This is what I have been saying all along about the lawless Mrs. Clinton

"This is what I have been saying all along about the lawless Mrs. Clinton"

No, these are the ridiculous, unfounded lies you've been propagating all along.

I guess telling you what are the lies and showing you the proof ain't good enough. Exactly what is wrong with the left wing.
Well, at least you tried republicans. Keep your heads up; maybe a new ebola outbreak will happen in Africa and you'll have another tragedy to abuse to terrify people into voting for you again like in 2014.

At least Republicans are not so bad as to promote rape and murder. Does this board have any standard?
Nothing will happen and the left will say that she did nothing wrong when exactly the opposite is true. I said yesterday her highness would get off and it appears that the FBI agrees. Too Big to fail. BS, BS, BS especially when they gave a whistle blower 3 1/2 years for the same thing. There is something fundamentally wrong with a country that condones lying. The queen has been crowned and now we must live with it.

As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

They disagree about whether there’s enough evidence to prosecute her or her aides for sending and receiving government messages over the personal email system. routed through a private computer server in the basement of her New York home.

But most who spoke to McClatchy say it’s unlikely the former first lady, senator and Cabinet secretary will face charges because of her high profile and the hurdle to prove she knew the emails contained classified information when she sent them to others.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorney Edward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

Read more here: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

Do you really think anyone cares what you say about Hillary Clinton?

Well it is a discussion board but now that you mention it who asked for your opinion? Does anyone ever ask for your opinion? Doubtful, so just leave threads alone you don't like and quit breaking the board's rules, which they never enforce.

I think I might not have adequately communicated my point....

Do you think anyone cares what you say about Hillary? Everyone supporting her is drunk on dogma as it is. She could turn out to be Emperor Palpatine, nobody would care. You can't reason with these people. If they've gotten this far and are still willing to support her, there's nothing from here forward that is going to stop them. :badgrin:

If I took your sarcasm wrongly I apologize.
Nothing will happen and the left will say that she did nothing wrong when exactly the opposite is true. I said yesterday her highness would get off and it appears that the FBI agrees. Too Big to fail. BS, BS, BS especially when they gave a whistle blower 3 1/2 years for the same thing. There is something fundamentally wrong with a country that condones lying. The queen has been crowned and now we must live with it.

As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

They disagree about whether there’s enough evidence to prosecute her or her aides for sending and receiving government messages over the personal email system. routed through a private computer server in the basement of her New York home.

But most who spoke to McClatchy say it’s unlikely the former first lady, senator and Cabinet secretary will face charges because of her high profile and the hurdle to prove she knew the emails contained classified information when she sent them to others.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorney Edward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

Read more here: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

Do you really think anyone cares what you say about Hillary Clinton?

Well it is a discussion board but now that you mention it who asked for your opinion? Does anyone ever ask for your opinion? Doubtful, so just leave threads alone you don't like and quit breaking the board's rules, which they never enforce.

I think I might not have adequately communicated my point....

Do you think anyone cares what you say about Hillary? Everyone supporting her is drunk on dogma as it is. She could turn out to be Emperor Palpatine, nobody would care. You can't reason with these people. If they've gotten this far and are still willing to support her, there's nothing from here forward that is going to stop them. :badgrin:

If I took your sarcasm wrongly I apologize.


All good, it was my fault.
A sad day for this Nation. A crook, a liar, a psychopathic criminal can not only walk free, it might actually dupe enough ignorant morons into electing it president. What a travesty we have become.

Don't worry about it, if you survived Bu$h you'll survive Hillary too...

A sad day for this Nation. A crook, a liar, a psychopathic criminal can not only walk free, it might actually dupe enough ignorant morons into electing it president. What a travesty we have become.

Don't worry about it, if you survived Bu$h you'll survive Hillary too...

