This is the man Republicans call stupid and a fool????

I'll bet that's exactly what the Syrian and Iraqi presidents said.

He could have, as far as I have read ISIS didn't bring down either country...maybe in the future but not yet.

Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy

You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.
He could have, as far as I have read ISIS didn't bring down either country...maybe in the future but not yet.

Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy

You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.

The law and Constitution prove you wrong:

Exigent Circumstances

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
He could have, as far as I have read ISIS didn't bring down either country...maybe in the future but not yet.

Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy

You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.

The Boston bomber reaction was embarrassing . You'd think a comic book super villain was loose on the street .
Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy

You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.

The Boston bomber reaction was embarrassing . You'd think a comic book super villain was loose on the street .

Yeah, instead of the ideological, murderous, Muslim lunatic that he and his brother were.
I bet that other dumb ass FDR told Americans that the Nazis weren't going to "bring down our Country" while Hitler was rising in power during his first two terms. It's true they didn't but at what cost to the world?

Who is dumbass enough to believe that ISIS=Nazi Germany?
Well call me a dumbass then. Similarities are certainly striking.
Hate Jews, unfettered breeding without marriage, world domination.

You left out

"Project power by flying commercial"
Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy

You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.

The law and Constitution prove you wrong:

Exigent Circumstances

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Exigent Circumstances can not be applied to whole neighborhoods just like prosecutorial discretion can not be applied to a whole class of criminals. There was NOT probable cause to search every house in a neighborhood. Suspicion the suspect might be in a neighborhood does not meet the definition of probable cause.

From your link:


Probable cause exists when there is a fair probability that a search will result in evidence of a crime being discovered.
No such probability existed in every house.
Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy

You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.

The Boston bomber reaction was embarrassing . You'd think a comic book super villain was loose on the street .

It was not only embarrassing it was illegal.
Expanding government by adding a whole new bureaucracy - homeland security - was a bit over the top don't ya think? Oh wait, that was Bush, under Obama the number of Federal Employees has been reduced.


In his first year, Obama operated on the budget of GWB, funny how you missed that.

Are you forgetting the nearly 1 trillion stimulus which was all borrowed and in addition to the Bush budget.

Here is a link, from Forbes not by any stretch a liberal publication:

The Growth Of Government: 1980 To 2012


Too Many Federal Workers?


Big Government? Obama Has 273,000 Fewer Federal Employees Than Reagan | PoliticusUSA's Archives

The money spent on the stimulus created jobs and prevented lay offs; it has benefited the public by improving transportation, making it safer and more efficient and allowed for the development of enterprise zones long waiting for funding. It had a number of different elements beyond that, do some homework and you'll see that many of those projects funded will benefit the population for generations.

Seems the lower numbers of fed employees are starting to turn around.

Hiring spree: Agencies adding 72,000 employees in 2015

Hiring spree: Agencies adding 72,000 employees in 2015

For this kind of money, we should have gotten a hell of a lot more.

Analysis: Real stimulus spending is at least $2.5 trillion since 2008

Analysis: Real stimulus spending is at least $2.5 trillion since 2008

To be "stimulative" it should compensate for a reduction in aggregate demand......for example, increasing federal spending at 9% per year, while reducing tax rates (as was done on Reagan's first term), or by cutting tax rates while doubling the existing rate of growth of Federal spending (Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux) is textbook Keynesian countercyclical stimulus.....

Keeping federal spending essentially flat for 6 years does not satisfy the definition......which is why you are seeing those claims in the Daily Caller
Expanding government by adding a whole new bureaucracy - homeland security - was a bit over the top don't ya think? Oh wait, that was Bush, under Obama the number of Federal Employees has been reduced.


In his first year, Obama operated on the budget of GWB, funny how you missed that.

Are you forgetting the nearly 1 trillion stimulus which was all borrowed and in addition to the Bush budget. was NOT all added to the FY 2009 budget....

The Feb 2008 WH budget request sought 3.1 trillion EXCLUSIVE of ESAs for Iraqnam (which would add another 150 billion in spending)...

Yet they spent 3.5177 trillion with a deficit of 1.4127 trillion.

Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2009 - Charts

That's if Scrub requested 3.1, added a net of roughly 160 billion for TARP, and total spending came in at 3.51, how could the "1 trillion" in Stimulus have been put on the FY 2009 tab?
As opposed to the tedious Obama attacks by the right ?

