This is what atheist believe? Atheist believe that nothing created everything

I offer you the advice to talk to a physicist and they can explain to you about virtual particles.

It ain't the rocket science that insufferably obnoxious a-hole (Feynman) wanted all to believe. They made a stab at it. They stabbed wrong. Everyone swooned and bought it anyway.
Physicists postulated virtual particles to explain very real phenomena. How do you know they are wrong and what is your counter theory?
Postulated what? Something "virtual"? To "explain very real"? My counter theory revolves around stuff that makes actual sense and isn't so obviously just some placeholder designed to distract people from looking back to the formerly presumed "required" Aether medium and the long lost study of electrical science which people like Einstein and Feynman managed to destroy, the latter most wittingly. Where you been? Like demanding stuff? C'mon then, in your own words.. What's a field? What's magnetism? What's electricity? Go for it! {Try to avoid using weasel words like "virtual"}
You really need to move your proselytizing to the religion forum.
I thought that nothing creating everything was considered science?

LOL you are a clueless buffoon who does not even know what you believe yourself

"Nothing creating everything is certainly not science. And is not what Darwin said at all.

Darwin never addressed the origins of the Universe. He addressed the biodiversity we see in the world. He addressed the changes, via mutation, change and outside forces.

Biologists believe that all cells came from preexisting cells. As for where the original cells came from, that is more difficult because of the length of time since it happened. The best theory is the primordial soup, lightning and other factors were the origins of the first cellular organisms.
Except poppy that this post is not about Darwin it is about atheist and nothing created nothing is exactly what atheist say. Now stick to the topic and stop trying to derail the thread. Do try to behave like the mod that you claim that you are

Anyone who believes that nothing created something is simply uneducated.

Whatelse than nothing creates virtual particles in a quantum-vacuum?

I am sticking with the topic, junior.

What scientific theory claims nothing created something?
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble

There is no scientific theory that the universe had a beginning.

The universe expands. So it was more little in former times. A negative size is impossible. So it had a beginning.

I am not babbling that everything popped into existence. You are the one claiming scientists claim that. They don't.
You really need to move your proselytizing to the religion forum.
Can nothing write genetic code?
The only thing that comes from nothing, is nothing
Except the whole universe, as far as I know. ... Oh - and perhaps not to forget the virtual particles in a vacuum which are called "Hawking radiation" if this particles become real in an event horizon of a black hole ...

Hawking radiation certainly does not come from nothing

The vacuum bears continously virtual particles and their anti-particles which destroy each other. N teh evnet fpuezeof a black hole it could be possible on a virtual particle falls into the black hole and the other particle beionme a real particle and starts to travel through the universe. A vacuum is this what comes most nearest to the idea "nothing". Someone calculated by the way that it is physically possible that the whole universe came out of a quantum fluctuation. On the other sode: such a quantum fluctuation is nearly nothing - but not really nothing. Nevertheless a very astonishing result.

LOL what is a virtual particle? and how does a virtual particle get drawn into a black hole?

Good grief. Where to begin now? I hate to say so - but what about "google"? Did you not find what it is?

Virtual particles are not real, this is why they are termed virtual and virtual particles are not gravitationally drawn into a black holes sphere of influence

Take your meds

You are wrong if Stephen Hawking is right. And he took a long time in his life his medicine, so I am really not shy to call you an arrogant asshole, who should first learn some manners.

Actually kiddy Hawking admitted that he was wrong, so did Einstein

I guess it makes not a big sense to try to ask you what you think by sayings such senseless sentences.
I offer you the advice to talk to a physicist and they can explain to you about virtual particles.

It ain't the rocket science that insufferably obnoxious a-hole (Feynman) wanted all to believe. They made a stab at it. They stabbed wrong. Everyone swooned and bought it anyway.
Physicists postulated virtual particles to explain very real phenomena. How do you know they are wrong and what is your counter theory?
Postulated what? Something "virtual"? To "explain very real"? My counter theory revolves around stuff that makes actual sense and isn't so obviously just some placeholder designed to distract people from looking back to the formerly presumed "required" Aether medium and the long lost study of electrical science which people like Einstein and Feynman managed to destroy, the latter most wittingly. Where you been? Like demanding stuff? C'mon then, in your own words.. What's a field? What's magnetism? What's electricity? Go for it! {Try to avoid using weasel words like "virtual"}
I'm not a physicist and never claimed to be. Who are you and why should I trust what you say?
Stop your lies about Auschwitz lies.

