, many would say all of it.

Many? You mean you Liberals who want to protect your ****** President.

Don't ever characterize yourself as a patriot, you appear to be nothing more than a racist curmudgeon who hates other Americans.

Just people like you. I love real Americans.

As for what I should or shouldn't do, since I don't work for you nor am I on your property where you make the rules, I'll do as I damn well please and there isn't a thing you can do about. Until you can enforce your demands, you shouldn't make them.

A real American to you seems to be someone who wants power and control yet has no means to achieve it, so s/he emotes on the internet.

A real American to you is one who carries a gun to the grocery store.

A real American to you steps over a person lying in the street.

A real American to you believes diplomacy is for sissy's and brinkmanship makes him or her tough.
You're kidding, I hope.....

The middle class will pick up the tab for Scrub's unprecedented profligacy.....for Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, the disastrous consequences of his anti regulatory fervor.....their retirement plans devastated by the abysmal record of the stock market, their negotiating leverage with their employers crippled by the anemic job "growth" during his watch. .it was, to put it mildly, a lost DECADE for the American middle class.

And you helped...

No, most of the Bush years were great years for most people. If not for the housing bubble and collapse, we might have enjoyed a good economy right into the McCain presidency.

Nobody could create such an economy that eventually expanded worldwide by "anemic" job growth. Plus the fact that under DumBama, his spending was twice that of Bush. When Ears was running for President, he claimed that Bush's spending was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Yet once in office, he proved to be twice as irresponsible and twice as unpatriotic; using his terminology of course.

Here's an idea.....instead of all the bold assertions, how about some evidence?

While your working on that, consider how the very thing you insist brought down the "Great Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux" economy was THE VERY SAME PHENOMENON ON WHICH IT WAS DEPENDENT FOR GDP AND JOB GROWTH.

Federal Debt
The federal debt has already grown more during Obama’s first six years than under all previous U.S. presidents combined, at least in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. The debt owed to the public stands at about $13 trillion, an increase of 106 percent since Obama first took office.
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, stands at $18.1 trillion, up 70 percent.
Both debt figures continue to grow, though less rapidly than during Obama’s first few years when annual deficits topped $1 trillion for four years running. The U.S. finished the most recent fiscal year with a deficit of $483 billion. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that unless Congress acts to trim future spending or raise future taxes, or some combination of both, those annual deficits will soon be rising again. The most recent “baseline” budget projection, which CBO issued in August, forecasts that under current law the deficit will rise above half a trillion in fiscal 2016 and hit $960 billion within a decade.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Stop most of the taxing for the rich under Bush losing all that revenue.

Move millions of jobs to China under Bush losing all that revenue.

Close tens of thousands of factories under Bush losing all that revenue.

Then complain that Obama isn't bring in enough revenue.

Shit for brains nitwit doesn't get it.

Speaking of shit for brains, the President doesn't have the power to do any of the things you listed. If you understood how our government worked, you'd know that.

And if you paid attention to politics, you would also have realized the Republicans did increase taxes on the wealthy, on corporations, and on capital gains just like you Socialists wanted.

Nobody on the right complains about bringing in revenue, we complain about all the wasteful spending.

You have no understanding about the term Socialist or Socialism, you use the word as a pejorative, emoting hate and fear for what you won't or can't understand.

You are an example of someone who simply echos propaganda and does not think things through (telling others they have "shit for brains" isn't a rebuttal, something you should have learned in high school).
Last edited:
No, most of the Bush years were great years for most people. If not for the housing bubble and collapse, we might have enjoyed a good economy right into the McCain presidency.

Nobody could create such an economy that eventually expanded worldwide by "anemic" job growth. Plus the fact that under DumBama, his spending was twice that of Bush. When Ears was running for President, he claimed that Bush's spending was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Yet once in office, he proved to be twice as irresponsible and twice as unpatriotic; using his terminology of course.

Here's an idea.....instead of all the bold assertions, how about some evidence?

While your working on that, consider how the very thing you insist brought down the "Great Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux" economy was THE VERY SAME PHENOMENON ON WHICH IT WAS DEPENDENT FOR GDP AND JOB GROWTH.

Federal Debt
The federal debt has already grown more during Obama’s first six years than under all previous U.S. presidents combined, at least in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. The debt owed to the public stands at about $13 trillion, an increase of 106 percent since Obama first took office.
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, stands at $18.1 trillion, up 70 percent.
Both debt figures continue to grow, though less rapidly than during Obama’s first few years when annual deficits topped $1 trillion for four years running. The U.S. finished the most recent fiscal year with a deficit of $483 billion. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that unless Congress acts to trim future spending or raise future taxes, or some combination of both, those annual deficits will soon be rising again. The most recent “baseline” budget projection, which CBO issued in August, forecasts that under current law the deficit will rise above half a trillion in fiscal 2016 and hit $960 billion within a decade.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Stop most of the taxing for the rich under Bush losing all that revenue.

Move millions of jobs to China under Bush losing all that revenue.

Close tens of thousands of factories under Bush losing all that revenue.

Then complain that Obama isn't bring in enough revenue.

