This is What Happened After Slavery

If Lincoln had lived things would've been a lot different in the South and the country as a whole today. Race relations would have been better, and we would be in a much better place today, but Lincoln was assassinated; the north and the radicals, the liberals of the time, wanted revenge. They got their revenge, but we are still living with the consequences to this day. And it didn't help that union soldiers murdered Southerners they didn't like. Like black soldiers Killing their former slave owners. Revenge is a bad idea it always just leads to more revenge, fear, and hatred.
Lincoln was a racist that wanted to ship us to South America. Race relations would have been better if whites didn't come up with the idiotic belief that they were superior to everybody else. Black soldiers killed former slaveowners who beat the hell out of them and killed their family members. Southern whites should never have had slaves. What happened to them was a consequence of their behavior so don't come with that holier than thou garbage about revenge.
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It's no secret that the KKK was the democrat party's political muscle in the early 20th century. Lefties rationalize with the ludicrous claim that democrats were really republicans in disguise.
There is no secret that the conservatives who were democrats are republicans today. Just drop this disingenuous mess. We see what party is the racist party in 2024.
Why wouldn't I? She is historically correct. What is the problen YOU have with this information?
Because when you're arguing the truth against people who aren't, you need to be even more picky about using reliable sources. If you give reason for your opponent to call you a liar just once, suddenly you're down in the mud with them, and that's their home field.

I wouldn't use her because she's not objective in her presentation, which makes me think she could be cherry-picking or slanting the facts to meet her personal agenda. She also doesn't list her sources, so even though what she's saying jives with what we already know about Wilmington, without independently researching all of her facts, figures, occurrences, and conclusions, we have no idea if she has twisted any of them, or if her sources did.

That's what makes a bad source. Use one, and you're most likely harming your own cause.
Lincoln was a racist that wanted to ship us to South America. Race relations would have been better if whites didn't come up with the idiotic belief that they were superior to everybody else. Black soldiers killed former slaveowners who beat the hell out of them and killed their family members. Southern whites should never have had slaves. What happened to them was a consequence of their behavior so don't come with that holier than thou garbage about revenge.
It's not holier than Thow, it is the truth, revenge is always a bad idea it just leads to more revenge, hatred, and fear especially for societies and nations. Look at the results of the aftermaths of WW 1 and World War 2. After World War 1, the Victorious allies took revenge on Germany and that just led to another war; however, after World War Two, the allies took a more conciliatory approach. Western Europe has been a much better place since then. However, if I was personally attacked, I would probably not be able to be so objective.

When I was in Job Corps, I almost became a racist there was this black guy who wanted to kill me because I was white. He was backed up by two huge black guys; they had me cornered in the bathroom and I was destined for a hospital bed, but I was saved by a black Friends from drafting class who happen to walk in. He distracted him long enough that I could make my exit. I still remember his words he said to my black friend one of these days I'm going to kill me one of those white bastards and I believe he probably did. If I had been hospitalized that night; I might be a totally different person today.
It's not holier than Thow, it is the truth, revenge is always a bad idea it just leads to more revenge, hatred, and fear especially for societies and nations. Look at the results of the aftermaths of WW 1 and World War 2. After World War 1, the Victorious allies took revenge on Germany and that just led to another war; however, after World War Two, the allies took a more conciliatory approach. Western Europe has been a much better place since then. However, if I was personally attacked, I would probably not be able to be so objective.

When I was in Job Corps, I almost became a racist there was this black guy who wanted to kill me because I was white. He was backed up by two huge black guys; they had me cornered in the bathroom and I was destined for a hospital bed, but I was saved by a black Friends from drafting class who happen to walk in. He distracted him long enough that I could make my exit. I still remember his words he said to my black friend one of these days I'm going to kill me one of those white bastards and I believe he probably did. If I had been hospitalized that night; I might be a totally different person today.
It is holier thn thou. What those slavemasters did was inhumane. I love it when whites say things like this when whites are the first to strike back if NYTHING hppens to them. Spare me your lecture. I'm old.

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