This Is The Reason The LEFTISTS Are In Such A Lather...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... and why the leftard operatives here are posting ANYTHING they can find and even drumming some garbage up that isn't worth the bandwidth it takes to post it... they are DESPERATE to change the subject...

‘The President Now Is Toxic’

The thing is called ObamaCare. There’s no running away from it. It’s got his name on it. You see the President, you think about the policy, and you know it’s a disaster. And the problem for the Democrats is they are hostage to a bunch of geeks working right now, late into the night, trying to fix a system which is not just glitches we’ve talked about. The architecture, the underlying structure of it is wrong. I think the likelihood of it being fixed, working, like you would expect from any normal, commercial, private web site, normally by December 1 is pretty small.”

Charles Krauthammer: The President Now Is Toxic -
The NYT is using every tool in its toolshed to spin it that Obama only misspoke ever so slightly, and the Left is coming around in unison with the message that the Republicans in their desperation to torpedo the ACA ran it up onto the rocks to its present state. They hope to have the ship righted shortly, like the Costa Concordia. After all, Obama is their Chicago Jesus and their ObaMessiah.

Nothing but humility in the man.

"" This is brought to mind by an interview Obama gave to Chicago Sun-Times religion reporter Cathleen Falsani in 2004. When asked if he prayed often, Obama offered this curious response: "It's not formal, me getting on my knees. I have an ongoing conversation with God. Throughout the day I'm constantly asking myself questions...."

So a "conversation with God" = "asking [himself] questions"? Literally interpreted, this means Obama considers himself God."

Articles: The Obama Purchase

You cannot count Obama out ie "Slick Willie's" comment that "Obama is luckier than a dog with two dicks"

Having his first ballot opponent thrown off the ballot by getting the signatures on his opponent's ballot petition disqualified

Having his next two opponents supposedly sealed messy divorce records unsealed leaving him running essentially unopposed

The US economy nearly collapsing due to a banking panic during his first presidential run with his opponent virtually terminating his campaign for the presidency

Having an hurricane materialize far out of season and take a hugely abnormal left hand turn striking the eastern seaboard allowing Obama to look presidential just days before the election

Remember "We have to pass this bill in order to find out what's in it."
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... and why the leftard operatives here are posting ANYTHING they can find and even drumming some garbage up that isn't worth the bandwidth it takes to post it... they are DESPERATE to change the subject...

‘The President Now Is Toxic’

The thing is called ObamaCare. There’s no running away from it. It’s got his name on it. You see the President, you think about the policy, and you know it’s a disaster. And the problem for the Democrats is they are hostage to a bunch of geeks working right now, late into the night, trying to fix a system which is not just glitches we’ve talked about. The architecture, the underlying structure of it is wrong. I think the likelihood of it being fixed, working, like you would expect from any normal, commercial, private web site, normally by December 1 is pretty small.”

Charles Krauthammer: The President Now Is Toxic -

You seem to a lather yourself. :D
Why even bring it up for them? The beautiful thing about progressive LOLberals, is that if you just let them continue to talk and act, they eventually hang themselves by their own rope.

Yes, the democrats are going to find out the fucking hard way, yet again (as usual), that their policies are always a train wreck. They will continue to point to "teatards" adn others as being the disease in politics of the USA. But the reality is it is their own policies that hurt them the most.
... and why the leftard operatives here are posting ANYTHING they can find and even drumming some garbage up that isn't worth the bandwidth it takes to post it... they are DESPERATE to change the subject...

‘The President Now Is Toxic’

The thing is called ObamaCare. There’s no running away from it. It’s got his name on it. You see the President, you think about the policy, and you know it’s a disaster. And the problem for the Democrats is they are hostage to a bunch of geeks working right now, late into the night, trying to fix a system which is not just glitches we’ve talked about. The architecture, the underlying structure of it is wrong. I think the likelihood of it being fixed, working, like you would expect from any normal, commercial, private web site, normally by December 1 is pretty small.”

Charles Krauthammer: The President Now Is Toxic -

You seem to a lather yourself. :D
You're not even funny when you TRY to be.

Thanks for showing you're doing your best to deflect too... pretty much proves the OP.

Sucks to be a leftard right now... I know... your messiah is in the toilet and the water is swirling down.
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... and why the leftard operatives here are posting ANYTHING they can find and even drumming some garbage up that isn't worth the bandwidth it takes to post it... they are DESPERATE to change the subject...

‘The President Now Is Toxic’

The thing is called ObamaCare. There’s no running away from it. It’s got his name on it. You see the President, you think about the policy, and you know it’s a disaster. And the problem for the Democrats is they are hostage to a bunch of geeks working right now, late into the night, trying to fix a system which is not just glitches we’ve talked about. The architecture, the underlying structure of it is wrong. I think the likelihood of it being fixed, working, like you would expect from any normal, commercial, private web site, normally by December 1 is pretty small.”

