This is Todays Democrat Party

The Dems are calling not being able to vote ten times "voter suppression"
Open Borders and no Voter ID is the real "voter suppression"
Fake polls are the real "voter suppression"
Mail-in ballots is the real "voter suppression"
Ballot harvesting is the real "voter suppression"
The Democrat Coup attempt is the real assault on our democracy*
Obama ILLEGALLY using the CIA, FBI and the IRS as his political weapons is the real attack on our democracy*
Corrupt Dem politicians depend upon dumb liberal crackpots like that unhinged lady.
Left Wingers really do live in an "alternate universe".
This is what we're up against. You have been warned.

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From the looks and sounds of this idiot I’d say someone’s done something quite nasty to her. Like maybe hiding her pink p-word hat so close to the election?
Most leftist posters here are only a little more restrained. A couple are the same as this woman
Well aware, thanks.

You shoulda been around during the reign of Truthmatters in here. She was your classic low info lefty twit who’s still often imitated here but never duplicated. Ever. And never will be in my most humble opinion.
This is what we're up against. You have been warned.

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From the looks and sounds of this idiot I’d say someone’s done something quite nasty to her. Like maybe hiding her pink p-word hat so close to the election?
Most leftist posters here are only a little more restrained. A couple are the same as this woman

I am sure they smash alot of keyboards and monitors reading posts here.
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Hope that's their end
Nope, she's correct about the threat to our society. You are it, not her
This woman is on the verge of killing someone
That was a real concern when the "peaceful protest" scam hit day 100. There is nothing peaceful about a public assembly to protest an issue that goes over a couple of hours--time enough for prepared speakers on both sides to present their grievances, rebuttals, and surrebuttals.
We tolerate things "for the sake of the Constitution" that are not protected by the Constitution. It's time to clamp down
It was time to clamp down on day 2. Unfortunately, Democrats got funding from their "sugar daddy" to attempt to destroy America, piece by dreary piece.
The Dems are calling not being able to vote ten times "voter suppression"
Open Borders and no Voter ID is the real "voter suppression"
Fake polls are the real "voter suppression"
Mail-in ballots is the real "voter suppression"
Ballot harvesting is the real "voter suppression"
The Democrat Coup attempt is the real assault on our democracy*
Obama ILLEGALLY using the CIA, FBI and the IRS as his political weapons is the real attack on our democracy*
Corrupt Dem politicians depend upon dumb liberal crackpots like that unhinged lady.
Left Wingers really do live in an "alternate universe".
The Dims want to pad their voter base with people who historically have been denied participation in the voter franchise - felons, minors, etc.

The Republicans keep putting the kibosh to their shenanigans. That's what they call voter suppression.
And to think.... I trust something like that to scrape the bugs off my windshield at the carwash. Frikkin' scary.

Hey messkin freak show.... I just voted in Texas.... I don't feel oppressed.... or suppressed. Quit lyin' out your super-sized frijole!
This is what we're up against. You have been warned.

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She's absolutely correct, if a little hysterical.
You are the evil. Or follow it. Repubs are not innocent. They follow you to much. Social Justice blurring the growing tyranny. You have become the "good old boys". The redneck cops from movies. The people who give the test of patriotism to the unwashed. All of this on a grand scale. The national scale. It is easy to be manipulated. We all can be and have in different things. But this. This is our nation. Prove you are right by cutting all taxes in half, including no increases in the price of products or services. For the little guy. That is who you promote for. But seem to bypass over and over And those who you do favor are parts of the working class who you choose who you want to reward.
The FBI was in possession of the Biden Lap Top when Trump was Defending himself from impeachment and failed to give this escopitory evidence to the President of the United States...

Just fucking WOW..

Senate investigation into FBI misconduct coming.....

If that face is not demonic, then I'm Snow White.
This is what we're up against. You have been warned.

View attachment 402410
This is what we're up against. You have been warned.

View attachment 402410
She's absolutely correct, if a little hysterical.
I know many of you feel this way. That's why I posted it as a warning. Shes a threat to society and needs to be locked up
No doubt about it. Lies from the press have a deleterious effect on mental illness. I don't know how the for sale press players can sleep at night. :cool-45:
They sleep very securely. After all they conned allnofnyou conservative types out if billions of dollars.

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