This is the man Republicans call stupid and a fool????

Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.
The GOP is 90% white. How do they have the nerve to complain about division?

So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????
And the Indian, the woman, the black guy and the Hispanic are not going to win. They are for show. And the GOP is 90% white. You can't prove otherwise because it's a fact.
The GOP is the party for the rich. That doesn't mean the ignorant base are rich. They are lemmings.

Right, everybody is a lemming to you.

The GOP is for equality for everybody. Democrats divide people into groups, and then decide who they like and who they don't. Of course, it's based on vote buying. Then they base their legislation in favor of who they like.

The GOP party is for the rich, well, let me tell ya, the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama. Furthermore, the last time the GOP dealt with the rich, they increased their taxes.

The Democrat theory is to punish success and reward failure. Then when sheep like you look around and see failure, you can't figure out why that is.

The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards, there are no dues, there is no discrimination. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because the don't give things to people?

Your thought process is the problem. Of course the R's don't prevent minorities from joining the party, they encourage them, well, as long as they agree to not rock the boat. Notice, the tokens all speak the company line as did the S. Carolina Governor last night.
As opposed to the tedious Obama attacks by the right ?

Even now y'all shit on the speech. How about some specifics ?

Still fewer people working full time than the day he took office, but he did create about 5 million part time jobs, thank you maobamacare. Then he has the balls to complain that the median income is down, give me a fucking break.
As you are from Texas, you can appreciate why I'm gonna ask for citations in support of your assertion......

Ask if you want to learn where to find the data...

Are you seriously saying there are more people working 40+ hours a week now than there were in Jan 2009? I can't find any numbers to support that, maybe you can educate me.
Pretty ironic coming from the man who caused most of the division in this country over the last seven years. Who had the worst relations with Congress in generations. That made just about every wrong foreign policy move possible. Who lowered the standard of living for all middle class citizens. Raised the debt beyond redemption.

Real median household income peaked in 1999......The biggest foreign policy blunder since Vietnam was the invasion of Iraqnam.....under Obama we saw the lowest rate of growth in federal spending, and the most rapid reduction in the deficit, since Eisenhower....

Yep, really tough to maintain the record spending of his first year, but he did manage to keep the government growing.
Can you read a fiscal calendar, Tex?

Yep, lived by them for almost 22 years.
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.
The GOP is 90% white. How do they have the nerve to complain about division?

So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????
And the Indian, the woman, the black guy and the Hispanic are not going to win. They are for show. And the GOP is 90% white. You can't prove otherwise because it's a fact.
The GOP is the party for the rich. That doesn't mean the ignorant base are rich. They are lemmings.

Right, everybody is a lemming to you.

The GOP is for equality for everybody. Democrats divide people into groups, and then decide who they like and who they don't. Of course, it's based on vote buying. Then they base their legislation in favor of who they like.

The GOP party is for the rich, well, let me tell ya, the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama. Furthermore, the last time the GOP dealt with the rich, they increased their taxes.

The Democrat theory is to punish success and reward failure. Then when sheep like you look around and see failure, you can't figure out why that is.

The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards, there are no dues, there is no discrimination. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because the don't give things to people?

Your thought process is the problem. Of course the R's don't prevent minorities from joining the party, they encourage them, well, as long as they agree to not rock the boat. Notice, the tokens all speak the company line as did the S. Carolina Governor last night.

Why would you join a party who's philosophy you disagree with? Of course you have to believe in the party platform to support them. Why would I, a working person who believes in less government and more personal responsibility join the Democrat party? They are not for those things. The Democrat party is for victims, government dependents, excuse makers, irresponsible people, and people who want to take from the producers to give to themselves. I'm against all those things.
Diverse in color, race, ethnicity, gender, creed, and opinions, So many I, not like you, cannot count all of them.

Strangest answer for old white people I ever heard.

Agreed, but it seems Wry has comprehension problems; public school you know.

Or maybe (like the rest of us) he's so bored by the Democrat primary race he doesn't know how many people are running because he's not watching them either. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

A public university which is one of the best in the world. And you, reading your posts suggest the closest you've every gotten to a U. is when you got lost and needed to turn around.

By the way, I've watched each debate, those with the clowns and those with the Democrats.