Shit for brains nitwit doesn't get it.

Speaking of shit for brains, the President doesn't have the power to do any of the things you listed. If you understood how our government worked, you'd know that.

And if you paid attention to politics, you would also have realized the Republicans did increase taxes on the wealthy, on corporations, and on capital gains just like you Socialists wanted.

Nobody on the right complains about bringing in revenue, we complain about all the wasteful spending.

You have no understanding about the term Socialist or Socialism, you use the word as a pejorative, emoting hate and fear for what you won't or can't understand.

This ^^^ is an example of someone who simply echos propaganda and does not think things through (telling others they have "shit for brains" isn't a rebuttal, something you should have learned in high school).

I never draw first blood, I only respond in the way I was addressed. If somebody insults me, I'll insult them right back. Of course, you probably didn't follow the conversation as usual, and just read my reply and drew conclusions from there.
Here's an idea.....instead of all the bold assertions, how about some evidence?

While your working on that, consider how the very thing you insist brought down the "Great Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux" economy was THE VERY SAME PHENOMENON ON WHICH IT WAS DEPENDENT FOR GDP AND JOB GROWTH.

Federal Debt
The federal debt has already grown more during Obama’s first six years than under all previous U.S. presidents combined, at least in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. The debt owed to the public stands at about $13 trillion, an increase of 106 percent since Obama first took office.
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, stands at $18.1 trillion, up 70 percent.
Both debt figures continue to grow, though less rapidly than during Obama’s first few years when annual deficits topped $1 trillion for four years running. The U.S. finished the most recent fiscal year with a deficit of $483 billion. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that unless Congress acts to trim future spending or raise future taxes, or some combination of both, those annual deficits will soon be rising again. The most recent “baseline” budget projection, which CBO issued in August, forecasts that under current law the deficit will rise above half a trillion in fiscal 2016 and hit $960 billion within a decade.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Stop most of the taxing for the rich under Bush losing all that revenue.

Move millions of jobs to China under Bush losing all that revenue.

Close tens of thousands of factories under Bush losing all that revenue.

Then complain that Obama isn't bring in enough revenue.

Shit for brains nitwit doesn't get it.

Speaking of shit for brains, the President doesn't have the power to do any of the things you listed. If you understood how our government worked, you'd know that.

And if you paid attention to politics, you would also have realized the Republicans did increase taxes on the wealthy, on corporations, and on capital gains just like you Socialists wanted.

Nobody on the right complains about bringing in revenue, we complain about all the wasteful spending.

You have no understanding about the term Socialist or Socialism, you use the word as a pejorative, emoting hate and fear for what you won't or can't understand.

This ^^^ is an example of someone who simply echos propaganda and does not think things through (telling others they have "shit for brains" isn't a rebuttal, something you should have learned in high school).

I never draw first blood, I only respond in the way I was addressed. If somebody insults me, I'll insult them right back. Of course, you probably didn't follow the conversation as usual, and just read my reply and drew conclusions from there.

Oh bullshit. You need to review your past posts.
Federal Debt
The federal debt has already grown more during Obama’s first six years than under all previous U.S. presidents combined, at least in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. The debt owed to the public stands at about $13 trillion, an increase of 106 percent since Obama first took office.
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, stands at $18.1 trillion, up 70 percent.
Both debt figures continue to grow, though less rapidly than during Obama’s first few years when annual deficits topped $1 trillion for four years running. The U.S. finished the most recent fiscal year with a deficit of $483 billion. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that unless Congress acts to trim future spending or raise future taxes, or some combination of both, those annual deficits will soon be rising again. The most recent “baseline” budget projection, which CBO issued in August, forecasts that under current law the deficit will rise above half a trillion in fiscal 2016 and hit $960 billion within a decade.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2015 Update)
Stop most of the taxing for the rich under Bush losing all that revenue.

Move millions of jobs to China under Bush losing all that revenue.

Close tens of thousands of factories under Bush losing all that revenue.

Then complain that Obama isn't bring in enough revenue.

Shit for brains nitwit doesn't get it.

Speaking of shit for brains, the President doesn't have the power to do any of the things you listed. If you understood how our government worked, you'd know that.

And if you paid attention to politics, you would also have realized the Republicans did increase taxes on the wealthy, on corporations, and on capital gains just like you Socialists wanted.

Nobody on the right complains about bringing in revenue, we complain about all the wasteful spending.

You have no understanding about the term Socialist or Socialism, you use the word as a pejorative, emoting hate and fear for what you won't or can't understand.

This ^^^ is an example of someone who simply echos propaganda and does not think things through (telling others they have "shit for brains" isn't a rebuttal, something you should have learned in high school).

I never draw first blood, I only respond in the way I was addressed. If somebody insults me, I'll insult them right back. Of course, you probably didn't follow the conversation as usual, and just read my reply and drew conclusions from there.

Oh bullshit. You need to review your past posts.

Why don't you and show me where I'm wrong? I believe in having adult discussions and leave the insults to the teen chat rooms. But liberals are generally childish by nature (which is why they need a parental figure like big government) so they are the ones that start hurling out the insults.

