This is the man Republicans call stupid and a fool????

And they call republicans racist!

Odd comment, explain it if you can.[/

Go back and read the first posting in this thread. Didnt take to long for the conservatives to get called racist did it? Dont you liberals have any other cards in your play book other than race or gender?

Racism is endemic and an historical fact. During the Civil Rights Movement it became uncool to be a racist, except apparently in blue collar sets who didn't continue to get the job they wanted. and blamed affirmative action as an unfair policy; plus others who were raised by racist parents in racist communities both North, South, West and East.

I don't have and have never seen such a playbook, do you have a copy to share?

It was the Conservatives who didn't support the Equal Rights Amendment; most liberals, progressives and Democrats supported the effort to provide women equal opportunities, equal pay for equal work and rights equal to the male gender.

It was progressives and liberal Democrats who supported Affirmative Action and despised institutional racism. Tokenism is exclusively the practice of Republicans and Conservatives.
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

Obama's point that ISIS wont bring down the country is about as misleading - and revealing about him at the same time as it gets.

Of course they are not going to bring down the entire country. No one even suggests they are. They are not an existential threat to the country -- but they are an existential threat to a lot of ordinary Americans - just ask the famililies of the 14 killed in San Bernadino for who ISIS was a very existential threat. But that is vintage Obama -who wil be protected by heavily armed men for the rest of his life. Its always about the state and never about people. If it doesn't threaten the state its not a problem. Who cares if a few people here and there get sacrificed. It'll never happen to him
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

Obama's point that ISIS wont bring down the country is about as misleading - and revealing about him at the same time as it gets.

Of course they are not going to bring down the entire country. No one even suggests they are. They are not an existential threat to the country -- but they are an existential threat to a lot of ordinary Americans - just ask the famililies of the 14 killed in San Bernadino for who ISIS was a very existential threat. But that is vintage Obama -who wil be protected by heavily armed men for the rest of his life. Its always about the state and never about people. If it doesn't threaten the state its not a problem. Who cares if a few people here and there get sacrificed. It'll never happen to him
Thank god it doesn't happen every day. We have a long way to go to reach the numbers of right winger Timothy McVeigh or the Sandy Hook killer.

Republican Presidential candidates attend 'kill the gays' rally
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

Obama's point that ISIS wont bring down the country is about as misleading - and revealing about him at the same time as it gets.

Of course they are not going to bring down the entire country. No one even suggests they are. They are not an existential threat to the country -- but they are an existential threat to a lot of ordinary Americans - just ask the famililies of the 14 killed in San Bernadino for who ISIS was a very existential threat. But that is vintage Obama -who wil be protected by heavily armed men for the rest of his life. Its always about the state and never about people. If it doesn't threaten the state its not a problem. Who cares if a few people here and there get sacrificed. It'll never happen to him

Gee, all of that seems to have been formulated in your head, for it counters everything he said last night. Don't respond, you'll only call him more names and you will even lose more credibility.
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.
The GOP is 90% white. How do they have the nerve to complain about division?

So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.
The GOP is 90% white. How do they have the nerve to complain about division?

So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????

Diverse in color, race, ethnicity, gender, creed, and opinions, So many I, not like you, cannot count all of them.
Diverse in color, race, ethnicity, gender, creed, and opinions, So many I, not like you, cannot count all of them.

Strangest answer for old white people I ever heard.

Agreed, but it seems Wry has comprehension problems; public school you know.

Or maybe (like the rest of us) he's so bored by the Democrat primary race he doesn't know how many people are running because he's not watching them either. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.
The GOP is 90% white. How do they have the nerve to complain about division?

So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????
And the Indian, the woman, the black guy and the Hispanic are not going to win. They are for show. And the GOP is 90% white. You can't prove otherwise because it's a fact.
The GOP is the party for the rich. That doesn't mean the ignorant base are rich. They are lemmings.
Diverse in color, race, ethnicity, gender, creed, and opinions, So many I, not like you, cannot count all of them.

Strangest answer for old white people I ever heard.

Agreed, but it seems Wry has comprehension problems; public school you know.

Or maybe (like the rest of us) he's so bored by the Democrat primary race he doesn't know how many people are running because he's not watching them either. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

A public university which is one of the best in the world. And you, reading your posts suggest the closest you've every gotten to a U. is when you got lost and needed to turn around.

By the way, I've watched each debate, those with the clowns and those with the Democrats.

What I don't and can't comprehend is why someone like you cannot see beyond the propaganda you've been feed, and why anyone would even consider those Republicans seeking the nomination to have the right stuff to be POTUS. It is completely unfathomable that Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Carson have the experience or temperament to sit in the chair of the oval office.
Diverse in color, race, ethnicity, gender, creed, and opinions, So many I, not like you, cannot count all of them.

Strangest answer for old white people I ever heard.

Agreed, but it seems Wry has comprehension problems; public school you know.

Or maybe (like the rest of us) he's so bored by the Democrat primary race he doesn't know how many people are running because he's not watching them either. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

A public university which is one of the best in the world. And you, reading your posts suggest the closest you've every gotten to a U. is when you got lost and needed to turn around.

By the way, I've watched each debate, those with the clowns and those with the Democrats.

What I don't and can't comprehend is why someone like you cannot see beyond the propaganda you've been feed, and why anyone would even consider those Republicans seeking the nomination to have the right stuff to be POTUS. It is completely unfathomable that Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Carson have the experience or temperament to sit in the chair of the oval office.

So you think that an admitted Socialist or a candidate being investigated by the FBI who admittedly has discussions with dead people should sit in that chair?

