This is what bad economy is like!

I have had a full time job since 1988 Bub...and I am quite confident I likely pay more in taxes than you earn. 67% of the new jobs created in 2013 were part-time.

Then why are you bitching? The largest richest companies like to hire part time, that way they save on benefits. If I were them I'd do the same.

Why am I bitching?
Because 93% of the private industry jobs since the crash have been part-time...hello???
Also I make almost 30% less than I did pre-crash. Unfortunately I am not a Wall Street firm or a large corporation that received the vast-vast lion share of the Taxpayer giveaway...nor am I recipient of the $85,000,000,000 per month Fed taxpayer have to be a Wall Street firm or have significant investments to get a piece of that pie.
Why am I bitching?
Because during a period where there is record underemployment, record welfare, record disability payouts and record low employment participation - Wall Street somehow managed two record years at the same time and the nations top 7% have seen a 28% increase in wealth while the remaining 93% have had a 5% decrease.
The question is - why are you NOT bitching?

93% of jobs are part time? Can you show me a link to this crazy number? It just sounds a little high to me, but if you can show me a link to a REAL source, I will believe you.
Make no mistake......a collapse of capitalism is part of the ideology that Obama embraces, thus, the state gets too level the playing field as they see fit. Go read Sir Thomas Moore......that is utopia to guys like Obama.

That the author of this thread thinks government backed securities in the US means it will always be backed just goes to show the level of pronounced naïve we have going on in this country. Just fascinating shit.........

Even more fascinating.......that people out there actually buy the total BS espoused by guys like Krugman at the NY Times >>>

This guys thinking is so far off the reservation its the new definition of k00k.
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Make no mistake......a collapse of capitalism is part of the ideology that Obama embraces, thus, the state gets too level the playing field as they see fit. Go read Sir Thomas Moore......that is utopia to guys like Obama.

That the author of this thread thinks government backed securities in the US means it will always be backed just goes to show the level of pronounced naïve we have going on in this country. Just fascinating shit.........

Even more fascinating.......that people out there actually buy the total BS espoused by guys like Krugman at the NY Times >>>

This guys thinking is so far off the reservation its the new definition of k00k.
Uh, me boy. Read what you are posting. Now that may be thinking is so far off the reservation its the new definition of k00k.'

If you have a beef with someone's thinking, lets see a link to prove your statement. Your opinion, on the other hand, has about as much value as mine does. Back it up, if you can. But then, my bet is you have no impartial backing for your statements. Just more conservative drivel.
The economy is great if all you wanted is a part-time job, with no benefits...if this is your ideal career - the opportunities are can work two of them!!!
So awesome!

I've read countless articles about this. What if this trend is not only related to United States but also related to the change of the labor markets with the change of technologies. 50 years ago, employees used to have on average two or three jobs per life time, this changed drastically since then... now people change jobs too often and as result many companies prefer hiring part time employees, right?

So gentlemen, Yes, bad economy means, you will loose your savings and loose your job. United States is just doing fine.

Why? Because we are a full 6 months away from this?

Seriously dude, this is just a preview of coming attractions.

Are we? Maybe I am just too optimistic and I'm missing some facts, prove it to me :)

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