Prime Minister,
Above all, survivors,
Ladies and gentlemen,

To stand here today and address you as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany is far from easy. I am filled with a deep shame at the barbaric crimes committed here by Germans, crimes that defy all comprehension. One ought actually to fall silent in horror at what was done to women, men and children here in this place. Because what words could adequately express the grief? The grief over all those many people who were humiliated, tortured and murdered here? And yet, hard as it is in this place, more representative than any of the worst crime against humanity, silence must not be our only response. This site obliges us to keep the memory alive. We must remember the crimes that were committed here and name them clearly.

Auschwitz. This name stands for the millions of European Jews who were murdered, for the betrayal of all civilised values that was the Shoah. Auschwitz stands too for the genocide of Europe’s Sinti and Roma, for the suffering and murder of political prisoners and members of Poland’s intelligentsia, of resistance fighters, prisoners of war from the Soviet Union and other countries, homosexuals, people with disabilities and countless other people from all over Europe. The suffering of the people in Auschwitz, their deaths in the gas chambers, hunger, cold, epidemics, agonising pseudo-medical experiments, forced labour to the point of utter exhaustion – what happened here is beyond human comprehension.

At least 1.1 million people, the majority of them Jews, were methodically and ruthlessly systematically murdered in the Auschwitz camp complex alone. Every one of those people had a name, an inalienable dignity, a history, a story. The very manner of deporting them here, crowded into cattle wagons, the procedures on arrival and the so-called selection on the ramp – all were designed to dehumanise them, to rob them of their dignity and their individuality.

This site is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List with the official name “Auschwitz-Birkenau – German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)”. It is important that this is its full name. Oświęcim is in Poland, but in October 1939 Auschwitz was annexed as part of the German Reich. Auschwitz was a German extermination camp, operated by Germans. It is important to me to emphasise that fact. It is important to identify the perpetrators clearly. We Germans owe that to the victims, and to ourselves.

Remembering the crimes, naming the perpetrators and commemorating the victims in dignity is an unending responsibility. It is non-negotiable, and it belongs inseparably to our country. Being aware of this responsibility is an integral part of our national identity and defines who we are as an enlightened and liberal society, a democracy and a state based on the rule of law.

Today Jewish life is again flourishing in Germany. We enjoy wide-ranging friendly relations with Israel. That is by no means something we can take for granted. It is a precious gift. It is, indeed, something of a miracle. But it cannot undo what has been done. It cannot bring back the murdered Jews. There will always be a gaping void in our society.

The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany entered into force 70 years ago. It took on board the lessons learnt from the horrors of the past. However, we also know that while the inalienable dignity of the individual, freedom, democracy and the rule of law are precious values, they are also vulnerable. That is why we must consolidate and enhance, protect and defend these fundamental values – both in our day-to-day coexistence and in government activity and political discourse.

These days, this is not mere rhetoric. These days, it is necessary to say this clearly. Because we are experiencing worrying racism, increasing intolerance and a wave of hate crimes. We are seeing an attack on the fundamental values of liberal democracy and a dangerous historical revisionism stoking forms of hostility directed at specific groups. We pay particular attention to antisemitism, which threatens Jewish life in Germany, Europe and beyond.

And so we need to state this more clearly: we will not tolerate antisemitism. Everyone must be able to feel safe and at home in Germany, in Europe. Auschwitz in particular serves as a warning and obliges each and every one of us to be alert every day, to preserve humanity and to protect our neighbour’s dignity.

Because, as Primo Levi, who was born in Turin 100 years ago and who survived Auschwitz as a forced labourer in Monowitz, later wrote: “It happened, therefore it can happen again.” So we cannot close our eyes and ears when people are being verbally abused, humiliated or marginalised. We must confront those who stir up prejudice and incite hatred against people of different faiths or origins.

We all of us bear responsibility. And that responsibility includes remembrance. We must never forget. No line can ever be drawn under this past, nor can it ever be downplayed.

Or in the words of Noach Flug, an Auschwitz survivor and former President of the International Auschwitz Committee: “Memory [...] is like water: it is essential to life and it finds its own way to new spaces and to different people. [...] It has no expiry date, and you cannot decree that it has been dealt with or brought to a conclusion.”

