This is the man Republicans call stupid and a fool????

Let me paraphrase what you just said:

blah blah blah blah blah blah republicans are evil blah blah blah republicans are evil blah blah blah blah blah republicans are evil blah blah and finally republicans are evil.
Pretty ironic coming from the man who caused most of the division in this country over the last seven years. Who had the worst relations with Congress in generations. That made just about every wrong foreign policy move possible. Who lowered the standard of living for all middle class citizens. Raised the debt beyond redemption.
A congress that said their sole voal was to make Obama a one term president.

If you haven't noticed the GOP behaved like children the last 7 years.

Oh here we go with the Democratic party double standards and hypocrisy. You people do nothing but obstruct when the GOP is in power yet the GOP is supposed to bend over and take it when there's a liberal in the White House? I don't think so.
Show me anything like the McConnell quote about the GOP's number one priority....

Was there a point during the past 7 years when Congress enjoyed higher approval ratings than Obama?

So the Democrats suffered two historic bitch slappings 2010 and 2014, ass whoopings so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating that epic and you dare claim Obama has some kind of a mandate from the people? He lies his ass off in 2012 and when the people figured that out they spanked the fool in 2014. We have the mandate from the people, win an election win back the House or Senate then you can talk trash.
ya, the only part of the speech I heard in between Ned Kelly and Sniper 1 was his comment on redistricting by an independent commission.
In other words we want them redistrict so that we can take back the house and senate.
Do you remember right before the GOP lost power they gerrymandered? I can't find the details but what was usually done in 2000, 2010, 2020, the GOP did it in 2005. Nothing fishy there.
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
There is a fool involved in this discussion and you can see him when you look in the mirror.

Such originality.
Recovery certainly qualifies as change, and we can't have progress without it......where one ends and the other begins is a judgement this case clearly clouded by Drudge fed bias...

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart

I understand how someone like yourself relies on bias sources for your opinions, I however do not use them. I'd have to Google Drudge to find out what your talking about.

Take the first item....

Deficits have INDISPUTABLY been cut by nearly three quarters......that's simple arithmetic....

With the exception of a .4% increase in FY 2011, they have fallen every year since FY2009....
You and your fuzzy math again. Do you know what happened to congress in 2012? We you sober then? And how does a guy make 813 posts and get a rating of 13,000? There's something fishy about you.


If you want to credit the same institution which enabled Scrubby's profligacy, you go with your feels....

That does not change the fact that the statement in question conforms with the facts...
I don't even know what you're trying to communicate. Sober up and get back to us.
I'll stay right here while you fetch a dictionary.....
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

You are delusional.

You failed on every point you made. You have your head too far up your ass to bother to correct you.

Obama has been the worst President this county ever had and his legacy is:

Increased poverty

Increased welfare

Increased gap between the rich and poor as the American Dream evaporates

Everybody gave up looking for a job hence the low workforce participation

Decreased family income

More debt than all the rest of the Presidents combined

Lower credit rating

Heath care cost sky rocketed

Lost Iraq

On the way to losing Afghanistan

Race riots in the streets of America

Increase in the size of the filthy ass Federal government

LSD ^^^ or is this a medical distortion of reality?
Meet Perfesser Unthaw Flush......
Glad to see there's at least one black person advancing under the obama economy.
$85B x 12 = $1,020B

Back away from the number things, breitbart reader!

$114 billion in stimulus spending. Obama signed the stimulus bill Feb. 17. While headlines proclaimed a $787 billion price tag, about 27 percent of the total was actually for tax cuts, not spending. And most of the spending didn’t take place until after fiscal 2009. CBO initially put the total spent in fiscal 2009 at $107.8 billion, but the following year it revised the figure upward to $114 billion, in a report issued in August 2010 (page 13).

Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

You are delusional.

You failed on every point you made. You have your head too far up your ass to bother to correct you.

Obama has been the worst President this county ever had and his legacy is:

Increased poverty

Increased welfare

Increased gap between the rich and poor as the American Dream evaporates

Everybody gave up looking for a job hence the low workforce participation

Decreased family income

More debt than all the rest of the Presidents combined

Lower credit rating

Heath care cost sky rocketed

Lost Iraq

On the way to losing Afghanistan

Race riots in the streets of America

Increase in the size of the filthy ass Federal government

LSD ^^^ or is this a medical distortion of reality?
Meet Perfesser Unthaw Flush......
Glad to see there's at least one black person advancing under the obama economy.
Robert Beck died in 1992.....
Iceberg still thinks the deficit is getting smaller. :lol:

It requires Obamacare to make those savings.
Expanding government by adding a whole new bureaucracy - homeland security - was a bit over the top don't ya think? Oh wait, that was Bush, under Obama the number of Federal Employees has been reduced.


In his first year, Obama operated on the budget of GWB, funny how you missed that.

Are you forgetting the nearly 1 trillion stimulus which was all borrowed and in addition to the Bush budget.

Here is a link, from Forbes not by any stretch a liberal publication:

The Growth Of Government: 1980 To 2012


Too Many Federal Workers?