What I don't and can't comprehend is why someone like you cannot see beyond the propaganda you've been feed, and why anyone would even consider those Republicans seeking the nomination to have the right stuff to be POTUS. It is completely unfathomable that Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Carson have the experience or temperament to sit in the chair of the oval office.

So you think that an admitted Socialist or a candidate being investigated by the FBI who admittedly has discussions with dead people should sit in that chair?

If you went to a university that is the best in the world, see if you can get your money back.
Lots of people are investigated for many reasons. If you are in the military and need a secret clearance for a nuclear duty position, you are investigated.

But in this country, that doesn't make you guilty of anything. And if you are a Republican, then it means nothing. Bush broke the law and was convicted and the GOP didn't even care. Most GOP refuse to even remember.

Oh, now this should be fun. What was Bush convicted of? LOL!
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.
The GOP is 90% white. How do they have the nerve to complain about division?

So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????
And the Indian, the woman, the black guy and the Hispanic are not going to win. They are for show. And the GOP is 90% white. You can't prove otherwise because it's a fact.
The GOP is the party for the rich. That doesn't mean the ignorant base are rich. They are lemmings.

Right, everybody is a lemming to you.

The GOP is for equality for everybody. Democrats divide people into groups, and then decide who they like and who they don't. Of course, it's based on vote buying. Then they base their legislation in favor of who they like.

The GOP party is for the rich, well, let me tell ya, the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama. Furthermore, the last time the GOP dealt with the rich, they increased their taxes.

The Democrat theory is to punish success and reward failure. Then when sheep like you look around and see failure, you can't figure out why that is.

The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards, there are no dues, there is no discrimination. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because the don't give things to people?
You said:
The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards, there are no dues, there is no discrimination. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because the don't give things to people?

Let me fix that for you:
The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards except for voting, there are no dues, there is no discrimination except for Muslims and Hispanics and gays and blacks. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because besides welfare and food stamps for white Republicans, we don't give things to people?

Great, now show me this discrimination of Muslims, Hispanics and blacks that prevented any of them from joining the Republican party. I'm dying to hear this.
Interesting that every ill of the world is placed on the GOP yet democrats took controll in 2007 and preceded to destroy the economy so a democrat would win POTUS. Now we have had Obama for 7 years and he STILL plays the same tired cards. For every ill in the world he mentions the buck should stop with him. But no, that would mean he would have to man up and we know that ain't gonna happen.

I don't remember anyone saying ISIS is going to bring down the country. Cause terrorists attack, hell yes, that is coming from the Obama administration and as we have seen in recent years. Democrats are a bigger threat to the Union then is ISIS.


Please......Stupid is being ably represented by Ray, Pred, Blues, and others of your ilk....

If you think that any policies attributable to the 110th Congress, sworn in in Jan 2007, were responsible for the disastrous consequences of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux, I invite you to identify them...

I guess in the finality of it your argument is that only the GOP sets policy and makes laws. Unless they are good policies then you will give full unqualified credit to the democrats.

So, who in 2007-2008 was in charge? Certainly GWB was President but the committees that are suppose to regulate and protect us were Democrat.

It may not even be what the Democrat congress did to cause the crisis it is more what they didn't do. Also, what they did afterwards dragged out the recession and plunged our children into massive debt.

Any way, from

Who Caused the Economic Crisis?

The Real Deal

So who is to blame? There’s plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn’t fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn’t do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility … with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here’s a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:

  • The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
  • Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
  • Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
  • Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
  • The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
  • Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
  • Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
  • Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
  • The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
  • An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
  • Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.
The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult.

Aren't you the one who insisted that the Great Recession was engineered by the 110th Congress?

Engineer? I don't think them smart enough. Allow it to go to crap then take advantage of a crisis, hell yes, they were in charge.
He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country.

I'll bet that's exactly what the Syrian and Iraqi presidents said.

He could have, as far as I have read ISIS didn't bring down either country...maybe in the future but not yet.

Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
Your thought process is the problem. Of course the R's don't prevent minorities from joining the party, they encourage them, well, as long as they agree to not rock the boat. Notice, the tokens all speak the company line as did the S. Carolina Governor last night.