Charles Krauthammer: The President Now Is Toxic -

You seem to a lather yourself. :D
You're not even funny when you TRY to be.

Thanks for showing you're doing your best to deflect too... pretty much proves the OP.

Sucks to be a leftard right now... I know... your messiah is in the toilet and the water is swirling down.
Even more so sure doesn't take much to put you in the "foam-at-the-mouth" stage, does it.'s funny to watch you call the President "messiah"'s only people like YOU here who use that term.
Obama represents a liability for Dems. He told the Dem senators up for re-election to stick it on any delay in rolling out Ocare.
Hell, his approval rating among blacks, who voted for him well over 95%, is down to 85%. No one wants to be around this guy or his policies.
Wow would you look at that, a Faux News pundit declaring something horribly bad about President Obama.

Shocking I tells ya, shocking!
Why even bring it up for them? The beautiful thing about progressive LOLberals, is that if you just let them continue to talk and act, they eventually hang themselves by their own rope.

Yes, the democrats are going to find out the fucking hard way, yet again (as usual), that their policies are always a train wreck. They will continue to point to "teatards" adn others as being the disease in politics of the USA. But the reality is it is their own policies that hurt them the most.

Why don't you point to a country that is "doing it right" in your opinion. This should be good.
If only nations were made to recall bad produicts as are car companies.

Kenya would be rushing out the recall letters in hope of staying ahead of the product liability lawsuits!
Conservatives are finally being forced to show a little bit of personal responsibility and they all start crying about their freedoms being taken away. You can't make this stuff up.
Why even bring it up for them? The beautiful thing about progressive LOLberals, is that if you just let them continue to talk and act, they eventually hang themselves by their own rope.

Yes, the democrats are going to find out the fucking hard way, yet again (as usual), that their policies are always a train wreck. They will continue to point to "teatards" adn others as being the disease in politics of the USA. But the reality is it is their own policies that hurt them the most.

Why don't you point to a country that is "doing it right" in your opinion. This should be good.

Why even bring it up for them? The beautiful thing about progressive LOLberals, is that if you just let them continue to talk and act, they eventually hang themselves by their own rope.

Yes, the democrats are going to find out the fucking hard way, yet again (as usual), that their policies are always a train wreck. They will continue to point to "teatards" adn others as being the disease in politics of the USA. But the reality is it is their own policies that hurt them the most.

Why don't you point to a country that is "doing it right" in your opinion. This should be good.


Why Switzerland?

Is it their universal, mandatory health system?

Or perhaps it's their military spending that makes up less than 1% of GDP. (Military expenditure (% of GDP) | Data | Table)

Which is it?
You seem to a lather yourself. :D
You're not even funny when you TRY to be.

Thanks for showing you're doing your best to deflect too... pretty much proves the OP.

Sucks to be a leftard right now... I know... your messiah is in the toilet and the water is swirling down.
Even more so sure doesn't take much to put you in the "foam-at-the-mouth" stage, does it.'s funny to watch you call the President "messiah"'s only people like YOU here who use that term.
Wow... you're like the energizer bunny... you're just going to double and triple down on your deflections aren't ya? Kind of pathetic though.

Well... sorry babe... but your little commie in the white house is TOXIC, and millions upon millions more Americans are thinking he's a complete lying POS by the week. Can't wait until this law is fully implemented. That ought to just about spell DOOM for you leftards for decades to come, and that's why bubble heads like you are all worked up like a Bobcat with a cockle bur stuck up his ass.

Sorry... I understand... bad time to be libtard like you.
Neat part about Switzerland is every male is required to own a gun and know how to use it. Not only does it keep external enemies in fear it inculcates respect for the people by those in government.
Neat part about Switzerland is every male is required to own a gun and know how to use it. Not only does it keep external enemies in fear it inculcates respect for the people by those in government.

They also don't have a standing army. You in favor of that as well?
Conservatives are finally being forced to show a little bit of personal responsibility and they all start crying about their freedoms being taken away. You can't make this stuff up.

I love how whenever you liberals decide it's time to take more money out of my pocket to pay for your latest give-away, that I should just hand it over and keep my mouth shut.

"Personal responsibility" to a liberal means that I'm responsible for those that choose not to be responsible for themselves. You're CAN'T make this stuff up!:cuckoo:
Neat part about Switzerland is every male is required to own a gun and know how to use it. Not only does it keep external enemies in fear it inculcates respect for the people by those in government.

They also don't have a standing army. You in favor of that as well?

Grand idea!

Think of all the money to be made from making chairs!

That from an small town's Italian newspaper headline I read about 40 years ago (translated):

"George Trovato gets million dollar contract to make chairs for standing army!"

Hey, it worked for Switzerland AND Italy, so why not here?
Neat part about Switzerland is every male is required to own a gun and know how to use it. Not only does it keep external enemies in fear it inculcates respect for the people by those in government.

They also don't have a standing army. You in favor of that as well?

They of course have a standing army.
More misinformation from the Cluck In Chief of this site.

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