Even now y'all shit on the speech. How about some specifics ?

Still fewer people working full time than the day he took office, but he did create about 5 million part time jobs, thank you maobamacare. Then he has the balls to complain that the median income is down, give me a fucking break.
As you are from Texas, you can appreciate why I'm gonna ask for citations in support of your assertion......

Ask if you want to learn where to find the data...

Are you seriously saying there are more people working 40+ hours a week now than there were in Jan 2009? I can't find any numbers to support that, maybe you can educate me.

Thank me later.....
Pretty ironic coming from the man who caused most of the division in this country over the last seven years. Who had the worst relations with Congress in generations. That made just about every wrong foreign policy move possible. Who lowered the standard of living for all middle class citizens. Raised the debt beyond redemption.

Real median household income peaked in 1999......The biggest foreign policy blunder since Vietnam was the invasion of Iraqnam.....under Obama we saw the lowest rate of growth in federal spending, and the most rapid reduction in the deficit, since Eisenhower....

Yep, really tough to maintain the record spending of his first year, but he did manage to keep the government growing.
Can you read a fiscal calendar, Tex?

Yep, lived by them for almost 22 years.

Obama still showing how Obamacare is going to reduce the deficit? Amazing what you can make numbers do huh?

That's the conclusion of the CBO.....

Do you know what that stands for?

That would be the congressional propaganda arm that can only use the numbers their told to use.

No.....that only holds for requested reports where assumptions are provided....

In the case of the June 2015 report, it was requested by the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee...go to pg 24 for the details
As opposed to the tedious Obama attacks by the right ?

Even now y'all shit on the speech. How about some specifics ?

Still fewer people working full time than the day he took office, but he did create about 5 million part time jobs, thank you maobamacare. Then he has the balls to complain that the median income is down, give me a fucking break.
As you are from Texas, you can appreciate why I'm gonna ask for citations in support of your assertion......

Ask if you want to learn where to find the data...

Are you seriously saying there are more people working 40+ hours a week now than there were in Jan 2009? I can't find any numbers to support that, maybe you can educate me.

Thank me later.....

Is that 40+ hours or 35+ hours full time as defined in maobamacare? I found no definition of "full time", it was 40+ hours in Jan 2009, what are they using now?
As opposed to the tedious Obama attacks by the right ?

Even now y'all shit on the speech. How about some specifics ?

Still fewer people working full time than the day he took office, but he did create about 5 million part time jobs, thank you maobamacare. Then he has the balls to complain that the median income is down, give me a fucking break.
As you are from Texas, you can appreciate why I'm gonna ask for citations in support of your assertion......

Ask if you want to learn where to find the data...

Are you seriously saying there are more people working 40+ hours a week now than there were in Jan 2009? I can't find any numbers to support that, maybe you can educate me.

Thank me later.....

Is that 40+ hours or 35+ hours full time as defined in maobamacare? I found no definition of "full time", it was 40+ hours in Jan 2009, what are they using now?

It is full time as it is defined by BLS.........I suggest you find alternatives to Daily Caller and Breitbart..
Expanding government by adding a whole new bureaucracy - homeland security - was a bit over the top don't ya think? Oh wait, that was Bush, under Obama the number of Federal Employees has been reduced.


In his first year, Obama operated on the budget of GWB, funny how you missed that.

Are you forgetting the nearly 1 trillion stimulus which was all borrowed and in addition to the Bush budget. was NOT all added to the FY 2009 budget....

The Feb 2008 WH budget request sought 3.1 trillion EXCLUSIVE of ESAs for Iraqnam (which would add another 150 billion in spending)...

Yet they spent 3.5177 trillion with a deficit of 1.4127 trillion.

Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2009 - Charts

That's if Scrub requested 3.1, added a net of roughly 160 billion for TARP, and total spending came in at 3.51, how could the "1 trillion" in Stimulus have been put on the FY 2009 tab?

The stimulus was authorize in 2009, it wasn't all spent that year.
Expanding government by adding a whole new bureaucracy - homeland security - was a bit over the top don't ya think? Oh wait, that was Bush, under Obama the number of Federal Employees has been reduced.


In his first year, Obama operated on the budget of GWB, funny how you missed that.

Are you forgetting the nearly 1 trillion stimulus which was all borrowed and in addition to the Bush budget. was NOT all added to the FY 2009 budget....