Thanks in particular to the many testimonies of survivors, this memory which is essential to life, seeks – as Noach Flug said – and indeed finds ways. I am therefore very pleased to greet some of them here today. Over the years, you have talked about the suffering you endured many times, and you have told us again today. Who can imagine how much strength it takes to live through these painful experiences time and again or even to return to this place? You share your story so that young people can learn from it. You summon up the courage and strength to foster reconciliation. You have truly shown human greatness. I am very grateful that we can hear and learn from you.

We will soon be marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Ever fewer individuals can tell their story from this time. This prompted the author Navid Kermani to very aptly say: “[...] In order to ensure that a memory connected to the memorials, Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) and commemorative ceremonies is etched in our hearts, it will be even more important for future generations to see with their own eyes the places where Germany crushed human dignity, to travel to those countries which it drenched in blood.”

In many places, the perpetrators tried to cover their tracks – be it in extermination camps such as Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka, be it in places such as Maly Trostenets, Babi Yar or in the thousands of other places around Europe where Jews, Sinti and Roma, many others and even whole villages were murdered.

Here in Auschwitz, however, the SS and their henchmen did not manage to wipe out all traces of what they had done. This place bears witness to what happened. And this must be preserved. Anyone who comes to Auschwitz and sees the watchtowers and the barbed wire, the barracks and the cells, the remains of the gas chambers and the crematoriums, will never be able to forget it. It will, as Kermani wrote, “be etched in their hearts”.

Ten years ago, the former Polish Foreign Minister Władysław Bartoszewski, who was himself a political prisoner in Auschwitz, initiated the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation.

Mr Cywínski, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you and to everyone in the Foundation who have made it their mission to conserve this place as a memorial and documentation centre. I would also like to thank everyone involved in the restoration and conservation projects. You have been working with great dedication to ensure that this place continues to bear witness. Brick barracks have been restored to secure their long-term conservation, excavations have been carried out, supporting walls installed, protective tents put up, the stolen clothes and belongings of the victims restored and conserved.

The Foundation capital will have to be substantially increased in order to fund the conservation plans for the next 25 years. Germany will make a significant contribution. This was decided yesterday together with the Minister-Presidents of the Länder.

Thanks to the Foundation, as well as the many international guides, this memorial is a place of learning, of remembrance and of awareness – a place which so impressively conveys the message: “Never again”. For that I am profoundly grateful.

However, nothing can bring back the people who were murdered here. Nothing can reverse the crimes committed here, crimes that are without parallel. They are and will remain part of German history. This history must be told, time and again, so that we remain vigilant, so that such crimes are not repeated, not even on a lesser scale, so that we can take resolute action against racism and antisemitism in all their abhorrent forms. This history has to be told so that today and in the future we can protect the dignity of every individual and so that we honour the memory of the victims.

We remember the people who were deported to Auschwitz from many different countries across Europe. At this site, we remember in particular the many Polish victims, including political prisoners, for whom Auschwitz concentration camp was originally built. We remember the six million murdered Jews and here in particular the around one million Jews who were murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau. We remember the Sinti and Roma who were deported, tormented and murdered. We remember the victims of mass shootings. We remember those who were deported to ghettos, remained in hiding while fearing for their lives and those who had to flee their homes. We remember all those who lost everything: their friends and families, their countries and their homes, their hopes and plans, their trust, their zest for life and their dignity. We remember those who wandered around for years after the war and those who had to remain in camps for displaced persons.

Those who survived were severely affected by the horrors they had experienced. Margot Friedländer wrote in her memoir that they first of all had to learn again that they were human beings, human beings with a name.

Many asked themselves why they had survived. Why not their little sister? Why not their best friend? Why not their own mother or their husband? Many of them only learned later, or not at all, how and where their loved ones had been murdered. Such wounds never heal.

I would thus like to express my heartfelt thanks to those who have managed to talk about their experiences, to share their memories and their pain and to foster reconciliation. I bow my head before these individuals. I bow my head before the victims of the Shoah. I bow my head before their families.

Thank you very much for inviting me to be here today.