This country will not survive Hillary as president.
Obama blazed teh way in using the bureaucracy of this country to promote his own agenda and suppress political dissent. The IRS scandal was only one facet of it.
Hillary will elevate that to an art. But while Obama is motivated by power and prestige, Hillary is motivated by money. She will be selling the US out for her own gain at every turn. She will send troops to support tin pot dictators in exchange for personal cash to the Clinton Foundation. This is already her history. We will be another 3rd world banana republic.
Nothing will happen and the left will say that she did nothing wrong when exactly the opposite is true. I said yesterday her highness would get off and it appears that the FBI agrees. Too Big to fail. BS, BS, BS especially when they gave a whistle blower 3 1/2 years for the same thing. There is something fundamentally wrong with a country that condones lying. The queen has been crowned and now we must live with it.

As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

They disagree about whether there’s enough evidence to prosecute her or her aides for sending and receiving government messages over the personal email system. routed through a private computer server in the basement of her New York home.

But most who spoke to McClatchy say it’s unlikely the former first lady, senator and Cabinet secretary will face charges because of her high profile and the hurdle to prove she knew the emails contained classified information when she sent them to others.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorney Edward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

Read more here: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

Do you really think anyone cares what you say about Hillary Clinton?

Well it is a discussion board but now that you mention it who asked for your opinion? Does anyone ever ask for your opinion? Doubtful, so just leave threads alone you don't like and quit breaking the board's rules, which they never enforce.

I think I might not have adequately communicated my point....

Do you think anyone cares what you say about Hillary? Everyone supporting her is drunk on dogma as it is. She could turn out to be Emperor Palpatine, nobody would care. You can't reason with these people. If they've gotten this far and are still willing to support her, there's nothing from here forward that is going to stop them. :badgrin:

Provide objective, documented evidence that Clinton 'committed crimes,' afford her due process, and convict her in a court of law – that's reasonable, having nothing to do with being 'drunk on dogma.'

Rejecting the inane lies contrived by partisan rightists too frightened to face her in a General Election is also perfectly reasonable.

Once convicted in a court of law Clinton's supporters will no longer support her.

Absent objective, documented evidence that Clinton 'committed crimes' and a conviction in a court of law, it's again perfectly reasonable to support Clinton based on the issues, her policy positions, and the policy positions of her opponents, both democratic and republican.

Innocent until proven guilty, the right to face one's accusers, and the right to confront objective, documented evidence in a court of law are fundamental – and reasonable – tenets of our legal system.
A sad day for this Nation. A crook, a liar, a psychopathic criminal can not only walk free, it might actually dupe enough ignorant morons into electing it president. What a travesty we have become.

Don't worry about it, if you survived Bu$h you'll survive Hillary too...

This country will not survive Hillary as president.
Obama blazed teh way in using the bureaucracy of this country to promote his own agenda and suppress political dissent. The IRS scandal was only one facet of it.
Hillary will elevate that to an art. But while Obama is motivated by power and prestige, Hillary is motivated by money. She will be selling the US out for her own gain at every turn. She will send troops to support tin pot dictators in exchange for personal cash to the Clinton Foundation. This is already her history. We will be another 3rd world banana republic.

I truly believe that if HRC becomes president we will see a serious secession movement. The northeast and left coast have become so out of touch with real americans and what this country is really about that breaking it up may be the only solution.

It may or may not be successful, but this country is on the ragged edge right now, something has to change if it is to survive.
A sad day for this Nation. A crook, a liar, a psychopathic criminal can not only walk free, it might actually dupe enough ignorant morons into electing it president. What a travesty we have become.

Don't worry about it, if you survived Bu$h you'll survive Hillary too...

This country will not survive Hillary as president.
Obama blazed teh way in using the bureaucracy of this country to promote his own agenda and suppress political dissent. The IRS scandal was only one facet of it.
Hillary will elevate that to an art. But while Obama is motivated by power and prestige, Hillary is motivated by money. She will be selling the US out for her own gain at every turn. She will send troops to support tin pot dictators in exchange for personal cash to the Clinton Foundation. This is already her history. We will be another 3rd world banana republic.

agree, she is the most corrupt person ever to run for president, and about half of the country doesn't care.
I'm sure that the Clintons have already transferred a handsome sum of money to the French bank accounts of those they wish to silence.
Nothing will happen and the left will say that she did nothing wrong when exactly the opposite is true. I said yesterday her highness would get off and it appears that the FBI agrees. Too Big to fail. BS, BS, BS especially when they gave a whistle blower 3 1/2 years for the same thing. There is something fundamentally wrong with a country that condones lying. The queen has been crowned and now we must live with it.