The Feb 2008 WH budget request sought 3.1 trillion EXCLUSIVE of ESAs for Iraqnam (which would add another 150 billion in spending)...

Yet they spent 3.5177 trillion with a deficit of 1.4127 trillion.

Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2009 - Charts

That's if Scrub requested 3.1, added a net of roughly 160 billion for TARP, and total spending came in at 3.51, how could the "1 trillion" in Stimulus have been put on the FY 2009 tab?

The stimulus was authorize in 2009, it wasn't all spent that year.

Therefore it could NOT have been assessed, in entirety, to FY2009...

Also not assessed to that year, thought it would be subsequently, were ESAs for Iraqnam......which removed them from the deficit calculation.
Still fewer people working full time than the day he took office, but he did create about 5 million part time jobs, thank you maobamacare. Then he has the balls to complain that the median income is down, give me a fucking break.
As you are from Texas, you can appreciate why I'm gonna ask for citations in support of your assertion......

Ask if you want to learn where to find the data...

Are you seriously saying there are more people working 40+ hours a week now than there were in Jan 2009? I can't find any numbers to support that, maybe you can educate me.

Thank me later.....

Is that 40+ hours or 35+ hours full time as defined in maobamacare? I found no definition of "full time", it was 40+ hours in Jan 2009, what are they using now?

It is full time as it is defined by BLS.........I suggest you find alternatives to Daily Caller and Breitbart..

So what is it? You can't reasonably compare data that is defined differently, you can't just say full time workers unless the definition was consistent throughout the graph. My question is, was it consistent, or are they comparing 2009 oranges to 2015 apples?
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy

You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

Acted like the police and not the damn gestapo to start with. Dead or captured, the terrorist won in Boston, they got authorities to abandon the law and our Constitution.

The law and Constitution prove you wrong:

Exigent Circumstances

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Exigent Circumstances can not be applied to whole neighborhoods just like prosecutorial discretion can not be applied to a whole class of criminals. There was NOT probable cause to search every house in a neighborhood. Suspicion the suspect might be in a neighborhood does not meet the definition of probable cause.

From your link:


Probable cause exists when there is a fair probability that a search will result in evidence of a crime being discovered.
No such probability existed in every house.

Wrong again. No warrant was asked for or necessary under the circumstances.

Are you forgetting the nearly 1 trillion stimulus which was all borrowed and in addition to the Bush budget. was NOT all added to the FY 2009 budget....

The Feb 2008 WH budget request sought 3.1 trillion EXCLUSIVE of ESAs for Iraqnam (which would add another 150 billion in spending)...

Yet they spent 3.5177 trillion with a deficit of 1.4127 trillion.

Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2009 - Charts

That's if Scrub requested 3.1, added a net of roughly 160 billion for TARP, and total spending came in at 3.51, how could the "1 trillion" in Stimulus have been put on the FY 2009 tab?

The stimulus was authorize in 2009, it wasn't all spent that year.

Therefore it could NOT have been assessed, in entirety, to FY2009...

Also not assessed to that year, thought it would be subsequently, were ESAs for Iraqnam......which removed them from the deficit calculation.

Damn shame it didn't remove them from the debt calculation.
I just laugh at you libs that make excuses for your failed President. Bush had a piece of shit war in Iraq with congressional approval and at the end Obama claimed victory, then he goes back to the ME and funds the Muslim Brotherhood along with ISIL to create problems in Syria, Egypt, and Libya and the violence he creates spills back over into Iraq because they were still too weak to stand in their own and you refuse to hold him accountable.

Democratic policies regarding housing create the depression and you want to blame the right. Giving housing loans to people who couldn't afford a house was the left's doing. Then instead of bailing out the citizens, Obama bails out the big banks while spending so much he doubled the debt load of all previous Presidents combined.

He blames cops and whites for violence and then gives a pass to minorities rioting in the streets and overlooks the huge amount of black on black violence like it is only terrible if it is a white who commits a violent crime.

You lefties complain about Cruz and Rubio's citizenship but defended Obama. Get real.

You guys are so screwed up and everyone sees it.

This time we will get the change we really needed to make America great again.

You can thank us later or just move to one of the many socialist countries that already exist.

That is the rub. The US is unique because of conservative values. Your socialist leftist shit is available all over Europe, Canada, and South America. It really isn't all that special.

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