Again, if I am insulted, I will insult right back.
Stop most of the taxing for the rich under Bush losing all that revenue.

Move millions of jobs to China under Bush losing all that revenue.

Close tens of thousands of factories under Bush losing all that revenue.

Then complain that Obama isn't bring in enough revenue.

Shit for brains nitwit doesn't get it.

Speaking of shit for brains, the President doesn't have the power to do any of the things you listed. If you understood how our government worked, you'd know that.

And if you paid attention to politics, you would also have realized the Republicans did increase taxes on the wealthy, on corporations, and on capital gains just like you Socialists wanted.

Nobody on the right complains about bringing in revenue, we complain about all the wasteful spending.

You have no understanding about the term Socialist or Socialism, you use the word as a pejorative, emoting hate and fear for what you won't or can't understand.

This ^^^ is an example of someone who simply echos propaganda and does not think things through (telling others they have "shit for brains" isn't a rebuttal, something you should have learned in high school).

I never draw first blood, I only respond in the way I was addressed. If somebody insults me, I'll insult them right back. Of course, you probably didn't follow the conversation as usual, and just read my reply and drew conclusions from there.

Oh bullshit. You need to review your past posts.

Why don't you and show me where I'm wrong? I believe in having adult discussions and leave the insults to the teen chat rooms. But liberals are generally childish by nature (which is why they need a parental figure like big government) so they are the ones that start hurling out the insults.

Again, if I am insulted, I will insult right back.

Using pejoratives is not a part of an adult discussion.
Breaking News: Diplomacy Works
We have an almost $19 trillion dollar debt. Does that mean we're paying for things now? By the way, your ****** President is responsible for far more of it than Bush.
You know that's not true. The evidence has been posted again and again. Bush and the GOP responsible for most of it. After the way the fucked up the economy and left a huge part of the world in chaos, many would say all of it.

Many? You mean you Liberals who want to protect your ****** President.

Don't ever characterize yourself as a patriot, you appear to be nothing more than a racist curmudgeon who hates other Americans.

Just people like you. I love real Americans.

As for what I should or shouldn't do, since I don't work for you nor am I on your property where you make the rules, I'll do as I damn well please and there isn't a thing you can do about. Until you can enforce your demands, you shouldn't make them.

A real American to you seems to be someone who wants power and control yet has no means to achieve it, so s/he emotes on the internet.

A real American to you is one who carries a gun to the grocery store.

A real American to you steps over a person lying in the street.

A real American to you believes diplomacy is for sissy's and brinkmanship makes him or her tough.

A real American is one that when he expects others to do things it's because he's already done them him/herself.

A real American is one who chooses to exercise his/her rights to own a gun despite people like you thinking all sorts of regulations should be put on ownership.

A real American is one who recognizes when talking doesn't get the job done.

A real American is one when he sees a need meets it him/herself with their own instead of supporting the government forcing someone else to do it then taking credit as if he/she did it personally.
Republicans have whittled down American democracy to this...

Stop the government from working so the opposition cannot pass anything, get anything done, or spend a single dollar that benefits the citizens.

They have decided American democracy means constant nonstop taking the government hostage if you don't get your way.

I say the democrats need now only do the same thing. If in the minority simply block everything the opposition wants to do all the time very time. That is the government Republicans want, I say cram it down their throats.
Republicans have whittled down American democracy to this...

Stop the government from working so the opposition cannot pass anything, get anything done, or spend a single dollar that benefits the citizens.

They have decided American democracy means constant nonstop taking the government hostage if you don't get your way.

I say the democrats need now only do the same thing. If in the minority simply block everything the opposition wants to do all the time very time. That is the government Republicans want, I say cram it down their throats.

Funny how you think it's the government's role to do everything in society. Read the Constitution. It's not whether you like it or not.
Republicans have whittled down American democracy to this...

Stop the government from working so the opposition cannot pass anything, get anything done, or spend a single dollar that benefits the citizens.

They have decided American democracy means constant nonstop taking the government hostage if you don't get your way.

I say the democrats need now only do the same thing. If in the minority simply block everything the opposition wants to do all the time very time. That is the government Republicans want, I say cram it down their throats.

Funny how you think it's the government's role to do everything in society. Read the Constitution. It's not whether you like it or not.

You believe yourself to be an authority on the Constitution?
Republicans have whittled down American democracy to this...

Stop the government from working so the opposition cannot pass anything, get anything done, or spend a single dollar that benefits the citizens.

They have decided American democracy means constant nonstop taking the government hostage if you don't get your way.

I say the democrats need now only do the same thing. If in the minority simply block everything the opposition wants to do all the time very time. That is the government Republicans want, I say cram it down their throats.

Funny how you think it's the government's role to do everything in society. Read the Constitution. It's not whether you like it or not.

You believe yourself to be an authority on the Constitution?

If you think the things the federal government does is in the Constitution, the answer is a resounding YES.

I've yet to have one of you Liberal assholes show me the words food stamps, WIC, healthcare, Section 8 housing, etc. in the Constitution. All the while, you complain about the military spending something specifically delegated in the Constitution.

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