Big Government? Obama Has 273,000 Fewer Federal Employees Than Reagan | PoliticusUSA's Archives

The money spent on the stimulus created jobs and prevented lay offs; it has benefited the public by improving transportation, making it safer and more efficient and allowed for the development of enterprise zones long waiting for funding. It had a number of different elements beyond that, do some homework and you'll see that many of those projects funded will benefit the population for generations.
The stimulus is funding what?
• "$15 million dollars went to 'build a bigger, better airport' for the town of Ouzinkie, Alaska, population 165."
Oh yeah, the money for shovel ready jobs, weren't really shovel ready, yuk, yuk. "liberal voters are stupid" quoted by Jonathan Gruber. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrats.

One data point, and it is small change, and you think that's a response that is substantive and proves of the failure of the act? That's pitiful.

In my region alone, the stimulus provided funding for the replacement of the Eastern Span of the Bay Bridge, a fourth bore through the East Bay hills to make the commute into and out of San Francisco faster and safer, a new light rail line opening up the east and southern shore to development which included a vast high tech and UCSF medical campus along with other commercial business and residential projects, a new subway system linking CalTrain to the financial district and a light rail system from the eastern shore AT&T park to downtown, Chinatown, North Beach and Fisherman's Wharf, a divider for the G.G. Bridge and money for a suicide barrier all of which created long time temporary and full time jobs.
$85B x 12 = $1,020B

Back away from the number things, breitbart reader!

$114 billion in stimulus spending. Obama signed the stimulus bill Feb. 17. While headlines proclaimed a $787 billion price tag, about 27 percent of the total was actually for tax cuts, not spending. And most of the spending didn’t take place until after fiscal 2009. CBO initially put the total spent in fiscal 2009 at $107.8 billion, but the following year it revised the figure upward to $114 billion, in a report issued in August 2010 (page 13).

Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

The Federal Reserve pumped in that. Somebody owes it.
Did you just post that.....with a link to Breitbart?

Read it, I found it on another thread. Even some liberals on the board agree.

Name the liberals. And don't expect credibility when you use a single source. opposed to most liberal posts that never use a source? Priceless

refute the facts or stfu.

Any questions?
When you set the budget for 1 trillion dollars and then spend 900 billion the next year, you can say you are reducing the budget as Obama has been doing year after year, even though Bush was spending less than that. Liberals love to lower the standards, that way when they cant meet it, then it doesn't look as bad. This time last year, the DOL was boasting the people looking for jobs would be around 250,000 - 300,000. Today the same report is around 150,000 to 200,000. When it falls above 200,000 but not 250,000 the libs can say, see the economy is recovering. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

In how many months of the reign of Obama's predecessor did job gains exceed 150,000?


You just post the numbers, we'll figure out which is larger....
$85B x 12 = $1,020B

Back away from the number things, breitbart reader!

$114 billion in stimulus spending. Obama signed the stimulus bill Feb. 17. While headlines proclaimed a $787 billion price tag, about 27 percent of the total was actually for tax cuts, not spending. And most of the spending didn’t take place until after fiscal 2009. CBO initially put the total spent in fiscal 2009 at $107.8 billion, but the following year it revised the figure upward to $114 billion, in a report issued in August 2010 (page 13).

Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

The Federal Reserve pumped in that. Somebody owes it.

A simple

"Clearly I have no idea what I'm talking about, Mr. Slim."

would have sufficed....
Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama's State of the Union - Breitbart

I understand how someone like yourself relies on bias sources for your opinions, I however do not use them. I'd have to Google Drudge to find out what your talking about.

Take the first item....

Deficits have INDISPUTABLY been cut by nearly three quarters......that's simple arithmetic....

With the exception of a .4% increase in FY 2011, they have fallen every year since FY2009....
You and your fuzzy math again. Do you know what happened to congress in 2012? We you sober then? And how does a guy make 813 posts and get a rating of 13,000? There's something fishy about you.


If you want to credit the same institution which enabled Scrubby's profligacy, you go with your feels....

That does not change the fact that the statement in question conforms with the facts...
I don't even know what you're trying to communicate. Sober up and get back to us.
I'll stay right here while you fetch a dictionary.....
To translate your stupid gibberish? I'm waiting for you to stop ignoring posts that refute your idiot claims and answer how you have 13,000 reward points with 800 posts. While being nothing but a troll.
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.
LOL, this cat is single handlely destroying the black family. You wanna know how the economy is doing. The rich are really getting rich and the black family sucking hind tit.
The biggest national security threat we have is the national debt. He exasperated that problem
by 2040 taxes will be consumed 100 pct by ss, medicare, medicaid, etc

He managed to do this while growing federal spending at the lowest rate in nearly 60 years, and closing the budget gap at the fastest rate since the immediate aftermath of WW2?

You wouldn't happen to be a Recidivist Supply Side Voter by any chance?
ya, and balloons always slow down just before they pop.
I bet that other dumb ass FDR told Americans that the Nazis weren't going to "bring down our Country" while Hitler was rising in power during his first two terms. It's true they didn't but at what cost to the world?

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