As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

They disagree about whether there’s enough evidence to prosecute her or her aides for sending and receiving government messages over the personal email system. routed through a private computer server in the basement of her New York home.

But most who spoke to McClatchy say it’s unlikely the former first lady, senator and Cabinet secretary will face charges because of her high profile and the hurdle to prove she knew the emails contained classified information when she sent them to others.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorney Edward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

Read more here: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

Do you really think anyone cares what you say about Hillary Clinton?

Well it is a discussion board but now that you mention it who asked for your opinion? Does anyone ever ask for your opinion? Doubtful, so just leave threads alone you don't like and quit breaking the board's rules, which they never enforce.

I think I might not have adequately communicated my point....

Do you think anyone cares what you say about Hillary? Everyone supporting her is drunk on dogma as it is. She could turn out to be Emperor Palpatine, nobody would care. You can't reason with these people. If they've gotten this far and are still willing to support her, there's nothing from here forward that is going to stop them. :badgrin:

Provide objective, documented evidence that Clinton 'committed crimes,' afford her due process, and convict her in a court of law – that's reasonable, having nothing to do with being 'drunk on dogma.'

Rejecting the inane lies contrived by partisan rightists too frightened to face her in a General Election is also perfectly reasonable.

Once convicted in a court of law Clinton's supporters will no longer support her.

Absent objective, documented evidence that Clinton 'committed crimes' and a conviction in a court of law, it's again perfectly reasonable to support Clinton based on the issues, her policy positions, and the policy positions of her opponents, both democratic and republican.

Innocent until proven guilty, the right to face one's accusers, and the right to confront objective, documented evidence in a court of law are fundamental – and reasonable – tenets of our legal system.

is it due process if the FBI finds indictable evidence and the AG refuses to prosecute her?

Don't you see the danger to our country?

Provide objective, documented evidence that Clinton 'committed crimes,' afford her due process, and convict her in a court of law – that's reasonable, having nothing to do with being 'drunk on dogma.'

Seeing as I never expressed an opinion on whether Clinton committed any crime, your argument is a straw man.
She's running for President.
They won't lay a finger on her.
Doesn't make a difference if she broke a law or not.
They will not touch Democrat Royalty.
Especially Demoncrat royalty with a reputation for taking out the dissenting voices and opposition.
Nothing will happen and the left will say that she did nothing wrong when exactly the opposite is true. I said yesterday her highness would get off and it appears that the FBI agrees. Too Big to fail. BS, BS, BS especially when they gave a whistle blower 3 1/2 years for the same thing. There is something fundamentally wrong with a country that condones lying. The queen has been crowned and now we must live with it.

As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

They disagree about whether there’s enough evidence to prosecute her or her aides for sending and receiving government messages over the personal email system. routed through a private computer server in the basement of her New York home.

But most who spoke to McClatchy say it’s unlikely the former first lady, senator and Cabinet secretary will face charges because of her high profile and the hurdle to prove she knew the emails contained classified information when she sent them to others.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorney Edward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

Read more here: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

Do you really think anyone cares what you say about Hillary Clinton?
Are you really so stupid and brainwashed that you would not even want to find out conclusively what your queen is really like?
A sad day for this Nation. A crook, a liar, a psychopathic criminal can not only walk free, it might actually dupe enough ignorant morons into electing it president. What a travesty we have become.

Don't worry about it, if you survived Bu$h you'll survive Hillary too...

Really? Maybe I am tired of "surviving" criminals in public office. Aren't you?

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