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Friday, 6 December 2019 in Auschwitz
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The Michelson-Morley-experiment (1881+1887) "declared" Aether superflous.
Wrong. Michelson-Morley simply failed to prove (conclusively) that the Aether existed as they imagined it. After tons more study, continuing to this day, the Aether has now been detected with far more sensitive equipment mostly looking for it moving vertically to the Earth's surface.
I'm not a physicist and never claimed to be. Who are you and why should I trust what you say?
No one. Don't trust me. Thoroughly fact check everything I say. Please! Just don't always presume that I don't know what I'm talking about.. Maybe I do!
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble

There is no scientific theory that the universe had a beginning.

I am not babbling that everything popped into existence. You are the one claiming scientists claim that. They don't.
There are only two possibilities and these possibilities have been debated since man first became aware; the universe began or the universe has always existed.

The latter just isn't possible for a number of good reasons and the former has been proven through observations.
I'm not a physicist and never claimed to be. Who are you and why should I trust what you say?
No one. Don't trust me. Thoroughly fact check everything I say. Please! Just don't always presume that I don't know what I'm talking about.. Maybe I do!
OK but it appears you're out on a limb and most physicists refuse to join you. Is the aether real or virtual?
The Michelson-Morley-experiment (1881+1887) "declared" Aether superflous.
Wrong. Michelson-Morley simply failed to prove (conclusively) that the Aether existed as they imagined it. After tons more study, continuing to this day, the Aether has now been detected with far more sensitive equipment mostly looking for it moving vertically to the Earth's surface.
And if it exists: What form of influence has this what you call a kind of version 2 from Aether?
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble
You makes statements presuming 100% certainty supported by 0% facts.
Again atheist believe that everything was produced by nothing.

Those are your facts

Play on
Religionist make nonsense statements unsupported by facts.
Atheist make the statement not supported by fact that nothing created everything.

This is fact

So did you pick a cannabis equity yet?
You’re repeating a falsehood. That’s dishonest.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything. This is fact not a falsehood, you are having emotional difficulties repeating the nonsense that you actually spew
OK but it appears you're out on a limb and most physicists refuse to join you. Is the aether real or virtual?
This may come as a shock, but I haven't actually discussed it with "most physicists".. at all.. yet..
We couldn't exist without the Aether. I think that makes it real.
OK but it appears you're out on a limb and most physicists refuse to join you. Is the aether real or virtual?
This may come as a shock, but I haven't actually discussed it with "most physicists".. at all.. yet..
We couldn't exist without the Aether. I think that makes it real.
Is aether another name for the fabric of space? If not what does it do for us?
You really need to move your proselytizing to the religion forum.
I thought that nothing creating everything was considered science?

LOL you are a clueless buffoon who does not even know what you believe yourself

"Nothing creating everything is certainly not science. And is not what Darwin said at all.

Darwin never addressed the origins of the Universe. He addressed the biodiversity we see in the world. He addressed the changes, via mutation, change and outside forces.

Biologists believe that all cells came from preexisting cells. As for where the original cells came from, that is more difficult because of the length of time since it happened. The best theory is the primordial soup, lightning and other factors were the origins of the first cellular organisms.
Except poppy that this post is not about Darwin it is about atheist and nothing created nothing is exactly what atheist say. Now stick to the topic and stop trying to derail the thread. Do try to behave like the mod that you claim that you are

Anyone who believes that nothing created something is simply uneducated.

Whatelse than nothing creates virtual particles in a quantum-vacuum?

I am sticking with the topic, junior.

What scientific theory claims nothing created something?
Again virtual particles only exist in physics equations because without them the equation is just a bunch of ends that do not add up so they invent fake particles

You however think that virtual particles are real
The Michelson-Morley-experiment (1881+1887) "declared" Aether superflous.
Wrong. Michelson-Morley simply failed to prove (conclusively) that the Aether existed as they imagined it. After tons more study, continuing to this day, the Aether has now been detected with far more sensitive equipment mostly looking for it moving vertically to the Earth's surface.
And if it exists: What form of influence has this what you call a kind of version 2 from Aether?
First, look it up. Admit you were wrong. Then we might chat further..
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble

There is no scientific theory that the universe had a beginning.

I am not babbling that everything popped into existence. You are the one claiming scientists claim that. They don't.
There are only two possibilities and these possibilities have been debated since man first became aware; the universe began or the universe has always existed.

The latter just isn't possible for a number of good reasons and the former has been proven through observations.
Actually the latter is quite possible as if the universe was not here then it must have been created by some means. Not meaning God either but something has to come from somewhere

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