If you went to a university that is the best in the world, see if you can get your money back.
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.
The GOP is 90% white. How do they have the nerve to complain about division?

So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????
And the Indian, the woman, the black guy and the Hispanic are not going to win. They are for show. And the GOP is 90% white. You can't prove otherwise because it's a fact.
The GOP is the party for the rich. That doesn't mean the ignorant base are rich. They are lemmings.

Right, everybody is a lemming to you.

The GOP is for equality for everybody. Democrats divide people into groups, and then decide who they like and who they don't. Of course, it's based on vote buying. Then they base their legislation in favor of who they like.

The GOP party is for the rich, well, let me tell ya, the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama. Furthermore, the last time the GOP dealt with the rich, they increased their taxes.

The Democrat theory is to punish success and reward failure. Then when sheep like you look around and see failure, you can't figure out why that is.

The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards, there are no dues, there is no discrimination. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because the don't give things to people?
Expanding government by adding a whole new bureaucracy - homeland security - was a bit over the top don't ya think? Oh wait, that was Bush, under Obama the number of Federal Employees has been reduced.


In his first year, Obama operated on the budget of GWB, funny how you missed that.

Are you forgetting the nearly 1 trillion stimulus which was all borrowed and in addition to the Bush budget.

Here is a link, from Forbes not by any stretch a liberal publication:

The Growth Of Government: 1980 To 2012


Too Many Federal Workers?


Big Government? Obama Has 273,000 Fewer Federal Employees Than Reagan | PoliticusUSA's Archives

The money spent on the stimulus created jobs and prevented lay offs; it has benefited the public by improving transportation, making it safer and more efficient and allowed for the development of enterprise zones long waiting for funding. It had a number of different elements beyond that, do some homework and you'll see that many of those projects funded will benefit the population for generations.

Seems the lower numbers of fed employees are starting to turn around.

Hiring spree: Agencies adding 72,000 employees in 2015

For this kind of money, we should have gotten a hell of a lot more.

Analysis: Real stimulus spending is at least $2.5 trillion since 2008

Analysis: Real stimulus spending is at least $2.5 trillion since 2008
Expanding government by adding a whole new bureaucracy - homeland security - was a bit over the top don't ya think? Oh wait, that was Bush, under Obama the number of Federal Employees has been reduced.


In his first year, Obama operated on the budget of GWB, funny how you missed that.

Are you forgetting the nearly 1 trillion stimulus which was all borrowed and in addition to the Bush budget. was NOT all added to the FY 2009 budget....

The Feb 2008 WH budget request sought 3.1 trillion EXCLUSIVE of ESAs for Iraqnam (which would add another 150 billion in spending)...

Yet they spent 3.5177 trillion with a deficit of 1.4127 trillion.

Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2009 - Charts
Diverse in color, race, ethnicity, gender, creed, and opinions, So many I, not like you, cannot count all of them.

Strangest answer for old white people I ever heard.

Agreed, but it seems Wry has comprehension problems; public school you know.

Or maybe (like the rest of us) he's so bored by the Democrat primary race he doesn't know how many people are running because he's not watching them either. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

A public university which is one of the best in the world. And you, reading your posts suggest the closest you've every gotten to a U. is when you got lost and needed to turn around.

By the way, I've watched each debate, those with the clowns and those with the Democrats.

What I don't and can't comprehend is why someone like you cannot see beyond the propaganda you've been feed, and why anyone would even consider those Republicans seeking the nomination to have the right stuff to be POTUS. It is completely unfathomable that Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Carson have the experience or temperament to sit in the chair of the oval office.

So you think that an admitted Socialist or a candidate being investigated by the FBI who admittedly has discussions with dead people should sit in that chair?

If you went to a university that is the best in the world, see if you can get your money back.
Lots of people are investigated for many reasons. If you are in the military and need a secret clearance for a nuclear duty position, you are investigated.

But in this country, that doesn't make you guilty of anything. And if you are a Republican, then it means nothing. Bush broke the law and was convicted and the GOP didn't even care. Most GOP refuse to even remember.
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.
The GOP is 90% white. How do they have the nerve to complain about division?

So who's fault is that, the Republicans?

Look around at you and your liberal friends constantly saying how the GOP is for rich white people, and then have the nerve to say that it's 90% white? It is unfortunate that your lies are heard by minorities, but if anybody is keeping minorities out of the GOP, it's you libs.

Oh, and BTW, in our primaries we have an Indian, a woman, a black guy, and a few Hispanics as well.

What are the demographics of your candidates again????
And the Indian, the woman, the black guy and the Hispanic are not going to win. They are for show. And the GOP is 90% white. You can't prove otherwise because it's a fact.
The GOP is the party for the rich. That doesn't mean the ignorant base are rich. They are lemmings.

Right, everybody is a lemming to you.

The GOP is for equality for everybody. Democrats divide people into groups, and then decide who they like and who they don't. Of course, it's based on vote buying. Then they base their legislation in favor of who they like.

The GOP party is for the rich, well, let me tell ya, the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama. Furthermore, the last time the GOP dealt with the rich, they increased their taxes.

The Democrat theory is to punish success and reward failure. Then when sheep like you look around and see failure, you can't figure out why that is.

The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards, there are no dues, there is no discrimination. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because the don't give things to people?
You said:
The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards, there are no dues, there is no discrimination. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because the don't give things to people?

Let me fix that for you:
The Republican party is open to anybody and everybody that wishes to join. There are no identification cards except for voting, there are no dues, there is no discrimination except for Muslims and Hispanics and gays and blacks. So please explain how you fault Republicans by being mostly white? Why? Because besides welfare and food stamps for white Republicans, we don't give things to people?

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