So there are a lot of maverick Democratic candidates running? Hillary already said she will follow Obama's example. Bernie? Bueller? Bueller?
Your thought process is the problem. Of course the R's don't prevent minorities from joining the party, they encourage them, well, as long as they agree to not rock the boat. Notice, the tokens all speak the company line as did the S. Carolina Governor last night.

So there are a lot of maverick Democratic candidates running? Hillary already said she will follow Obama's example. Bernie? Bueller? Bueller?

Other then street talk how is Mrs. Clinton going to become like Obama? Black?
He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country.

I'll bet that's exactly what the Syrian and Iraqi presidents said.

He could have, as far as I have read ISIS didn't bring down either country...maybe in the future but not yet.

Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?
The GOP is 90% white. How do they have the nerve to complain about division?

So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????
And the Indian, the woman, the black guy and the Hispanic are not going to win. They are for show. And the GOP is 90% white. You can't prove otherwise because it's a fact.
The GOP is the party for the rich. That doesn't mean the ignorant base are rich. They are lemmings.

Right, everybody is a lemming to you.

The GOP is for equality for everybody. Democrats divide people into groups, and then decide who they like and who they don't. Of course, it's based on vote buying. Then they base their legislation in favor of who they like.

The GOP party is for the rich, well, let me tell ya, the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama. Furthermore, the last time the GOP dealt with the rich, they increased their taxes.

The Democrat theory is to punish success and reward failure. Then when sheep like you look around and see failure, you can't figure out why that is.

The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards, there are no dues, there is no discrimination. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because the don't give things to people?

Your thought process is the problem. Of course the R's don't prevent minorities from joining the party, they encourage them, well, as long as they agree to not rock the boat. Notice, the tokens all speak the company line as did the S. Carolina Governor last night.

Why would you join a party who's philosophy you disagree with? Of course you have to believe in the party platform to support them. Why would I, a working person who believes in less government and more personal responsibility join the Democrat party? They are not for those things. The Democrat party is for victims, government dependents, excuse makers, irresponsible people, and people who want to take from the producers to give to themselves. I'm against all those things.

Do you believe in personal responsibility? Thus, you have a conflict in your reasoning.

Would small government as visioned by the TP require a person to buy health insurance? The hue and cry from the right wing is such a requirement is one which only a tyrannical government would require.

What message does this give to those who don't want to pay for their own health care, given they can receive treatment at any public hospital for free (of course they get a bill, but they are rarely paid by scofflaws, and so we the responsible taxpayers pays the price)?

The message is they don't need to pay a tyrannical government and when "we" win, we'll repeal Obamacare and restore your free lunch.
Your thought process is the problem. Of course the R's don't prevent minorities from joining the party, they encourage them, well, as long as they agree to not rock the boat. Notice, the tokens all speak the company line as did the S. Carolina Governor last night.

So there are a lot of maverick Democratic candidates running? Hillary already said she will follow Obama's example. Bernie? Bueller? Bueller?

Democrats are traditionally characterized as cats, for cats are impossible to herd. Republicans toe the company line - facts obvious to anyone paying attention and not wearing the glasses of bigotry.

Yes there are differences in opinions and policies among Democrats, but no one has yet called those who have different opinions "Democrats in Name Only".
He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country.

I'll bet that's exactly what the Syrian and Iraqi presidents said.

He could have, as far as I have read ISIS didn't bring down either country...maybe in the future but not yet.

Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy
He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country.

I'll bet that's exactly what the Syrian and Iraqi presidents said.

He could have, as far as I have read ISIS didn't bring down either country...maybe in the future but not yet.

Only because their getting a butt load of help, other wise they wouldn't stand a chance. People have no idea what a few thousand dedicated people could do to our economy, hell it only took two armatures to shutter a big chunk of Boston. Imagine events like that happening frequently all across the country by people trained in escape and evasion.
So the entire city was at risk from only two guys?

No, but they caused most of the city to shut down for a week. The Constitution was basically torn up by the authorities searching for the two, conducting house to house searches without warrants or even a reasonable suspicion that one of the two was inside. No one knows what the total economic impact was on the city, I guarantee it was a bunch. Now imagine similar events happening daily across the country. Anyone who says that can't happen here is a fool.

A Look Back At The National Tragedy

You're the Commander in Charge of LE on scene in Boston at the time of the bombing. What would you have done?

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